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15.38% Twilight: Rebirth / Chapter 3: Awkward Encounter

Chapter 3: Awkward Encounter

Stepping on the gas, Gabriel roared out of the garage. Using his recent memories, he steered the car towards downtown Forks. As he cranked up the radio, a familiar song filled the car - a pleasant change from the LA music.

He rolled down the windows, gulping in fresh air. Lush trees lined the road, a welcome change from the crowded freeways and dirty air of LA. The quiet of the woods was peaceful, nothing like the honking and sirens of his old life.

The silence gave Gabriel time to think about the crazy turn of events. From dying to being reborn, it all felt like a dream.But everything seemed way too real to be just a dream.

Sunday. Today was Sunday, which meant his first day at the local high school loomed large tomorrow. He'd scored an entire week to settle in before classes started. As he cruised down the road, his mind drifted to Twilight. Where exactly did he fit into the story? Did he land in Forks before or after Bella?

'Definitely 2005, same year Bella showed up. But the date itself is a blank. Doesn't matter, anyway. I'm not gonna be some nobody in the background of her life. It'd just be cool to see it all unfold firsthand.'

Lost in thought, Gabriel jolted back to reality as the town center came into view. Shops filled the main street, representing the heart of Forks.

Stuck at a red light in his fancy new car, Gabriel knew he stuck out like a sore thumb. He probably looked like someone just passing through Forks, not a new resident.

His stomach growled. 'Food,' he thought. 'Definitely need food. Pretty sure the fridge at home is empty.' The light turned green, and he scanned for restaurants.

A cluster of cars outside a cute-looking cafe caught his eye. 'Carver Cafe? Don't remember that from the movies.' He pulled in and parked, the bell chiming as he opened the door and stepped inside.

The cafe was warm and inviting, with happy families enjoying their meals. A friendly waitress with a big smile spotted him right away.

"Welcome!" she exclaimed loudly. "Grab a seat anywhere and I'll be with you in a sec." Her eyes flicked over him quickly before she turned back to the family she was serving.

Gabriel snagged an empty table for two and dove into the menu, figuring out what to eat for his late lunch. He was deep in thought when a woman's voice startled him.

"Just passing through for a quick bite, sweetie?"

Looking up, Gabriel recognized the waitress from earlier. Her dark curly hair framed a friendly African-American face. A lightbulb went off in his head. 'This must be the same waitress from the beginning!' he thought, feeling pretty good about catching on so fast.

With a grin, he cleared up her mistake. "Actually, no. My family and I just moved here last week. Took a while to get settled in, but I'm finally free to check out the town."

Cora's eyes widened in surprise, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Well then, welcome to Forks! New folks get their first meal free. What can I tempt you with today..?"

"Gabriel Hudson," he said, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure's all mine," she replied, her smile growing wider. "I'm Cora."

After ordering his food, Gabriel leaned back and gazed out the window. A wave of peace washed over him as he soaked in the quiet scene. 'This place is nice,' he thought, a contented smile spreading across his face.

His peaceful moment came to an abrupt halt when a police car pulled into the parking lot. It came to a stop, and a man stepped out. He was tall and thin, with dark hair, pale skin, and tired-looking eyes. A dark mustache finished his serious look.

'That's gotta be Charlie!' he thought, staring wide-eyed as Charlie Swan climbed out of the driver's seat of the police car. Then the passenger door opened, and there she was - the main chick from Twilight.

She had long, dark brown hair that fell straight down her back. Her skin was pale, framing a heart-shaped face with big, dark brown eyes. But what struck Gabriel most was her whole vibe. Awkward, withdrawn, like a deer caught in headlights. Watching them interact was like seeing two strangers meeting for the first time, all stiff smiles and nervous small talk.

'Yep, definitely the beginning of the story,' Gabriel thought with a grin, watching them head towards the diner. He couldn't help but feel a thrill course through him. This was going to be fun to watch!

Charlie and Bella settled into a corner booth right next to Gabriel. Just then, Cora appeared with his food. "Here you go, honey, enjoy your first meal at the Carver Cafe!" she chirped, setting his plate down with a flourish.

Before Gabriel could even respond, she was off to greet the new arrivals. There was some talk about how much Bella had grown up, which only seemed to make them both even more awkward.

Gabriel took a bite of his burger, wincing slightly. It seemed a little undercooked. But he wasn't about to make a scene on his first day in town. 'Don't want to be a snob right off the bat,' he thought.

As he finished his burger, Cora refilled his water glass. "So, are you starting at Forks High too, Gabriel?" she asked cheerfully, gesturing towards Charlie and Bella's table.

"Lucky you, you won't be the only new kid. Bella here is starting too!"

'Ah shit, here we go.'

Scratching his head awkwardly, Gabriel turned to Bella and offered a nervous smile. "Uh, I guess we'll be classmates,huh? I'm Gabriel. Nice to meet you both." He waited for a response, his smile faltering slightly under the pressure.

Bella seemed frozen, her eyes flitting around like a trapped animal. Charlie, sensing her discomfort, stepped in. He extended a hand towards Gabriel. "You the new kid that moved in with his folks from LA?"

"Yep, that's me," Gabriel confirmed.

"Charlie Swan's the name, Sheriff. And the quiet one next to me is Bella. She's, uh... jetlagged from the flight,I guess." The excuse was weak, but Charlie did his best to cover for his daughter.

Gabriel nodded at both of them, feeling a pang of sympathy for Bella's awkwardness. He fished some cash out of his pocket and placed it on the table. "Well, it was nice meeting you both. I gotta get home and unpack for tomorrow. See you at school, Bella."

With a hasty goodbye, Gabriel practically bolted out of the diner. Back in his car, he started the engine and sped out of the parking lot. As he drove, one thought echoed in his head: 'Man, drywall is more talkative than her.'

DumbedDown DumbedDown

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