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16.66% To Love Ru:A celestial Love / Chapter 2: The Runaway Deviluke Princess

Chapter 2: The Runaway Deviluke Princess

Years have passed after my adoption from the Yuuki family and over the years I have learned a lot from this family and for that I am grateful to them.

I learned the customs of humans very quickly, how they act towards each other and that certain people have different reactions if I say something wrong or strange.

I also learned about the school subjects that humans use this place to improve their mental and physical performance and how interesting this "school" is even though some humans say it is the worst thing in this world.

I didn't find any difficulty in the subjects that these schools teach their students, so I always get top marks in exams and I'm only known as "the child prodigy" in the class, in addition to being very popular with everyone.

Mikan studies in elementary school since she is 13 years old and I study in the 2nd year of high school together with Riko. Riko is somewhat popular at school due to her appearance, but if this is compared to my level of popularity, my sister loses even if there is no rivalry between us.

I am now outside my classroom enjoying my free time and I have a letter in my hand.

- This is already the 3rd of that day. - I say this letting out a sigh.

(Akira's appearance)

- What do you mean 3? - Said a person next to me who is my friend Saruyama.

- Another love letter for me. - I say this, handing it to him as he read what was written and then he let out a sigh.

- Hey Akira, are you sure you won't accept? Damn, even I would go the way she wrote! - said Saruyama.

- You would accept any love letter from someone.... - I answer.

- But of course I would!!! I'm single until now and I'm thirsty to have a girlfriend! And you're the popular guy at school who, if you just smile and you'll be showered with women just wanting a piece of you! - Shouted Saruyama who only noticed me letting out a sigh.

- That could be true. Believe me, I already gave a girl a chance, but nothing happened, I didn't feel anything. - I say this with a neutral expression that made Saruyama place a hand on the bridge of his nose.

- Dude, are you sure you're not gay? - Saruyama asked.

- Why would I have a love interest with someone of the same gender as me? - I say that.

- I do not know! You don't seem to be interested in women so I'm thinking you like the rainbow path. - said Saruyama.

- You can be sure of what I'm saying, Saruyama. I don't see the point in having that kind of taste. - I answer.

- Okay then, if that's what you say. So, what are you going to do with this letter? - Said Saruyama, returning the letter to me.

- I don't know. Maybe I should say that I'm not interested or that I'm too busy with my studies that I don't have time for that. - I say that.

- Wow, aren't you being too cold? - Said Saruyama.

- The best thing is to be honest with a person instead of giving them a false sense of hope, am I right? - I ask Saruyama.

- You're strange sometimes, Akira. - Said Saruyama.

- You won't be the first or the last to say this. - I answer him.

As much as I understood all types of feelings that humans go through thanks to the presence of a family.

But I couldn't understand a specific feeling "Love".

No matter how hard I try I can't understand how this feeling works, like I know what it is, but I don't know how it happens.

That's why I always turned down a love letter or a date request from a girl, because I can't feel anything around them.

And ironic, I am a celestial sapien, a race that is very old compared to this universe, I am much older compared to all the inhabitants of the earth.

Even though I can do everything I want, I can't understand one thing... How to "love" someone.

After trying many attempts for the first time, I gave up on knowing more about something that is "love", since I can't know anything.


Hours later


The teacher released all the students and now everyone can return to their homes.

I'm already at the exit waiting for my sister, when I see a friend of mine approaching me, she's Haruna.

- Yuuki-kun! - Haruna said.

- Hello Haruna. How was your classes? - I ask her.

- They were good, the teacher did a subject that was very explanatory. By the way, are you waiting for your sister? - Haruna said.

- Yes I am. - I respond, letting out a sigh.

- Riko has a habit of stalling when leaving. - I say that which made Haruna laugh lightly.

- Well Riko-san is popular like you, so I would say she is dealing with her problems. - said Haruna.

- I'm glad I taught her, if when a guy is weird you just kick him in the balls and he goes away. - I say this with a neutral expression that looks like I'm serious.

At that same moment I see Riko running towards me and when she arrives she is panting.

- Sorry for my delay Nii-san. - Riko said.

- It's okay Riko, you didn't take long. - I answer.

- How are you Riko-san. - Haruna greets my sister.

- I'm fine, Sarenji. - Riko said with a smile. 


I feel something falling from the sky and when I look up I see a ship falling towards the two, I reacted quickly and grabbed them by the waist and moved away from where the ship was going to fall. 

I put the girls down and look at them.

- Are you guys okay? - I ask.

- Yes we are. - Riko replied. 

I look at the ship that is completely destroyed and have a serious expression.

💭I had thought that aliens wouldn't visit this planet.


Riko and I arrive home and I see Mikan sitting on the couch.

- Welcome back, Riko, Onii-chan. Dad said he'll be late. - Mikan said.

- Okay, I understand, I'm going to my room Nii-san, you can go to the shower first. - Riko said, already entering the room.

- Ok - I respond, also entering mine.


One minute later


I took off my clothes and got into the bathtub enjoying the hot water and I let out a sigh of relief.

- I never thought bathing would be something so good. Humans have truly done things that other races would envy. - I say this with a satisfied smile.

💭That ship.... It seems like I underestimated the aliens in this universe.

Knowing about the presence of the alien ship I had to investigate it, after all I don't want someone to destroy the planet I'm living on.

- Tomorrow I'm going to see if this alien is Passive or not, if not, I'll destroy it. - I say this while enjoying the comfort of the bathtub.

It was silent in the bathtub until sparks appeared in the bathtub water and then something exploded inside the bathtub.

- What was this! - I say this covering my eyes from the hot water. 

The moment I move my hands I feel a soft sensation, when the smoke clears I see that I am holding the breasts of a woman with long pink hair and green eyes.

(Photo of Lala)

💭Nani?! Wait a second! I'm holding a woman's breasts! 

I was surprised on the inside, but I didn't show any reaction on the outside. The girl let out a sigh when she woke up, but then she moaned a little when I squeezed her breasts a little 3 times. (In Meliodas style)

💭 Interesting.... So these are the breasts of a well-developed woman. I can't compare them to Mikan's since she's still growing, but I can do that to Riko's. Hmmm..... My sister loses.

As I am only curious by birth, I also have a certain taste for knowledge about the human body, being more specific to the female body.

So having the opportunity to investigate someone's body a little is something I'm not going to pass up.

- Hey. It's over? - Said the girl who is naked in front of me. She doesn't seem bothered by my hands on her breasts, in fact she seems a little happy.

- Oh. Yes, I'm done. - I respond by removing my hands and analyzing her from top to bottom.

💭Okay she's almost my height and she really has a good body that puts the other girls at my school to shame.

There was silence between us until I decided to take the girl to my room. 

- Ahhh. I feel reinvigorated. - Said the Girl, using my towel to cover her body. 

- OK let's start. Who are you? - I ask her.

- Me? I'm Lala. - she replied.

- Lala? - I say her name to see if I got it right.

- Yes, I came from the planet Deviluke. - said Lala. 

- Deviluke... - I say the name of her planet with a thoughtful expression. 

💭Then I see what this planet is like.

- So you're an alien? - I say that.

- Well I think this is the right way, from the Earthlings' point of view. - Lala said. 

💭So they call humans Earthlings....

- You don't seem like you believe me. - Lala said, approaching me.

- Well it's a little hard to believe when you appear out of nowhere in my bathtub. - I answer. 

💭Well I'm also an alien, so I can't say much about it.

- Then look at this. - Lala said, turning her back, only for her to stick her back out a little in front of me. 

💭I can see everything from this position.

Lala showed her ass to me giving me a full view of the contents, and I notice that she has a black tail.

- So you have a tail. - I say this. 

- Oh! Even though I have a tail, it doesn't mean I transform on a full moon night, see. - Lala said.

-I already understand, just don't show your ass in front of a stranger.  - I say that which made Lala laugh.

- You're ashamed. Hehehe, that's cute.  - Lala said.

💭I can't see the cuteness in this.

- So can you explain why you appeared naked in my bathtub? - I ask Lala.

Lala told me that she wore a bracelet that allows her to teleport to random places, but it costs her clothes as strange as that seems to me. Lala also said she is being chased by other aliens and that she is very close to being caught. 

💭So that means there's more of her, I was just missing it.

Soon after, a small robot appears at my window and hugs Lala, being happy to see her, Lala said his name is Peke.

Peke told Lala that he escaped safely from Earth's atmosphere and that he was looking for her, he was going to say more when he saw me near them. 

- Lala-sama. Who is this strange Earthling? - Peke said, pointing at me.

- He's the resident of this house. Oh! That's right, I forgot to ask your name. - Lala said, looking at me.

- My name is Akira.  - I answer.

- So your name is Akira. - Said Lala Holding Peke.

- This here is Peke. He is a multi-purpose clothing robot that I made. - Lala said once again.

- Pleasure to meet you. - Peke said.

💭A robot that creates clothes. This one is new.

Soon after, Lala threw my towel away and got naked again, and then she told Peke to change into her clothes.

💭 Did she need to moan in the process? 

I didn't ask about it since the important thing is that she is wearing an outfit.

- So, isn't cute? - Lala said.

- Yes, it's not a bad outfit. - I answer that it made Lala happy.

- Thank you Akira. - Lala replied.

- By the way, Lala-sama. What do you intend to do now? - asked Peke, who is now Lala's hat.

- Well, about that, I already have some ideas. - Lala said.

Just as she was about to say something, two men in overcoats entered my room through the window.

💭Now my window has become a door for strangers.

- What the hell, what a troublesome girl. I should have prohibited your freedom even if you need to tie your hands and legs until we leave Earth. - Said one of the men. 

💭So these are the guys who are after her. 

I watched their interaction with Lala, and she wasn't happy at all and said that Peke should have been discreet so as not to let him be followed. One of the men grabbed her arm and Lala kept trying to get out of the man's arms without stopping.

This is all happening in front of me and in my room and it seems like the men are ignoring me or they haven't noticed my presence.

💭 Well, since their plan is to remove her from the planet, that would be of benefit to me. 

For the first time I don't know what to do, I can let the scene play out without me interfering and Lala leaves leaving Earth in peace, but there is the fact that her expression showed that she really didn't want to go back to the place she they want to take her.

With that in mind I feel that if I don't help her I will regret it very much.

💭Here we go.

I approach the man holding Lala and place my hand on his arm.

- What are you doing Earthling? Do not interfere! - shouted the man.

- Oh. I'm sorry sir, but you are in my house and in my room. So as I'm the owner I run everything here with that in mind, I order you to let go of her and you two stay put. - I say this making my eyes shine a white light just for a moment.

When I said that, the man let go of Lala and stood straight up like a statue. Then I picked Lala up and jumped out of the window, running across the rooftops.

- Why did you do that Akira? - Lala asked, holding my neck for support.

- Don't ask questions that I don't have right answers to. I just did what I think is right! - I respond that made Lala look at me with a surprised expression. 

I ran with Lala in my arms across the roofs of houses until I arrived at the park, but on the way a truck was thrown in front of me, blocking the path and the man appeared behind me, I was going in another direction, but the second man also appears.

- Tch, it looks like we're surrounded. - I respond by stepping back, placing Lala on the floor and making her stay behind me.

- You are very brave! - Said a voice coming from the sky. 

I look up and see a flying ship.

A man in armor descends from the middle of the ship, standing in front of the two men.

- He seems important. - I say that.

- Zastin! - Lala said, which seems to be his name.


- Step aside, Earthling. Strangers should not meddle in our affairs. - Zatin said.

- I think I'm already well involved in this matter, but thank you for your concern. - I answer.

- I'm just going to say it one more time, stay away. - Zastin said.

- What if I don't move away? - I say that.

- I'll use my power to make you move. If you care about your life, walk away.  - Zastin said. 

I remain silent and Zastin must have seen my silence as an answer, but he still had one more thing to say.

- Lala-sama, no more running away, let's go back home! - Shouted Zatin.

- I don't want! - Lala replied and I was silent when I heard that.

💭Wait a minute! Home?! 

- I'm bored! I don't care if I'm a successor or not, I'm tired of meeting arranged marriages every day. - Lala said.

- But, Lala-sama, this is your father's wish! - said Zastin. 

💭So she also ran away from her own house?! 

- Dad doesn't care about me! - Lala said this by taking out her cell phone, creating a robot that looked like an octopus.

💭What's going on?

I watch everything and see the robot flea sucking the 3 men and soon after the robot starts sucking the entire park with me along with it, but I stay firmly on the ground.

- That's going to be a problem. - I say this looking at Lala.

- Lala, do you know how to turn it off? - I ask.

- I don't know. - replied Lala.

- It seems I have no choice. - I say this letting out a sigh.

With one finger I shoot a white ray of light that pierces the robot and instantly destroys it, causing an explosion on the spot.

I snap my fingers and the park returns to normal as if the robot hadn't destroyed everything.

Lala got down from the floor and hugged me happily. 

- Thank you very much for your help Akira! - Lala said.

- So you ran away from home? - I say that.

- Yes, I ran away, you're not going to try to take me back, are you? - Lala asked with a fearful expression.

- No, I won't. After all, if I did that it would be hypocrisy. - I respond that it made Lala hug me tighter.

- Thank you very much once again Akira! By the way, you're incredible, I've never seen a human who can do that! - said Lala.

- You could say that I'm pretty.... "Special" - I reply.

With that resolved, Lala started living in my house using the guest room.

Mikan found it strange to have a visitor in the house and Riko questioned Lala's clothes.

I tell my sisters the truth and Mikan accepted it without question and Riko had time to digest it all. 

This is the beginning of my life and the very next day I will be aware of the changes that will happen with Lala around.

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