"It is a shame." Fleur said as she rested her head onto Harry's chest while her leg was draped over his and her hand ran up and down his abs. The two were currently in her room and in bed after another session of love making.
"What is?" Harry asked.
"A shame that we have agreed to only stay friends." Fleur answered as she planted a kiss on his chest. "You are the first boy I think I have ever considered acceptable enough to be a boyfriend."
"Ha, yeah, I get it." Harry sighed. "But I've got to be honest, this is the first year of my life when I finally decided to just enjoy myself. I don't really want to get a girlfriend or anything serious, maybe sometime in the future but for now I just want to continue to enjoy myself."
"I understand," Fleur sighed. "my soeur will be disappointed."
"What's that?" Harry asked, wondering if that was another word for her lady parts.
"My sister, she is eight years old and a big fan of yours and when I told her that we were friends she was very excited. I think she wants to meet you." Fleur grinned.
"Should I be worried?" Harry laughed.
"Well she'll either try to make you my husband or her own, so a little bit of worry would be fine."
"The mighty Harry Potter, defeater of dark lords and dragons, brought down by the mighty eight year old Veela." Harry said in a dramatic voice before letting out a theatrical sigh. "I suppose there are worse fates." He said in a defeated voice. "Perhaps," Harry kissed Fleur on the top of the head. "we can have some more fun before my defeat, or at least before the second task."
"Hmm, yes." Fleur whispered as she peppered his chest with kisses before she pushed her body against his as she began kissing his neck and jaw. "We should enjoy ourselves while we can." Fleur said as she climbed on top of him and grinded her body against his for several moments before she straddled him.
"I won't object to that." Harry grinned.
"Hiya Hedwig," Harry grinned as he arrived at the owlery, he stroked his loyal owl and she happily leaned into his touch and playfully nibbled on his fingers. "how are you doing today girl?" Harry asked, he waited for her to respond which she did with a series of hoots. "That's nice, you're looking as beautiful as ever, I don't know how you're still single." Harry complimented, causing Hedwig to puff her chest out and straighten up. "I have an owl order letter for you girl, to the apothecary in Diagon Alley. Take your time on your way back here, there's no rush, you deserve to enjoy your flight for being such a hard working girl."
Hedwig hooted in agreement before Harry tied a letter to her, she lovingly tapped her forehead on his before she flew off.
"Yeah, what are you lot looking at?" Harry said in a challenging voice to the owls that were staring at him. "Yeah that's right," Harry huffed. "you fuckers are jealous that she like me more than you. Though when I say like I mean like owner and pet, no owl-o, and… why the fuck am I talking to you lot?" Harry said as he walked off. "Well… I knew I would go crazy eventually."
"Alright Dobby," Harry said a few days later. "I am off to go compete in the second task. Look after Selena and get the preparations ready."
"Yes Master Harry," Dobby nodded. "Dobby will get master Harry's rituals ready and look after Miss Selena."
"Good," Harry nodded. " Princess! " Harry called and Selena slithered towards him. " Daddy will be going and I'll be back later and then you and me are going to do that ritual together. "
" Daddy, " Selena said as Harry patted her on the head. " will it hurt? "
" No, it'll make you stronger and make it so that you can come with me whenever and wherever you want. " Harry smiled.
Harry stood alongside the other champions, staring at the lake, as he arrived. Fleur stood on his left dressed in a rather impressive one piece while Krum and Cedric wore shorts and a vest. Harry arrived in shorts a shirt and shorts. The crowd were all shouting and screaming in excitement.
"You alright Fleur?" Harry asked.
"My sister… I couldn't find her… I think she's…" Fleur trailed off and pointed at the lake.
Harry's eyes widened in understanding, thanks to Fleur he was able to work out the egg and earn the clue. It was pretty simple, something important would be taken and they would have an hour to get them back. Upon realising that something important of his would be taken Harry had double checked that all of his important possessions such as his cloak and firebolt were safely hidden away in the chamber. But now he realised that the clue was not referring to 'what' they would miss the most, rather 'who'.
With that being said Harry wondered who would be at the bottom of the lake for him, it couldn't be Sirius, he was still on the run. It couldn't be Fleur as she was competing alongside him. If Dumbledore had placed Weasley or Granger down there for him then Harry would have just let them drown, consequences be dammed. It couldn't be Selena or Dobby as Harry had just seen the two before he came here. Ginny seemed like a possibility, Harry looked into the crowd and saw her almost instantly so he realised that she was not it.
With that Harry realised that the only other people he really gave a damn about in this school were the chasers, he looked around and found Katie and after a few moments saw Alicia as well but he saw no sign of Angelina. He growled as he realised that she was who they took, the chasers were the closest things that Harry had to sisters, the three had stood by him through out all of his years at Hogwarts and he'd be dammed if he let them get hurt.
"Remember our plan?" Harry asked Fleur. Fleur paused but nodded, the had discussed a plan together for the second task about a week before and spent the week working on their plan while also working on their own individual plans in case either of them decide to go solo.
Ludo Bagman began explaining the task but Harry paid him no attention and simply removed his shirt.
At this point those around him and the crowds took in a good look at Harry's body. He had put on a lot of muscle and while he was not a person with particularly large muscles like Krum, he still had a very impressive and defined body complete with abs leading to an impressive v-cut. Those close by or in a position to see would have noticed the scar on his arm where the basilisk had bitten him.
"Three," Ludo began counting down. Harry quickly pulled out his wand. "two… one… go!"
Harry waved his wand a couple of times and a boat appeared. Harry nodded to Fleur and the two got into the boat, Krum on the other hand had opted for self transfiguration and turned his head into a shark while Cedric went for the rather simple bubble charm. The two champions jumped in while Harry tapped the boat and it began moving.
Fleur used a point me spell to find the hostages while Harry cast charms to try and find them. After a few minutes Fleur's spell eventually stopped pointing straight and pointed downwards.
"I guess here is where we get off." Harry said as he tapped the boat, causing it to stop. He and Fleur cast a bubblehead charm and warming charms on themselves before they both jumped off the boat and into the water, the two swam down until they eventually reached the hostages.
There was, naturally, four hostages. Harry didn't recognise one of them, she was a small and young girl and judging by her looks Harry assumed she was Fleur's sister Gabrielle. Harry saw Cho Chang and realised that she was Cedric Diggory's hostage, Harry also saw Hermione Granger which surprised him. Harry briefly wondered what drugs Dumbledore must have been on to even consider putting Hermione as his hostage, though after a second he remembered that she was Krum's date and his hostage.
At this point Harry saw Angelina and knew that he was right, but he also saw that they were surrounded by merfolk who were holding spears and tridents. Harry nodded to Fleur before they both continued swimming closer, both with their wands ready just in case things got violent. The merfolk looked at them but did not attack. Harry freed Angelina while Fleur freed her sister, after getting their hostages they took a glance at the merfolk who were still not attacking.
Harry and Fleur decided not to press their luck and quickly swam up and back onto the boat. As soon as they reached the surface both hostages woke up and suddenly began looking around in fear as they realised that they were in water.
"H… Harry?!" Angelina blurted out as she looked around while Harry and Fleur undid the bubble charms.
"Boat now." Harry ordered as he helped her on the boat while Fleur helped Gabrielle get on the boat
"What happened?" Angelina asked as they all got onto the boat.
"Well," Harry said as he tapped the boat, it began going back to shore while Fleur and her sister talked to each other in French. "as part of the task the champions had to retrieve something valuable from the lake, at first I thought it would be something like my broom or family photos. But I was wrong because it was actually people, for Fleur over here it was her sister and for me it was you."
"I'm flattered." Angelina said, giving him a small smile.
"You and the other two chasers are like family to me." Harry shrugged, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Anyway, didn't you know? Did they like put you down there without permission?"
"Oh no," Angelina said shaking her head. "they asked us a couple of hours ago, I think… I'm not sure what time it is. They put us in a stasis spell, my brain's still a little behind. When I said what happened I meant with the task."
"Well I think me and Fleur are winning," Harry replied. "I made this boat and we found you with a point me spell and detection spells. By the way Fleur," Harry said to Fleur, interrupting her conversation with her sister. "did they ask your sisters permission to use her in this task?"
"Yes." Fleur said after a few seconds of talking with Gabrielle.
"Yeah but she's like eight, did she even know what she was agreeing to you? What about you or your parents permission?" Harry asked.
"Me and my parents would never have given permission for this!" Fleur scowled. "She is too young and even if she wasn't then her Veela heritage would have made it more dangerous for her to be underwater."
"Well then," Harry said with an evil smile. "how do you feel about talking with a lawyer and a reporter that I know?"
When they arrived on shore Harry quickly cast drying spells on them all, Madam Pomfrey hustled over and instantly began casting diagnostic spells on Harry.
"I am fine." Harry said, rolling his eyes.
"I will determine that." Pomfrey said, glaring at him, she was about to continue when Harry stopped her by grabbing her wrist. "Mr Potter!"
"I wasn't hit with anything and all I did was go for a swim with a warming charm on me, the girls on the other hand…" Harry gestured to Angelina and Gabrielle. "… spent I don't know how long under the lake, get your priorities straight." Harry said with a glare as he let go of Pomfrey, who after a moment's pause and a shocked expression got to work on the girls.
"Excellent job!" Ludo Bagman said as he and the other judges arrived first. "Nicely done!" He said as he clapped Harry repeatedly on the back. "You and Miss Delacour are the first ones back. Absolutely brilliant, I…" Ludo found himself cut off as Harry blasted him away and into the lake, much to the surprise of the judges and the crowd.
"Harry!" Dumbledore said in shock.
"My very limited patience is wearing thinner and thinner with each task and person in this bloody tournament." Harry said, glaring at the judge. He turned and walked up to Angelina. "Hey, would you mind if I left?" He asked. "It's just I'd really not be here."
"Yeah, thanks Harry." Angelina said, kissing him on the forehead.
"Thanks." Harry smiled before he turned and walked away.
"But Mr Potter you have not been awarded your points yet!" Barty Crouch called.
"Fine." Harry sighed as he stopped and turned around. "Let's hear my points, my unbiased…" Harry paused and focused on Karkaroff for a few seconds before returning to looking at all of the judges. "… points."
"I'm afraid that you will have to wait until after the others have returned." Dumbledore said as Ludo climbed back up shore.
"In which case I'll be off and Angelina can tell me my score later." Harry said before he turned and walked off.
"Arry," Fleur called, causing him to stop. "I'd like to talk to you later."
"Sure." Harry nodded before he continued walking.
"Mr Potter surely you can wait a few minutes." Dumbledore frowned.
"Probably could," Harry said without looking back. "see ya."
"Dobby," Harry called after he finished writing his letters and placing them in envelopes. He turned to look at the elf who had popped in. "take these letter's to Hedwig." Harry said as he handed them to Dobby. "But first when you arrive give her something to eat."
"Something to eat." Dobby nodded.
"And just… pet her a little… stroke her… just let her feel appreciated. Also is the ritual ready?"
"Yes Master Harry!" Dobby nodded quickly. "Dobby did it exactly like Master Harry wanted."
"Good, off you pop then." Harry said as he stood up and walked off to where Dobby had set up the ritual. He found Selena waiting there for him.
"Daddy, I'm ready." Selena said in an excited voice.
"Let's get started then." Harry said as he removed the top half of his clothes. "I… wow I just realised how weird that sounded when I removed my shirt."
"Fleur." Harry called as he knocked on the door to her room.
"Come in Arry." Harry heard her reply. He walked in only to find that she was not in the room. "Just make yourself comfortable." He heard her call from behind what he knew was the bathroom.
"You said you wanted to talk." Harry said as he slowly lowered himself down and took a seat.
"Oui, that is true." She said as the door opened.
It took all of Harry's willpower and effort to not drop his jaw when he saw what had just come out of that bathroom. Fleur Delacour stood, leaning against the door frame with her hair let lose and gliding down past her shoulders, she gave him a smile that screamed seductive as she stood in nothing but blue lingerie that barely covered anything. She slowly walked to him, hips swaying side to side and the smile never leaving her face. For Harry each step felt ridiculously slow, and the look in her eyes did not help calm him down at all.
As she finally got close she stopped in front of him, she slowly and sensually rubbed her hands over her body before she took her sweet time and bent down from the waist. She placed her hands on his knees as her face came close enough to his so that he was looking her right in the eye and could feel her breath.
"How are you feeling?" She asked in a low voice.
"Like the sun." Harry answered after a moments thought.
"The sun?"
"Well I am feeling really hot and right now I feel like I am rising." Harry said, Fleur looked down and sat that part of him was indeed rising.
"Hmm," She licked her lips and looked up at him. "we've spent a while just enjoying each other, haven't we?"
"Yeah." Harry nodded, wondering where she was going with this.
"Well my sister was saved thanks to your plan and it is you who has contacted the press and a lawyer, so I feel like I have to thank you." She said as her hands grabbed onto his trousers. "So from now… until I leave at the end of year…" Fleur leaned close. "I am yours in anyway you want… whenever you want." She whispered hotly into his ear before she pulled back and gave him a slow but passionate kiss before she got onto her knees and pulled his trousers off, followed by his boxers.
"Really?" Harry said, he felt like he should laugh with joy at the idea of having a Veela whenever and however he wanted.
"Deadly." She smirked before she leaned her head down.
"Oh damn!" Harry gasped in pleasure.
"Oh shit." Fudge said as he looked at his copy of the latest daily prophet a few days later.
The Delacours were suing those behind the Tri-Wizard tournament, which included the British Ministry, for the endangerment of their youngest daughter. If Fudge cared then he would have remembered the fact that Madam Maxime was also getting sued. As of the moment his focus was on how the article was really not putting the British Ministry in a good light. And if the ministry is show in a bad light then that means he is shown in a bad light and he could not have that.
He needed to talk to Barty Crouch or Dumbledore or just anyone competent and in position to sort this out.
Dumbledore frowned as he read the daily prophet, unfortunately he was included as one of the people who were being sued because of the tournament. Money wasn't something especially important for him but he still understood it's value and very much preferred not to lose any if he did not have to. He recognised the name of the lawyer, Ted Tonks, a muggleborn that Dumbledore had admittedly not paid much interest to, at least until he married Andromeda Black of all people.
For that alone Dumbledore thought that the two should be put in Gryffindor, that was far braver beyond what anyone would expect of a Hufflepuff or a Slytherin. For Ted he would have married into a pure blood, muggle hating family that would rather kill him than even greet him. As for Andromeda she would have had to defy her family for her love, he couldn't help but respect her for that.
Ted also interested Dumbledore because he knew that he was Harry's lawyer in his case against the Malfoy's. Personally Dumbledore did not approve of Harry suing them, couldn't the boy see that he was simply escalating the situation? Though Dumbledore did not do anything to stop it, partially because it was possible that the Malfoy's could learn a lesson from this and when Tom Riddle AKA Voldemort returned it would simply be less money for him to use as Dumbledore knew without doubt that the Malfoy's would be funding Voldemort.
Also if Dumbledore did stop it then that could cause things to grow worse between himself and Harry. Speaking of Harry, he was getting rather worried about the boy. Firstly Harry had cut himself off from Miss Granger and Mr Weasley, and had since barely been seen in the school. In fact he was seen so very few times since the tournament that it was pretty much easy to count every time he was seen. Dumbledore usually wouldn't do this as he felt it was better to simply let Harry be but he would call the boy up to his office.
It was important that he always knew as much as he could about Harry, and recently Harry's actions had worried him. The boy was far more violent and short tempered than usual, Dumbledore also had quite a few questions for him such as his sudden increase in spell knowledge along with his change in personality and he would also like to know exactly who or what this Selena is.
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