They soon finished their meal, and as they all stood up to leave, Shen Yuan then asked, "So, which city are we heading towards, Mom?"
Shen Yuxin paused for a moment, a small smile playing on her lips. "We will be heading towards Shadowveil City. It is situated at the periphery of the Aurora Zone. Maybe you can find something useful there."
Shen Yuan raised his eyebrow slightly as he asked, "Why are we heading toward such a depressing-sounding place?"
Huo Rong giggled slightly as she answered, "It's not depressing at all. It's actually one of the biggest cities in this backward place. Otherwise, you can't even find anything good in most of the other cities."
Bing Rong nodded in agreement. "Yes, there is a big auction house as well. Let's go and see if there will be an auction today or not."
Shen Yuan's eyes lit up in excitement at the thought of exploring a new city, especially since it was a pretty big city as well.
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