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Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Harry Potter + A song of Ice and Fire Crossover

Chapter 20

With the princess once more pregnant, a jubilant mood returned to the keep that Lily was certain was felt by the king all the way down to the lowliest servant.

After the birth of Rhaenys a tense air had settled over the halls because an heir to the throne had been expected and yet had not been provided. But now that the possibility of succession was once more present, relief was as well.

Lily made certain that she didn't tell her uncle the risks she had taken to ensure that her friend had gotten pregnant again. No one need know as it had worked.

As Elia's stomach swelled, so too did her smile and her joyful countenance and the peace of the Queen Mother.

Though Rhaella didn't know about Lily's magic, the red head had noticed that she had spent more time in the small sept within the keep, her head bowed in silent prayer.

Elia's pregnancy also couldn't have come at a better time as both princes Doran and Oberyn had had to return to Dorne following the news that their mother was unexpectedly ill.

To Lily's astonishment, Elia had handled the news with so much grace and elegance that for a moment the red head was convinced that she hadn't quite believed it.

But then, Lily herself couldn't quite believe how fast the time was passing.

Her own fifteenth nameday had come and gone and she was approaching her sixteenth year in this new world and with those changes came new and unexpected surprises.

Several months before the birth of Elia's second child, and several days before her own sixteenth birthday, Lily was sitting in the gardens with Elia and the queen and the new princess who was learning to stand on her own unsteady legs.

The older Rhaenys grew, the more she reminded Lily of her mother. She looked like Elia in nearly every way save two. Her violet eyes were as vibrant as Rhaella's and she had inherited her father's alabaster complexion but with her mother's jet black hair.

She was the perfect mix of Targaryen and Martell and Lily knew how proud Elia was of her.

Rhaella's eyes would at times water when she looked at her own granddaughter so Lily knew there was plenty of love to go around.

With that knowledge in mind, the three of them were very comfortable sitting in the garden that sunny afternoon.

"What a lovely day," Elia said with a dreamy sigh. She was leaning back in her chair, one hand pressed against her swelling belly, an utterly contented smile on her face. "I actually think I could sit here in this sunshine forever."

Rhaella chuckled as she bent slightly over her embroidery. "Not forever my dear, you'll turn leathery if you do that."

Lily coughed as she took a sip of her wine. "I've always had to be careful in the sun. Being pale doesn't help."

"You're not pale darling," Rhaella said giving her a reproving stare of a mother. "You're just very fair. Like my family, the Tullys have always been blessed with alabaster skin."

Lily shared a look with Elia and a long smile. In many ways, the queen had been a sort of mother figure to both of them during their time in the capital.

Once she had seen how close she was to Elia, Rhaella had taken Lily under her wing and kept any eye on her, especially where politics were concerned.

"Since Rhaenys is so fair," Elia mused. "I wonder if this child will be dark like me…but fair haired like Rhaegar."

Lily exchanged a look with Rhaella. "That would certainly be a game of contrasts wouldn't it? Would he or she also have your brown eyes?"

"Let's say that they did," Elia replied. "I wonder how that would look."

"Well I imagine that it would be beautiful," Rhaella said. "A child bearing many contrasts between their parents is a blessed thing to see."

"Your graces?"

The three women looked up to see a servant standing before them. In one hand he grasped a sealed piece of parchment and in the other there was a small wooden chest.

"Yes?" Rhaella asked.

The servant bowed slightly. "Forgive me your graces but a rider has arrived from the Eyrie bearing a message for Lady Lilian."

Elia turned a pointed eye on Lily and the red head could practically feel her smirk from across the table, something which she tried her best to ignore.

"Thank you," she said getting to her feet and taking the letter. She didn't even have to look at the scrawling script with her name on the front to let her know that it was from Elbert.

Carefully she sat down again and Rhaella wisely engaged Elia in conversation so that the red head might have some privacy while she read.

She quickly broke the seal and examined the words the message contained.

Dear Lily

I write in haste, as I am on my way to Gulltown to handle an incoming shipment from Myr. Usually I let my uncle tend to such matters but his age has prevented him from making the journey and he wishes to leave the bulk of responsibility for the Vale to me. I often wonder what my father might say if he could see me now, but it is of no consequence I suppose.

Are you well? Your latest letter hinted at a standstill in the ongoing investigation. What with the busyness of the birth of the royal princess, I imagine that the silence is somewhat calming. Your letters have become rather subdued which in many ways was relieving to hear. I thought to return to the capital for a time to see if you were well, but I have a feeling you would merely place your hands on your hips and glare at me if you heard that so I decided to refrain.

Lily covered her mouth to hide her smile. How was it that she had only known Elbert for a short period of time and he knew her as well as he did?

Well…it had been over a year since their betrothal was announced and she was nearly sixteen, would be seventeen when the new prince or princess came.

Marriageable age.

She swallowed hard and turned her attention back to the letter.

I've spoken to my uncle and now I wished to ask you how you would feel about coming to the Eyrie some time in the near future. I know you have already seen it, however I would very much like to show you the rest of the Vale. It is truly a beautiful place and because you will someday be Lady of it, my wish is for you to love it as much as I do. It would be my joy to show you around these rocky crags that I call home.

Now I realize you have your duties to the princess and I do not wish to be presumptuous but is there a good time for you to perhaps take a respite in order to come to the east?

Lily frowned as she read this last phrase. She had to admit that a vacation from her duties to return to the Eyrie sounded like a tempting idea. Elia had Rhaella to see to her needs and should there ever be a problem she just apparate back to the capital.

The idea of seeing Elbert did cause a certain quickening in her stomach. It was hard not to feel something for him after all. He was handsome, charming, honorable, quick witted, patient, liberal and above all else, kind.

The idea of spending her life with him, her second life, wasn't an unappealing one. She could almost imagine the High Hall echoing with the sounds of children at play, fleeing their lessons and learning to ride horses.

Four, she thought to herself. There would be four of them, two boys and two girls. Some would have Elbert's blonde hair and my eyes and others would have my hair and his eyes.

"Lily," Elia said with a smug look on her face. "You're blushing."

The red head flinched and folded the letter up, deciding she would read the rest later. "I most certainly am not."

Rhaella chuckled as she took her in. "Do not blush so child. Elbert Arryn is an honorable man, a man any woman should be proud to call their husband. You are lucky indeed, there are few men like that."

While her tone was light, Lily got the distinct feeling that she was talking about her husband and shivered slightly.

Fortunately Elia appeared to be of the same mindset and she turned to Lily. "Has your father set a date for your wedding yet?"

The red head was hard pressed to keep from cringing even though she had known she was going to be married for over a year. "Not yet. In this case, I think

Elbert has yet to tell him a date. And….I did ask him when this betrothal was announced if we might wait until I was older. I'm not even six and ten yet."

"But that is marriageable age," Rhaella protested.

"Perhaps but not for me," Lily argued. "I am still a child barely on the threshold of womanhood. I like Lord Elbert….a lot and I am warming to the idea of spending my life with him. But I do not want to be married so young."

A thick silence followed these words and Lily glanced down at her hands so she would not have to see what they thought. She knew Elia would be on her side but the queen did seem to be a traditional sort of woman.

Fortunately she did not have to as her eyes caught sight of the chest sitting upon the table, no doubt from Elbert.

Gingerly she reached for it and undid the latch, curious about what was resting on the pillow underneath the lid.

When she had pushed back the lid, the red head paused with delight to look at what her betrothed had sent her.

"What is it?" Elia asked curiously.

Lily reached in and gently took hold of the small ornate arrow head that was sitting upon a dark blue cushion. It was silver and seemed of a ceremonial make with odd engravings carved into its metallic face. It was about the length of her middle finger and in the shape of a perfect triangle.

At the juncture between its two points at the bottom there was a small metal loop where one might thread a chain so that the arrow head might be worn like a necklace.

Lily almost wanted to laugh at Elbert's astuteness. He knew that she wouldn't be entranced by a jewel or pretty bauble so he had sent her a ceremonial adornment that also had its own uses beyond simply looking pretty.

She also had a feeling that it was a reminder to keep practicing her archery, bar far the weakest in her set of martial skills.

Lily sighed slightly and lifted it out so that the arrowhead was resting upon her palm. It was cool to the touch and razor sharp, which she appreciated but the fact that it was decorative enough to wear to any ball appealed to her also.

"What on earth?" Elia asked incredulously as she peered over Lily's shoulder at the strange gift. "Why would he send you this?"

Lily chuckled. "Because it seems my betrothed knows me better than I thought he did. Yes indeed, he knows me quite well."


Several months later…..

"Are you well niece?" Brynden Tully asked. "You look very pensive."

"Not at all," Lily said. "I'm eager to be going home that's all. It's been over a year since I've seen Riverrun."

She could feel her uncle's eyes on her as their horses cantered along side by side down the muddy road. She knew he didn't believe her and he had no reason to. After all the events of the last few months had affected her deeply, to the point where she was very relieved to be going home for a brief respite.

Elia had given birth only several weeks before Lily had left to return to Riverrun. Despite the hopes of many of those in the royal court….she had given birth to another girl.

Unlike the last time however, Elia displayed no disappointment at the lack of an heir. In fact she didn't seem to be aware that her abilities were being called into question.

Perhaps that was due in large part to the fact that this new child looked like Rhaegar in nearly every way. She had golden blonde curls, much darker than her father's silvery locks but possessed his marble complexion and violet colored eyes.

In keeping with the tradition her older sister had begun, Elia had named the baby girl Visenya.

But if there was to be an Aegon, there was no word.

Not long after the birth, Lily had received a raven detailing a celebration for Cat's nameday and bidding her return to Riverrun as soon as she was able.

Elia had told her to go and so that was how she now found herself on a horse riding through the Riverlands next to her naturally suspicious uncle.

It was more than the fact that Elia had given birth to another girl, or that the realm seemed to be collectively holding its breath waiting for another heir to appear, it was the turmoil going on in her own heart.

Returning to Riverrun was stirring many emotions in her. Nostalgia and homesickness being some of them but also a nervousness because she didn't know how much her siblings would have changed in her absence. Axel would still be a child but a baby he was not. Ed would be a young man learning about how to rule Riverrun and she had no idea how Cat and Lysa would be.

And Petyr.

Even the mention of his name made Lily want to place her head in her hands. Their conversations had been vague and non committal ever since he had left to return to Riverrun after the royal wedding.

They had discussed everything from the weather to the politics to the breed of horses her father was housing to the new groomsmen to Axel's growth to Cat's upcoming wedding and nearly everything in between.

But they had also talked of nothing as well.

Their conversations, especially the ones that had occurred after her mother's death had been deep and personal but now….now they just seemed awkward and forced.

A small part of Lily almost hoped that Petyr wouldn't be there when she arrived. She knew within a year he would be leaving to return to the Vale and the holdfast of his father but that he would remain for Cat's wedding since they had all been so close growing up.

Yet for all of that, she had a feeling that their relationship would be different upon her return and for the life of her she didn't know why.

Her betrothal to Elbert Arryn hadn't been announced yet, though she knew her father was itching to. Cat's betrothal had been announced, Lysa's betrothal had been announced and now she was the last Tully daughter to be given away.

Yet she couldn't help but feel that there was so much time still. Things were happening so fast and it was beginning to dawn on her that before long she would share another man's life and bed.

Despite the fact that she liked Elbert and he was a step up from every other man that she had met, Lily couldn't help but get sweaty palms when she thought of walking towards him in a sept.

She swallowed hard and tightened her grip on the reins.

"Are you certain?" her uncle asked in a gentle voice. "It's alright to admit if you are not feeling as put together as you might like. There's been a lot of upheaval in the last few years. It's bound to wear on anyone."

Lily took a deep breath. "Yes there has but the assassination attempts on Elia have disappeared, she has produced two healthy children for the crown with hopefully more on the way, my sister will be married soon and I am going home for a while. We have experienced many good things."

"Aye we have," the Blackfish rumbled beside her. "So why do you look like someone has presented you with a raw fish to eat?"

Lily released a breathless laugh and gave her uncle a grim smile. "Maybe its because I feel like I'm waiting for something bad to happen."

He frowned at her. "What do you mean?"

Lily sighed again but this time it sounded as if it came from the pit of her stomach. "Maybe its because I'm used to a certain dynamic of relationships in the capital and now I am coming back to a climate I haven't been to in a while and I'm not sure what to expect."

Brynden frowned at her. "This is your family Lilian, you do not need to brace yourself around them."

Lily raised an eyebrow at her favorite uncle. "Correct me if I am wrong but isn't that what you do whenever you and father see each other?"

The Blackfish paused for a moment and rubbed the side of his face wryly as if he were thinking. "I suppose we do however my problems with your father don't have to be your problems as well."

"It's somewhat hard to overlook them," the red head replied. "The dynamic with my family has been off since I agreed to remain in the capital with Princess Elia and it has yet to be rectified."

Brynden Tully opened his mouth to reply but shut it abruptly when the sound of hooves met their ears.

"My lord!"

The pair of them looked up in time to see a rider approaching the head of the column. "My lord the towers of Riverrun have been sighted. Shall we unfurl the banners?"

"Do so Marys," the Blackfish replied with a sharp nod. "My brother should be aware that his daughter is returning home."

A short while later, the small party thundered into the courtyard of Riverrun to shouts and loud greetings from those gathered.

Lily caught a glimpse of her sisters and brothers standing on the steps leading into the great hall, just behind their father.

Next to Lysa stood Petyr and holding both of their hands was Axel who had sprouted up like a weed to the point of Lily reminding herself not to stare at him.

She felt sudden tears prick her eyes and blinked hard to will them away.

Two years didn't seem like a long time….but the evidence in front of her would suggest otherwise.

Just like Ed, Axel had auburn curls and sky blue eyes. They framed his fair skin perfectly but the most noticeable facet of his matured visage was his smile.

He's growing up so fast.

Next to Petyr and Lysa stood Cat, looking taller than ever. However it was the person beside her that caused Lily to do a subtle doubletake.

What in Merlin's name is Brandon Stark doing here?!

Of his coming, Lily had received no word and upon meeting his grey eyes, Lily swallowed hard and glanced away, remembering the last physical conversation they had had.

He had begged her not to judge him on account of what he had done and what he wanted, almost as if he was begging her to give him a chance.

But why?

She shook her head as if she had been stung and turned her back to them as she dismounted from her horse.

Whatever their conversations in the past had been, those words had been uttered behind the barrier of time and if there was one thing she did not intend to do on this visit, it was to bring them up.

Stark's arrival was going to be awkward and strange enough as it was.

"Brynden!" Hoster Tully barked striding forward to greet his brother. The two men embraced in what looked like a rib cracking hug and Lily grimaced a bit.

It was then that she realized that her brother was standing next to him, sporting a grin that would have made the Cheshire from Alice in Wonderland jealous.

Concerns over house guests momentarily forgotten, Lily suddenly found herself mirroring it. "Ed!"

He turned towards the sound of her voice and if it were possible, his smile became even bigger. "Lily!"

Abandoning all pretenses of the heir to Riverrun, he dropped his calm walk and all but flew towards her.

The two collided and Lily wasn't sure if she was laughing or crying. Her emotions mounted when her younger brother lifted her up and spun her around for a moment before setting her back on her feet.

"You're so tall!" was the only thing she could think to exclaim. "What have you been eating? You're as tall as I am!"

Edmure threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh, a sound that surprised and delighted Lily. "Everything I'm told to eat sister. It must be working for me."

It certainly had, though Ed was only a few years younger than her, he had sprouted up like a weed in the time she had been gone. He was no longer a lanky youth and had filled out some.


The pair looked up, their grins dimming somewhat when they saw their father looking at them. He had finished greeting Brynden and Lily saw that her other siblings were descending from the steps to greet her.

She had just let go of Ed when she was hit the side by the furious squealing bundle that was Axel.

"Lily!" he cried. "You're home!"

And then the tears came back.

"You must be eating what your brother is," she said in a thick voice as she bent down to give him a hug. "Are you riding your pony yet?"

"I'm teaching him how to mount and dismount," said a quiet voice in front of them and she looked up to see a tall slender, familiar teenager.

"Petyr," Lily said with a smile and his answering one was large. He gave her a sharp bow which she returned with a curtsy. "You're looking well."

"You too," he said with that same small smile that suddenly seemed appraising rather than welcoming.

Lily didn't have too much time to dwell on it however for she was suddenly knocked sideways again by another squealing sibling, this time it was Lysa.

When the younger girl had caught the arms of her older sister, she saw that there was a light in her eyes that hadn't been there before. "Lysa!"

"I am so happy to see you," the older girl chimed. She leaned over and whispered in Lily's ear. "If I have to sit with Cat through one more dress fitting I am going to throw myself into the river."

The younger red head snorted at that but had time for little more because all of a sudden, she was faced with her oldest sister and her betrothed.

"Lily," Cat said with a soft smile before stepping forward and folding the younger girl into her arms. It shocked Lily because she had never seen her sister display that sort of warmth with anyone and her embrace felt warm and familiar, somewhat like Minisa's.

She swallowed hard.

But then the moment was over and Cat was stepping back next to Brandon who Lily was doing her best not to look at.

Thankfully her father chose that moment to step forward and wrap his arms around her. "Welcome home daughter. Welcome home."


A small party was thrown that night in order to celebrate the homecoming, even though Lily protested.

Seeing as how the preparations had already been made for a feast however, the red head had no choice but to grit her teeth.

And so here it was that she found herself, sitting between Lysa and Ed at the high table while instruments played and wine was poured and enormous trays of food were brought out.

The hall was full of people all in the throes of eating and drinking and Lily knew that soon, the tables would be cleared for dancing and more merrymaking.

"All this for a homecoming?" the red head muttered under her breath. "It's a bit much isn't it?"

"I would agree with you," Ed whispered on her left, "but father is also throwing this feast in honor of Cat's betrothal."

"It's already been announced!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Lily glimpsed her younger brother roll his eyes towards their older sister who was sitting next to Brandon Stark not far away and practically beaming. "Father does like to make a show of things."

"Aye, of that we can agree," Lily muttered. Her eyes lingered on her sister for a moment before she glanced at Stark and narrowed her eyes. "When did he get here?"

"A few days ago," Ed replied and his tone turned somewhat less warm. "He came in with his northern retinue. Apparently he's going to spend some time here because father wants us to get to know him better."

Lily blinked. "Why would he want that? Cat will be going north it shouldn't matter what we think of him."

Ed sighed and shrugged. "I'm not going to pretend to understand anything that father does these days. I don't think it was a good idea."

Lily turned to him and then picked up her glass of wine so her mouth would be hidden behind it. "Do you have a specific reason as to why this isn't a good idea?"

Ed ran a hand through his messy curls. "Not exactly, but I don't think that he and Petyr like each other."

That caught her attention. "Why?"

Ed sighed again but this time it seemed more exasperated than before. "I can't be sure but I think its just because for so long, Petyr has been the only other boy here. I think he's a bit protective of all of us. Cat's the first to be married so it makes some sense that he's feeling off."

Lily narrowed her eyes at her sister's betrothed as she sipped her wine. She had a feeling that her brother might be a little off on Petyr's feelings.

But then, she was certain she was off on Petyr's mindset as well.

"How long is he supposed to be here for?" she hissed to her brother.

"A few weeks," came the reply. "I believe he had to conduct some business in the east and when father learned that, he pounced on the notion of him staying here. Stark of course agreed as a courtesy."

Lily snorted to herself. From what she remembered, the name Brandon Stark and courtesy didn't necessarily go together.

And speaking of things going together, her eyes narrowed when her sister got up from the table and departed to speak to one of the servants. She had been gone for no more than ten seconds before Stark himself got up from the table and came towards her.

She blinked and turned back to her brother but noted with dismay that he had gotten up to say something to their father and had left his seat.

Before she could figure out what Stark was doing, he was standing in front of her.

He smiled at her and she wanted to grind her teeth together. "Lady Lilian."

She nodded. "Lord Brandon. My congratulations on your engagement to my sister. When is the wedding to be?"

Some of the warmth in Stark's smile faded. "I don't know my lady. I leave that sort of arrangement up to our fathers."

Lily nodded and her hand unconsciously went to her throat where the arrow head pendent that Elbert had sent her was hanging.

Since it had arrived in the capital, she had rarely taken it off. It was such a decorative yet deadly piece that it had Lily wondering just how canny Elbert had been with her.

It was more than just a piece of jewelry. It could also be a weapon as if she had need of it.

Brandon's eyes dropped to her throat at the sudden movement and his gaze narrowed upon see the necklace.

"A most interesting pendent," he said. "May I ask where you received it my lady?"

She met his gaze levelly, not taking her hand from the arrowhead. "It was a gift from my betrothed."

At her usage of the word, his eyes narrowed even further. "I did not know you had been promised to someone."

"It hasn't been formally announced," Lily said calmly. "But the agreement has been put in place. I will wed Elbert Arryn in a few years."

"Well," he said slowly after a moment's hesitation. "Then this is a happy occasion indeed."

"It is."

Merlin could this be any more awkward?!

She was about to open her mouth and pretend that she needed to speak to someone but he beat her to it. "I was wondering if I might ask you for a dance lady Lilian."

Lily froze, mind and thoughts grinding to a halt before they took off at full speed. "I'm not sure that would be appropriate."

He cocked his head to one side as he looked at her in an annoyingly innocent manner. "Why not? We are not leaving the room and we are in full view of everyone, including your sister. Besides you are to be my new sister before long."

Then why do I get the feeling that something else is afoot here?

Lily glanced around the room, looking for anyone to save her, Petyr even, but the youth had disappeared somewhere. It seemed as if everyone in the hall was engaged in conversation with someone else even though the music was playing and people where partnering up to dance.

She glanced back at Brandon and saw that his smile was still there, his hand still waiting.

"Come now," he said easily. "It would be rude if I didn't dance and Catelyn is speaking to someone across the room so she can't."

Lily looked at his offered hand and made the mistake of looking up into his face. Bloody Merlin.

If it were possible, he was even more handsome than the last time she had seen him. He was dressed all in grey from his tunic to his boots and the silver effigy of the Stark wolf was pinned to the pocket of his shirt. His dark hair was tousled as if he had spent some time running his fingers through it before they had spoken and his grey eyes which she remembered all too well because of the pleading nature in them, had softened and looked almost silver in the light of the torches.

I'm going to regret this.

Carefully Lily looked around for Cat and saw her sister speaking quietly with Maester Vyman to one side of the hall. As if her sister sensed her gaze, she looked up, saw the two speaking to each other and smiled.

Lily barely restrained a grimace.

Against her better judgment, she slowly leaned forward and took his hand.

If she had looked up at him then, she might have seen how his smile widened. Instead, Lily was too busy looking at Cat, trying to convey her silent request.

Whatever out she might have been hoping to receive from her sister however didn't come for all Cat did was smile at her again when Brandon helped her down from the high table and onto the dance floor.

And then they were moving and Lily didn't have time to think about Cat's potential reaction as most of her concentration went into making sure she didn't trip on her own two feet.

Merlin, she hated dancing.

After a few moments of silence, Brandon broke it by stating in an amused voice: "why are you grimacing as if you're in pain?"

"In case it wasn't obvious my lord," she said between clenched teeth. "I am not the most graceful dancer."

"Why is that?"

Lily sighed. "Because I spent too much time ducking out from my lessons to go spar with my brother in the training grounds."

He chuckled a bit and the sound was a bit too pleasant for Lily's liking. "That reminds me of my own sister. My father simply can't seem to keep her in hand. I think the two of you would get along."

Siblings, yes that's a good idea.

"What was her name again?" Lily asked, doing her best to not look at her feet and feel as if at any second she might trip over her dress.

"Lyanna," he replied as the continued moving around each other to the rhythm of the music.

"I see," Lily said. "She's betrothed to Robert Baratheon isn't she?"

For a moment it seemed as if a shadow had passed over Brandon's face. "She is. They are to be wed before long as well."

Lily sensed that he didn't like the match but wisely kept her thoughts to herself.

The mention of Robert Baratheon however did make her wonder just how the heir to the Stormlands was making out. As far as she knew he was still in Eyrie with Ned and Elbert. She also wondered about the child he had fathered. They would have been born not long ago.

Boy or girl, I hope they are treated right.

She opened her mouth to ask another question about Lyanna, feeling the topic of family was safe but Brandon beat her to it. "How was your time in the capital my lady?"

Lily blinked, reminded that she needed to write a letter to Elia and let her know that she had arrived safely.

"It was different," she replied slowly.

Brandon cocked his head to one side in the way he usually did when he was about to ask a question. "Different how?"

Lily took a deep breath. "It is no vague notion to say that the political climate of the capital seems to be…breaking down. Navigating the nuances of the many people there vying for power proved to be…an interesting challenge."

"Gods but I hate politics," Brandon muttered. "I would never do well in the south."

Lily raised an eyebrow as she looked up at him. "I hate to break it to you my lord, but I'm certain your own lord father plays the game of politics. Isn't it true that marrying a southern lady for a northern lord is rare?"

His eyes narrowed slightly at her. "It is."

Lily nodded. "So your father had some political motive for your own marriage as did mine. You will be connected to the trident and I will be connected to the east. It seems to me we're all spiders throwing out our threads and waiting to see which wall they will take to before we can build a web."

"May we please not speak about marriage?" Brandon asked.

Lily stiffened slightly. "I didn't realize the subject was so abhorrent to you."

"It's not," he replied, "but have been hearing about my own marriage for years now and for once, I would like to talk about something else."

"Very well," Lily said briskly. "What would you like to talk about?"

"How is it that someone who finds the concept of dancing and ladylike pastimes as unappealing as you do, found herself serving the princess in the capital," he asked.

Lily smiled as she thought of her friend and the two new princesses. "I suppose it was because I was the first person to be honest with her. It's always a little nerve wracking being put in a new environment and so I comforted her when it seemed as if she needed it and ensured that she had a willing ear."

She didn't realize that Brandon was smiling at her until she had looked up. The music had changed from its up tempo beat into a slower song forcing the two of them to keep their eyes on each other more frequently.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Nothing," he replied. "It just suddenly strikes me that you seem to be a protector of sorts."

Lily snorted. "I wouldn't go that far."

"No? You ensure that the people you care about are safe and take pains to see to it that no one harms them. You nearly took my head off when you thought I was neglecting Cat."

"And I'll do it again if I feel you're not up to snuff," Lily shot back but to her surprise, there was little venom in the statement.

Brandon's answering smile even prompted one out of her. "I would expect nothing less. I suppose it's just surprising me because its usually the oldest ones who have the protective instincts, yet you seem to have inherited a lot of them. I wonder why that is."

Lily nearly grimaced, her mind suddenly filled with a flash of green light, the sound of splintering wood and a baby's shrieking cry. You don't want to know and I don't think you would believe me if I told you.

The pain of that memory must have shown on her face for Brandon frowned down at her. "Are you alright?"

Lily blinked and recovered quickly. "Yes. I suppose its something that my mother told me before she died. She told me that I was fearless and that she wanted me to stay that way. In order to live in this world, one needs to be strong. She told me that being strong means making hard decisions when there is no other way, being strong means putting your family first. But she also said being strong means that I needed to stand my ground because doing what's right rarely coincides with what is easy."

A long silence followed those words and Lily grimaced, wondering why on earth she had said that to him. She hadn't shared what her mother had said to her with anyone else, save her uncle.

Tentatively, Lily glanced up at the heir to Winterfell and was shocked to see that soft look had entered his grey eyes.

She swallowed hard and looked away, afraid of seeing anything else.

"That sounds like very good advice," he said in a soft tone and Lily took a deep breath.

"It was," she said forcing to herself to sound as if she had not just returned from the distant past. "And they are words I do my best to live by."

"Of that I have no doubt."

She glanced up again, almost as if by instinct and saw that the soft look was still there but it had been paired with some amusement as well.

It was a familiar look and Lily realized with a start that James had once looked at her in a similar manner.

For a moment she was stricken with the memory and blinked hard, hoping tears wouldn't spring to her eyes.

She was saved however for the music had died down and finally come to a blessed stop.

"There you are."

Lily looked up and nearly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Cat walking up to them. She glanced back at Brandon and then immediately stepped away from him. "Don't worry Cat, I ensured that you would have the last dance."

Her older sister laughed and it was a sound that was completely at ease. Her smile reached all the way to her eyes which for some reason made Lily feel guilty.

She knew she hadn't done anything wrong and yet a part of her felt as though she had trespassed on something that wasn't hers.

"Excellent," Cat said warmly. "I saw the two of you but I didn't want to interrupt."

Brandon chuckled but didn't take his eyes off Lily. "Forgive me Catelyn but I didn't have a dancing partner so when I saw Lilian sitting by herself I felt you wouldn't mind."

"Not at all," her older sister said with a smile. "Thank you for keeping Brandon occupied Lily."

If anything, Lily just felt even more uncomfortable and she knew she needed to get out of there now before the light from the candles caught her burning cheeks. "You're welcome."

She gave a short nod to her sister before any of that guilt could show. "I'm going to go and find Petyr. If anyone needs help with his dancing, it will be that boy."

Cat's soft laughter followed her as she made her way through the crowd.

Unbeknownst to her however, Brandon Stark was still watching her retreating form and silently making plans of his own.

Doing what's right, rarely coincides with what is easy.

He had been doing what was easy for too long. Though he hadn't seen Lilian Tully in quite a while, he had still thought about her sometimes. Her sharp tongue and honest words had been enough to disarm him in the capital and here it was her gentle personality and her insecurity for dancing that had resonated with him the most.

He watched her until she had disappeared through the crowd and then glanced down at his betrothed. A spark of guilt flared up when he thought of the possibility of not doing what he was told.

For as nice as Catelyn was, she certainly didn't deserve humiliation. But did he not deserve some measure of happiness as well?

Even as the music swelled again and the dancing resumed, his mind was already far away.


Don't forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel if you have not already. The channel name is Kaetic Mac, I really do appreciate it! The drama in Riverrun is going to become even thicker in the next few chapters, especially since we all know how well Brandon and Petyr got along in canon ;) But maybe, just maybe, it will be a different red head they will fight over this time. The tourney at Harrenhal is fast approaching as well and the filler years are now done. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to review!

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