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40% I'm Naruto's Brother With Tricks / Chapter 1: Reincarnation And Wishes

Chapter 1: Reincarnation And Wishes

I'm dead, yeah, I'm dead, thanks to a truck flying into my house.

Shit, man, my house is on the fifth floor. How did that truck get up there?

But anyway, I'm swimming in pitch black right now, I don't know how long I've been doing this, like time has no meaning here.

"Ahhhhh come on, how long am I going to stay here, huh? I want to go to heaven or hell, this place sucks!"

And at that moment, as if in response to my words, a white portal opened in front of me and sucked me in.

After I came out of the portal I found myself in a white void and in front of me was a being of both genders and while I was trying to understand what it was and which gender it was, the being spoke and its voice was of both genders.

It said, "Human, you died by mistake."

I said, "I already understood that you can't drive a truck to the fifth floor, obviously something is going on, by the way, what are you, God?"

The entity shook its head and said, "Something like that, let's not get into unnecessary conversations, I'm going to reincarnate you, you have three wishes, one for the world you're going to, the other two will be things that you will choose but I will determine."

"Wait, I am confused, how can this be, I will choose but you will determine?"

"Yes, for example, you can wish for a system, but I will decide which system it will be."

"Wait, if I died by mistake then why is my wish so random?"

"Because that's the way I want it, everyone always gets the most OP powers at the earliest time and it's boring, so from now on I'm going to leave things to chance, I even made a wheel for that." and a huge wheel appeared next to him and the being continued as I looked at him in amazement.

"Anyway, choose now, even if we have eternity, I don't want to wait that long."

"Hmmmm then as my first wish I want to be reincarnated into Naruto's world to be the same age as Naruto and the others."

"Your wish is granted, but it will be an AU," the being said.

I thought for a while and then I said, "Well, if these AU elements are not going to remove my wishes, can I find out what they are?"

The entity thought for a while and agreed and then a window appeared in front of me and the AU elements were written down.

1-Hinata and Hanabi are the same age.

2-There are other Uchiha who survived the Uchiha massacre besides Sasuke, some children and old people.

3-Uchiha Kiyomi appears as Sasuke's brother in this AU.

4-Elemental Nations has only 1 continent and more.

After reading these, I nodded and started thinking about my other wishes.

"I want a system for my second wish."

"Granted." said the entity and spun the wheel.

After a few minutes the wheel stopped and it said Template System.

"Congratulations, you have received a template system." said the entity.

I nodded happily because it was a very powerful system.

I thought about my third wish for a while and decided.

"I want an Essence for my third wish." I said and the being thought for a while and I was a bit worried and I was about to change my wish when the being spoke.

"Okay." and suddenly he spun the glowing wheel and changed the inscription on it.

After a few minutes the wheel stopped on the Blank Essence and hurray, this is really good, with this essence I can transcend the characters in the template and at the same time I have no limits, so I can be quite powerful in the future even if it's just this.

"Okay, now I'm going to reincarnate you," he said, but I stopped him.

"Wait, I have some questions." the entity looked at me and spoke.

"Okay, I'm listening to you, hurry up."

"First of all, how will your template work, so if I draw Sukuna, will I use my chakra to use her abilities or will I have the cursed energy and if I have the cursed energy, will I only be able to do what that character can do with the cursed energy or will I be able to use it myself as I want?"

"I will give you a special energy, whichever template you remove you will have access to the energy of the character in that template and after you reincarnate I will open your chakra but don't worry this will not hinder your progress and the template will have its own progression ability, even if you do nothing a template can be completed in 14 years." said the entity and I needed a few minutes to process the information.

After processing the information I asked another question.

"So which village will I be reborn in and will I belong to any clan?"

"Don't worry, I will reincarnate you in Konohada and yes you will belong to a clan, you will be a pure blood Uzumaki." he said with a grin.

It took me a few seconds to realize why he was grinning.

"Oh no damn it, if I'm pure blood I can't be Minaton's child, that means they'll send me to the root!" I shouted anxiously.

The being blinked a little and then spoke.

"Don't worry Hiruzeni, I'll make sure he introduces you as Naruto's brother."

After that I calmed down a little bit, but then I thought of something and I asked.

"If you can do such a thing, why don't you reincarnate me as an individual orphan?"

The being waved his hand and said, "Ahh come on, but then where would be the fun in that?"

I wanted to say something but at that moment a portal opened behind me and pulled me in and the being said something.

"By the way, as a pure blood Uzumaki you will have all Uzumaki abilities and I made you very handsome, don't worry." he said, grinning at the last part.

Then it went completely dark and I found myself surrounded by crying babies.

A man placed a blond-haired baby in the incubator next to me and turned to the people next to him and spoke.

"Tatsu Uzumaki and Naruto Uzumaki are brothers from today," he said and the others nodded.

Just then a screen appeared in front of me and it read.

[Congratulations you have won this template...]





Hello friends, please choose which template you want below.

1-Gojo Satoru (JJK)

2-Sirzechs Lucifer (DxD)

3-Dragon Sin Meliodan (7Ds)

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