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30.76% Give Up: Villain! / Chapter 4: Who Are You?

Chapter 4: Who Are You?




The loud air conditioner kept the room from silence. It kept singing another horrible, barely audible tune.

"Ugh..." I groaned in momentary pain.

Where am I again?

I looked down to see in front of me, a boy sitting in a chair with his left arm placed onto the brown table, holding up his face from dropping towards the ground.

This place had multiple chairs and desks laid out in a square pattern. It had a colorful carpet, and its color palette consisted of the rainbow, mixed in without a noticeable pattern.

The walls had a unique, smooth, light brown color. Some parts of the wall were even dark white.

While the roof had tiles that were filled with a bunch of black polka dots. 

This peaceful setting with only one person in this room, was interrupted with a door being forced open.

Then stormed in a bunch of kids, but only one of them was notable.

"Come play with us~!" 

Her sleek, platinum hair set her apart from the mob.

Her eyes were elegant.

Her gaze was kind,

It held such compassion…

It was so beautiful-

Who are you?

The little guy didn't reply to her remarks.

"Mmm~" she whimpered with an annoyed expression, "W-why don't you want to come... to the playground?"

Little droplets started to form at the corner of her eyes.

It looked majestic…

She was standing in front of a bunch of other kids, you could count at least thirteen.

They looked a little intimidating.

Her gaze quickly left my direction and shifted down, towards a little boy sitting on a blue chair in front of me. 

In this moment, he looked so-

So pitiful…

His hair was dyed jet-black,

His bangs fell to his nose, covering his eyes

I didn't like how pathetic he looked…

Who was he?

"Hey $%@%#$!" A guy behind her shouted at the boy.

Why couldn't I hear what he was saying? It just went silent but his mouth kept moving.

"She's asking you to play with us!" He sneered, "Don't you understand that this is once in a lifetime?"

He sounded so annoying…

A squeaky voice that was so punchable the moment you heard it. His high-pitched voice held such clear confidence.

Even if he looked like an obese person who has diabetes or something.

At least the dude sitting in the chair looked in shape, he looked better?

"Listen &$#@ was whining because she wanted to play with you!" Another guy started to complain too, he stood on the right side of the girl.

His speech was also silent for a moment too.

I looked towards where he was standing.

Get a load of this guy…

His poop-brown hair was just laughable.

"Now here you are being all too great for us! How are you going to let her sulk even though she went out of the way to talk to a guy like you!"

Seriously... why didn't I punch him?

Why didn't he punch him? 

I stood there watching as this whole scene was unveiled.

Why was this guy not doing anything? He just sat in the chair and looked towards the abyss.

His bangs dropped to where his gaze was looking.

This guy's eyes were seriously glued to the ground or something. His mouth increasingly turned into a firm frown.

"N-no…" The platinum-haired girl's voice turned meek, "It- It's fine, #$@!)$ doesn't look too well... We should just leave him for now."

The herd of boys' bloodthirsty gazes directed at the guy in his seat instantly vanished. Then they started to ogle at the girl about to burst into tears.

What the hell?

Are these kids possessed by her or something?

They followed her out the door one by one as she quickly left without a moment's glance.

They were finally gone.

Only the loud fan in the classroom could be heard again.


I turned my head back towards the noise made, it was made by the kid in the seat. The guy with black hair suddenly banged his head into the table in front of him.

Red blood started to run down his forehead to his chin. It started to drop onto the floor between his legs.

His black hair started to get tainted with the color red.

"Whew~" His breath began to become more ragged. His breaths in and out became increasingly longer as if he was trying to calm himself down or something.

My head started throbbing…

"Shut up!" he cried so loud that I'm pretty sure the people in the hallway outside the classroom, who just left moments ago could hear this outroar.

"Damn..." The voice turned back into whimpering.

"Just leave me alone…" A frown was still stamped onto his face.

"All I want is to @!$@%^&#%#&@!"

His voice became silent but his mouth kept moving.

Why couldn't I hear what he was saying? He was right next to me.

What is it that he wanted to do?

I wanted to know, to know who he was and what was he saying.

What is it that I wanted?-




The scene changed again.

I looked around, the atmosphere felt oddly familiar.

The water flowed down a river, you could hear the crashing waves as it collided with the rocks along the riverbank. It was a nice and peaceful melody.

The river reflected a glowing white but tainted yellow oval, it was increasingly becoming distorted with the water's movement.

It was nighttime already.

I turned my gaze from the right of me and looked ahead of me. I could see the same figure again.

It was the same guy as last time.

His hair started fluttering in the wind. I could see his stature approach me.

I started to analyze his figure.

His jet-black messy hair was the complete opposite color of his skin, which looked a little light, there was no tan and it looked as if he had never gone outside before, his skin wasn't dark in the slightest.

He was small, almost on the skinnier side, and he looked short.

The kid had on just a blank thin black shirt and brown shorts. It was horrible fashion.

The wind swept his bangs into the air and for the first time, I saw his face.

His face was quite impressive. He could be a kid model with that look. His face was nice and round, his jawline was chiseled and sharp.

The blood was dried out but was visible. He didn't even try to wipe it off from his face. And because of that, it had already dried on his skin, it was already the color maroon.

His eyebrows were honed but thick, it was more bushy, to say the least.

His face started to become blurry...

I tried to focus on him, but no matter what I did, it became blurrier.

The closer he walked in my direction, the harder it was to see his face.

I couldn't see his eyes anymore...

What color were his eyes?

His steps started to stagger, but he kept moving forward along the coastline. Where was this guy going?

"Hey!" A guy behind me started to shout.

The black-haired kid was caught off guard as his eyes quickly looked up in his direction, his gaze pierced straight through me, who standing in front of him.

I looked back to see another little boy who looked to be the same age as him. He too, had a cocky grin... as always. 

"What's with that boring look on your face!? Huh?" His voice held rage, "Do you think you can get away with what you just did?"

Feels like Déjà vu

"Shut up!" The black-haired boy was finally provoked he was gritting his teeth,

"You don't understand a thing! What gives you the right to comment and say whatever you want when you don't know a thing?!"

He kept huffing, he was already out of breath.

The brown-haired guy put on a pissed expression on his face, and he sprinted towards him.

But the other boy just stood there, his face was still blurry, but his figure started to slouch, he looked as if he was tired. 

The guy continuously rushed towards him and charged back his arm behind his body. 

"What right does it give you to just not do anything too?"

With his remark, his fist collided with the guy's face, who was standing still like an easy target.

The black-haired boy fell to the ground from the force of the punch.

His body laid flat on the ground, motionless.

I could feel the pain as if it was my own, my face began to throb again. This little kid's punch was not that strong!

Nevertheless, the person approached the limp body and perched ontop of him.

The boy continued to be beaten to a pulp.

His sporadic punches landed in different areas each time. Each punch landed in a new spot, from the face to the chest, from the chest to the arm.

Each hurt more than the last, and his body began to form large black and purple bruises from the abuse.

Blood started to flow out the back and front of his head but it was still covered by his bangs. It started to make the ground turn a different color.

"ARGH!" They both cried, one from the pain, and the other from satisfaction.

My entire body was aching, and each part of my muscles began to burn. The punches continue to shower onto the boy.

It was never going to stop!

I started to feel heavy. My vision was out of focus, it was hard to continue watching the scene.

The little boy who was getting beaten began to close his eyes, he wanted to cry.

But what were tears going to do if he couldn't defend himself? Tears didn't give strength, crying only made him weaker. Fighting made him become the weakest.

I wanted to cry... 

That other boy who was still throwing punches began to slow down, his breathing started to become crazier.

But his face looked more hurt than the guy who was getting beaten.

It hurt both of them...

My balance became wobbly and I started to slowly lose myself.

I went numb from head to toe.


My body went limp. I could feel the pain of cramping all over my body.

The violent sound of the punching and crackling bones began to become silent. The sounds of crying began to become more apparent.

Who was crying?

I couldn't tell. It all was just too much to handle. I'm just tired...

My eyes started to forcefully shut but this time I didn't resist, I gave up the thought of trying to know. But a lingering of emotions still swirled in my heart and my mind.

What am I giving up?

What is happening?

Where even was I?

What happens if I close my eyes again?

Where will I end up?

Did the fight end?

What happened to those two boys?

What situation was I even in?

Who was that?

Who was crying?

Why does my heart feel so heavy?

What was the point in me seeing all of this?




Continuous questions yet again began to flood my mind while my sight became progressively dark again.




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