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27.27% Hotd: Zombies!? I just got here... / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Pay up..

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - Pay up..


{Jeanette pov}



"Isaac!? Isaac i'm here sweet heart! Talk to me!" She yelled worryingly. It was all so sudden, at one point he was fine and dandy, then he just bolted to the bathroom like a bat out of hell.

"Answer me goddammit!" Continuing to bang on the door the sounds of him vomiting within were down right herendous.

Her breathing quickened as the worry inside herself worsening as the inside of the restroom grew completely silent, causing her adrenaline to spike. 'Fuck this!'

"Hraah!" With a swift kick the door was slammed open to reveal her nephew washing his face and looking her way in sheer surprise. Peering at the corner of his lips she could still see the tiny remnants of blood mixed with sink water remaining.

Running inside she placed her hands on the side of his head while her other hand felt over every part of his torso, both checking for any signs of internal damage or breakage. Yet...there was nothing.

"Jesus christ Isaac, I thought you were keeling over in here! When I tell you to respond, you answer! understand?" She admonished, her attitude switching to that of a military officer. Quickly earing a quick bewildered nod from the teen. "Y-yes ma'am! Sorry ma'am!"

Sighing in relief Jeanette immediately noticed in the midst of her actions she had inadvertently pinned her charge up against the wall to the point of pressing her body against his own.

Stepping away immediately she saw her nephew sporting a deep blush that almost brought a amused smile to form only for her to quickly force it down.

Still though, it was a relief to see he hadn't changed too much after all these years apart. Even despite having the looks to garner any woman's attention it was clear he lacked confidence to use it to his advantage even to this day.

She had even heard from his mother that the rascal even made friends with a girl from Tokonosu before returning this year for their first get together since the...incident.

Satisfied in her examination she stepped back outside to her respectable seat, her thoughts begining to wander to passed events.

Even to this very day she still regretted her actions...regardless of the circumstances.

It was the spark that caused her to limit her alcohol intake. Even participated in a support group...well...she did at first. In the midst of the year she had paid the administrators off to let her sit around till her required time with them was over.

But she truly wanted to improve, she just...wanted to do it in her own way.

She should be thankful he had defended her from his mother the day she informed her, despite her believing she didn't deserve it at the time. It was only through him that she was permitted to even look his way anymore.

It took a 3 years of completing many favors and changing her act to prove to Donna and her husband that she had changed. With great reluctance they allowed her to become his gaurdian again! And on the same day he would go on a vacationt to a beach side resort no less!~♡

To her dismay, the excitement she felt while driving to the airport was diminished by the sight of his parents waiting for her arrival in order to 'ease her burden' for the foreseeable future.

Regardless, coming face to face with her nephew brought back her cheerful spirit. What was once her innocent little wuss of a boy scout had transformed into a tall alert stereotypical bad boy.

A feeling of pride swelled inside her heart to see he had kept up with his training. It was more than evident to see through his tropical beach attire.

Briskly sitting back down she did so just in time for the two out of breath parents running from below the aircraft's cargo hold having been notified of the situation. The two had been more than making sure all their luggage was in order by the way their clothes being disheveled and the signs of love bites on Donna's neck could be seen.

Even her husband's fly was down! Haha~

The two overprotective parents looked to the restroom door's busted hinges only to see their child exit unharmed. Although Isaac looked a bit pale from the recent action of emptying his stomach contents he seemed to be in relatively healthy.

Gazing at her expecting an explanation she merely rolled her eyes at them all in turn for presuming all of the commotion was her doing.

Sure she kicked the door but that's it!

"Tch! What's that look for, huh?" She barked to the agent who in turn gave a disapproving glare behind their shades.



{Isaac pov}



You could cut the very tension within the air with a knife by how thick it was between his parents and aunt.

*Sigh~* "I'm alright! It was probably something tainted i ate at the airport. Aunty Jeanette was just checking on me. And zip up your pants old man we're about to land, jesus!!" Sitting back in his seat he watched them both blush in mortification and quickly walked off to ensure they looked presentable.

"Sorry about them..." rubbing his temples he only recieved a boisterous laugh from the ex-military operative.

"It not a big deal. Did you see their faces though? I haven't seen Donna so embarrassed since she whizzed herself in basic training!" He couldn't help but laugh along with the alcoholic, she seemed to have regained a tremendous amount of her vigor from the altercation.


~Private airstrip~


Stepping down the stairs of the plane he looked out towards the jungle beyond the private warehouse housing the plane from the heavy rain outside.

"This is some bullshit..." he scoffed watching just in time for a black sedan pull into the shelter. Rolling his suitcase towards the trunk of the vehicle he was met with suited agents who took it off his hands and led him inside onto the back seats.

No less than a minute after his instructor followed suit with a sour expression of her own.

Thankfully, his parents had gotten into a separate car.

It turned out those two planned to visit relatives in the nearby town. Well...the wealthier part of it anyway.

It took an hour of driving through wilderness alone just to get to the settlement itself. Throughout the drive the alcoholic herself kept pestering him with nonchalant banter of the good old days of his childhood.

While she did so he would occasionally respond to keep up the act that he was invested in the conversation as his true attention went to his system.


- [Status] -

[Name: Isaac Whitlock]

Age: 16

Race: Human -> Blacklight


[Job class: Evolved] - Level 1 (0%)]

HP: 1000 | (SP: ---- )


[Strength] - 10

[Endurance] - ♾️

[Vitality] - 10

[Agility] - 10

[Intelligence] - 10


- {Stat points: 0} -


(HP = 100x/VIT)


- [Inventory]

- [I.D dungeon]


◇ Skill index ◇

▪︎ [Blacklight: Consume (Active) - Lvl.MAX]

▪︎[Blacklight: Regeneration (Active) - Lvl.1/10 (0%)] (Tier: Low-mid) (A/N: search on Vsbattles.fandom To find the regen levels.) (1 hp/per second)

▪︎ [Blacklight: Viral sonar (Active) - Lvl.1/10 (0%)] [Range: 100 meters]

▪︎ [Skill: Observe (Active) - Lvl 1/100 (0%)]


Peering over his stats he wasn't surprised to see them at such a mediocre number. Despite being trained for a portion of his life even he wasn't delusional enough to expect his body to be at its peak from such repetitive activity. With blacklight however...he most certainly could and more...

'Even the stamina bar can't be calculated, makes sense. In both the lore and game of prototype Alex and James heller never experienced or suffered fatigue due to their new biology.'

Closing his eyes he thought over more carefully of what to do once the island went to shit. Should he follow the other immune off the island or find his own way? Obviously he would help Jeanette survive, but his parents were another story.

The richer part of town was already in shambles by the time the infection was in full swing. The town hall itself had barely been considered a safe haven by the playable characters and their assumptions were proven correct when it's doors were breached no sooner after they left.

So much... to consider...


Feeling someone shake him gently awake he opened his eyes to see that he had fallen asleep while so engrossed in his inner turmoil. Gazing out the window the car had seemed to parked by a gas station that was all too familiar to the boy.

'Smack petrol...'

One of two gas stations between them and destination. If he recalled, there were two side mission in the game to turn on one of the stations power or help a couple survivors kill a group of infected barricaded deeper inside the building.

Seeing the lighthouse far above a towering hill far in the horizon confirmed as much.

"C'mon, let's stop here for a bit. My ass is killing me..." Jeanette groaned, opening her driver's seat door she step outside to stretch her sore joints. "From here on out, you're driving..."

Staring at his gaurdian he could only roll his eyes at her behavior. Despite having the training and scarring experiences of a soldier she still possessed such a unburdened and carefree personality.

Or...perhaps it's a defense mechanism?

Regardless he followed suit after her as she made her way inside the stations miniature convenient store. Her choices were...excessive. Chips, a six pack of canned beer, a handful of candy bars and a.... hot dog...

"Please~ tell me that's for the both of us.." Isaac scrutinized with a raised brow. Looking back to face him she smirked devilishly and stuck out her tongue. "Hey, I'm allowed to treat myself! We're on vacation!"

Without skipping a beat she stuffed a portion of the hot dog into her mouth and dug in as she made her way back to the car. Walking to the cashier he pulled out his wallet to pay for her calorie filled meal. "Sorry about her, you got a bathroom in this place?" The cashier merely pointed a thumb to the back, not even bothering to look away from his phone. "In the back...lock is good luck with that." The modernized Melanesian spoke back uncaringly in their thick native accent.

Not bothering to retort he weaved through the ailes until he found it and closed the door behind him only to feel the need to hold his breath after seeing the horrid sight that was the toilet bowl. Clearly it had long since clogged up with...with....he didn't want to know anymore.

He very much doubted the employee would ever bother to clean even after they go...

"Fuck!" *cough*

Quickly exiting the room to get away from foul sight he looked to the women's room and back to the still vacant shopping area. "Fuck it..." with a deep breath he entered the other latrine to see it was in far better condition. It actually cleaner to a certain extent.

"Oh, thank god...salvation." Closing the door he briskly walked to the toilet and unzipped his pants to relieve his bloated blaster.

"Aaaaah~ yeah, that's ni- holy shit!" Snapping out of his relaxation he stared gobsmacked at his freely dangling dick to see it had undergone changes of its own. What was once his modest 4 inch tool had now grown to be 6 inches. Even while it was flaccid it was thick and burly in appearance.

But out of curiosity...

*whistle~* "Has to be close to 11 inches... is it supposed to look that intimidating..."

Flushing the toilet he was about to redress when a chill ran down his back just in time to hear the bathroom door open for a young black woman, who looked to be a few years his senior, to barge inside. Upon witnessing him with his pants 'literally' down the woman could only stare in disbelief and embarrassment as her eyes drifted to his crotch.

To his unease the girl's face morphed into a sultry smile as she retrieved her phone and flashed a pic. Drawing closer she let out a flirtatious chuckle and presented the picture to the dumbstruck teen.

"Pay up white boy~ unless you want me to scream."



A/N: i'm unsure what the natives of banoi are called. The game said the islands are near papua new guinea. I looked online and found that those on the various islands are commonly called Papuans or Melanesians. But I'm still unsure...

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