Just as they finished chatting, they reached the camp of the Araknis Kingdom's troops, where millions of soldiers were stationed.
Aengus commanded the Wyvern to land, but suddenly, a volley of deadly arrows was fired at them from the troops below.
The arrows didn't come close to reaching the Wyvern, stopped mid-air by an invisible force controlled by Aengus.
They landed without issue, drawing the attention of the surrounding troops.
"Hey, who are you? What business do you have here?" a burly-looking man asked, smoke curling from the cigar in his hand.
As soon as Aengus and Aria dismounted, several weapons were aimed at them.
Aengus wasn't offended by the guards' caution, understanding it was their duty. He replied calmly, "We're here to join the war, soldiers. Be at ease, we know General Leon. Can you show me the way to him, Captain Bill?" He addressed the Burly man, acting natural.
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