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69.23% The Summoner Of Pokemon / Chapter 9: DRAGON TAMER PART: 4


Chapter Nine:

Andromeda's Angels Part Two

World Of The Drowned

It was chaos for Holland. The connection between Runi was faint and he could not feel Goomy within his hood. His senses were being thrown around and then forcibly stopped, all to just repeat it again.

Water, pain, then darkness and silence.

It was everything and nothing, until her voice spoke once more. Amidst the chaos, her voice sliced through like a clear cut. Even with all that's happening around, it still managed to perfectly enter his ears.

"Dragon Tamer, you are hereby arrested and will be taken to the council. Any more resistance and we will be forced to take necessary measures."

It was hard to think, but Holland could understand it, barely. He wanted to ask, why? But all that came out was a gurgle and the sound of his lungs filling with water. This wasn't how Officer Jenny did it, this was rather brutal if he thought about it.

However, that struck a fire in him. He was transported here and now subjected to these unknown fights all to just be arrested. He tried to furrow his brow, something clicked and that same burning desire he felt during the Kalos League coursed through him.

As if he's gonna let them have their way.

'Runi..' he desperately called for his friend. He could feel the faintest sign of him. His power still intertwined with his. 'Runi, I need you!'


A hum seeped through his mind, bringing clarity to the storm brewing around him. There he was, his partner. They need to get out of here.


The floating sword shuttered at the sphere of water engulfing his master. His blade shone with a bright light, ready to cut that sphere open when another clashed with his own. It was that imbecile.

And he called himself a knight.

Aegislah scoffed, although he should refer to himself as the master called him. However, it was rather degrading of his pride.

The fool named Orion began to glow and the sword pokemon met him head on. Their blades clashed and it reminded the pokemon of the times before. The man seemed to harden at his defenses, coming forth with a volley of strikes.

Each one, Sebas (Aegislash) easily blocked. This angered the person more as he slowed his movement and presumed an attacking stance. There was a power surrounding him and Sebas' eye frowned at that.

"Imperial Knight's Slash!"

His voice was full of vigor, wrath, and a sense for retribution. It was funny, but foolish. This attack, although using a special sort of energy, is in truth, physical. From his examination, it seemed only to enhance the sword.

So, to Orion's surprise once more, Sebas stepped through. A phantom sword. Aegislash was like a curtain whose fabric swayed at the wind of Orion's blade.

"How are you doing that, you stupid piece of scrap!" Aegislash was deeply appalled, a knight with no code of etiquette whatsoever. It reminded him of an individual his master fought once before.

The blade of Sebas glowed brightly as he made his charge. Orion braced himself.

'Fury Cutter.'

Expecting an attack, Orion was spooked as the sword entered his very being and exited onto the other side. Frozen at the peculiar feeling, Sebas made his move. Once strike, two strikes, and three.

Sebas was furious at how this knight hurt his master. Fortunately, he had a sword with him and this sword would vow to bring his end.

"That's it! Andromeda said we shouldn't hold back, so why have I?" an unnatural glow surrounded Orion and his body began to bulge with the added muscle. Sebas raised the corner of his eye, in anticipation.


Again with those words, Sebas was getting tired—

"...Slash Of A Thousand Knights!"

Sebas wondered why he stopped, but he couldn't finish that thought as a sword materialized to his side and attacked. Sebas sighed internally as he could not just pass through it.

Blocking the attack, another one soon came, followed by another and another until hundreds of swords came for him. His blade shuttered at the near instant barrage of attacks. This time, Sebas was shocked. He moved as fast as he could, to block and dodge the incoming attacks.

Orion on the other hand was still, Sebas wondered what he was planning. Seeing as each blade that followed grew stronger, Sebas retreated back and entered the shadows. Disappearing, his form turned into wisps of darkness as he entered the cracks within the rocky face of the canyon.

However, that didn't stop the barrage. Each invisible sword struck the foundation of the canyons, ready to bring down the stone monument at any moment. As the rocks fell down in a rain of earth and stone, Sebas continued to surf through the shadows.

Making his way deeper, to a crevice even the unseen swords couldn't reach at the moment. He stopped and unsheathed himself with his shield to his side. Just like before, Sebas' body glowed with a familiar power. His body moved as if to tell a story of a fallen knight. The knight's sword engulfed and cast him in a cloak of power.

'Swords Dance'

He cried internally. His power began to increase while the rumbling around him grew stronger. The unseen swords were nearing the edge of the corner he situated himself in, yet Sebas continued to dance. Uncaring of he world around him, he let himself drown in the feeling of his story.

The blades arrived with a loud whoosh that split open the cavern allowing light to bathe the sword pokemon. The blades aimed for him flew through the cracks and Sebas dodged each one. His one eye released a joyful expression as he successfully danced five rounds.

The swords were invisible only leaving wisps of energy at their wake. Nevertheless, Sebas could feel their trajectory. He dodged again and clashed with the blade head on. The force alone caused the blade to shudder. The others that surrounded him continued to attack regardless, and Sebas met them one by one.

With every strike the unseen blades shuddered out of existence. Sebas made his way out of the darkness of the caverns and into the open, where Orion waited for him. Sebas wondered, as a ghost type he was not easily flustered. However, at this moment he could feel another spirit about to emerge within Orion.

Sebas readied for the barrage of swords, but it didn't come. He looked towards the knight and his blade shook for a brief moment. The knight in front of him was overcome with a drive for victory, enough to sell his soul.

"Imperial Spirit Of The Holy Knight"

Sebas could feel the power of the spirit within him. It seeped through his body and merged within him. The blades have finally retreated, but it felt like a tsunami. The wave retreated just to come back as something bigger. Sebas braced himself.

"Imperial Slash Of The Thousandth Knight!"

Sebas morphed to his shield form. He braced himself as a wall of protection formed around him. The glint of Orion's sword met him straight to his core.

'King's Shield'

With the power of the knights, Orion's sword met his shield and the attack resulted in a resounding flash of light and dust. The steel that made up Sebas' form shook with the power. His shield was barely holding it. This move wasn't as powerful as before!

Once the light decreased, Sebas saw the figure of Orion. He was cloaked in an aura of power. The same power Sebas could feel from a knight that has transcended through the stars. Sebas flew back, he needed to finish this.

Orion followed him and was slowly catching up. Sebas' body glowed with a shine of freshly dunked steel. His speed rose dramatically as he widened the gap between him and the power-driven warrior. He needed to be as fast as possible for this to work. He kept repeating the move in his head, widening the gap between them even more.


Gaining the distance, Sebas could no longer enhance his speed and stopped. He faced the incoming warrior and unsheathed his blade. He felt the power of the knights and did one last dance.

Orion's eyes were glazed over, all he could see was a victory that grew higher and higher to reach. His mouth twitched and his eyes steeled like his blade. The spirit of Orion was within him, he will not lose to some floating sword.

As he grew nearer, Sebas finished his dance. Orion jumped and swung down his sword.

Sebas could feel his blade come upon like an executioner, but he did not stop. Feeling the line between their shadows, the darkness that connected them, Sebas disappeared. Orion's face remained unchanged as he felt the slight surge of darkness within him. Within less than a second, Sebas was behind him.

'Shadow Sneak'

Sebas' blade shined with a glint of an absolute swing. He glowed as he prepared himself to strike. It was a brief moment, a place of frozen time between seconds where the two foes looked at each other. One about to strike and the other staring deeply. Sebas did not care as he swung, resuming time for both of them.

'Sacred Sword'

Sebas swung, but something was off. He could feel it, a slight sensation deep within his soul. All of a sudden, the deep stare that Orion gave him, turned into that of a wicked grin. Just as Sebas' blade was inches away from contact, Orion's sword struck his side from an unseen point. There was only one second before Sebas was sent flying into the rocky face.

Sebas' blade shuddered at the impact, too fast for him to react. Orion on the other hand, looked victorious. Sebas looked at the power driven knight and grimaced with his eyes. Orion only laughed harder.

"To think that a wretched sword without a wielder would have even a smidgen of hope that he could defeat me?" Orion sent his hand to his chest. The light that surrounded him grew brighter. "I am a Celestial Angel of the Heavenly Spheres. I am no match for a rusted piece of metal like you!"

"But to think…" Orion's face changed. His look now grew calculating. That alone sent a slight tick to Sebas. "...that a sword possessed by some unknown life could be so strong. You are wasted with that Dragon Tamer."

Orion raised his hands to the fallen sword pokemon.

"Join me, and become my trusted sword."

There was silence as Sebas gathered the shadows around him. If he had a mouth, he would've laughed. He only had one master, and as his sword, he will defeat this monstrosity.

Orion sensed the denial, his face grew dark. "What a shame, it's for you—"

Before he could say his words, Sebas disappeared. Orion clicked his tongue.

"The same old trick again?"

With 'Shadow Sneak' Sebas appeared to his side, escaping from his shadow. Just as he expected, Orion's blade was there to meet him. But unlike the Knight's expectation, Sebas did not meet his blade. Instead he jumped, and entered his body.

"Not this again!" Orion's voice cracked as he felt his body shudder at the intruder's presence. But to his surprise again, Sebas did not escape. The ghost pokemon's shadow engulfed him.

"Get out!"

But it was no use, the pokemon wouldn't budge. The effect of Orion's last spell was still active. The spirit of the holy knight was within him, but that same spirit was seething. Like a person caught within an open wire, the spirit inside Orion screamed and shouted.

"Aarrrrggghhh" Orion screamed as well, feeling the unknown presence spread across his body. "What is this…."

He could feel it. A shadow of darkness seeping through his body, cornering the holy spirit within him. The shadow grew bigger and bigger until it compressed itself into a sphere. Orion's eyes widened.

"Noo!" Orion's words were left to no ear as Sebas activated his move.

'Shadow Ball'

The sphere of spectral shadow was sent inside him, exploding in a burst of ghost energy. Orion convulsed and shook, his muscles bulged with the unknown energy. Orion's eyes grew white as a foam of bubbles escaped his mouth. His golden chest plate broke off entirely, revealing a golden tattoo marked to his right chest. The golden tattoo's light faltered for a brief second and Orion collapsed.

Sebas escaped his body and watched his handy work. The spirit that was connected to him was strong. But with the added bonus of his moves, he managed to temporarily demolish their connection. Sebas moved closer when a loud rumble was sent through the area.


Sebas flew to the sphere of water only for it to explode in a sea of lightning and thunder. A hysterical scream filled the air as the sphere rained down upon the canyons, creating a miniature river within the lower levels. Sebas looked closer and the figure of his master was there.

He quickened his pace.


Holland called forth the threads that bound him and Runi. Amidst the chaos, he could still feel it. His outer powers were drained the same with Runi, only a single wisp emanating from him. Goomy was still there, after a bit of searching he could sense the dragon Pokemon holding on for dear life.

Holland wondered how this could've happened. He just wanted to go home and celebrate his success with his family. But now, he was forced to battle left and right with them wanting to arrest him.

He disagreed otherwise.

He was currently swimming in endless water. It was juggling him around, trapping him and entering his body to keep him from opening his mouth. Even if he still had his powers, they would immediately be dispersed by the gushing waves. The only way to escape would be a thought that irked Holland.

They were right, that skill would come in handy right now. Unfortunately, Holland failed to learn it, something he would rather keep hidden from the other psychics including the consequences it foretold.

'Runi…' He called out.

'Mmmmuuuuuuurrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh' There it was, the familiar hum of the pokemon that kept him together. It was weak, but Holland knew not to judge him for that otherwise.

Holland didn't need to speak further as his trusted partner already knew his plan. If Holland could move his face muscles anymore, he would've smiled. He settled with a slight mental nod instead hoping Runi would understand, he did of course.

This woman was strong, Holland decided he had to steadily wear her down if he wanted a chance of escape.

"What is it, Dragon Tamer?" The voice spoke once more, clear amongst the chaos. "Finally decided to surrender under the immense pressure?"

"You are awfully quiet. Of course you wouldn't be able to speak, but you seem accepting. Rolling with the waves if I were to say." Her crystal voice spoke with a quiet droll. "You know, since mistress won't be able to hear, I've been thinking of you for a while. Who are you truly Dragon Tamer? If only I could access Spirit then I would just find out for myself."

The woman's voice grew a bit lazy. The water around Holland slowed in its chaos, now moving in a more subdued dance. However, Holland's sense of direction was still skewed. The voice was everywhere and he'd been spinning for so long that any sense of up and down was long gone.

"But still, I can't help but let my curiosity get the better of me."

Those words were an indisputable command, like the roar of the mighty Kyogre. With that, the water stopped abruptly and Holland's senses were finally laid to rest. His vision was blurred but at least he stopped spinning. Chaos was now stillness and he found himself at the center, floating in a seemingly endless space with a seemingly encompassing being eyeing him from all directions. It was, in his opinion, worse than before.

He blinked his eyes, finding that action quite cumbersome. His vision slowly returned, and with that, a nearing figure soon made her presence known to him. The water reacted to this being's presence, as if to greet her like some queen, or maybe, goddess?

Holland's vision was still a blur, but from his limited sight, he could still make out her basic shape. Rather short, with hands that swayed beside her. Her head was faced directly towards him, posed as if she was diving down to meet him. There was darkness, with the only light coming from the spot where the woman's body entered.

The light shot through the water, highlighting the woman's form and the fitting fabric that hugged her body. Her face and chest were shadowed however and from Holland's limited vision, the tiny details of the woman were mainly blurs and a mix of many shades of blue and violet that neared black.

"Who are you…" Holland was surprised that his words were uttered. He was further surprised that he could breath. Wait, could he? It felt like the water was still trying to suffocate him.

"Huhu, don't worry too much about your lungs. I've made it so you can survive, for now. And about your question, we are the ones sent to retrieve you. So I suggest you don't make a fuss." She turned her head to the side and then met his gaze. "That thing you summoned is holding his own surprisingly well with Orion."

"Sebas…" Holland then remembered his Aegislash. If there was anyone else that Holland could depend on it would be him. The pokemon's loyalty was enough to make him go to the extreme, even almost sacrificing his second life. It was disturbing at times but helpful in important situations.

"Is that what that thing is?" The woman's voice turned curious. She turned her head once more as if to examine him, but to Holland's blurry eyes, all he could make out was an endless expanse of water. "A weird name for a summon. Is it some ancient language meaning sword?"

"N-no…it's his nickname." Holland stuttered. He could "breathe" but the pressure in his lungs every time he talked was unbearable. But he had to talk to her, for just a little more.

"Nickname?" Holland couldn't see her face clearly, but he could somewhat guess her questioning gaze. "It's pretty rare for a summoner to name his summons. You must be in tune with it if that's the case."

"Sure…" Holland had no idea what the woman was talking about. Summons? Is that what they called a pokemon? It was weird, just like how he was breathing but also suffocating at the same time.

"Anyways, back to the real question." She crossed the gap between him, allowing Holland to make out a bit of her features. She was young, around the same age as him. With glowing blue eyes and black hair cut in a bob. "Where's your Dragon?"

Holland's eyes widened, "Is that why you keep calling me a Dragon Tamer?"

"Don't try to fool me Tamer." The woman tilted her head. "I can crush you to a pulp without lifting a finger. So tell me where's your Dragon?" With every word the woman said, the pressure within Holland's lungs increased and he wanted to scream but that alone felt painful.

"I t-thought y-you w-were ssup-pose to show me to that council. It would be weird if you brought them a corpse wouldn't it?" Holland forced the words out as his hands scratched at his chest.

"Clever one aren't you." The woman backed away a few inches and the pressure went away. Holland wanted to sigh but he kept himself composed to the best of his abilities. "But still, you're in my world now. So don't test me."

The woman raised her hands and the pressure to his legs hardened and Holland screamed, well as much as he could, given that the water was now trying to suffocate him more. It felt like a stack of bricks being chucked at his legs, he could've sworn a bone cracked at the pressure.

"So let me reiterate this. Where. Is. Your. Dragon." Her voice emphasized each word and at the last the pressure to Holland's legs went up by ten times before roughly fading away. "A Dragon Tamer usually has his Dragons at his side. If not, then it must have been hidden. So show me."

"It's just my power, I don't have a Dragon!" Holland quickly let out the words as each utterance of his mouth felt like a punch to his throat. He wouldn't let that woman take away Goomy again, not by a long shot.

The woman laughed.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" The woman raised her hands and Runi appeared to her side. "Dragon Magic is too volatile for a mere human to control at its rawest form. To combat that, a real Dragon must be there to mitigate the risk. If you don't speak now, I'll crush this….thing here" Runi's eyes were closed and Holland felt the waves emanating from him. Just a little more.

"Gooommm" Holland's mouth gurgled. He tried to push the dragon back to his hood when a force placed his arm back.

"Now what do we have here? Another summon? You must be really powerful…" The woman grabbed the little dragon and clutched it in her arms when a breath of purple flames engulfed her hands.

The flame was quickly put out but the woman shrieked. She looked at her hand and into the pokemon at Holland's hood.

"That's…" Before the woman could do anything, Holland ordered Runi and the pokemon glowed. "What the…stop that!"

The woman waved her hands when all of a sudden she screamed. Holland tapped into the connection between them. He needed Runi's support for this if he wanted to pull this off. Holland spread out the last of his energy and let Runi engulf it. Opening his eyes, the Pokemon Champion set his gaze upon the flustered woman with only one word uttering his mouth.


The woman clasped her head. Holland ordered Runi to give it his all, enough to weaken her mind for a single second. The Pokemon Champion's eye watched it all happen. From his point of view there was a pale, red haze that covered the woman's head. He waited until a gap of light, a small glint entered his vision. Calling forth Runi's help, he summoned his Psychic powers, or what's left of it, and entered the woman's mind.

From what his teacher's told him, entering one's mind is like entering a house. It's nothing if you open the door, but burst through it, and with enough force, then you can shake its foundations. Unfortunately, with the power he has and the possible training this person had, his move was enough to only send her into a slight shock.

Holland used this opportunity to send her back, although only a few meters. He gathered his bearings and Runi and floated towards him. The pokemon was charging his energy with 'Recover' and now he had enough power to send them out of here. The pokemon's power enveloped Holland along with Goomy and sent them upwards. Unfortunately, the woman recovered from her shock.

"Why you little pest!" The woman's voice was no longer pristine. It was a shriek that cut through the water in jagged edges.

The suffocating feeling returned to Holland's lungs and his vision grew blurry. The woman behind him hastened her pace and swam towards them. Holland and his pokemon faced this deadly siren and Runi's eyes shimmered and sent a blinding glint to the woman.

"What was that?" The woman blinked her eyes when a force pushed her back. "You gotta do better than that!"

The woman resisted the force and waved her hands. The pressure around Holland's legs returned and he flailed around. Runi decided to take action and sent another 'Confusion' causing the woman to scream once more.

"That's it! Time to drown you little pest!" She raised her one hand forward, while her other supported her head, and summoned a ball of pressurized water.

Holland and Runi waited. The pokemon champion closed his eyes as the pain that surrounded him was too much. Just a little more!

"Say goodbye—" Before the woman could finish her sentence, the entire world was engulfed in an ear piercing scream. The water around them shook and bubbled as the woman grasped her head. Tears fell down her eyes as she kept screaming and screaming.

'Future Sight'

With the added effect weakening her with Confusion, the moves effect would be incredibly high. Holland forced himself to bear the pain as he ordered one last move.

"Thunder!" Even if his voice was muddy, the woman still heard it through the pain and water. She wanted to ask him what, when a surge of electricity entered her body.

The pain inside her doubled and it was as if her entire being, both mind and body, were fried. Every joint in her skeleton twitched and bent while her mind was barely registering anything else but absolute torture. The expanse of water around Holland disappeared and the two fell to the familiar rocky bottom. The last remnant of water fell down like rain drops and Holland greeted the sweet feeling of air entering his lungs.

Fortunately, Runi was there to catch him. The woman fell to the darkness of the cavern, her piercing cries disappearing as she made her way deeper.

Runi's powers sent them upwards and into a rocky cliff where Sebas came to greet them.

'Master!' The pokemon greeted them telepathically and Holland smiled.

'Are you ok?' Holland set his glance upon the sword pokemon, his eyes landing upon a slight dent in his blade.

'I'm fine Master, and do not fret over the dent, I will mend it later. I have successfully taken down that horrible knight.' Holland smiled within gasps for air as the pokemon with him, Goomy and Runi, dropped to the ground. The latter stopped himself just a few inches above and decided to just hover gently.

Holland looked up to the sky and saw the barrier that surrounded him flicker and disappear. Holland wanted to laugh but his lungs and throat wouldn't let him. He was drenched with water and his lungs were burning. But first, they needed to get out of here.

"Do you still have enough energy, Runi?" Holland asked in between gasps.

The pokemon gave him an affirmative hum. Holland wanted to hug him right now, but it wasn't the time. His partner and him really needed to sleep for two days after this.

"Then let's get out of here." Runi opened his eyes and floated up high. Holland scooped up Goomy from the ground, who was pretty much struggling to stay awake. Holland wondered what Bel would think after this.

Sebas stood to his side as he kept himself up with his arms.

'Master your legs!' Holland was too tired to reply, only giving him a nod. That woman pretty much took away his ability to walk at the moment, but that doesn't matter, all that matters now is for them to teleport out of here.

"Do it, Runi!"

The psychic pokemon glowed and was about to activate his move when a flash of light entered his peripheral vision. There was no time to react, all Holland could see after was darkness, complete and utter darkness.

FloatingLanturn FloatingLanturn

Second to the last for this arc.

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