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94.44% Valhalla in HOTD / Chapter 47: kepa and Muna

Chapter 47: kepa and Muna

AN: disappearing into the sky's after putting house celtigar to the sword, Rhaena finds she can't hold out. Falling into a sleep that will change her outlook.


Dragonstone, the narrow sea, 130 AC


The talk my betrothed and I needed to have seems destined to wait forever. For after pulling lord celtigars ribs out like wings, the man screams the final cry of pain and desperation. A true call of the horror he faced.

I myself was in too much shock at the brutality of it all to stop Arthur when morgoth landed beside the cannibal and the black dragons took to the sky. Both letting out their roars to show their dominion.

By the time I had broken from my stupor only my family remained. The only one who seemed truly affected was my cousin jace. For im sure every other member of my family has heard about it. While I'm sad for him, I don't have time to worry about his state of mind. For my own is spiraling.

I get to my chambers before I even register the shadows behind me.

(Why do the two of you follow me?)

Hawk responds instantly, (you're the lady of Sparta princess. Should something happen I fear for what my fate is.) he said honestly with recluse just nodding. I don't actually think I've ever heard his voice. Odd. A mute maybe?

But I appreciate Arthur telling them to do this.

Even if I'm angry at him right now. Does he not know there are consequences to ending houses?

That isn't something one just does. And my husband to be did it with a coldness that shows his stark heritage more so than frost ever could.

I feel linked to him. How could I not? My first memories were of that dream. Of us flying in the sky.

Had we been destined since our births? Even 200 years apart? Such things were crazy for me to consider. But I found myself doing it.

Since our gazes had locked on the beach of Sparta, I've felt this connection grow stronger. The need to be beside him increased every day. I found myself doing everything with him.

All culminating in our walk down the red river each night. Where we would look at the stars and steal kisses

But since he woke from the dragon dream I see the man Jaenyx Valhalla wanted to raise. And such a thing disgusts me.

Arthur is better than the man could ever be. So what had scared him so badly? Because I saw the face he made when first stirring. I myself was touching our foreheads together.

He looked like he needed to open his eyes to escape whatever hell he was in. And the relief at seeing my face had worried me all the more.

My thoughts remain a whirlwind as frost and I snuggle under the blanket.

I slowly drift to sleep with one thought on my mind. 'If anyone can hear me. Arthur needs me and I don't know how to help. Please. Help me help him.'


Sparta, Windsor castle, 130AC


Seeing the new guests of Sparta was a fun experience. Especially when the little children saw my family and the giants.

So Intrugued they were at everything they saw. Something their mother looked so relieved at. Her once dead appearance has slowly comeback the week she's been here. Good.

I move through the red river bank towards my home.

In truth Arthur giving us a place of our own with explicit rules that nobody is to bother us only endeared him more to my family and I. Such a thing was so much more appreciated thsn he himself knew. This is why everyone on Sparta can now get to the keep.

For while not done with the real bridge yet, we made a earthen one that looks just as fine.

We also used Arthur's blood to set runes around the entire island. 'Protect, reveal,eliminate'

A simple and deadly curse. One that would cause extremely deadly sickness (an:Flu) and kill the persons with bad intentions within days.

And lastly the people have finished the docks. Something they cheered and danced about. So excited about the lord seeing such a thing be accomplished.

I reach my home and start to communicate with he gods when they show me something i haven't seen since Brandon.' Damn it Arthur. Could you and he be anymore alike?'

What I'm shown is the tattoo forming on lady Rhaenas left wrist. A swirling dragon eating its own tail. While on Arthur's neck, a beautiful pair of lips is forming.

This is a magic bond. One broken not even by death.

'It's time I show her.' I think to myself as I invade her dreams to speak to the future lady Valhalla.


Dream world


I can see dragons and high towers all around me. Next I see the 14 flames. Valyria! Holy hell I'm in Valyria.

My excitement is quickly dulled as I see s crowd forming and yelling. I quickly make my way over and see something that shocks me.

Arthur. Much younger than I know him to be. He's tied up like lord celtigar on his knees. A man with red eyes stands before him and says to the crowd.

(My grandson has betrayed all of Valyria. By letting slaves go you've sacrificed an entire clutch of eggs for people less than dirt. Today you pay for such folly.)

The crowd screams in agreement. Agreement of tourturing a child.

My mind is dragon flame and I scream with rage. (Leave him alone!)

I try to push past people but my arms have no weight. All I can do is scream out for Arthur who sits there stone faced. But his eyes tell a different story.

I see a young boys light dying out before my eyes. The kindness I know in him. I can see it slipping from his grasp, Forever lost.

I won't let such a thing happen. (Arthur!)

And in a moment of shock he stares at me. Mouth agape with pain. But I see it again. The kindness return. Here to stay. I keep saying encouraging words to get him through the torturing by his own grandfather. Someone who should protect him.

(Keep looking at me! Not them! They don't deserve to see those beautiful orbs! Only look at me!) I scream when people start throwing things at him.

The entire time he's fixated on me. Begging me to help him but I cannot. I cry for him. For I know he will not show such weakness to them.

After an hour of being cut and burned hes given a tattoo like a slave in essos. A 'B' the same one I saw on his chest when I saw his scars. Which I also see come from this session.

My voice is raw and ragged, I've watched the man I love be tourtured and mutilated for an hour. I cannot keep watching.


And all goes still.

I race up to arhtur and try to take him with me. To bring him to bed so I can hug him and tell him it's all okay. But my hand goes through him. Even as his eyes stay locked on mine own.

I feel myself start fading, letting the peoples angry voices and objects they hurl at him to resume.

I fight the pulling sensation leading me away from Arthur. Especially when he holds his hand out toward mine. Begging to be helped by somebody.

My tears roll off in waves. To see any child suffer this is beyond cruel. But to see the one you love tied there while you are unable to help is evil. So far beyond evil.

I feel all is lost when I hear that sound ring out like it did on Dragonstone. Sauron as srthur has called him set the crowd aflame.

After they were turned to ash he landed in front of my dragon knight. Cooing like a mother to her babe.

The look the dragon leveled at who I now know to be Jaenyx Valhalla is one that has even him taking a step back and swallowing.

Picking up the still injured Arthur in his feet, saruon takes off into the sky


I'm pulled from the scene of Valyria to one close to what Sparta looks like. Only much colder and snowy.

In front of me is Arthur. Fighting s being made of ice and cold. It's eerie blue eyes done like Arthur's. Only these were the antithesis to his own. Eyes of a beast like Arthur. But no warmth. No compassion. No life.

(What are such things?) I ask the air as I see thousands upon thousands upon thousands of men and animals alike with those cold blue eyes staring at Arthur and me.

I hear a voice I recognize.

"Kepa and muna" perfect names for the two of you.

Leaf steps beside me.

My shock is quickly overcome. (What is this leaf? What is happening? Why am I here?

She looks at me before pointing to me wrist. I see a dragon eating it's tail.

She then points to Arthur. And on his neck is my lip print. But it's in a bright right I've never worn on my lips.

"It's time I tell you of the link you share. One that goes back to the time of azor ahai."

And with that my life changed forever.

AN: will continue this tomorrow. Thanks for reading. 🙏🏻❤️ live long and prosper

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