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40.74% Valhalla in HOTD / Chapter 18: Cregan stark (3) Corlys Velaryon (3); thoughts of a wolf and a sea snakes shock

Chapter 18: Cregan stark (3) Corlys Velaryon (3); thoughts of a wolf and a sea snakes shock

AN: here we see some of the Things Arthur and Cregan agreed to. Although he's weary of Arthur, Cregan sees the need for what Arthur says to be true. This weariness turns into respect however when Cregan communes with the gods.

In Dragonstone, Corlys is told of the manner of the usurpers death and shows his family a journal. This sets up many questions about the Valhalla currently in the wind. Corlys pushes to find him.

Winterfell, the north, 130AC


In the 3 moons since lord Valhalla and I met, things have been changing fast. Not only am I readying myself and the rest of the north to March after the greybeards, but I'm trying to come up with how to implement what Arthur told me would help the north most.


After the near fight between lord Valhalla and myself when he said he had wildlings among his ranks, we began speaking on other topics that would affect the whole of the north

""You must get the gift back from the Targaryens Cregan. The only way to make the north strong is with people and food. 2 things everyone in the seven kingdoms denies you because they themselves know this.

Do not try and get marriage contracts with them. For if it is a dragon you desire why not choose one closer to home?"" He smirks at me and I understand his words.

While not outright saying so, he alluded to being open to marrying into house stark. Not super surprising given his own mother was a stark.

After a few more ideas, such as making our own wine with the winterberries native only to the north, getting a special breed of horse from the east to breed with our own hardy beasts to make mounts that will be feared across the world. And introducing me to more plants that will grow in the north with ease.


According to lord Reed the 'rice' groan that was given to them by lord arhthur has already sprouted. Lord Arthur said it shouldn't take long but this was incredible.

If it does what lord Valhalla claims, this grain will be the backbone of the north for centuries to come.

Lord jagen alsoninformed me of Arthur beginning to build his kingdom. While I was initially off put by him claiming skagos as his own 'Sparta', the reasons he gave make it hard to argue.


"And why would the north allow you to live on skagos? Especially knowing you brought wildings from beyond the wall?"" I ask him.

The man chuckles at me, ""well, the north couldn't stop me even if it wanted to. Our ancestor Torrhen knelt to the conqueror, you mean to tell me you'd waste his goodwill by angering the family that ruled Valyria in all but name?""

The man was right on that point. But it was what he said next that allowed me to understand where he was coming from

""Sparta holds immense geographical advantages as well. The bay of seals is notoriously rough to navigate, making ships with inexperienced captains unable to even think about invading my land. Also, when the next war for the dawn inevitably arrives, Sparta will be the launching point for the forces of the living.""

End flashback


The next war of the dawn. To think he knew about that. I tried asking how, but he simply shook his head and told me now wasn't the time.

If nothing else though, dusk and frost got along well. Too well. Arthur snd I both had the idea that if they'd been left alone together dusk would already be showing she was with pups.

While I wouldn't be opposed to that, as it will give us a new generation of direwolves for our children, the war needs to be won first.

I'm soon to leave with my men south, so I decide to commune with the old gods before leaving my home. There are far to few weirwoods in the south and I'm afraid connecting with them will be impossible south of the neck.


As I go to sit on my usual seat upon the root of the heart tree, my hand slides across a spot in the wood that cuts my hand. With the sudden pain I'm caught off guard and go to catch my footing however, when my bloody hand lands on the heart tree my world shifts forever.


Dragonstone, the narrow sea, 130 AC

Corlys Velaryon pov

The usurper was dead. Killed by an unknown dragon lord.

I had to repeat the words to myself multiple times before they finally registered. And with it a huge laugh bubbled out of my throat.

Although things with Rhaenys have been strained, I and she have been good since our talk. Soon I will need to go get my son and explain to him everything. Not something I'm looking forward to, but I must.

After a few days of settling into the island and putting lord celtigar in his place, I gather Rhaenys, jace, baela, and Rhaena in the gardens. Eager to share with them my findings that date all the way back to old Valyria.

Although as soon as I remove the cover hiding the sigil of house Valhalla everyone in the rooms breath catches.

(What's the reason for those faces? While I know it's incredible to have something of the Valhalla house that started our history, it's still just an old book.) I say trying to discern what could've caused such a reaction.

The most notable of said reactions however comes from Rhaena and my own wife.

Growing impatient I clear my throat and break them from their stupor as it seems my first words went unheard. As I open my mouth o speak Rhaenys cuts me off.

(You've heard about the death of the usurper. But perhaps it's time i tell you the whole truth.

After learning of our Allie's in rooks rest being besieged, the queen decided it was time for traitors to face dragon fire. It was to be she herself who went, but I was able to dissuade such a plan.

Arriving above the rook, I was greeted with the expected siege. However, upon further notice I found the Hightower princes dancing in the sky with a dragon I myself have never seen before.)

My wife's words were enough to make my eyes moonwide. I speak my peace before she can continue, (that's impossible!)

I'm answered with her beautiful smile before she responds, (I thought that myself. Regardless, after killing sunfyre the black dragon began eating his kill. Something I normally would have balked at and stopped at all cost. But the sound the black dragon made after winning the battle stayed my hand. As well as meleys' own feelings when in close proximity to the obsidian beast.

Upon meeting the mysterious dragon rider, I could discern nothing as he wore a style of clothing I've never seen, one that hides his face from view. One thing that cannot be hidden however are his eyes. They glow in the darkness. A beautiful Valyrian steel grey and red...)

She continued speaking but after hearing about the man's eyes my mind came to a screeching halt.

There's only one set of eyes I've ever heard of like that. As I'm thinking Rhaenys finishes up her story. We both speak the same words at the exact same time.

(Arthur Valhalla)

AN: there's the chapter. Hope you enjoy. More of a transition chapter to get everybody ive introduced so far on the same page and timeline.

Love your support. Keep it goin. I'll be writing as long as I enjoy doing so❤️💪🏼

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