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22.22% Valhalla in HOTD / Chapter 8: Arthur Valhalla(6): giants children and thenns oh my

Chapter 8: Arthur Valhalla(6): giants children and thenns oh my

AN: in this chapter we will see Arthur travel to the lands of always winter. To meet with the giants. However, nothing in westeros ever goes to plan, so he will meet with many more before finally getting ready to go back home to Sparta.

After informing everyone of what I plan to do the morning after my big speech in the town center, I pack a bag with enough rations and water to last until I camp in the haunted Forrest. I'm curious to see if morgoth will go into the lands of always winter.

We won't be going over the wall, which should make its existence negligible. Hopefully that's the case at least. I don't want to troll around the haunted Forrest without my dragon.

Call me a pussy all you want, but I'd rather not fight ice zombies if I can help it. At least not right now.

Settling those thoughts in my head I think back onto other things. Like when I informed my people of what I was going to do.



Villager pov

As I and the rest of the gathered crowd watched lord Valhalla make his way to the center we all held our breaths. The man was truly not as bad as lord stane. Ridgid, firm, and unsmiling lord Arthur was. But not a bad one.

Also, the fact that he was currently speaking to us about everything he planned to do eased a lot of worries about his motives. That is until today when he spoke, ""today I will embark on a journey to make our island inconqerable by land forces. If my plan works we will one day become the most feared foot soldiers on this planet. Greater than the unsullied and still with the ability to father children.""

The people around is burst into cheers. Lord Arthur knew how to make people believe him that's forsure. He continued his words, but these made everyone's blood freeze.

""I plan to go beyond the wall. To commune with the ancient and giant watchers of the world. Should I be able to convince at least some to come back, they and their mounts will make for incredibly versatile options for us. Think about it; the ability to build in days what would take us weeks?

The giants are the way to help this island grow beyond what any of you can imagine. Do you all see that mountain range back there?"" He asks rhetorically pointing toward the mountain that takes up most of our island.

At our nods of agreement he speaks again, shocking us further. ""Ive flown above that mountain upon my friend morgoth, did you know that entire thing is like a bowl? There's green meadows inside of the mountain range and because you couldn't get there it was useless! Now however, with my family magic and the giants huge strength and resilience, we can build a life in there!"

Shouts of despair and anger rang out amongst the populace. The lords words were too much to bear. But he didn't give us time to think for Long. His fearsome mounts shriek rang out as it landed, with Lord Valhalla and his ever faithful wolf climbing up. As he situated himself on the mounts back he spoke again, ""Farewell. Stay warm and safe until I return. Should the whale rot before I can make it back to get another, ask my Castellan about the fishing rods."" And with that he was off.


(Back to real world)

I laugh. Because their reactions aren't actually misguided. Giants are insane legends of the north. But I know they exist. I just have to find them.

Making my way over the haunted Forrest I stop at the body of water I recognize as the Antler river. I need to keep going northwest into the mountains to find the giants. From my memories they were quite close with the thenn clan, who reside in the northern most mapped mountains in this world.

But I can feel morgoths sleepiness and it's getting too cold to fly through these brutal winds without the sun to help. Banking down towards the end of antler river and do some quick hygiene things. Mainly washing my mouth with sand and water. Not the best way to clean but one that will work for now. That's another thing I will implement no matter the cost. Toothpaste. 'Gods what I wouldn't do for a crest 3d sesh right now' I think sadly before making preparations to sleep for the night against my dragon.

I begin by eating my rations. Mulling over everything I've done here since waking up. Bonding with and riding a dragon, with a Direwolf, a huge eagle.

And now I'm on my way to meet a sentient version of my worlds bigfoot trying to get them to come be my neighbors. Say what you want about all the horrors of this world, because the list is so long they could wrap around it multiple times.

But the beauty of it is just as present. Like the creatures I just named, to the ancestors of the Reeds, the children of the Forrest. The very first race to step foot on westerosi soil so many thousands of years ago.

And although they messed up bad with the whole creating white walkers thing, they still CREATED a race of beings. That's absolute madness. My old home on this world had an event happen to it that was the equivalent to 14 mt st Helen going off AT THE SAME TIME.

The ancestors of the Dornish, the rhoynar, created an INCURABLE DISEASE. Something that turned men into living, breathing stone!

Horrible? No doubt. But also so incredibly fascinating. Hell I didn't even mention the green hell. A place even Princess nymeria ran away from.

'This world is insane,' were my last thoughts as I looked out over the hill we'd perched on, looking at the stars unhindered by things like polution and Smog.


The search for the giants had tested my patience. 1 week of flying around these freezing cold mountains. Ugh. I was half tempted to start burning it. Drive them out. But I knew that wouldn't be beneficial to them seeing me as someone who wants their help.

So I reluctantly kept morgoth at bay. He could feel my anger and was just as eager to roast those who'd unknowingly caused it.

However, my resilience paid off. And the blizzard that had been destroying the northwest part above the wall finally cleared. Giving me the needed visibility to spot a section of caves that couldn't have been natural. There were simply too many.


Landing morgoth down into the snow covered bowl surrounded by snowy mountain peaks, i look around and praise the giants ability to find a place to stay. 'They are incredibly safe here from pretty much anything.' I think to myself as Artemis makes her presence known with a loud sound indicitive of her breed of birds.

Looking around and finding nobody coming to greet me I decide to have a little fun with the big guys, speaking In the old tongue to the air around me I try to stir a reaction, ""i guess my time coming to help the giants has been in vain. As it seems they've all gone. Better mark this place so I don't stumble across it again thinking it a new lead."" I say with a smirk and get ready to gesture morgoth to burn one of the peaks to slag before a deep voice I can barely understand reverberates around the clearing.

""Why do you seek us out?""

My answer comes out simple and direct, after all, I don't want to actually fight and have to kill these majestic beings. Even if I haven't truly seen them yet.

""I'm here to offer you sanctuary. The black brothers tasked with watching for the cold ones like you have forgotten their mission. I have not. I have seen the second dawn. I wish for you to see it too.""

There was no reply for a long time. I was honestly about to leave. Thinking I'd failed. Just as I was about to though the sound of heavy movement echoed throughout one of the caves over my shoulder and behind morgoth.

Turning to see I am stunned. While I saw the tv show and have seen many other renditions of yeti or Sasquatch, the being standing before me was simply beautiful.


Not in a beauty queen sort of way. The same way a dragon or Direwolf is beautiful. It just once again gives me evidence that the world I reside in now is incredible.

Walking toward the giant who's easily 12ft tall, I speak, both frost and morgoth glued to my sides as I stand in front of the first being who presents actual danger to my life should this go sideways.

""Arthur Valhalla. And you are?"" I ask with my hand out for a handshake.

The Snow White giant looks at my offered hand as if it's poisoned. Before reluctantly giving me his paw so I can shake his finger.

He speaks again in that rumbling voice all giants have, ""mag" I smile and begin to ask him a question but another voice cuts me off. One I didn't notice the approach of. Odd, considering a human or giant would be easily heard by me if they were walking in the snow that littered the clearing.

"He speaks true mag. He will come inside."

Looking around expecting another giant I don't see one. Going down to human level im again left empty handed. However, just a few more inches down is an ethereal looking being. As if made out of the Forrest itself.


Moss green skin with a set of huge amber eyes, clothes made from leaves and wood. The being is a….."child of the Forrest" the words leave my mouth before I can stop them.

The little being looks at me and chuckles. Before motioning mag and i to follow.

Doing as I'm bid I follow the little being into the huge cave opening. Inside I see many other smaller caves dotting the walls. We keep walking until we arrive at the back of the cave where a younger looking giant with white fur sits among 2 other children of the Forrest.

The one who led us into the cave spoke to me while pulling out a dragon glass dagger, "cut and show," she said. Nodding along still in a daze I cut my hand with the dagger and throw my blood into the fire after letting it pool a bit in my palm.

The images shown are the same ones I showed the reeds. After the images were done the giants were scared, while the children looked ashamed.

I on the other hand was extremely sluggish. Doing this always made me drowsy but this was different. I look to the child who gave me the dagger and she smiles a sad smile while taking my head into her lap. Running her non-human fingers through my long hair and messaging my scalp while humming a beautiful melody.

The other two children soon joined in the humming as the giants gathered around us. Where they'd come from I don't know. Nor was i in a position to care. A beautiful nonhuman figure was messaging my scalp, making my eyes flutter in bliss. The gentle melody of the song they hummed only added to the ambiance I was feeling.

It made no sense. How and why I would be so at peace with everything happening to me. But I felt frosts relaxed mood as one of the children ran her fingers through is soft fur muttering into his ear. I knew he'd never let anyone hurt me. Regardless of who they were.

It was those thoughts that allowed me to go to sleep. Slowly but surely fallin into unconsciousness.


Waking up I notice I'm in the same small child's lap. I recognize her now as leaf from the show. Smiling softly at her which is returned I go to speak but am interrupted by a loud, boisterous voice.

"Oi, stop making lovers eyes at eachother and let's get this over with."

Looking up I'm met with a man of incredible stature. Easily 7'5 ft tall. With a large axe, blonde hair and beard with a blue marking over his eye.

Seeing he caught my attention he smiles and says, "good. Sleeping beauty is awake. Now let's go and get this duel over with."

A second voice cuts through my confusion at having to fight this big man, "yes. I am rather ready to get it over with as well. Should he beat jon here I have no reason to refuse him."

Finally I found my own voice. "And just who the hell are the two of you?"

The large man laughs before speaking, "I'm jon the giant thenn. Magnar of thenn, the men you wish to lead."

Before I could respond the second shorter than me and quiet man who reminded me of jagen and Denlen spoke, "and I am Loki magnar of the hornwoods."

Now I knew what was happening. Children of the Forrest are green seers. They of course knew I was coming here. Which means they went and got two clans i would be amiable to letting come with me. Smart. Now all I gotta do is beat this giant of a human into submission.


Standing in the clearing surrounded by clansmen and women as well as giants and a few children, jon and I circled each other.

There was quite a reaction to my sword when it was drawn. A lot of people talking about taking it from me after jon ends the duel.

I'm broken out of my reminiscing when jon lets out a bellowing battle cry and charges towards me with his huge, surprisingly steel, axe.

Rolling to my left allows me to matadore the large bull of a man before swiping his back with the sword. Scoring a shallow cut.

I didn't want to kill him. I didn't even want to fight him. But it was a must in freefolk culture. One I can get behind, 'Just show him I'm better? Easy.'

I'm again broken out my thoughts by Jon's huge fist slamming into my temple. Nearly knocking me out. I stumbled on my feet as he tackled me to the ground. Everyone around us grew to a fever pitch as they seemed to think jon was about to finish it.

Deciding I had no other choice I used my hidden blade, putting it right through where johns ribs should be.

The effect is instant. He coughs out a mouthful of blood as I roll him off me. The valiryan steel had cut through him like a hot knife through butter. The clearing was silent as I laid Jon's back onto the ground and spoke.

"Do you yeild?"

Nodding without answering my question I gave a tired smile. My own blood dripped from the cut he'd caused on my right eyebrow.

Quickly the children begin attending to us. After Loki announced my new status of the magnar I left under the guidance of leaf. Right back into her lap to allow her to treat my wounds.

I'd succeeded . Bringing 2 clans. At least 20 fully grown giants and their mammoths. And hopefully at least 1 child of the Forrest.

I even like the jon and Loki guys. They dont seem to be dumb barbarians like most of the people living out here are.

AN: annnnd that's the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. My longest chapter to date.

Keep sending support and comments to give me ideas. Appreciate all of you ❤️

Going to introduce Arthur's grandfathers journal to a few characters new chapter. Stay tuned!



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