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46.15% Animeverse Traveler / Chapter 6: Growth

Chapter 6: Growth

In the quaint village of Syrup, where the sun dipped into the horizon and painted the sky with hues of crimson and gold, a young man emerged from the midst of the bustling streets. His strides were long and purposeful, his feet carrying him with a sense of determination, as if driven by a burning passion that could not be tamed.

As he walked, the villagers couldn't help but turn their gaze upon him, their eyes drawn to the tall, imposing figure that seemed to radiate an aura of quiet confidence. His jet-black hair, messy and unkempt, framed his chiseled features, a testament to his unyielding spirit and unwavering dedication.

The young man's name was Alex, a whispered rumor on the lips of the villagers, a name that spoke of unbridled potential and unrelenting ambition. His eyes, a piercing blue that seemed to bore into the very soul, shone like beacons in the fading light of day, illuminating the path ahead with an unwavering intensity.

With each step, Alex drew closer to the shop of the blacksmith, the sound of clanging metal and the scent of hot steel growing louder, beckoning him towards his destination. The villagers watched in silence, their faces filled with a mix of awe and trepidation, as the young man disappeared into the depths of the blacksmith's lair, ready to forge his own path and shape his own destiny.

As Alex pushed open the creaky door, the bell above it rang out, announcing his arrival to the blacksmith, who looked up from his work, his eyes weary from the intense heat and labor. "Hello, Alex," he said, his voice laced with a mix of exhaustion and familiarity, "You're right on time, as always. I've completed your order, just as you specified."

Alex's gaze swept the room, his eyes locking onto the weights that lay on the workbench, their metal surfaces gleaming in the flickering light of the forge. He could sense the blacksmith's hard work and dedication emanating from them, the careful craftsmanship that had gone into shaping each and every one.

"Thank you, master Thorne," Alex replied, his voice filled with genuine appreciation, "I can see that you've outdone yourself this time. Your skill is truly exceptional." He walked closer, his eyes scanning the weights with a keen interest, his mind already racing with the possibilities they presented.

The blacksmith, master Thorne, smiled wearily, his face creasing with lines of fatigue. "You're too kind, Alex. I just try to do my best, for you and for the village." He wiped the sweat from his brow, his eyes gleaming with a sense of pride.

Alex chatted with master Thorne for a while longer, discussing everything from the latest village news to their shared passion for training and self-improvement. As they spoke, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm orange glow over the village.

Finally, Alex bid master Thorne farewell, shouldering his weights and stepping out into the gentle evening breeze. He walked slowly, savoring the peaceful atmosphere of the village, the sound of laughter and music drifting from the nearby tavern, the smell of freshly baked bread wafting from the bakery. The weights felt solid in his hands, a reminder of his dedication to his craft, and he knew that with them, he would be able to push himself even further, to reach new heights of strength and agility.

As Alex stepped into his humble abode, nestled deep within the forest, he knew that the time had come to embark on his most intense training regimen yet. With a sense of purpose, he gathered all the necessary tools and equipment, his eyes scanning the room with a practiced intensity. The portal that formed before him seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy, beckoning him to enter. Without hesitation, Alex stepped forward, vanishing from the mortal realm, leaving behind only the faintest whisper of his presence.

As he opened his eyes, he found himself standing at the edge of his training grounds, a vast expanse of land that he had painstakingly crafted to push his body and mind to their limits. The air was alive with an electric tension, as if the very fabric of time itself was bending to his will. With a deep breath, Alex reached out with his mind, interfering with the fundamental laws of this world. The ratio of time was his to command, and he set it to 1:10, knowing that every day in the outside world would be equivalent to ten days in this realm.

The weights that he wore on his body seemed to grow heavier, his strength waning as he struggled to move. But Alex was undeterred, his determination burning brighter with every passing moment. He drew out his training regimen, a meticulous plan that would push him to the very limits of human endurance. Eat, sleep, train - the cycle was his to master, and he set to it with a fierce dedication.

The days blurred together in a haze of sweat and toil, Alex's body screaming in protest as he pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion. Push-ups, squats, pull-ups - the exercises seemed endless, but he persevered, his willpower driving him forward. The running training was a particular torture, his legs burning with a fire that seemed to sear his very soul. But he ran on, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum.

Finally, after an eternity of pain and struggle, Alex stumbled to a halt in front of his resting quarters, his body drenched in sweat, his muscles screaming in agony. He collapsed onto the ground, his eyes closed, his mind reeling with the sheer intensity of it all. But even in rest, his mind was active, planning, scheming, preparing for the next phase of his training.

And so, he turned his attention to the mystical arts of Haki, Soru, and Geppo - the legendary skills of the Marines' Rokushiki. Soru, the technique of superhuman speed, seemed to dance in his mind's eye, the principle of kicking off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye a tantalizing prospect. Geppo, the art of moonwalking, seemed to whisper secrets in his ear, the promise of defying gravity and remaining in midair for an extended period a siren's call.

As Alex delved deeper into the mysteries of these ancient arts, time itself seemed to bend and warp, the days flowing like water, the weeks and months blurring together in a mad dance of training and discipline. And when he finally emerged from this intense regimen, three years had passed in the blink of an eye, leaving behind a man transformed, a warrior forged in the very depths of his own soul.

Alex whispered "Status" and a blue glowing transparent screen came to his eyes.

[Physical Strength = 80/100]

[Will power = 70/100]


[•Haki – Observation haki (grandmaster)

Armament haki (locked)

Kings haki (locked)

• Shave/soru – (perfected)

• Moonwalk. – (perfected)

•Interworld Travel ]


[A/N: For readers the mastery rank is like

Beginner > intermediate > master>grandmaster >perfected.

And the other abilities that he got as wishes are Passive so i didn't write them on skills page. And one more thing this system isn't the type to benefit him by anything it's pure records of his abilities. Now enjoy the chapter and if you want anything to change or any other suggestions write them in comment] Cya~~~

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