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38.46% Animeverse Traveler / Chapter 5: Inner World

Chapter 5: Inner World

Alex's eyes fluttered open, and he arose from his plush fur-lined bed, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. He stretched his limbs, yawned, and headed to the washroom to begin his day with a refreshing bath. The warm water invigorated his senses, and he felt his muscles relax as he soaked in the tub.

After his bath, Alex prepared a hearty breakfast, savoring each bite as he fueled his body for the intense training ahead. With his energy levels boosted, he proceeded to the courtyard, where his homemade weights, crafted from wood and steel, awaited him.

The next eight hours were a blur of sweat, toil, and determination. Alex pushed his body to its limits, completing 500 pushups, 500 squats, 500 pull-ups, and a 50-kilometer run through the forest. His training was relentless, his willpower driving him forward even when his muscles screamed for mercy.

As he finished his physical training, Alex shifted his focus to honing his observation haki.

Kenbunshoku Haki is a form of Haki that grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others, as well as gain limited precognitive abilities

He donned a blindfold, relying on his other senses to detect the presence of logs he had set up around the courtyard. The goal was to tap into his inner energy, to develop a sixth sense that would allow him to anticipate and react to his surroundings.

At first, Alex struggled to grasp the concept. He stumbled, bumped into logs, and grew frustrated. But he refused to give up. He took a short break, pondered his approach, and began anew. This time, he focused on channeling his senses, clearing his mind, and trusting his instincts.

The breakthrough came after two hours of intense concentration. Alex's senses suddenly aligned, and he began dodging the logs with ease, his movements fluid and precise. A satisfied smile spread across his face as he realized he had finally grasped the observation haki.

Exhausted but triumphant, Alex uttered the word "Status," and a blue transparent screen materialized before his eyes. His [physical strength] had increased to 34, his [willpower]now at 60. More importantly, his haki abilities had unlocked, with [observation haki] at the beginner level, [armament haki] locked, and [King's haki] still elusive.

With a contented sigh, Alex rose from his training spot and walked back to his abode, ready to rest and recharge for the challenges ahead. His journey was far from over, but he was one step closer to realizing his dreams.

As the day drew to a close, Alex retreated to his abode, his mind still racing with the desire to become stronger, faster. He had been so focused on his physical training that he had overlooked a crucial aspect of his abilities - his "Inner World" skill. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks: he could manipulate time within his inner world, effectively slowing it down to accelerate his training.

With this epiphany, Alex's excitement grew, and he couldn't wait to put his plan into action. He spent the evening in a state of eager anticipation, his mind replaying the possibilities. As he drifted off to sleep, he smiled, knowing that tomorrow would bring a new era of rapid progress.

The morning sun found Alex refreshed and ready to tackle the day. He began with a refreshing bath, followed by a hearty breakfast. With his energy levels boosted, he set out for the market, intent on stocking up on food and supplies for his intensified training regimen.

As he strolled through the market, he spotted his friend Ussop, and the two engaged in a lively conversation, exchanging stories and laughter. After a pleasant interlude, Alex resumed his shopping, carefully selecting the finest ingredients, vegetables, and meats to fuel his body.

Next, he visited his trusted blacksmith, commissioning additional weighted vests and wrist weights to further challenge himself. The blacksmith, familiar with Alex's dedication, nodded in approval, promising to deliver the goods promptly.

With his tasks complete, Alex began his walk back home, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him. The peaceful atmosphere of the village, combined with his renewed sense of purpose, filled him with gratitude. "It's peaceful here," he thought, a smile spreading across his face. Little did he know, his Inner World was about to become a hub of intense activity, propelling him toward unprecedented heights of strength and mastery.

As Alex approached his humble abode, he raised his hand, and a shimmering portal materialized before him. With a sense of purpose, he stepped through the gateway, leaving the physical world behind. His Inner World, a realm of vast possibilities, unfolded before him like a canvas waiting to be painted.

The landscape stretched out in eerie silence, devoid of life, yet teeming with potential. Majestic mountains rose towards the sky, their peaks shrouded in mist, while serene lakes reflected the somber beauty of the surroundings. Alex's footsteps echoed through the stillness as he traversed the desolate terrain, his eyes scanning the horizon for the perfect training ground.

As he hovered in the air, his gaze settled upon a vast, open plain, nestled between two great mountains. With a thought, he descended upon the chosen site, his feet touching down on the earth with a gentle thud. The terrain began to shift and contort, responding to his will, as trees and rocks rearranged themselves to form a comprehensive training facility.

(A/N: photo in comment section)

A resting area, a kitchen, and a storage room took shape, each one meticulously crafted to meet Alex's specific needs. He stored the ingredients and meats, ensuring they would remain fresh and unaffected by the passage of time. Satisfied with his creations, Alex exited his Inner World, returning with his physical body, which is seated in his chair, waiting patiently.

With a contented sigh, Alex relaxed, allowing his mind and body to recharge before embarking on the next phase of his training. The weighted vests and wrist weights awaited him, ready to test his resolve and push him towards unprecedented heights of strength and mastery. The silence of his home was a stark contrast to the turmoil that would soon erupt in his Inner World, as Alex prepared to unleash his full potential upon the training grounds he had so carefully crafted.


[A/N: some growth in our protagonist's strength and in next chapter it should be time skip of becoming him strong enough to not get killed himself from anyone with some new skills. 💪] Cya~~

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