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50% Thearch Of Armegeddon / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - New world

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - New world

Inside a throne where above were flags with many different sigils and below was a platform that laid a crimson fiery throne with the one sitting down had their hands rested on their cheek seemingly slumbering. It was a young woman with pure white hair that had bad fringes of black producing an imbalance yet she appeared graceful and elegant as her presence exuded authority and dominating.

Their gorgeous face did not have an ounce of blemishes and creamy white skin across her face. Her asymmetric long length snow white hair had the occasional black streaks swept to the right side of her head. Her outfit clung tightly around her body appearing a modified black and white tailcoat but was hidden away due to her a double-breasted white overcoat with grey lapels and a collar of black fur.

Those who were able to lay their gaze upon ther stunning woman would be mesmerized and unable to turn away their gaze. However, only a fool would dare to even have any sexual thoughts for they would certainly suffer a worse fate than death.

All of sudden as if a great evil was awakening her eyes shut open revealing a captivating ebony irises with a cross X at the center that expressed confusion that slowly turned into fascination before finally excitement. There's a lighter snicker that escaped her rosy lips.

"Mistress Arlecchino! Mistress Arlecchino!? Is there something that matters?"

On the right side stood a stunning woman, her pure white dress highlighting her ethereal beauty. Her serene, faint smile was akin to that of a goddess. However, her otherworldly appearance was accentuated by the pair of curved horns that sprouted from her head and the black-feathered wings that emerged from her waist. There was Albedo, the Overseer of the Floor Guardians of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, a role that placed her in charge of all the NPC Floor Guardians.

"Is there anything we could do for you?"

On the left side was another unparalleled beauty, dressed in a deep blue outfit that accentuated her impressive curves. A crimson cape billowed dramatically behind her, and she wore silver and blue armor that gleamed under the room's lights.

Her long blonde hair was elegantly tied in a bun, and atop her head rested a golden crown, signifying her regal status. There was Artoria Pendragon (Lancer) or Latoria, the Vice Overseer Guardian. Despite her divine appearance, she was, in truth, a fallen Angel, a stark contrast that made her even more intriguing and formidable.

Their voice, despite its restlessness, showed an elegant tone that can only be seen by a well taught high class woman. The moment their Mistress showed signs of distress immediately felt pain in their heart as they were made to be her Mistress And wife. Every servant that belongs to their Mistress is her alone where every fiber of their being was made to serve her.

To see their Mistress Who is in discomfort was the utmost shame showing that they're unable to properly do their duty and tries to do everything they can to comfort her. For them the thought of causing discomfort for their supreme ruler was their doing for not acting accordingly.

Their Mistress, Arlecchino, her expression changes into a more relaxed and stoic having an overflowing confident and regal demeanor that everything that happened earlier appears like a lie. Arlecchino then opted for a smile that caught her by surprise and love stricken as they felt their chest pounding like a drum.

"I'm fine, Albedo, Artoria. There is something….interesting has occurred."

She calmly said that didn't make Albedo and Artoria less anxious seeing that there was something that was bothering her Mistress.

Arlecchino took moment to think slowing her perception to a crawl where an hour of thinking was a split second in real time as memories began to flood into her mind and churning sensation occured within her being that went unnoticed by the people in the throne room as she bare witness to memories that belong to a young man who's name had been long forgotten and use as catalyst for the existence of the young man.

'How funny that finally after years of preparation I'm finally here. I wonder if it's because of my character setting that changes my tone and demeanor? Regardless, it's convenient and everything seems second nature to me.'

The young man but now a woman, Arlecchino, was a reincarnator who had been reborn in the earth world of OverMistress before they're released of the MMMORPG, Yggdrasil. She, at first, felt dread how she was sent to a future where pollution was beyond repair, where sky was musky as if clouded in smoke and toxic air where people can't even walk without protective gear.

The destruction of the environment had continued at ever-increasing speed to the point where the surface of the Earth was hopelessly polluted; gorgeous nature existed only in video games. The sky was always hidden behind black smog, while the sun made only brief appearances every now and then. Thick, toxic fog frequently covered the cities, so almost no one went out without wearing a gas mask beforehand.

With nature almost completely destroyed, people have no other choice but to also rely on artificial lungs solely created for their safety to help breath in the current, poor state of the environment.

Arlecchino hated it, she loathed the future and angered to have lived in such bleak reality. She didn't meet any gods before reincarnated and lived a normal life but she had enough luck that she managed to overcome the obstacle and grew successful using the money of her parents after their death from an accident.

It was a heartbreaking moment especially how she was an orphan in her previous life but she moved on and lived for her parents sake in the world. Eventually, things turn for the best when she found out that she was actually in the overMistress world after learning about the Yggdrasil project and took the opportunity to invest into the game when she had the chance.

She took the game seriously and invested a lot of money and time that people around called her mad man but she knew it would be worth it.

The power to become a god was close and within her grasp. Arlecchino did everything learning the nooks and cranny of the games that she became the best player across all servers calling her the Thearch of Armageddon having base her character to be an amalgamation of many different character with the appearance of Arlecchino enjoying the thought of being a woman playing with other woman and she added the built of Monarch of Destruction from solo leveling.

Though, she wasn't a dragon rather she was a Nephalem, a demon and angel hybrid allowing her to utilize both magic. Her character build was immensely difficult to level up and use but she was determined to make it extremely powerful and succeeded.

There many times players would complain that the game was not balanced because of her ability to use both holy and demonic powers giving her a lot of options to fight against many players. She is also an expert summoner allowing her to create powerful monsters from demons to angels.

Arlecchino knew every lore and detail she put into her role would manifest into the new world which is why she made it so that she was on top of the hierarchy where she would live in debauchery exploring not only the new world but other worlds.

Was she delusional? Yes but she didn't give up knowing that if she reincarnates into the anime world like overlord then other universes also exist.

She had doubts but it was always short-lived and kept moving forwards having joined the guild of Ainz Ooal Gown and becoming its guild leader. Arlecchino had a close relationship with each member but not enough knowing he'll eventually leave them.

Her influence had certainly changed the Great tomb of Nazarick, having made sure that everyone doesn't look down on humans since she needs them to be tolerable around them while removing other npc like victim and gargantuan, changing them into other characters to her liking. She changed Nigredo appearance but still had the same name, appearing more like Sadako.

Everyone are less evil and sadistic but only one that will become their allies while their enemies will be damn into eternal torture to Arlecchino's new torturer replacing the ugly squid monster into someone who can be called as Ice General. She also removed Aureole Omega and turned her into someone else that belonged to Genshin impact.

'Even though I might know future events should not take it at face value. Though, I am able to use High speed thought like second nature but it is probably because it's passive rather than active spells and skills. Not to mention, I still don't have the proper grasp to cast and use my power. From the lore I placed, my power could distort reality and best to be careful.'

She was a bit surprised how she's more confident in planning and easily composed herself in the situation. In addition, the reason why she chooses a female avatar was because she thinks it fun and sexy, especially the fact that she should have both sex organs being considered as a Futa.

Arlecchino looks at Albedo and Artoria who is still worried about her and awaits her order then towards the pleiades and Sebas.


Arlecchino's voice was graceful and menacing, perfect to the monarch awaiting to conquer. Sebas looked up at her Mistress's utmost devotion to her and Arlecchino was pleased since she changed their loyalty to her and their creator as secondary.

She was the one and only eternal ruler of Nazarick as the other guild members had abandoned them. Though Arlecchino didn't blame them but found their decision to be foolish since reality is horrible that it was better to live in a fake one than a broken one.

"Yes, my Mistress?" her regal voice matches her appearances and she sounded similar to the first voice actor of the dub.

"I've sensed a disturbance and wish for you to go outside and investigate then report back to me." Arlecchino commands her part as someone fitting to be a ruler.

"It will be done, my Mistress." Sebas stood up while Arlecchino turned her attention to the Pleiades, finding their appearances suit her taste and would have fun with them later. They sense her gaze and seem pleased that their body caught the attention of their master. Arlecchino quickly changed into a serious demeanor and said.

"Pleiades accompany Sebas and act as support if things go wrong and by chance you encounter anyone make sure to bring them alive for questioning."

The vice leader, Yuri Alpha elegantly stood up with a confident smile and said.

"As you wish, my Mistress." They all left and Arlecchino watched them disappear before standing up surprising Albedo who had her wings flapping waiting for her command and said.

"My Mistress, is there anything I could do for you?"

Her lust was apparent and Arlecchino found it entertaining wrapping her arms around Albedo who was taken aback becoming flustered pulling her closer and felt her hand caress her cheeks before her eyes widen as she felt her soft lips against hers and her body began to heat up and grew weak as it spasmed at the sensation and pleasure it gave.

Artoria looked bitter seeing this but Arlecchino removed her lips from Albedo turn to Artoria pulling her and taking her lips causing her body to throbbing eagerly as their lips clashed. Their tongues coiled with each other before departing leaving a trail of saliva looking at her with moist gaze.

"We will have fun later, for now, my dear, I have a task for you two."

Arlecchino made them tense up and their gaze turned shape as they stepped back. It is clear that whatever their Supreme Monarch command would do their utmost to execute without fail.

"Albedo, you will go and bring all the floor guardians to the amphitheater within one hour." Arlecchino commanded and Albedo immediately kneel down.

"Consider it done, Mistress!" She said taking her leave while Artoria awaits her task.

"As for you, my Artoria. Go and call your sister along with our daughters as well as Semiramis."

Artoria was not her creation, instead she was a gift by Blue Planet to be the ultimate waifu for Arlecchino along with Morgan Le Fay while she made Mordred and Baobhan Sith making the two to be her children.

Additionally, she created Semiramis because she likes her. Arlecchino had adjusted their lore and background to be in her favor. In the end she has a harem of women ready to bed with her at any given moment.

Does it bother her that it's incest? No, she is not human and their standard doesn't not matter to her. Not to mention, mutation wouldn't work due to having superior genetics.

"Very well, it will be done." Artoria kneels down before taking her leave as Arlecchino sits down resting her knuckle deep in her thoughts. She was in no rush to arrive in the amphitheater and was currently formulating a plan for world domination.

'Considering there's many things I know that could happen in the future but this might result in a butterfly effect.' Arlecchino believed that simply knowing the future could already mean everything would be irrelevant unless she used it as a guide rather than a script to be followed.

'I need to confirm if things I know are accurate or not.' She could take the route that Ainz took considering it benefited her the most, pointing her interest in characters that were killed off. For example, Ninya from sword of darkness and Tuareninya Veyron considering she has what is called in the new world as Talent.

Something that does not exist in Yggdrasil. Another person on her list would be Arche from foresight. Considering these people are desperate then it is easy for them to bend their knees and pledge their allegiance.

'And proposing marriage to the Roble Holy Kingdom would benefit me.' Arlecchino reminded that the queen from that kingdom would become a "weapon" which is why she decided to save her from that fate.

'One step at a time.' She glanced over to the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown, a weapon that the guild members made as a symbol of their bond. Arlecchino considered them as comrades and gave them better lives when they chose earth over Yggdrasil.

Arlecchino stored it away considering she has no use for it and took out her weapon. The [ Crimson moon's semblance ]that she modified to be a world item before the game ended. It was already a powerful weapon who was made to be a growth type and surpassed even the strongest divine class weapon.

She then summoned another weapon, a rapier that had a scarlet blade that also became a world item. Yggdrasil was already going to end therefore the developer didn't care about balance anymore therefore they were willing to give Arlecchino all world items and remove any limiters for her to enjoy the game for one last time

The developers were always indebted to Arlecchino's contribution for the game that made it well received by many players throughout the decade.

Arlecchino chuckled remembering times she found loopholes and the developer had compensated to balance the game but ended up making it worse.

She gracefully stood up putting the rapier on her waist and held into her scythe before teleporting to the floor where the twin dark elves were.

She was amazed how it felt to teleport and how it distorts space around him. Arlecchino walks into the hallway until arrive at an exit to find the colosseum. she looked up, seeing how the artificial sky and starry night were truly breathtaking.

Blue planet was a person who was like Arlecchino who enjoyed the scenery that had long perished where only old video and records were the only way to see the beauty of it.

He didn't blame humanity, rather only the corrupt and greedy. Arlecchino is hypocrite since he'll eventually do the same but she is not a fool like them and would look at the long term rather than the short term.

'What a truly breathtaking scene. I wish to preserve this kind of scenery and avoid the catastrophe that has happened in that world.'

Arlecchino looked down before descending into the staircase focusing her concentration in sensing the place, finding two signatures that told her that it was Mare and Aura.

He noticed a young "boy" performing a stunt as she jumped down and another young "girl" jumped more gentler than she was as the two ran towards her.

The boy was actually Aura, a female dark elf, a boyish looking child with dark skin and pointed ears, a signature trait of the dark elves.

She has golden hair and heterochromia, her left eye blue and right eye green. She wears reddish-black dragon scale leather covered by a white and gold vest embroidered with the sigil of Ainz Ooal Gown. Below it, she has a matching set of white trousers and gold plated shoes, and around her neck is an acorn necklace emitting golden light.

On the other hand, the "girl" was actually Mare who looked like a famine child with dark skin and pointed ears, a signature trait of the dark elves. He has golden hair and heterochromia, his right eye is blue and his left eye is green.

He wears a blue dragon scale leather full-body suit, covered by a white and gold vest embroidered with the sigil of Ainz Ooal Gown and a forest green-leaf cloak.

Below, he has a matching short white skirt exposing his thighs, and on his neck is an acorn necklace emitting silver light. His slender hands are donned with shiny white silk gloves and he wields a twisted black wooden staff.

"Welcome to the Amphitheater, Lady Arlecchino." Aura said, giving a bow followed by Mare.

"I-It's a pleasure to be in your presence, Lady Arlecchino."

The two bow simultaneously while Arlecchino nodded as she tapped her weapon into the ground and said.

"No need to be nervous, there is something that I wish to test in this place and hope you don't mind me intruding."

"Intruding? You surely jest, Lady Arlecchino. No one in the great tomb of Nazarick considers you as an intruder. Everything belongs to you."

Arlecchino chuckled lightly since it was true after she rewrote the story and she was the one who ruled over them.

"If you say so, well then, an anomaly has occurred and things seem different than before which is why I've summoned all floor guardians except for Fenrir to gather in the Amphitheater." Arlecchino finished and saw Aura grumbled at the news and said.

"Does that mean Shalltear will be here?"

"Afraid so. We need to discuss our course action with everyone. Anyways, I wish to test out my weapon a bit and hope you two can help out."

Both eyes are shown looking at the [ Crimson moon's semblance ] as the weapon had countless legends having been used to slay World Enemy and even an Armageddon class monster solo. Arlecchino died numerous times trying to defeat that monster since it should have been a guild raid. She was the person who made the impossible possible.

This is the reason she was known as [ Thearch of Armageddon ].

"I-Is that the [ Crimson moon's semblance ] had been said to have the capabilities to defeat even the world enemy single handedly."

Mare exclaimed looking at the magnificent length of Arlecchino's spear that was long and sharp that could impale anyone. The weapon was on par or surpassed even their guild weapon and if it was ever sold in the prime days of Yggdrasil then it would be priceless.

"Indeed, a weapon forged from my countless battles and journeys. It is like a child to me and a sibling to all of you."

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