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20% DCAU: Star Force / Chapter 3: CH3- Grown Up

Chapter 3: CH3- Grown Up


-Barry Allen's View-

The year is 2010 and I finally got a break from college for the next few days, so I decided to come and visit my family. I wanted to see my little brother Isaac first, but I don't know where he was, so I decided to visit Iris and Joe first, and after catching up with them, they let me know his whereabouts.

And boy was I shocked to learn about what I had missed in only a year of being away.

My little brother, who had turned 15 a few months ago, was already ranked as the number one boxer in the country, under the age of 18. (A/N: Bro is talented asf lol)

It was nice of him to pursue something he had always had an interest in. Even though he has the second best brain of the family outside of dad, he's more fit to be the brawn of our sibling dynamic. Can't have two brains, that doesn't always work.

A smile crossed my face as I reminisced about when we were younger. The first few years when Joe had took us in, he was trying to teach us how to box so we could protect ourselves if we ever ran into trouble..

I never had a talent for having a technique when fighting, but I would fight regardless. Isaac used to make me look bad the way he'd beat me up. Him kicking my ass was bad enough, but the fact Iris was beating me too, my emotions were gonna get the best of me, but thankfully I had those three to get me through that embarrassing moment.

'Can't wait to see how much he's grown, he's always taken boxing seriously ever since that day.'

I walked through, past, and around all of the sweaty boxers in the fighting gym and looked around for my brother. I didn't find him, so I went straight towards where I assumed to be the office of the man who ran this gym.

I walked in and saw an old man with a hat and a coat sitting down at his desk, it looked like he was searching for something in a few files.




I knocked on the wooden frame three times, seeing as there was no door. He looked up from his files and squinted in my direction.

"What the hell are you doing in my gym? You don't look like no fighter! I know a 15 year old who's got more meat on his bones than you! Hahaha!" He exclaimed with a laugh.

I was taken aback by the approach of this old man. He had no idea who I was and instantly disliked me. Or maybe he was just one of those old men who were always cranky?

'What if I was a criminal who wanted to rob him with a weapon? Does he not care about who he yells at?' I thought amusingly.

"No, Mr…" I looked around the office and saw the logo of the gym on the wall behind him.

"Mick. I'm here for my brother. Isaac Allen. I think you just mentioned him." Surprisingly, Mick managed to open his eyes all the way, fully able to look at me.

"Oh, you're that, uh, Harry Allen kid he's always talking about. He's always going on and on about how you're the smartest guy he knows and crap." I smiled and ignored his mispronouncing of my name.

"Where is he?"

"Oh, the kid? He's, uh, probably on the rooftop. When he's not training, he's up there clearing his head or something. Between you and me… that a bunch of baloney! Haha!" I pretended to laugh with him before sneaking past him and up the stairs that led to the rooftop, his hysterical old man laughter fading away the farther I got.


-Isaac Allen's View-

'I sense Barry's presence.' Ever since my Mom's unfortunate demise, I began to slowly gain power from the Star Force, meaning it was nearing full recovery.

I had initially expected it to recover in less than ten years, but it is what it is. The Particle Accelerator explosion is going to happen in around four years from now in 2014.


The metal door behind me that leads to the roof had opened up, revealing to me my favorite, and only brother in both lives. Bartholomew Henry Allen.

The sight he came up to might've been a shocker for him. I had two cinder blocks elevated above the ground and I was doing splits onto them, "Karate Kid" remake vibe, to further develop my flexibility. Being flexible in boxing instead of stiff and tight, was an advantage to me that I was more than willing to abuse.

'Huh, that movie should come out this year shouldn't it? I'll make sure to watch that.'

Aside from boxing, I've also been discretely studying Jeet Kun Do on the internet to stay versatile. Who knows when someone might do research on me and all they'd think is that I'm some brainless boxer?

Next thing they know I'm doing spin kicks and shit on them. To be fair though, I'm not sure how good I'll be able to use it in practice, I did learn it off the internet after all.

Putting that aside, I jumped off of the cinder blocks and greeted Barry with a hug.

"Bar', it's been a while, how have you been?" I asked, my grin being bigger than it has in a while. Living at home with Joe and Iris was harder without Barry, but my presence was enough to more than fill in the hole. Initially I felt bad for making Joe have to take care of another kid rather than the two in canon.

That's another reason I became a boxer, not only to learn how to fight properly, but to help Joe at the house. In this world, the last thing I'd want to do is restrict myself to a job in which I had no control over when and where I want to work. Prime example is Barry as an assistant CSI, well in the future, not now, he's in his second year of college right now.

Barry always had Captain Singh up his ass about everything, I mean, Mickey can be like that, but at least he's somewhat enjoyable to be around. With Mick, I have much more flexibility than ever with my fights. Sometimes I take them, and other times I can decline with no issue. I've just gotten that good, it's slowly getting to the point that I'm gaining less fights because of my reputation as the "Next Mike Tyson."

People are too scared to fight.

Unfortunately, since I'm a minor, I can't quite compete in fights for the big bucks, for now I can only gain a percentage of the money that Mick bets on my fights. People, well more specifically, the parents of the kid's who's ass I kicked really hate me, so they tend to bet against me on all of my fights.

I also bet on my own fights, so that's bringing me income as well.

I'm bringing home around 200 dollars per fight from Mick'e bets and 600 per fight from my own bets. Half of that money going straight to Joe. Even though Iris had a job to help around as well, I wasn't going to stop until I repaid my debt to him… or save his life.

'That would probably be enough to pay my debt..'

He always took care of me for all these years, without a single complaint, a single raise of his voice, none of that. I felt owed this man, he was like a second father to me. To me, it seemed like a common courtesy.

'If I don't owe him money, then all I owe him is a peaceful life when this is all over.' I agreed with myself on that sentiment and focused my attention back to Barry.

Barry and I had a long conversation on the roof about the past year or so. Things like what we've been doing, how we've been, you know, common brotherly things.

"You want to go back to Iris and Joe's house so we can all catch up and spend some time together?"

"Yeah, sure Bar'."


(A/N: I decided to give him a boxer background because I had a few ideas on how to use that to build chemistry between him and Thea so I can add her to the harem efficiently.

The world the MC currently is in does contain heavy elements of regular DCU and what I know of comics, so there will probably be a girl or two outside of the arrowverse. I'm not making a big ass wish-fulfillment harem, no more than five girls and I want to write them right so it won't be sloppy and not make sense. No NTR and all that.

I'm gonna make an auxiliary chapter about the full view I have on the harem and info about story+ MC. It'll be out the same day that this chapter comes out.

I don't want to spoil anything while writing the story so I'll just put it in the auxiliary chapter for those who don't care about spoilers and they can just read it. Rest of you can wait patiently for the harem members and other things to arrive 😌)

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