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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

The next morning, I put TYP-E In charge of posting online the Website to Access Minecraft along with advertisement, selling at just $35 per game account, within the hour 30 were sold to curious gamers.


Getting to school, I was soon met by a smiling Gwen


"Hey Charles! Tonight, is a Friday do you have any plans? If not, would you like to have supper with my family? My father has been quite interested in your robotic business; I must say I am too even though I am going the biological route." Gwen hurriedly asked.

Smirking Charles said, "ooh is it only your Father that wants me over for dinner? Wow I guess who I should ask out on a date"

Gwen Blushed and turned to walk away

Before she could leave, Charles sidled up beside her and draped his arm over her shoulder.

"Now Gwen I would be more then glad to come for dinner. What are we eating?" Charles asked

Gwen smiled "My mom mentioned some pork chops"

The two then made their way to homeroom, but unbeknownst to them the rumour mill was being gassed up from their interaction


As the day dragged on Charles could not help but be bored about the slow monotony of school.

Due to the buying of tech knowledge, he is decades beyond what is being taught in these classes. The only reason why he stays here is for Gwen. But good news is that this is their last year of school which will end in 6 months time.

With my successful business I planned to not go to college, leaving me freed up for more tech building.


Time skip

End of day

Once classes were done, I started to escort Gwen back home, but along the way I picked up a bouquet of lilies as a hosting gift, since it would be rude to show up without anything.

As we walked down the streets, I could not help myself but to enjoy Gwen's laughter and her gleeful face when talking about working at Oscorp and learning new facts about Biology.

This gave me a goal. By the end of the night, I will ask Mr.. Staceys permission to date Gwen.

Though one problem I do foresee is if she becomes a spider person, hopefully things turn out well though.


Getting to Gwens' Residence I was soon met by Mr. and Mrs. Stacey along with 2 of Gwens 3 younger brothers.

Mr. Stacey asked during Hoerdurves, "So Charles I see that you are now wearing a prosthetic, is there anything special about this one?"

Charles denied "no, this is just a simple robotic arm, can't bare much weight. Though I do have a better Arm planned out I just need to decide on the power source."

Mrs. Stacey then asked "so I know Gwen plans to go to university while interning at Oscorp after Highschool is done. Do you happen to have any plans?

"Due to the success of my Robotic Branch, I will be focusing all my time on Designing and developing new products. Thankfully WALL-E, Typ-E and Baymax are very popular. I have made many millions off of these products. Due to this I have about 10 million invested in other businesses." Stated Charles

Turning to her Husband Mrs. Stacey began to talk "talking about the end of the year, I would like to rent a large venue to celebrate Gwens Graduation. We can invite her classmates along with family"

After pondering a bit Charles spoke up.

"I have inherited a large chunk of land. My junkyard only covers 200 acres of the 700 I own. If you are able to organise something like a potluck I can supply the Venue. I am going through the motions of clearing some trees so it will be easy enough to get a few buildings setup."

Mr. Stacey "oh no, we could not ask you to do that."

Charles shook his head "If I was not willing, I would not have offered. But I would be grateful if someone could come by and help decorate."

The older man nodded in understanding

Mrs. Stacey Smiled "that sounds great, in three weeks all of us do not have anything happening, would you be alright if we come by?"

Nodding Charles Agreed

Soon the meal ended

Gwen and Charles ended up going to the Formers room.

Walking in Charles saw a prepped Microscope on Gwen's desk.

He then asked her what she was looking at.

"I was leant this by Dr Kurt Connors, so I could observe the genes of a Mutant with a Healing factor. This is in conjunction with a project we are working on. Dr Connors has spent many years in the development of a serum to regrow lost limbs." Gwen said.

"Wow, could you show me the difference between a Mutant and a regular humans' genes? Asked Charles

Gwen agreed, then asked Charles if she could use his blood as a sample, which he promptly agreed

She then took a needle and extracted some of his blood.

Putting it on a plate below the scope. After a few dials being fiddled, she leant back in her chair a bit dumfounded.

Quickly she pulled out another display plate and extracted a bit of her own blood.

Then she went about observing it.

Gwen then spoke while putting Charles blood back under the scope "wow, did you know you have the x gene? It looks to be inactive so there is no way to tell what the power is unfortunately."

Charles was shocked, in his mind he could not help but laugh at his luck, not only a tech system shop but also an x gene, hopefully it is something strong.

"Holy shit, do you know how to unlock the gene?" asked Charles.

"Not safely from what I know, most x-gene awakenings happen after something traumatic or there is some other factor sometimes. But I can't tell you more." Stated Gwen.

"Can you do me a huge favour and not tell anybody about these findings? Not even your parents or Dr Connors?" Charles asked

Gwen simply nodded in understanding before calling over M-O. she then gave him the tray and needle that contained his blood. The bot soon went crazy cleansing the objects of everything biological.

"So, if you do end up awakening your x-gene could you tell me?" Gwen asked.

Smiling Charles agreed.


Soon time ran out, and he soon made way for his home.


On his way home he purchased some WALLE universe construction bots. Which he then put the schematics in his phone for Typ-E to commence production.

His goal was to first use these bots to build an outdoor patio, pool, washrooms for the party that Mrs. Stacey wanted to host.


Waking up the next day, Charles first went about instructing the first dozen newly made construction bots on the layout of the venue.

He chose a small patch of land nearest to the road, and after some thinking also instructed a baseball diamond constructed this took up slightly less then 4 acres.


Going back to his workshop he began production and examination of Parkers Blood from the Spider universe.

Now this was not technically a power source, but it allowed better transference of power compared to a metallic conductor such as gold or copper, next was the retention rate. 1ml could hold 0.5 gigajoule of power with no energy lost in transference, and could hold it indefinitely, so by having it in an arc reactor I could have extra storage capacity and not just the per second joules

The next step he reconstructed an arc reactor putting both Badassium and Parkers blood inside.

Putting 100ml of parkers blood into the reactor not only increased the Arc reactors output from 5 to 7 gigajoules per second due to the reduction in lost power. It also allowed the storage of 100 gigajoules of power.

Seeing these measurements, I was quite pleased since based off of my purchased knowledge, Energon from the Transformers universe will require 500 gigajoules to produce 1ml of Energon which is a purified liquid energy form, which transformers use to operate.

Realising the amount of energy, I will need for future projects I decide to make extra Badassium Arc reactors with Parkers blood.

The rest of the day was spent gathering ingredients and preparing the Particle accelerator.

The plan was to make 50 New Arc reactors. Since most future projects will be energy intensive and it is good to have back ups in emergencies.

Now with an improved reactor I did not have to use the hydro pole for energy.

So, all in all I was able to complete 50 baddassium elements in 3 hours.

With my reactors now complete, I began the process of making the Energon converter, which to be honest was very simple to make.

Making ports on to the converter I installed 40 reactors leaving the other 11 to be installed around my home.

Soon the conversion began. The display showed that 500 gigajoules to 1 ml energon will take 1 hr. and with having a 10-litre storage bin installed I could sleep and go to school with this machine running constantly with no stop.


Calling it a day, I soon make my way for bed.



3 days

Today everyone at school was quite enthused.

Today was the trip to Oscorp.

We were introduced to a few of the well-known scientists, such as Dr Octavius who was in charge of a clean energy project, Dr Connors in charge of a Healing serum, and Dr Halsey who was a new scientist spearheading research in AI development.

The only Dr I have to say that was the most sociable and level headed must have been Dr Otto.

If there is one person I want to save from their fate as a villain then it would be him. I just need to find a way to interact with him outside of this trip.


Soon the trip came to an end, and it looks like the one and only Spiderman will soon be arriving based off of Peters sweating. One unfortunate occurrence is that Gwen is also experiencing the same symptoms.

Getting permission, I am soon on my way in a cab, taking Gwen back to her place to rest.


Getting to the Stacey residence, I was greeted by Mrs. Stacey since the Mr. was still working.

"HI Charles, I see that you have tired out my little Gwen, I hope you are using protection" Mrs. Stacey joked.

Blushing but laughing in good humour he responded while carrying Gwen Bridal style. "No, she developed an illness along with a classmate, I think she will be just fine though, nothing a good night's rest wont help."

Saying his goodbyes, he makes his way home, but on the way decides to call the school to notify he won't be in for the rest of the week.


Once home I begin the development of Redstone dust from Minecraft.

In Minecraft it is a natural substance, but through the Techsystems it can be man made.

Based off of my knowledge Redstone is formed from a crystallised mixture of copper and gold encompassing extremely miniscule sized magnetized iron particles encased in quartz crystals.

Redstone is a great conductor along with producing little bits of its own energy barely 0.25 gigajoules a second. Only problem in that Redstone can not retain the energy

So most likely to counter act this I will need to encompass the Redstone in Parkers blood, but I need to find a way so that neither negatively effect the other.


Due to being so comfortable in my own workshop, I often do not follow any safety protocols.

Most days I am lucky enough to not have any repercussions. Unfortunately, today was not one of those day.

At the same time, I was experimenting with Redstone dust and Parkers blood, right beside me I had an open container of Energon, 2 Badassium reactors and 1 litre of extra Parkers Blood.

Unfortunately, since I was not wearing any PPE, I accidentally inhaled some Redstone dust, which soon made me sneeze, causing a big cloud of Redstone dust to billow around me.

The conductive dust soon connected with the Badassium Reactors, causing to receive a huge amount of shock.

In pain I fall into the jugs of Parkers blood and Energon.

I could feel Electricity and other forms of energy traveling through my body, causing all muscles to freeze.

My lungs became heavy from the inhaled dust, and the Pain soon led me to passing out completely.




A few hours later

I wake up a long while after passing out.

Looking at my surroundings I notice that the energon seems to have evaporated, while I am still lying in a small puddle of Parkers blood.

Then I observe the most concerning sight.

2 completely Drained Dry Badassium/parkersblood reactors.

Picking one up I observe it, there does not seem to be any defects in the casing.

Concerned I walk to my phone to check what time it is.

It stated 11pm that same day, but what was weird is that the powerbar of the phone was slowly being drained.

Quickly iplace down my phone and back away. Looking at the screen I see that the Baattery is no longer being drained.

The only thought that came to mind was that I am absorbing that power.

Walking to my safe that held other Badassium/Parker Blood Reactors, now known as the BP Reactor.

Grabbing one I soon notice the glowing energy start to flicker.

Observing the skin that the reactor touched I could notice faint glow of the capillaries right at the contact point. But further away there was no reaction.

I continued holding that reactor for 30 more minutes.

At the end of that time the reactor was compleely drained. Dead. Nothing will restart except for a new element. It was crazy since Baddasium had a life span of 400 years, and it was drained in 30 minutes.

Grabbing a nearby charge tester I place it to my skin to see if it could detect an electric charge, fortunately it did not read anything.

Next I tried focusing my mind on producing power in that portion of my body.

I could not feel anything change but the Charge tester sure did, it started beeping like crazy showing a 3 gigajoule output.

Amazed I run to my house basement, where I have placed the Starwars Surgeon Droid.

I soon had the Droid draw blood for testing along with scans and other things.


After the testing, it appeared that due to the accident my X-gene activated.

My heart seems to constantly be producing electricity. The same rate as the original Arc reactor.

Which was 3 gigajoules per second.

Next thing noticed is my blood and marrow seems to have absorbed effects from the Parkers blood.

Great conductivity. Storage capacity has increased from .5 gigajoule to 1gigajoule per ml. also it seems that due to the blood I do not let off any current, it all stays absorbed.

The Redstone dust seems to have mixed into my skin, allowing me to connect with external forms of energy, allowing both absorption and release of energy int oother devices. To proved it worked I was able to charge a dead car battery pretty quikly with just a touch.

Next and I think the most important the Energon.

The Energon aloud for a strange occurrence. Depending on the amount of energy absorbed and the constant usage of energy, my hearts output can increase along with the storage capacity of my blood.

This is amazing. I will now not need to worry about Battery and Energy issues when making Prosthetics for me. Its like the cheap man's cultivation.

Deciding that I am too hyped to go to bed, I begin the planning of my prosthetics.


Starting at the Nerve connection, I decide to take inspiration from the Nerve gear.

Installing a special non magnetic alloy that can withstand immense heat after cooling, this will be installed at the base of the skull. By doing this it will increase reaction times of both the eye and arm. But for the Eye it also allows information to be accessed, and by implanting an internet/ computer connection in the nerve gear I would now be able to access all information through the eye.

Now for the eye, there will of course be access to the internet so by just a mental command I could search up the weather, crime records, etc. Next there will be Xray, infra-red, zoom in/out and a camera for pictures and videos. Along with Auto targeting.

For the arm it will be using the Transformer shifting tech. starting at the shoulder I will include a hidden BP Reactor that is hidden in a Magnetic Colar that will be bolted to the bone. The magnet will then allow different model arms to be switch out on a dime.

For my every day arm the upper half will contain hidden and protected inserts for USB. Then below the elbow will be the shifting option.

First there is the regular hand but when the shift engages, the Hand turns into a fist and recoils into the forearm, the forearm then swivels on a track so that the fist is now at the elbow and the elbow is now where the fist used to be. Then a small repeating canon is exposed. This canon has the base power of a 12 gauge slug. And a fire rate of 1shot every 5 seconds. My body has the power for faster and stronger shots, but with my current metals available the canon heats up to quickly for that.


After many hours of nonstop work, it is now Saturday.

2 days have gone by since the Oscorp trip.

And now finally the Prosthetics are completed.

Undergoing a 5hour surgery the Surgeon droid installed first the Nerve gear, then eye, and finally the arm.

One will never understand the thrill of changing one arm into a canon until one has the ability to.

Taking shots at old car doors, the feeling of power was pretty intoxicating.

Now with my own heart producing energy with ability to improve its generation, with effort I will be able to have extremely strong devices attached.

Before along a message appears in my left eye.

After having synced my phone into the nerve gear I can now access all texts and emails with a blink of the eye.

The message was from Gwen. She was wondering if I would like to come by for dinner tomorrow night.

I sent a reply confirming that I would be there.

With her Message acting as a reminder, I thought of the future.

In the Marvel cinema and comics, they always showed a small group going against planet sized armies. But here in reality that is a far-fetched dream.

The little people will be left to suffer if the police and military are not properly equipped to defend against threats from space.

My first thought was to sell Chappie scout and other types developed using that technology.

Then I realised that these along with the slaver AI and Learning AI would be too advanced and tempting for current earth.

After a few moments I decide to go with Starwars security/ battle variants.

Going through the list 3 droids caught my attention that I could currently sell

B1 regular battle droid $ 500,000

B1 Heavy droid along with shielding tech $ 700,000

B1 Firefighter droid with Heat shielding $ 600,000

These three droids I would sell, but I would not include energy blasters.

I will equip them with AR15 and earth variants, after more unrest begins spreading after 2008 I will introduce them slowly, so as not to cause an arms race too early or be on Hydra or SHIELDs capture list.

Now going back to the Chappie Scout robot.

I will start production for my own utilisation. For the regular scout I will have simple AI slavers

I will create squads of 5 scouts.

5 squads in a platoon. And for each Platoon I will have an Adaptive Learning AI like the Chappie protagonist.

Regular Scouts will be painted Blue while the Chappie scouts will be painted black with blue antennas.

I will instal them with combat modules, melee, ranged, room clearing etc, but I will also program them to work as construction workers. Since I do not want them to sit around gathering dust.


Commencing the creation of the B1 droids usually just known as the B1 I decide the fallowing technologies to include

For energy I decide to use a mini Palladium reactor to power the droids.

Along with using Transformer Metallurgy to increase the strength of the droids to survive 5 12 gauge slugs in one spot before being pierced.

Next, I gave them each a VI learning program, so that they could not make plans for themselves and they would need Organic commands to function properly but they could remember certain protocols and remember and fix mistakes. This I did so I would not have to worry about a group of Ultron's traumatized from fighting crime.

Next, I included a carbon and rubber honeycomb lining just inside the droid frame protecting all the Electronics from electrocution and EMPs and lessening blunt trauma damage.

With the B1 completed I went on to the B1 Heavy also known as B1-H

This droid had everything from the regular, but I included an energy shield on the left forearm alongside the peronal shielding. This was so that the heavies would be at the front line of riots and other violence, the forearm shield were there to aid in not just protecting the droids but protecting the officers behind them.

The next droid the B1 firefighter also known as B1-F

This droid was made to be robust and strong enough to lift 1 ton

It was then given the Palladium Reactor which powered the droid along with ports where emergency equipment could be pluged in like Defibulators they were also armed with emergency oxygen tanks and masks.

Next to be built were the Droid Carriers.

They where made to be a compact double layered carrier.

The B1 and B1-H carriers could carry 25 droids while the B1-F carrier would hold 10 droids

The reason for the less droids was the firefighter carrier was equipped with hoses and a Water extractor which would condense the moisture in the air, rapidly to aid in fighting fire without a ready available water source.


With the planning done I began the mass construction of the B1 and the other variants.

Some people may think its stupid to start building something without a sales agreement, but knowing how well my other things were selling, I felt pretty confident.

With my work done I decided to take a tour of my property and view all the different machines I have running around.


Passing the back of my house I first see the Factory which the WALLE and Star wars engineering/mechanic bots are building the different models of Droid I am and will be selling.

Passing them, I see a great big unnamed bot that refined the separated materials for proper use.

Going further I could see big piles of Cubed junk. Along with Walle-Es running around.

Going further I see a strange sight.

A Wall-E was sitting still and strangely enough it seemed to be starring into the sky almost longingly.

Marking down to check that bot out later, I continue on my way.

Going out side of the junkyard I go to see the patch of land that I am turning into a park.

Originally the plans were to just make a temporary venue to host a graduation party. But I thought it would be great to have a public park for my neighbours to enjoy.

Giving a fair chunck land I include a Pavilion that oculd fit 100 people, a food hut with a kitchen.

Bathrooms, 1 football pitch(soccer) and a Baseball diamond, along with a dug out and audience stands.


With my tour complete, I start to go back to my house but take a walk on the road instead of cutting through the trees.

As I was approaching my property gates, I notice a car on the side of the road.

Approaching the car I look through the back window.

I could see the man looked to be in a suit and he seemed to be aiming a camera at my home.

Feeling paranoid, instead of approaching, I walk through the gates back home pretending that I did not notice him.

Once inside my house I make my way to the computer and turn on the app that accesses the perimeter cameras.

Looking at the man in the car I must have been staring at the screen for hours before the man moved.

He got out the car and started walking the perimeter of the junkyard, he stayed on the outskirts so I could follow him with cameras from all angles.

The man walked like he was trained, this scared me wondering what organization he worked for.

After the man made a lap around, he just got into his car and drove off.

Getting scared, I activate the motion sensors on the cameras to notify me whenever there is movement.

Making sure that my arm is still functioning properly I go to bed for a well-deserved rest.


Waking up to my alarm the first thing I do is check the cameras, skimming through the 6 hours I slept there was nothing.

With that out of the way and after making a proper breakfast of mushrooms boiled egg and 2 Weiss Wurst, I go about programming the learning Ais for the chappies

In all honesty this AI was very simple to code, the hardest part is to implement an adaptive learning ability without it having any detriment to its primary protocols.

But the original creator must have been on pot when making this, the simplest way to fix that problem is by raising them like children, the whole learning process might be tedious might be 2-3 months but after that I would be unstoppable. All that needs to be done now is the planning and creation of the scout bodies, but that can wait.


A thought I had last night was how unprotected my work shop was, anyone could slip in and take whatever was in there.

Setting a primary objective I decide to take a page from Batman.

Calling all WALL-Es and construction bots, I begin the process of building a huge cavern deep underground.

Traveling down 500 meters, I line the exterior with a Lead/copper Alloy protected by a compressed phrik and Titanium mixture.

The main lab was 1kmX500mX500m (LxWxH) next to the main lab was an elevator shaft that led 1 km deeper where a storage room 2kmX3kmX1km, in the future I would keep sensitive products like weapons and space ship. Beside the Storage room was the Factory room of the same size. This would be where all personal projects are built in bulk

On the same level as the main lab, I place a computer room which in the future will hold a supercomputer produced from a mixture of technologies that I have not yet purchased.

Then behind a hidden door, I made a medium sized room 100mX100mX30m

This room would be my armory, right now I am not a superhero but it is always good to be prepared

Connected to the armoury was another elevator shaft that leads 2 km deep. This room was half as big as the Storage room. This room I will install Hard light holograms and other workout equipment. This would be the training room.

With the Layouts and Materials prepared I allow the Droids to go about their work, while I go to prepare for dinner at the Staceys


Taking an electric scooter, I start on my way into the city on my way to Gwen's.

Passing the 4th intersection after making many different turns I soon notice that a car has been following me.

Deciding to test my theory I do a circle around a block 3 times. On the fourth circle the car seems to have noticed what I was doing and finally drove off at the next intersection.

Keeping vigilante for future pursuers I head on to my destination.


At the Door I was greeted by Gwen's Mother.

"Hello Mrs. Stacey, how are you this fine Saturday night. Take this bottle of wine, it is a cave spring Riesling that my parents seemed to like." Charles said smiling.

Mrs. Stacey let out a beaming smile "Oh Dear, thank you for coming for dinner again, but drop that Mrs. and call me Helen, and thank you for the wine" making his way in he greets Gwen's youngest brother Arthur who seems to be having his homework judged by his father.

Charles greets the two "evening, Arthur, Mr. Stacey, how are you two today, by the way Sir, could we talk when you are done with that paper before supper?"

Arthur smiles and waves.

Mr. Stacey simply nods before going back to the piece of paper.

After 5 minutes of silent marking, Arthur is handed his homework and he runs to his room, while Mr. Stacey turns his attention to Charles.

"Take a seat Charles, what was it you wanted to discuss?" the older man asked.

Taking a seat and a breath he began the discussion.

"I have two things to bring up. First off, your daughter is a very dear friend of mine, I enjoy every time we spend time together. With your permission I would like to ask Gwen out on a date."

Mr. Stacey seemed to grow a stoney face. The silence started to grow unbearable while he was staring at Charles, who did not twitch even a little.

After a few minutes of that continued Mr. Stacey gave his assent "Very well, but be very aware that if you hurt my daughter, all of the other officers in this City will help me cover up your disappearance, now what was the second matter?"

"Thank you for the Chance Sir. Now the second matter is in regards to my business. As you most likely know I have become quite successful in the robotics industry with the WALL-E, TYP-E, M-O and Baymax. I have created some robots to aid Policemen and Firefighters. I was wondering if you could arrange some high-ranking members of those departments to come to my place for a demonstration of their abilities?"

After a few moments to think the older man gives his agreement "very well give me your address and I can get a few people over there, considering your other creations I have some very high hopes."

Soon the two were greeted by Gwen who was coming back from what she said was visiting some friends, but she seemed like she was hiding something.


Once everyone was seated at the table, Helen started to bring out Lamb, potatoes and asparagus.

"So, Charles I see that your arm looks different? Is this one of your creations, also is that an eye or something else? I didn't realise that technology was good enough to replace eyes now." Helen asked

Hearing the question everyone else perked up and looked towards Charles for an answer.

Nodding Charles answered "yes, my last prosthetic arm I found had a slow responding speed to my nerve signals. Also, it could not lift much weight, so to fix the response speed I surgically implanted a nerve implant into the base of my skull, which I connected to the magnetic collar on my shoulder which is fused to the bone for better strength. The nerve implant also connects to my eye, so that I can also see out of it. Now for the rest of my arm, look here I can separate from the magnetic collar, making it easier for replacing, and now I have an arm with a faster reaction speed and stronger than the regular arm." Said Charles.

"So COOL!" exclaimed Arthur.

Mr. Stacey remarked "impressive, I am glad you now are whole."

Helen smiled

Gwen looked on in shock at the success of Charles to repair himself.

Dinner then continued with light hearted chatter, and the indulgence of terrific food."


When dinner ended, Charles and Gwen retreated to her room.

Deciding to tell Gwen about hi X-gene he closes her door so no one can overhear.

"Gwen, I have a secret to tell you that can not be told to anyone. Not your mother, father or even God in the afterlife. Can you keep it for me?" Charles asked seriously.

Hearing this Gwen nodded fervently her eyes widened in wonder.

"The other day I accidentally touched a battery, getting shocked I passed out in pain. But when I woke up, I was fine, but the battery was dead. After doing some testing I found out my X-gene awakened and now my Heart produces power and along with that I can absorb electricity from other things and also give it." Saying this Charles took his phone and drained the battery before charging it again.


Gwen was amazed "why would you tell me a secret this important? What happens if someone finds out?"

Taking her hand he replies. "I trust you; I do not want to start a relationship with decision changing Secrets."

"WHAT?! What do you mean start a relationship?" she asked panicking

"Gwen, would you do me the pleasure of taking you out for dinner Monday night after school? He asked.

Gwen was left opening and closing her mouth for a few moments before answering.

"YES! I would love to go on a date with you."


After some chatting about life and school, Charles goes back home.

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