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61.53% COTE: The Perfect Genius / Chapter 7: Sudo's Trial

Chapter 7: Sudo's Trial


After making Class C pay for trying to provoke Class A, the days continued with the same boring lessons and finally the trial day of Classes C and D came.

As for why I'm looking forward to this day, it's because I'm the judge.

On my left side were Chabashira Sae and D class, while on my right side were Sakagami Kazuma, C class and Ryuen Kakeru.

''We will now hold deliberations regarding the violent incident that occurred last Tuesday.As Student Council first year representative, I, Kujou, will preside.'' Alya said.

"It's quite unexpected that the newly inaugurated Vice President is here," Chabashira Sae said

"There is no reason for you to doubt my competence, Chabashira-san, after all, I know enough about the S-System and the President was too busy to participate, so he assigned this case to me," I said with a smile.

''To both sides, listen. I wish to ascertain which version of the events is the truth. İs that acceptable?" Alya said, looking at me, and I nodded my head in agreement.

''Komiya and the other two, you insist you were called to the special annexe by Sudō and then attacked by him. Sudō denies this. He insists that Komiya was the one who called him there. Your versions of the events are contradictory. There is only one fact we can be certain of: that the aggressor, Sudō, injured Komiya, Kondo, and Ishizaki. They are the victims. '' said Alya while going through her notebook.

''I'll admit that I hit them! But they're the ones who started it!" said Sudo Ken aggressively.

''I don't recall doing that.'' said Komiya Kyogo

''You damn well did! I was only defending myself," Sudo said angrily.

''You just kept running your mouths! You're jealous because I'm on the list of potential regulars! And at basketball practice, you always get in my --" he said, but since I didn't want to listen to the duo's argument any longer, I started hitting the table with my index finger of my gloved left hand.

After a few hits, the atmosphere finally became quiet and I started talking.

"Sudo Ken, if you speak without permission again and challenge my authority here, I will immediately conclude the case and have you expelled from school," I said in an annoyed manner. and I turned my gaze to Komiya.

"And you better not do the same thing, otherwise you won't like the consequences." I said. Although Komiya took my words seriously because I defeated Ryuen once, the bull named Sudo went crazy with anger, but he managed to stay calm as a result of Horikita's efforts.

''You can continue Alya''

''Without new testimony or evidence, we will proceed under these assumptions.Is this acceptable?'' Alya asked and her words were followed by silence.

"They don't seem to have any objections," I said, continuing to lean on my right hand.

''It's clear from the state of their injuries that the violence was one-sided. I believe I should base my decision on that. "Class D's insistence that it was self-defense is contradicted by Sudō-kun's lack of injuries and the condition of Ishizaki-kun and the others." Alya said and then Horikita stood up.

''I beg your pardon. I would like to question the witnesses.May I?" Horikita asked

''Vice president?''

"I'll allow it." I said while looking at Ryuen.

''What were the circumstances under which Sudō-kun called you out?''

"Huh?" said Komiya, surprised by the question.

''Answer me.''

''After practice ended, he said he wanted to talk to me.''

''And what was Ishizaki-kun doing in the special annexe with you? He is not in the basketball club. There was no reason for him to be there.''

"I... wanted insurance," Komiya said nervously.

'This girl would make a good defense lawyer'


''Everyone knows what a violent guy Sudō-kun is. He's a big guy, too!"

''You thought he might attack you, then?''

''That's right?'' Komiya said unsurely.

'They should have memorized the answers better, but that's not my problem.'

''And so you brought Ishizaki-kun, who had a reputation as being a strong fighter in middle school, as a bodyguard?''

''I did it to protect myself!''

 ''I have some knowledge of martial arts myself. Fighting multiple enemies increases the difficulty exponentially. For you to be beaten so one-sidedly, especially with Ishizaki-kun present, makes no sense.''

''Well, that's just because we didn't want a fight!''

''If you had no desire to fight, and you weren't fighting back, it's extremely unlikely that all three of you would be hurt.''

''That does sound like common sense.'' said Chabashira Sae

''Common sense doesn't apply when Sudō-kun's involved! He's an incredibly violent man!''

''There was a student who witnessed the entire fight.''

"Would the witness step forward, please?" Horikita asked.

After confirming the arrival of the witness, a girl with pink hair and quite nervous walked through the door.

"Would the witness please state her name?" Alya asked.

"C-Class 1-D, Sakura Airi." Sakura said nervously.

''Please take your seat.''


''Sakura-san.'' Horikita Suzune said and caught Sakura's attention.

''I did see it. The Class C students attacked Sudō-kun first. I'm sure of it.''

"Sakura, was it? If you really did see it, why didn't you step forward sooner?" Ryuen asked.

''Well... because...''

"Honestly, you Class D's," Sakagami Kazuma interjected.

''I'm just... telling the truth...''

''Sakura-kun. Sakura Airi-kun. Are you sure you're not being forced to like for the sake of your class? "To save Sudō-kun?" asked Sakagami-san.


''The fact that Sakura-san is here proves that she really did witness the incident. Horikita Suzune tried to clear up the situation by saying "If she hadn't she wouldn't be sitting here, even if we'd asked her to."


''If we just needed someone to make a statement, don't you think I would have chosen someone else?''

"Perhaps you chose to use someone like her to lend further credibility," Ryuen said as he leaned back in his chair.

''Credibility? Stop twisting everything. "Sakura-san came here in good faith--" Horikita said but was interrupted.

"Stop taking advantage of your well-meaning but weak-willed classmates," Ryuen said as he straightened in his chair.

"That is not what I'm doing!" Horikita replied.

''But look at her trembling! "Don't put any more burden on--" Sakagami said but was interrupted by Sakura.

''I have proof! "I do have... a proof!"

'If Sakura had not intervened, Sakagami and Ryuen would probably have continued to attack Horikita from both sides, causing her to give up as a result, but I don't understand is what Ayanokoji is doing here?'

"Please don't dig this hole any deeper," Sakagami said.

"This is proof that I was in the special annexe that day!" he said and showed the SD card in his hand, causing Sakagami to be surprised.

"Display it," I said to Alya.


After Alya projected her SD card onto the screen, she closed the windows of the room so we could see it better.

''That day... I was looking for somewhere deserted to take pictures of myself. It's dated, too.''

"Why are you covering my eyes?" I said in Russian to Alya, who covered my eyes with her hand and this caused a few looks from everyone in the room.

"Hold on for a few seconds," she said in a Russian and urgent voice.

''Dates on a digital camera can easily be altered. "It's rather insubstantial, as proof goes," Sakagami said.

"But, Sakagami-san, this picture is different." Alya said, but I couldn't see what she was doing because she was still closing my eyes.

When I finally stopped closing my eyes, a visual was projected on the screen showing Sudo and the other Class C students fighting.

''With this... I hope you will believe that I was there that day.''

"Thank you, Sakura-san." Horikita said, causing Sakura to smile.

After the evidence was exhibited, Alya opened the windows of the room.

''I see. It seems you were telling the truth about being present. But we still don't know who instigated it and It doesn't prove that you saw everything that went down, either." Sakagami said


"Might I propose a compromise?" Sakagami said, leaning forward.

''A compromise?'' Chabashira Sae asked

''Despite your pictures, you have no definitive proof. "However, it doesn't appear that the Class C students may bear some responsibility," Sakagami said and grinned slyly.

''Spension for Sudō-kun, and a one-week suspension for the Class C students. How about it? The difference in punishment is based on the difference in harm done to them.''

"Chabashira-san, what do you think?" Sakagmi Kazuma asked

''It seems the conclusion has already been reached.'' Chabashira Sae replied

''That's that, then. "Then, Class D representative Horikita-san, please tell us your opinion," he said, and I intervened just as Horikita was about to answer.

''Very well. I believe that Sudō-kun, the instigator of this incident, has a serious problem. He never thinks about the trouble that his daily actions will cause those around him. "Incidents like these are inevitable," said Horikita.

"Wh-Why you..." Sudo said in a betrayed voice.

''I want you to realize that it's your attitude that's at the root of all of this. He should reflect, but not about this incident. I mean that he should re-evaluate the person he has been in the past.''


''In regards to the incident we're discussing right now, I believe that Sudō-kun is free of guilt. Because this was not an unfortunate incident that just happened to take place, but an intentional set-up instigated by Class C. I assert Sudō-kun's complete innocence in the matter.''

"If you can't prove your claim, it has no value," Ryuen said, bored.

"As the witness tested, Sudō-kun is a victim. Please make the correct judgment." Horikita said, raising her voice.

Those who wanted to tell me that they were innocent gave up and remained silent when they looked at my bored expression and remembered the threat I made in their first shout.

"Both sides are saying that the other side is to blame, but neither side has enough evidence for this, so my decision is to expel the fighting basketball club members from the club forever and Ishizaki-san will be suspended for 1 week, my decision will come into effect tomorrow at 4 o'clock at that time.Bring me evidence that proves the other party is guilty or suffer your punishment," I said and when I looked at Sudo, I saw that he was staring into space as if his life had lost its meaning, but I ended the meeting without paying much attention to him.

The next day, as I expected, neither side could prove that the other was lying, so Sudo Ken and the other two Class C students in the basketball club were banned from the club forever and Ishizaki received a 1-week suspension.


3rd POV

''Sakayanagi?'' Ryuen Kakeru said to the white haired girl in front of him.

"You're from Class C, aren't you?" Sakayanagi Arisu replied

''Playing queen of the school already? Aren't you something?''

"Queen is a title given to the King's wife, and I am just friends with Indra, Ryuen-kun."

''I'm gonna crush Class D. Then B. And in the end, Class A... I'll crush Indra, too.'' Ryuen said in a harsh voice.

''But can you do that? The last time he made you sign a heavy contract," said Sakayanagi Arisu with a smile.

"And I will make him pay for this, there can only be one ruler here."

''That's true!''



English is not my native language so please ignore any spelling errors.

İndra's Total Points: 40.285.000

[The Fake Camera incident took place, but it was not successful because Ryuen intervened more in the events.]

Oshborne Oshborne

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