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19.04% The Rise Of Vaporeon / Chapter 4: Draegor Banquet

Chapter 4: Draegor Banquet

Vaporeon carried a heavy silver tray laden with goblets and platters through the opulent halls of Draegor's castle. The scent of rich foods wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of candle wax. As he entered the grand dining hall, a wave of laughter and conversation washed over him.

"Here, boy!" one of the nobles called, snapping his fingers. "Be quick about it!"

Vaporeon moved swiftly, placing a goblet before the noble with practiced ease. The man sneered, his eyes flicking over Vaporeon dismissively. "Just look at him, so serious. Lighten up, slave. You might live longer."

Laughter erupted around the table, and Vaporeon felt a flush of anger. Keep your head down, he reminded himself. Endure it. He kept his eyes on the floor, suppressing the urge to retort. He knew too well the cost of defiance.

As he moved to serve the next noble, another jabbed at him with the end of a silver fork. "Careful, he might bite!" the noblewoman said, her voice dripping with mockery.

The fork's prongs pricked his side, and he clenched his teeth, his fingers tightening around the tray's edge. Animals bite, he thought, but I am no animal. The words echoed in his mind, a mantra of self-control.

Draegor sat at the head of the table, watching the scene with a bemused smile. "Enough," he said finally, his voice cutting through the laughter. "Leave the boy be. He has work to do."

Vaporeon felt Draegor's eyes on him, sharp and calculating. The master of the castle enjoyed these little displays of power, the way they tested the limits of his servants. But there was something else in Draegor's gaze tonight—something that made Vaporeon's skin prickle with unease.

He continued his rounds, mechanically placing goblets and platters, his thoughts a turbulent sea beneath his calm exterior. One day, he vowed silently, they will see. They will know. I am more than a slave. Each act of humiliation only fueled the fire within him, a slow-burning resolve that one day, he would rise above this servitude.

For now, he wore his mask of obedience, but behind his lowered eyes, a storm brewed, biding its time.

As the banquet continued, Vaporeon moved through the room like a ghost, silently listening to the conversations of the nobles, gathering snippets of information. This was a banquet where the lords and ladies of Draegor's territory discussed matters of importance, and tonight's topic was especially intriguing.

"The reports from the northern border are troubling," one noble said, his voice low and serious. "The cold is intensifying, and our scouts haven't returned from their latest expedition."

A hush fell over the table as Draegor leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "The Forever Frozen," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. The name sent a shiver down Vaporeon's spine, even though he had only heard it in passing before.

Lord Aric, a stout man with a booming voice, broke the silence. "It's said that time itself stands still in that place. In records that place wasn't frozen before the war with dark mages. No one who ventures that far north returns. The cold is beyond imagination, and the creatures that live there are unlike anything we've seen."

"Creatures?" a young noblewoman asked, her eyes wide with fear and fascination.

"Monsters," Aric confirmed, his tone grave. "Beasts that can withstand the eternal frost. They say they're made of ice and shadow, with eyes that burn like blue fire."

Vaporeon's grip tightened on the tray he was holding, his mind racing. Monsters made of ice and shadow? The very idea was both terrifying and intriguing. What sort of power could survive in such a place?

Draegor leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "The Forever Frozen is a mystery that has eluded us for centuries. It's true that no one has been able to penetrate its depths, but perhaps it's time we made a more concerted effort."

"What do you propose, my lord?" another noble asked, leaning forward eagerly.

"We need to gather a team," Draegor said, his voice firm. "Not just scouts, but our best warriors and scholars. We need to understand what lies beyond our borders, and if these creatures truly exist, we must learn how to deal with them."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room. Vaporeon continued to serve, his mind now fully engaged with the conversation. A mission to the Forever Frozen? It sounded like madness, but it also sounded like an opportunity. An opportunity to find something that could tip the scales in his favor.

As the banquet wound down, the nobles began to retire to their chambers, their minds buzzing with plans and schemes. Vaporeon continued his duties, cleaning up the remnants of the feast, but his thoughts were far away, lost in the icy expanse of the Forever Frozen.

When the last noble had left the hall, Draegor remained, staring into the flickering flames of the grand fireplace. Vaporeon approached cautiously, placing the last of the platters onto a side table.

"Vaporeon," Draegor said suddenly, without looking up. "What do you think of the Forever Frozen?"

Caught off guard, Vaporeon hesitated. "I think it's a place of great danger, my lord," he said carefully, "but also of great mystery. Perhaps even opportunity."

Draegor's eyes flicked to him, sharp and calculating as always. "Indeed. Opportunity for those brave enough to seize it." He paused, studying Vaporeon for a long moment. "There may come a time when your particular skills are needed for such a venture. Would you be willing?"

Vaporeon's heart pounded, but he kept his expression neutral. "I serve at your pleasure, my lord." he replied, bowing slightly.

Draegor nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Good. Remember that, Vaporeon. The time may come sooner than you think."

As Vaporeon returned to his quarters that night, the words of the banquet echoed in his mind. The Forever Frozen. A place where time stood still, filled with monstrous creatures and untold secrets. It was a place of fear, but also of immense potential. Vaporeon knew that if he could be a part of such an expedition, he might find the key to his freedom and his future.

But another thought crept into his mind, one that sent a chill through his resolve. How do you kill a shadow? The question lingered, a haunting whisper in the dark. Shadows were elusive, intangible. If the creatures of the Forever Frozen were indeed shadows given form, what chance did any man have against them?

Vaporeon's brow furrowed as he considered the problem. Light dispels shadows, he reasoned. Fire, perhaps, or some form of magic. He would need to learn more, to understand these creatures if he hoped to survive such an encounter.

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