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16.66% Dukedom’s Legendary Prodigy / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

At a time when the war between the Empire and the Demon Tribe had not yet ended, Dale, a warrior in his previous life, had witnessed the Black Duke's fame only once.

When the main force of the Imperial Army was tied down by the schemes of the Demons, and the defenseless capital of the Duchy of Jackson was exposed to the enemy, it was there that the Duke of Jackson calmly welcomed them.

Alone, without a single knight escort, he faced off against a large army of Orc Warlords who had surrounded the Duchy of Jackson and the surrounding citys.

Dale, who had been dispatched to the special forces at that time, could not forget the sight he had seen that day.

The very moment he waved his hand, his pitch-black robe fluttering ominously.

The dusk of the pouring evening faded away.

After the light faded, the forces of darkness descended. Death knights poured in riding on steeds made of immortal darkness.

An immortal army that never rests or stops.

It was the first thrill he had ever felt in this world.

* * *

"Young Master.[1]"

A woman's soft voice calling his name brushed past his ears.

"It's time to wake up."

Dale opened his eyes quietly, the dawn sunlight streaming through his eyelids.

'Was it a dream?'

It was a dream of the man who is now his father.

"Thanks for waking me up."

Dale shook his head and expressed his gratitude.

Eve was a young maid working for the Duke of Jackson. Although she was young, she was close to the same age as Dale, who was turning eight this year.

Eight years old.

Seeing how noisy the ducal castle was already, Dale could easily guess what was going to happen today.

Today, he finally turns eight.

Even the Black Duke, who rarely liked the formalities or socializing of the nobility, called together his vassals and nobles and prepared a grand birthday celebration.

The Great Hall of the Duke's Castle.

The servants were moving busily, and already quite a few nobles had gathered there. This comprised of the northern nobles who were loyal to the Duke of Jackson.

"Congratulations on turning eight."

Elena, sitting on the left side of the throne prepared for the duke and duchess, smiled affectionately.

"Thank you for growing up safely, Dale."


Dale bowed his head silently, with a precocity[2] that was unusual for an eight-year-old.

"Where is your father?"

"He said he had some business to attend to and was currently meeting with Lord Helmut."

Elena answered with regret.

'Knight Commander Sir Helmut?'

Sir Helmut is the commander of the 'Order of the Night Ravens', which is directly under the House of Jackson.

They are the destroyers of the battlefield, known to their enemies by their infamous nickname, the 'Black Cavalry'.

If it was something that required an urgent summons to the commander of the knights under his command, it must have been something like the discovery of a dungeon within the territory. The duke's duty to be responsible for the safety of the territory was no exception, even if it was Dale's birthday to celebrate.

"While the banquet is postponed, I have someone I can introduce to you in place of your father."

But Elena didn't seem to care much and slowly got up. Who could it be? Dale followed her, blinking.

Elena crossed the halls of the castle with her maids. Leaving the hustle and bustle of the hall behind, Elena led Dale downstairs to the guest rooms.


Elena knocked politely and bowed her head. Dale was astonished at the politeness that she was expressing.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

Soon the door opened, and a calm, clear, beautiful voice came out.

"I'm not used to noisy places."

Dale gasped in surprise for a moment.

"Greetings. I am the Wise Demon Sepia, the elder of the Blue Tower."

Elder of the Blue Tower, the Wise Demon Sepia.

The guest in the room was a woman who looked similar to Elena, or perhaps a little younger, as if she had just barely lost her virginity.

A beauty that shines coldly like crystal. However, the ears that stand out between the sapphire-colored hair speak of the insignificance of her apparent age.

Elves are a race loved by Mana.

"I owe a great debt to the Black Duke and his wife."

Sepia answered, lowering her head. Elena shook her head as if it was nonsense.

"I am truly honored that my child is receiving teachings from Sepia."

Sepia's teachings? As soon as he heard those words, Dale realized the situation that he was in.

'What a luxurious tutor you've hired.'

"This is Dale."

The elder of the Blue Tower, Sepia, was now looking at Dale with serious eyes.

"He told me that he was forming a small circle of mana in his body."

It's been a few years since then. But the young age of four or five is not the right time to spread the wings of talent.

So Dale waited quietly for his time.

The time when one's abilities are promoted from the realm of 'monster' to 'genius talent'.

Of course, that doesn't mean that he wasted all that time. Nevertheless, Dale's 'training' during that time was at least of a nature that did not require him to be conscious of other people's gaze.

"I can definitely feel the mana."

Sepia nodded without any embarrassment.

"Dale, you said you wanted to learn magic?"

Elena didn't want Dale to become a necromancer. But she also didn't want Dale's brilliant magical talent to go to waste.

'The magic of the Blue Tower.'

Dale never felt impatient. As long as the Black Duke was his father, there would be plenty of opportunities to learn the dark arts.

Above all, Dale understood his own potential.

A wizard of average talent would struggle to master even one attribute in his lifetime. But Dale was not like that.

Rather, the elf who is loved by Mana and the elder of the Blue Tower will be a unique learning opportunity for Dale.

'The more you learn, the better.'

Let alone how much a single elder from the Blue Tower could teach Dale.

* * *

The first class started earlier than expected.

Elena left with her maids, saying she would return when the Black Duke returned.

"Please take care of me, Dale."

Sepia smiled brightly at Dale, who was left alone with her in the guest room.

An elder of the Blue Tower and a rare-to-see elf in the secular world. Her crystal-blue hair, which seems to radiate even a faint chill, is incredibly beautiful. Needless to say, her ears that stand out between them are also amazing.

"Please take care of me, teacher."

No matter what, she is a possible tutor only because of the Duke's family's prestige.

Dale in his previous life was basically an all-rounder who didn't care about swords, magic, or even secret arts and poison.

As a human weapon named Yongsa[3], he is perfectly prepared for any type of battle.

That's why it's not like the Blue Tower is completely unfamiliar with water-attribute magic, which it focuses on.

However, what he had learned at the time was a deformed method that was extremely biased towards fighting and killing. And it was done in an ignorant way that involved imprinting all sorts of modifications and magical powers onto his body.

What Dale is learning now is far from magic aimed at killing.

Water attribute magic is specialized in defense and disruption rather than attack, so the water magic that the Blue Tower focuses on is mainly of two types.

Disarming and non-killing.

'Is this also mother's wish?'

In the hope that her children would not see blood, Elena invited the wizard of the Blue Tower. Perhaps she hoped that he would consider becoming a wizard of the Blue Tower in the long term through this opportunity.

But Dale had no intention of meekly deciding his future according to her wishes.

'My vessel now is different from before.'

No matter how much he has inherited from his previous life and acquired high spiritual attainments, Dale's vessel right now is that of a pure eight-year-old child.

Of course, since he inherited the blood of the Black Duke, he must have twice as much talent for magic.

But that was the extent of it. Based on the talent and body of a SSS-class monster hunter that had been honed for nearly several decades, it was incomparable to the days of the 'human weapon' that had undergone all sorts of body modification procedures of the empire.

That's why Dale needs to make choices and focus based on deep insight, not in the same way as before.

To open up new realms that no one has ever reached before.

'Even if you're greedy, swordsmanship and two types of magic will be your limits.'

Assuming one is dark attribute magic, the remaining slot is filled with water attribute magic.

After thinking about it that far, Dale quickly shook his head.

Anyway, Dale is only an eight-year-old child right now. Even if he were to take the elder of the Blue Tower as his teacher, how much would he learn right away? He would probably only learn how to use mana and the basics of magic, and a few water-attribute spells.

Besides, the current Dale hasn't even fully formed the first mana circle yet. There's no need to rush into anything right now.

"Let's go out for a walk for a bit."

Just then, Sepia, who had been watching Dale closely, opened her mouth. Her eyes were clear and pure, as if they were piercing into the deepest parts of Dale.

"Yes, teacher."

There was no reason to refuse otherwise.

* * *

Dale was walking around the courtyard of the duke's castle with Sepia. The cold air seeped into his lungs.

"The air is very cool."

Sepia opened her mouth as they crossed the pure white marble corridor surrounding the courtyard.

"It really reminds me of home."

It was a voice with a faint sense of longing.

I had a vague guess that

 the home Sepia was talking about was probably not limited to the residence in the Blue Tower.

The pure white snow and sky of the elven territory.

"Dale, have you ever heard of spirits?"

Sepia opened her mouth.


If you are even a little interested in magic, there is no one who does not know the existence of spirits. They are beings that are close to Mana and have the power to use and control them more freely than any other magic.

However, the existence of spirits is more widely known to humans because it is often combined with stories of nature and fantasy. If you read the legends and fairy tales that are common, there is always a spirit in there.

To humans, they are a close yet distant existence.

Dale, who knew it very well, gave a small nod.

"I know."

"Then you know what a spirit magician is?"

"A wizard who makes a contract with a spirit and uses the power of the spirit, right?"

Sepia nodded as if she was satisfied.

"But how do you think a spirit magician is different from a regular wizard?"

Sepia's question made Dale ponder for a moment.

"They communicate with the spirits and borrow their power?"

"Simple but correct."

Sepia smiled warmly.

"Magicians like us can accumulate mana within our bodies and use it freely. We can freely manipulate the mana circles we have formed to create magic."

Dale nodded. Even if it was just a short moment, he had learned how to circulate mana within his body.

"But spirit magicians cannot do that."


"They cannot freely manipulate mana within their bodies. Instead, they must rely on spirits to use magic. They can only use the power of the spirits they have contracted with."

Sepia's explanation was unexpected for Dale.

"However, that doesn't mean spirit magicians are inferior to regular wizards. In fact, they are often more powerful and versatile because they can call upon the spirits to aid them in various ways."

Dale listened attentively. The world of magic was deeper and more complex than he had imagined.

"Would you like to try communicating with a spirit?"

Sepia's question was both surprising and exciting. Dale's eyes widened in anticipation.

"Can I really do that?"

"With your talent, I believe you can. But remember, spirits are not tools. They are beings with their own will and personality. You must treat them with respect and sincerity."

Dale nodded eagerly. This was an unexpected opportunity, and he was determined to make the most of it.

"Close your eyes and focus on the mana within you. Try to feel the presence of the spirits around you."

Dale followed Sepia's instructions, closing his eyes and focusing on the mana within his body. He tried to reach out with his mind, feeling for any presence around him.

For a moment, there was nothing. But then, he felt a faint, warm presence, like a gentle breeze.

'Is this a spirit?'

Dale reached out to the presence with his mind, trying to communicate with it. The presence seemed to respond, growing stronger and more distinct.

Suddenly, a small, glowing figure appeared before him. It was a tiny, translucent creature with wings, like a miniature fairy.

"Hello," the spirit said in a soft, melodic voice.

Dale's heart raced with excitement. He had made contact with a spirit.

"Hello," he replied, trying to keep his voice calm. "My name is Dale. It's nice to meet you."

The spirit giggled, a sound like tinkling bells.

"I am Aeria, a wind spirit. It's nice to meet you too, Dale."

Sepia watched with a satisfied smile as Dale conversed with the spirit. This was the first step in his journey to becoming a powerful and versatile magician.

T/L Notes:

1. Originally, it translated as Confucius, which doesn't make a lot of sense given the context. Upon further research, I learned that similar words are used to describe people of noble lineage i.e. young scions.

2. Precocity - a smartness or skill that's achieved much earlier than usual

3. Yongsa - warrior

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