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4% House of the Rising Sun / Chapter 2: Going… Going… Gone

Chapter 2: Going… Going… Gone

My eyes snapped open as I felt something cool against my chest. There was a strange woman standing over my bed. Long dark curls framed her face, she grinned as she noticed my eyes on her. 


"I see you've woken up." 


Her voice was melodic, there was hints of a French accent to her words. 


"Who are yo-" 


Before I could finish she placed a cold finger against my lips. I felt her other hand on the other side of my face. She lightly brushed my cheek as she continued to speak. 


"Who I am does not matter. I have seen what is in your heart Seth, I know what you long for. I plan on giving it to you and much more. This will be my gift to you for freeing me from my imprisonment." 


"Lady, what the hell are you talking about? How did you even get in my room?" 


I started to sit up but I felt her cold hand push me back to the hospital bed. She was unbelievably strong, I struggled until I noticed a body laying on the floor next to my bed. Blonde hair stained with blood, unseeing eyes staring off at the ceiling. Lips slightly open, blood trickling down the gash on her neck. 


"Nicole! You bitch, you killed her." 


The woman smiled at me displaying her fangs. I felt tears start to sting my eyes. 


"I was feeling a bit peckish after such a long time being trapped in my prison." 


Her words didn't register in my mind, she kissed me before I could protest. Her lips tasted like blood, I began to panic. 

She smiles at me and I notice how sharp her canines were. Before I could do anything I felt her wrench my head sharply to the side, I heard a loud crack as pain flared in my neck and then there was darkness. 


Groaning as I sat up I felt my neck protest as I took in my surroundings. I tried to remember what had happened and immediately began to panic. Nicole had been lying on the floor bleeding out. I wasn't in the hospital anymore, I looked down expecting to see the hospital robes and stared at what was on my body. I looked like I was a side show at the Ren Fair. 


A red loose fitting tunic, dark fabric trousers and cloth wrappings on my legs that led to leather shoes. I felt dread bubble up in my belly as I fought the wave of nausea that washed over me. I heard a thump next to me and looked down. A sword with a leather belt and a roll of parchment lay next to my foot. 


Bending down I picked up the roll of parchment and undid the knot on the length of string that held it close. Elegant script filled the parchment, I began to read and my fear was confirmed. 




I meant what I said when I would give you what your heart desired. You have always said that you wanted to be a vampire if you got the chance. So now you are one, and since I can not have you interfering with my world I have sent you to another. You will find that you recognize this world, and may come to even enjoy it. I apologize for the blonde, I was hungry and she was rather tasty. Do not seek revenge, you will not find it. I am far from your reach, I have given you a few gifts for freeing me from my prison. One of which is this sword, it is just a regular sword thought maybe a bit better quality for the time you are in. As for your second gift, all things must have balance in that world. Everything must have a way to be killed, but since your life is now tied to mine you are free from this rule. Do enjoy your time there, I took great care in choosing that world for you. 




I read through the note again, then again just to make sure that I didn't miss a thing. Another world, I had been kidnapped and dropped off into another world. My girlfriend was dead, I was stuck in another world, and this Morgana lady had apparently turned me into a vampire. 


I didn't even want to be a vampire, sure I thought about being immortal and powerful but I never specifically said that I wanted to drink blood and be a broody mess. I folded the letter and stuck it in my waistband before looking at the sword. Shrugging I put on the belt it was attached to, if I was in another world it would be wise to be armed. 


My thoughts went back to Nicole, I felt pain in my heart as I remembered her laying by my bed. If I knew how I'd have gone back to drive the sword she had given me through her heart. Who even was Morgana? I don't remember ever having 'freed' her from whatever prison she crawled out of. I knew it was pointless to do anything but look for shelter in my current situation. The sun was setting and judging from the clothes she put me in as well as the sword I could only assume that I was in some sort of medieval fantasy world. 


'Fuck I hope I'm not in Skyrim.' I thought to myself as I began to walk. 


Of all the places I could end up I would hate to be in the Elder Scrolls world. Vampires sucked ass in the games, and depending on which game it was some would instantly die once exposed to the sun. 


'Maybe I'm in Warcraft or something. The clothes look the part, no wait, the sword would be ridiculously oversized.' 


As I walked I kept trying to figure out where I was, the trees weren't too helpful. They looked like any regular old tree that grew in the eastern US. I heard the sounds of voices and the clang of steel and immediately dove into a bush. 


Peaking out of the bush I watched two guys fighting each other with swords as a few other people watched. 


'Must be sparing.' 


A thought crossed my mind, if I really was a vampire why the hell would I need a sword? Could I not just easily rip someone to shreds with my bare hands? I felt the power in my muscles. I had always kept myself fit with calisthenics and weight training. 


I continued to stay hidden as I watched the two guys who looked around my age spar. Something about their faces seemed oddly familiar. I felt like I had seen them somewhere before. As their spar grew more heated they ended up moving towards my direction. I felt myself tense up, my body felt like a spring compressed on itself. I got ready to run for it should they discover me. 


I let out a sigh of relief as they moved in the opposite direction. I tried to quietly move back and away from the group and winced as I stepped on a twig. The two stopped their bout and looked around. Digging deep in myself I bolted, I felt the world blur only to feel myself smash into a tree with a grunt. 


Hearing shouting I heard running footsteps coming my way. Getting to my feet preparing for a fight I looked at the people that had surrounded me. A dark haired man who looked to be the oldest in the group stepped forward with a sword in his hand. 


"Who are you and where did you come from." 


He had an English accent, 'maybe I'm in England then.' I thought I had brushed the leaves and dirt off my clothes. 


"You first." 


"I asked you first, now who are you and what are you doing here?" 


Sighing I pinched the bridge of my nose. 


"Look, I've had day like you wouldn't believe. So lower the sword before I slap your head off." 


The group continued to look at me, I observed them as they each looked conflicted at my words. I looked at the only woman among them, noticing my gaze, one of the men stepped between me and the woman. 


"Stand behind me Bekah." The blond man said. 


I let out a sigh, maybe I was being a bit of a dick. What can I say, even if I was a vampire I was surrounded. It wasn't like I could just go around killing people I meet in the woods. 


"Fine, my name is Seth. I am just passing through this area. Now could you all lower your swords please?" 


They hesitantly sheathed their swords, a man stepped forward. 


"My name is Elijah, these are my siblings. Where are you traveling to Seth? Perhaps we can point you in the right direction." 


Recognition flared across my mind.


'Bekah, Elijah, siblings in the woods.' I felt my hands clench as I realized which world Morgana had just dropped me in. Before I could help it a string of words escaped my mouth. 


"That fucking bitch!" 

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