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4: Breaking Point

(Yuuta's POV)


Her brown eyes widen at my sudden words. Her tiny lips drop open in honest surprise.

"I-I must have misheard it before, r-right, Yuuta?"

"Did I stutter?"

I smirk as she pales.

"Let's break up, Natsuha."

"W-WHYYY?! Did I do something wrong? Is it about our date? Or because we haven't done that for three months?"

I couldn't tell if she was self-righteous or if she thought cheating on me was just normal.


She grabs my shirt tightly, looking at me with that innocent face.

"This is not the usual Yuuta I know. You must be confused about something? I'm sorry for what's happened lately as if I've been neglecting you—"

She paused and looked at me.

"Go on, Natsuha. Why stop?"

I said, unamused.

"Why are you so different, Yuuta?"

"Me, different? Ah, that's right. I've just slightly grown up. Anyway, are you done?"

Ugh, what the hell is that line? I chuckled inside. A small part of me is disappointed that she lied, but in my past life, I was always stoic about everything. I don't need to put my energy into this negative emotion. Being edgy is not my cup of tea.


Her words stuck in her throat. She lets go of my shirt, looking overwhelmed.

"If you don't know why, I'll tell you."

I tap my phone and play it.

{Ahhn! Harder! AH! YES! It feels so good!—}

Natsuha widened her eyes and shivered at the sound.

"I just played it, and judging by your look, you recognized your moan."

I turned my phone to her face.

"Here, take a close look."

As she trembled, she took my phone, her eyes locking onto the video.

"Hu... huh?"

"You said your distant family was visiting you, so we had to cancel our day, but I found him instead?"

At this point, Natsuha didn't look at me. Her face was just sweating.

"Yu-Yuuta! I-I c-can explain this!"

This girl. I sighed again and took my phone back from her.

"Just give up. Accept reality, Natsuha."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"There's no future for this relationship."

"N-No! No—please! A change... Just give me one chance! You know that I love you, Yuuta! Just give me one more chance and we could start again. I'll cut my connection with him as well!"

There you go. Natsuha just saying something cliche.

"I don't care, Natsuha. I'm not a masochist. I don't have a responsibility for that."

"I'll do anything! Please... sniff! hiek!"

I sighed. If she's hysterical like this, her mom's reaction will be worse.

"You don't have to. Listen. We can still be friends even if we break up."

When I said friend, I meant we wouldn't be as close as before.

"No, please! I beg you! I want to be with you—hiek!"

Damn it, this is why I hate brat. I should be the emotional one, but I look like a bully here.

After some time, she calmed down, just a little.

"It's not healthy to keep up this toxic relationship, and you know that too."

"Um... Yes....."

"Natsuha, I'll say this straight. I don't care what happened in the past and what you will do after this. But I just want to ask you one favor."

She looked at me with that hollow gaze, then looked down at the floor.

"If people ask what happened and you think that you need to answer it. Don't say anything about you cheating on me. Especially, our parents. Let's say we just need some space. Just act normally if you meet me. I want this breakup to feel normal."


"It's not my place to talk about what happened to your family, but I'm worried about aunty too. I'm sure you don't want to hurt her. Let's just keep this secret to our graves."

Natsuha weakly nodded at me.

"Good. I'll keep your promise."

I thought this was the right time for me to go home. But then I stopped as I was about to flick the door handle.

"One more thing. If you expose everything and hurt our parents' feelings. Just a warning, it's better not to make me your enemy, Natsuha."


"Alright, see you at school."

I went home. Her house is soundproof. So, I didn't know what Natsuha did after that. I'm not her guardian. She's a year older than me; she knows how to take care of herself now.

My objective so far is fulfilled. I just hope her act to cover up the truth will be as good as when she cheated on me.

Even though this hurts my pride, I'm not pitiful. I'm not a crybaby. I'm a man who doesn't need someone to tap my back to make me feel better. I am a man who doesn't need anyone to listen to my problems so I can sleep soundly. I never think this is the end for me. My red line is my family and Aunty Haruka. As long as that line is safe, I'll keep moving forward.

This is nothing but just my small sacrifice to keep my mom and aunty safe, a small price I can live with. I am not worried about Dad. While he might sound serious when he was around Mom, if he's just with me, he must laugh and throw my ass to the gym. Well, I'm about to lift weights, so that's no problem. But I don't know why I felt better after breaking up with Natsuha. Hm. That's good.


AN: Alright boys! Listen up! This is not a drill! I repeat! This is not a drill! Throw in the names of the better waifus he deserves here, in your opinion!

Shuhjn Shuhjn

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