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42.85% Twilight: The Way Blood Flows in You / Chapter 1: C001

Chapter 1: C001

The first volume will be mainly from Bella's POV or Cullen's because doing it from MC's POV will spoil everything.

If you like story give it stone and support and I will post another chapter.


My name is Isabella Swan, though everyone calls me Bella Swan. My father is Charlie Swan and Renee Higginbotham, well now she goes by Renee Dwyer. Around the time I was born, both of them were in some sort of disagreement.


Charlie wanted to stay in Forks to look after grandpa and grandma, but Renee wanted him to get out of the Forks with her to somewhere more sunny. He denied, she left him with me when I was young.


After their divorce, they made sort of an agreement where Charlie would be allowed to meet me when I am over Forks. Over the year, he started seeing a man named Phil Dwyer, and then she got married.


While I am happy about her, I feel like a third wheel at the moment. Especially since both of them are in the honeymoon phase right now, and the feeling only intensifies. So to escape from it and get a fresh start, I decided to complete high school in Forks instead of Phoenix.


Reaching the place, I saw that the place was the same but different. It was wet, damp and dreary like always, but things have changed. The old Ice-cream parlor has closed and in its place a burger joint has opened. The large house at the corner near few blocks was not there, and in its place stood a small bakery.




With the screech of the tire, Charlie's truck stopped in front of the his house. Our house.


"Well, here we are." Charlie spoke looking at me.


Giving the house a once over, I spoke, "Yeah, it looks as I remember."


"Hah, live long enough in a single house by yourself and spend most of your time looking over the town, and you won't find time to change your place."


Charlie commented as he got out, making me somewhat uncomfortable. Not that he meant to do it. Despite his looks, he is soft from the inside. But I can see how living along in Forks can do that to him.


"Watch out for the grass. It rained morning so it is muddy." Charlie said as I opened the door to step out and had already placed my leg in mud.


"Too late." I muttered under breath as I got out from truck and rubbed my shoes on the carpet on the porch while Charlie opened the door.




With a clicking sound, the door opened and both of us entered the house. Charlie was placing his keys while I was looking around.


Ceiling looked nice and wall paper looked new. Light as well. Charlie must have done some renovation knowing I was coming here.


As I was looking around, my eyes fell on a photo frame with picture of me, Renne, and Charlie.


"We got that one after you learnt to walk." Charlie said from behind my shoulder which almost caused me to drop the frame but as if expecting it, he held it and placed it while giving me a smirk.


"Still at a war with balance."


Nodding while draping my arms around my body due to the cold of Forks, I said, "Yeah."


Smiling…well smiling as he would, he said, "You were always a clutz. Your mom and I could not get anything expensive because you would break them. We have to baby proof the things from you instead of the other way around."


"Still am." I announced and as I decided to walk forward into the kitchen and looked at the fridge.


"New fridge?"


"Nah, I had it for a long time." He dismissed it but stopped as I showed him the tag and sticker that were on the fridge along with tape on it foot.


Getting over to him, I gave him a hug, at which he first stiffened up, but then later hugged me back.


Charlie will always try to downplay anything he does.


Getting out of the hug, he said, "Take a look at your room."


He did not.




He did it.


"Your room, just the way you left it last time you last visited."


"It is pink." I tried to compliment but this is the best I could do.


"Your favorite." Charlie followed.


Well, the thought counts more. And knowing my fashion sense rating in negatives, I would have done something worse.


"It is beautiful, thank you." I said as he beamed up and then my eyes wandered to a letter on the side table.


"Forks High School." I read the letter out loud and Charlie followed up.


"Yeah, I got you admission to the High School. It is a few minutes of drive from here. You can take the truck."


"Thanks Charlie." I said bobbing my head up and down awkwardly. Then I my eyes fell on a moving truck at a house next to ours. Seeing where I was looking at, Charlie began.


"A boy is moving in. About your age. His name is Reynold Rothchilde."


"Alone?" I asked quirking him a brow.


Shrugging his shoulder Charlie spoke, "Yes. Evidently, he is rich."


"Then why is he in Forks?" I followed up, and Charlie said, "I asked him when he was registering himself in Sheriff's office. Said about taking things slow for a while."


Oh, must have gotten cheated on by his girlfriend or something.


"Well, that is that. He looks to be a good kid. You should talk to him sometime."


Nodding my head at his 'subtle' suggestion to make a friend, I took a final look at the house next door and then turned to him and said, "Got it."


Following this there was an awkward silence with me fiddling with a keychain in my hand and Charlie looking stoically at the room before my stomach made a sound.


"Want to grab a bite?" He asked.


Bobbing my head, I followed him downstairs.




"Bella, how are you?"


"I am fine mom."


"And how is Forks?"




"Did you wear your jacket that I told you to?" Renne asked which caused me to tilt the phone and show her the picture of me wearing the said jacket.


"Good, Forks is a cold place without even comparing it to Phoenix, so you must take care of yourself. Walk carefully and don't slip much."




"What? Bella everyone knows of your feud against equilibrium."




"Also be sure to use protection-"


"Gotta go! Bye!"


Gosh! Renne needs to calm down a little.


She is a good mom. Well…a good person at least.

As long as I remember, I had to make my own breakfast since Renne had work to do. And make sure that the house remains in order.


But that does not mean she is a neglectful person or she does not care. She cares, but if Charlie is like a father, then Renne is like a sister to me. She is there when I call on her, but I need to reach out, otherwise she will not notice.


Not to mention, she is somewhat forceful regarding things. If she loved to do something as a kid, then she wants me to develop and interest in that thing too. Completely opposite of Charlie who lets you do whatever you want to do as long as you are safe.


But she backs off when she sees when I show that I don't like to do what she wants me to, so it is fine. Though she is particularly pushy when it comes to matter regarding boyfriend.


I don't doubt it even for a second that if I call her now and tell her that I have a boyfriend, she will drive straight from Phoenix and meet him herself and make me uncomfortable along the way.


"Bella! I prepared breakfast." Charlie shouted from downstairs, and feeling hungry I decided to grab a bite.


Wearing pajamas I made my way down stairs and entered the kitchen and saw what Charlie had cooked.


"Pancakes? Since when can you cook pancakes?"


At my question, he gestured to the empty box of pancake premix.


Makes sense.


Taking my fork, I put butter on pancake along with maple syrup and took a bite.

"How is it?" Charlie asked from the counter approaching the table with two mugs of coffee in his hand, and placed one in front of me while he took a sip from the other.


"Good." I said and continued to munch on to the pancake when Charlie asked, "Did your mother call?"


"Yeah *gulp* I was just talking to her before this." I replied taking a sip of coffee.


"And what did she talk about?"


I watched as he was sipping on coffee and spoke, "To use protection when I do 'IT'."







"Here." I said passing him water that he gulped down while looked at him with a small smirk.


"Huh, Renne can be-"


"Too sudden? Pushy? Needy?"


"She is not that bad." He said, to which I just stared back at him.


Huffing he relented, "Okay, maybe she is all of those things but she means well." He said to which I just shrugged my shoulder as I continued to eat.


"Did you read the School letter?"


"Yeah, it is starting next week." I said keeping my head down.


"Good, truck will be repaired by tomorrow. You do remember how to drive the truck, right?" Charlie asked to which I nodded while chewing.


"Okay, now Bella…keep this with you."


He said passing me a small black pouch, and knowing what I think should be in it, I opened it and found…

"A pepper spray?" I said incredulously.


"No, a pepper spray, a taser lipstick, a sliding knife and an emergency button to alert me when you are in danger." He said as it was the most normal thing.


"Charlie, I am going to school, not to hunt some monster in woods." As I said this, Charlie's face took a look which basically meant that he wanted to say something and knew that it was going to hurt you, and was trying to find a better way to put it.


Seeing my expectant look, he said with a sigh, "Bella, that's the thing. YOU are going to school. If it was left to me, I would make you wear football gear just for a walk on the road. Not to mention, due to the all time rain, Forks is actually slippery.


Not to mention that you tend to find the trouble at most strangest of moments."


I was about to retort but seeing his look, I caved in and said, "Fine. I will keep the equipment for Vampire hunting. Happy?"


"Very." He said and after giving me a hug, placed his coffee mug in the sink and wore his hat, took his shotgun and stepped out of the house with me following behind him.


Outside I saw a man on a wheelchair being pushed around by a man with long hair about my age. Seeing him, dad broke into small laugh as he hugged the man and spoke, "Haha! Billy, how are you?"


"I am fine Charlie." Billy replied before he turned to me and asked looking at Charlie.


"Charlie, is she Isabella?"


"Yeah, though she prefers Bella. Bella, this is my old friend Billy Black and he is his son, Jacob Black. They were the ones who I left repairing of truck to."


"Hello." I said to them when Charlie was done introducing us.


"Hi." Jacob replied with a small wave of his hand and a toothful smile that were unnaturally white. Almost like glittering pearl.


"Oh my, hahaha, how much have you grown. Last time you were here you were a small klutzy girl who could not walk straight in line. How are you doing on that front?" Billy chuckled.


"It is a work in progress." I said while trying to curl myself to spare myself the embarrassment, and small chuckle from Jacob only intensified that feeling.


"Let the girl rest will you Bill." Charlie said at which Billy raised his hand in surrender and he spoke, "Hey Charlie, want to have some beer and catch up on old days?"


"Nah, not now. I am on duty." Charlie said to which Billy said, "One can would not hurt you." At this Charlie looked at me, seeing which I just entered the house and closed the door knowing he did not want me to see his perfect image being damaged. Not that this will too.


At most, Charlie would not even drink the whole can and will most probably talk with Bill.


"Now, what to do?" I said aloud to myself and knowing what Dad said about our new neighbor, I decided to introduce myself to him.


Since he is a new kid along with me, it is going to be more easy for me to share embarrassment with. Just wish that he really is nice and not front of the sheriff nice.


"Better get something for him as a house warming gift." I murmured and decided to take out the Lasagna that we bought yesterday but were too full to even touch from refrigerator and put it in the oven. After heating it, I placed it in a different container and secured it with tape so that I won't spill when I fall down, which I am going to.


After securing the Lasagna, I locked the house and made my way to the house.


"Hmm…" I hummed in a small surprise seeing the lawn of this Reynold guy. Unlike our lawn, which mirrored other lawns in Forks, his lawn was not covered with overly damp mud and wild grass, but grass that mirrored of my home in Phoenix. Then my eyes fell on his name plate which said, 'Residence of Reynold Sylvesterus Wilhelm Rothchilde.'


And the thing that caught my eye was not the abhorrently long name but the fact that the nameplate was gold in color on a white marble-like small pillar that reached about my chest.


Since Charlie said he was quite rich, I am more inclined to believe this is real gold.


"Maybe I should go."


I mumbled under my breath, thinking how ridiculous would it look to greet a guy with a nameplate made of gold with a Lasagna from last night that was reheated.


But as if luck would have it, the door opened, and from it came a person seeing which I was in a daze.


Pale white skin that looked almost unhealthy, unnaturally white hair, eyes that looked like a purple marble. The boy looked about my age and had a calm look and looked at me as if I was the most curious thing in the world and frowned a little.


Seeing that I was found out, and it would be rude to run away upon seeing him, I decided to introduce myself.


"Um…hi…my name is Bella. I am the daughter of the Town Sheriff next door and I came with a …housewarming gift." I spoke awkwardly, but throughout the process, he kept looking at me as if I was an exotic animal and remained silent. The silence was finally snuffed out by a white furball.


"Fou~" Said a… squirrel? A rabbit? Or a mix of the two?


The said animal landed on Reynold's shoulder and started to jab at him with his small paw, which looked more like a love tap. This caused Reynold to crane his neck a little and rub his cheek with the animals.


Then looking at me, he finally spoke, "Nice to meet you, Bella. My name is Reynold Sylvesterus Wilhelm Rothchilde. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. Please enter."


"I…think I should go…" I stammered.


"Don't worry, I won't take much of your time. And if you have a problem, you can notify the Sheriff. I also wish to give you a return gift." He said, which caused me to nod slowly before I pulled up my cell phone and texted Charlie where I was, all the while Reynold kept on playing with the small fluffball.


Well, at least he does not act like a douche.


With that thought, I entered the house and was gobsmacked. This place looked stunning. While the house was thrice the size of ours, it looked bigger from the inside than it should. It had literal PILLARS of marble, with walls adorned with what I expect to be works of art costing millions of dollars.


Not only that, the carpet looked as if it was made from silk, which caused me not to step inside to dirty it.


"What? Not to your taste?" Reynold asked which almost caused me to have a heart attack.


"Gosh, I almost had a heart attack."


"Sorry, I did not mean to surprise you."



He apologized followed by the small animal on his shoulder which caused me to nod dumbly.


"N-o problem. I get scared a lot."


And as I said this, the furball launched itself at me and…placed his paw on my nose.


"Did he just boop me?" I said in confusion.


"My, did you just assume HE?"


"Sorry-I di-not mean to." I stammered trying to explain but seeing his smile…that damned smile I could not help but become embarrassed a little.


"Don't worry. HIS name is Fou." Reynold said pointing at Fou who waved its paw at me, and when I waved my hand he brought it forward for a…



I said out loud and Fou nodded and placed his small paw in my palm and shook it before scurrying over my head, and jumping back on Reynold's shoulder.


Looking at Fou closely, I looked at Reynold and asked, "What type of animal is he? I have never seen or heard any animal of this kind."


But before Reynold could say anything…


"FOU!! FOU!! KYU!! FO-FOU!!!!"


Fou started to scold me.


As he was almost about to launch at my face, Reynold grabbed him in mid-air and started to pet him which caused him to quiet down. During this, he spoke while Fou looked at him with a dangerous look.


"Hahaha! Well, don't call Fou an animal, he hates it. As far as records of him go, there are none."


His last word caused him to blink at him as I asked, "You mean to say that you have an ani-"








"…that has never been registered?"


He looked at me with an impassive face as he said, "You are welcome to check if you want to. Fou has been exclusive in my family and we saw no need for him to be dissected on a table so that humans could feel happy and content knowing they have managed to record every life-form."


Well, isn't it interesting? He is rich enough to have his pet unregistered ani-




C'mon, how can he hear my thoughts?! Well…have his own FOU…




"Wow, you must be rich." I said nodding awkwardly.


Hearing this, he chuckled a bit and said, "Quite so. Well, move along, we don't wish to have all of the chat on the doorstep do we?"


"Umm…I think not. My shoes are muddy and will ruin your carpet." I said to which he nonchalantly shrugged his hand and spoke.


"Don't bother. It will be cleaned. And if you feel too uncomfortable, feel free to change into indoor shoes right there." He said pointing to a pair of shoes that looked more expensive than my whole wardrobe.


I felt reluctant, but thinking it would be rude to deny him so many times, I decided to suck it up and wear the shoes.


After changing into them, he asked, "Are they comfortable?"


"More than my shoes." I said to which he chuckled a bit and said, "Good to know. Now let's go inside."


Saying that we started to walk, with me admiring the house and thinking-


"How is the house so big from the inside?"




I snapped my neck at him, which caused him to smile in victory on reading my thoughts.


"It is based on a very specific form of architecture that, while being more expensive, makes perfect use of space and determines the placement of roof and things and makes them appear larger than they should."


Well, that makes sense…I think.


"Here we are." He said which caused me to find that we were standing in the kitchen. Gesturing for me to sit on a chair, he took the Lasagna from me, and seeing it he spoke.


"You don't happen to have a job in packing equipment for the military, do you?"


Embarrassed by the statement, I started to play with my hair as I spoke, "No, I am just a klutz, a big one."


Hearing this he just smiled.


That smile.


That damned smile.


"Well, I am not the one to judge someone based on their quirks. Wait here, while I pull you up a return gift." He said as he started to wear an apron.




"You don't need to."


"Nonsense. Now tell me what do you prefer to eat, Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Indian, or something more specific?" He said as he poured water into a pan.


"Anything you want to." I replied that saying no would cause more discussion only.


Hearing this, he had a contemplative face and then he looked at me, not as in checking me out, but right into my eyes, and then said aloud, "Mexican and Italian it is."


Nodding my head without needing to, I continued to look around while Fou sat on my lap as I petted him and he preened. In the background, Reynold continued to hum a nice tune as he cooked.


"That is a nice tune, what is it called?" I asked.


"Kiss the Rain. A piano piece by Yiruma." He replied as he continued to hum the tune while I petted Fou.


After a while, when he prepared the food, he packed it in a bag gave it to me, and placed another in front of me.




"Don't worry, what I have packed is your and your father's dinner, this is your lunch. Knowing Sheriff, he must be busy, so you can eat this." He replied after wiping his hand on a towel and placing his apron on the hanger.


"Thank you." I replied taking it.


"You're welcome." He said as Fou jumped onto his shoulder before I walked up and started to make my way out, followed by him.


Changing into my shoes, I looked back at him before I said, "Thank you."


"No problem." He said with a smile.


That smile.


That damned smile.




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