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75% boku no hero :Nah I'd Adapt / Chapter 3: CHAPTER 2: GOODBYE GRANDFATHER


After several events, I discover that I have been reincarnated in the world of Boku no Hero Academia. The grandfather who adopted me is named Yung Yi Fan, a businessman who owns a very popular and renowned video game company. At least, that's what it seems, since I'm living in a millionaire's mansion.

Name: Yung Yi Fan

Quirk: none

Haha, yes, thank you, Grandpa, you're the best. Thanks to you, I can fulfill my dream of being a slacker. Well, Grandpa is already in his final days, and if he dies, I will be the heir to the company. Then I'll have to work to prevent the company from going down the drain.

I must remember that I used to play a lot of video games, whether old or modern. Additionally, from time to time, I created my own games, although they were mediocre and I could never profit from them. But this time, it will be different. I don't know what my quirk is or if I have one. I hope I do, but to be honest, I don't care. I will dedicate myself to running the company as best as I can. Therefore, I must give ideas to my grandfather for him to bring to the market.

I don't know why or how I managed to understand the Japanese language. I know I've watched anime, almost always with subtitles, so is my gift language mastery? If so, I feel cheated. I still can't communicate with him, but he only comes in the afternoons, which makes it more complicated. I need a pencil or a laptop.

Currently, I'm in a crib in a room decorated with sky blue colors, with clouds and other very luxurious things. I'm planning my escape to find something I can use to communicate with my grandfather, but I think it will be more complicated than I think, as I can barely move; I only know how to crawl. I remember that the time I crawled, my grandfather was surprised. Haha, only the best.

I stood up, trying to get out of the crib when the door of the room opened, and an old man with a smile entered.

"Zhuo, haha, look at you. Were you eager to see your grandpa? Haha, come here, my little grandson."

He lifted me in his arms with a big smile on his face as he kissed my cheeks. It was a bit uncomfortable and ticklish at the same time.

"Sorry, my little Zhuo, but your grandpa has many problems at the company. I know I don't have much time left, and that's why I wish that when I die, I can leave you the company or at least some money so it won't be difficult for you to live a normal life." He smiled sadly.

I don't know if he knows that I understand him or if he's sad about not being able to see me grow up. Although he is very old and possibly has one foot in the grave. That's why I have to help him. I need to know if in this world, the games that lie in my memory exist or not.

"Aaaa, a aaaba," I tried to speak, but I couldn't. My vocal cords are barely developed.

"Yes, that's it, little Zhuo! It's me, your grandpa. Haha, come on, say grandpa." He looked at me excited and happy at the fact that I almost said grandpa.

"Grandpa!" I said with all my strength. I felt a little tired.

"Yes, that's it, my little Zhuo! That's my grandson, you're so smart. Maybe you have an intelligence quirk. You're only two months old. Haha, if that's true, it would be better to call a doctor to check your condition. You're smart, my grandson, do you know that?"

I nodded in confirmation, which made him look at me with surprise and a bit of amazement.

"Wait, did you understand?" he spoke, surprised. This was my chance to communicate with him, I couldn't waste it. Most reincarnated people prefer to keep minimal interaction with their families and stick to their roles, but I disregard those things. This man in front of me barely has a few years of life left. At least I can help him.

"Let's see, how many fingers do I have on my hand? Nod your head if it's yes and if it's no, don't do anything."

He spoke while raising three fingers with his right hand and keeping the others closed.

"Do I have three fingers or not?" he asked, and I nodded in affirmation. Then he opened both palms and raised four fingers on his right hand.

"Do I have six fingers or nine?" I nodded in response again.

After that, Grandpa called a trusted doctor. At least I think so, since I saw him call someone by name. The doctor arrived after an hour.

He was an older man, no more than 50 years old, of average height, no more than 160 cm, with a short beard, glasses, and dark brown eyes.

Name: Kayaba Minori 

Quirk: X-ray Vision 

Description: Allows him to see through walls and objects 

Drawback: Cannot overuse this power, as it can cause headaches.

"Thank you for coming quickly. There's something I want you to do for me, old friend."

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Yung," the doctor smiled nostalgically at my grandfather and then turned to look at me. "So, this is your grandson. Let's see what's going on with him."

"I think he has an intelligence quirk. It's not natural for a baby less than three months old to understand this way. I tested him to see if he could understand me, but I want the opinion of an expert."

"Uh, let's see, little one. I'll run some tests and do some assessments. If what your grandfather says is true, then it won't take long to discover your quirk," he spoke with a curious voice as he lifted me in his arms to carefully place me on the floor. "Well, first, let's see what learning capacity you have."

From his pocket, he took out a green gummy bear and placed it in his right hand, closing both hands and putting them in front of me.

"Good, little one, watch closely," the doctor said as he moved his hands. Then he opened them, showing the gummy bear in his left hand. "Which hand is the gummy bear in?"

I pointed to it with my tiny finger, and the doctor smiled. "Very good, it seems you have quite advanced learning capabilities for your age. Now, we'll do a few more tests."

The doctor continued with a series of simple tests to evaluate my comprehension and motor skills, growing more impressed with my responses each time. After a while, he turned to my grandfather.

"Yung, this child is truly special. He definitely has an intelligence quirk. His abilities are far above normal for his age. We're going to need more tests and observations to fully understand his quirk, but I can say with certainty that Zhuo is extraordinary."

My grandfather smiled proudly, tears of joy in his eyes. "Thank you, Minori. I knew my grandson was special. I will do everything I can to support and develop him."

"And I'll be here to help you, Yung. This little one has a bright future ahead."

And so, my new life began, with the support of my grandfather and the certainty that, although the path would be difficult, I had someone who believed in me.

Third Person

"Guess where the gummy bear is, and you can eat it!" said the adult while holding a gummy bear in his right hand and extending it towards the small baby. "I'll give you a chance until you fail three times."

The instructor murmured to himself. The small baby pointed to his right hand.

"Again!" This time, he held the gummy bear in his right hand but immediately switched it to his left hand and offered it. Of course, Zhuo touched the left hand without hesitation. Another correct response.

"This simple process repeated two more times, yielding a total of four gummy bears. Though not very sweet and not suitable for a toothless baby, Zhuo accepted them joyfully.

"Next." The fifth time. This time, the doctor crossed his arms behind his back, grabbed a gummy bear, and held it out to the baby. Zhuo pointed to the correct hand again.

"What do you think, Kenta? What does this mean?" Yung asked.

"This isn't normal. He's not even a year old, not even six months," the doctor replied, surprised. He sat in one of the room's chairs, rubbing his jaw. "Hey, Yung, I want us to take him to your study. Do you still have the computer I gave you?"

"Of course, it's a gift. I have it, but I hardly ever use it. Kenji takes care of it as the company's vice president," Yung replied with a smile.

**Time Jump**

In the study, we see a small baby on the desk typing on the computer.

"This is certainly not a rare quirk, but it is outstanding. It seems he can learn anything with accelerated capacity. In less than an hour, he learned to write in five languages in addition to Japanese, and I think his ability keeps growing," the doctor said with a satisfied smile and a hint of surprise at the development of the little baby named Zhuo.

Yung watched his grandson with pride. He knew this child was special and that over time, Zhuo could achieve incredible things.

Kenta's plan was simple:

He thought the child's ability, thanks to his gift, was to learn faster, but in reality, it was quite the opposite. He played a video with words in other languages with Japanese subtitles, then asked Zhuo to write in those languages and the ones he had seen. Zhuo did it with impressive ease. His gift was the mental adaptability to situations, at least that's what Kenta believed.

"Eso es, my little grandson. That's me, Yung. I'm your grandpa, and you're Zhuo, my grandson," Yung said affectionately.

The elderly man's voice puzzled Kenta, who watched as his friend Yung and his grandson carried on a conversation through the computer, writing back and forth to each other.

"Haha, no need to apologize, old friend, but I have to head back to the hospital. Before I go, I'll need a small DNA sample, just a hair will do. I'll show you the results later," Kenta said with a smile as he prepared to leave. He asked for one of Zhuo's hairs before departing.

"Don't worry, I'm glad you've helped me and my grandson. Now I can talk to him and teach him about the business so he can join as soon as possible. Haha, I know he might not remember me with the little time I have left, but I thank God for giving Zhuo this wonderful gift," Yung said with a big smile. He knew that with his remaining time, he could create memories with Zhuo that he wouldn't forget. He could teach him, prepare him, advise him. It was a gift Yung cherished with all his heart. Later on, he could teach him how to run the company to the top.

Three years later:

Zhuo's Point of View

In these three years, I took charge of growing the company. I discovered that in this world, the Pokémon franchise doesn't exist, which became a major project in my goals. The game wasn't complicated to program. In my past life, I had seen different versions of the game, and creating my own version became simple if you followed the right steps.

Besides being a video game enthusiast, I'm a huge fan of the franchise from the first to the ninth generation of games and anime. Coming up with concepts wasn't difficult, but designing and drawing were challenging. With the help of my quirk, I learned to draw effortlessly. After pitching my video game idea to my grandfather, including all the blueprints, operational methods, type weaknesses and strengths, attack points, defense, special abilities, and more, we managed to create the game's beta version in no time with my grandfather's help and two more people.

My grandfather brought me into the company from the beginning. Initially, they laughed at us, believing that my grandfather, nearing the end of his life, had lost control of the company, which caused some to try to take over.

**Flashback: One year ago**

In a boardroom, around a large table, several men dressed in suits looked impatient. It was a meeting organized by the owner and president of the company, Yung Yi Fan. Most were expecting him to announce his retirement, believing he had been in charge of the company for too long.

Just before one of them could speak, the elderly Yung entered with a baby in his arms, holding a small controller and a tiny keyboard.

"Boss, what is the meaning of this? You called us here and it's already an hour past the agreed time," one of the executives admonished severely, despite being in front of his boss.

"My apologies, I had some setbacks," Yung replied to the executive. "Well, now that everyone is here, I would like to announce a new project for the company, a game specially created by my grandson."

"Grandson? Sir, you have no grandson," another executive spoke up.

"What do you mean? Here he is," he pointed to the small baby, who raised his hand in response with a stoic look on his chubby face.

"This must be a tasteless joke. I don't have time for this nonsense, Yung-san," shouted the executive, indignant at the sight before his eyes. The others shared the same sentiment.

"Silence!" Yung's command silenced everyone in an instant. "First, let's see the project, then anyone can draw their own conclusions, understood?"


With the order received, the little one turned on the projector in the room as the lights dimmed slowly.

[Summary of Pokémon]

After finishing the presentation, each of the executives was incredulous; others had no faith in the project.

"And what do you think? It's my grandson's finest work," said the owner and head of the company, Yung Yi Fan, with a mocking smile on his face, looking derisively at those colleagues who had shown anticipation for his beloved grandson's project.

"Sir, can you explain how it's possible for a baby who seems barely a year old to have developed a game of such magnitude?" asked one of the executives, incredulous.

"It's thanks to his quirk. Apparently, he gets smarter and smarter the more he reads and learns," Yung replied calmly. There was no reason to lie; moreover, it's not the first time such a quirk has manifested exceptionally in young individuals. In the United States, a young entrepreneur no older than 12 started his company thanks to his quirk, which allowed him to speak any language as if it were his native tongue. Or the renowned hacker 'Scannner', a child no older than 8 who hacked over 9 banks in France in less than 24 hours thanks to his quirk 'Code'.

"Well, the game needs a few improvements to be launched in less than six months. Those who agree, give their approval; those who don't, can leave the company."

With those words, everyone, after seeing the screen and then Yung, responded in agreement.

"Everything is going according to plan, but I need to get rid of those who think they are superior to the boss. A king doesn't need future rebels in his kingdom," Zhuo thought, crystal clear. He had to deal with those who would be a problem in the future.

**[End of flashback]**

After that, the game was launched and became a resounding success within the community, eventually becoming a global trend as Japan's best-selling game. The once-small company gained recognition and became the target of several companies seeking partnerships with us.

I already had Pokémon Johto in the bag, along with another application. Apparently, the video game Kratos didn't exist yet, which I suggested to my grandfather. It turned out to be a great idea to research what existed and what didn't in this world of heroes and villains.

[Yi-Fan Residence]

By now, I was around 3 years old and could speak, which improved my relationship with my grandfather. Now, he and I were at the back of the mansion, styled in Chinese/Japanese architecture. One night, as we gazed at the stars together, I asked:


"Yes, Zhuo," he replied with a kind smile.

"What was Grandma Saori like?" I asked with genuine curiosity. I had always wondered about my adoptive grandmother's personality. I saw her in photos and paintings around the mansion, but I never had information about her personality or the story of how she and my grandfather met.

"Oh, she was lovely," he answered, as I put on a blank face. "Kind, affectionate, always saw the positive side of things despite everything, and her cooking was amazing," he finished, turning his gaze back to the stars.

"She was amazing, wasn't she?" I said as I also looked up at the stars.

"Hey, you know? When I was a child, I wanted to become a hero," my grandfather remarked, his gaze still fixed on the stars.

I don't know why, but I felt a déjà vu from my grandfather's words, as if I had heard them in the past.

"So, did you achieve it or did you give up?"

"I gave up."

"Why didn't you pursue that dream?"

"I realized being a hero has a limited time, and without a quirk, I had no way to achieve it. As you grow older, it's hard to keep calling yourself that, being a hero... I'm already an old man and tried to chase that dream, but I couldn't measure up," he said with a smile.

"But I met your grandmother, so I don't regret what I did."

"Grandpa, do you think I could become a hero?" Zhuo asked with genuine curiosity, wondering if he would have the opportunity to pursue that path.

"Zhuo, never doubt that I believe in you, I always will."

"But what if I don't succeed?"

"Then try twice as hard next time."

"And if my efforts aren't enough?"

"They're enough for me, my dear grandson. Help others, make friends, expect nothing in return, enjoy life, and don't regret the path you take. And no matter what, protect your loved ones with your last breath, my little Zhuo."

Looking at the stars, Yung thought about how beautiful the moon was, its color reminding him of his wife's beautiful hair. Slowly, he closed his eyes, and this time, he didn't open them again.

"Grandpa, come on, it's getting cold," Zhuo said, touching the elder who seemed asleep. Zhuo tried to wake him up.

"Grandpa, what's wrong? Did you fall asleep?" asked the young boy with a hint of fear.

"Grandpa, grandpa..."

"Wake up, please, wake up," Zhuo began to shout, trying to awaken his grandfather, but he knew. His grandfather wouldn't wake up; he couldn't rise again.

"Aaaaaaa," he cried for the first time in this life. The little boy broke down as he hugged the lifeless body of his beloved grandfather.

[One day later]

In a cemetery, a three-year-old boy stood alone, looking at a gravestone with teary eyes.

[Yung Yi-Fan]

[1910 - 2003]

His grandfather's grave, Yung Yi Fan, lay beside the grave of his beloved wife, Kaori Yin-Fan. This was his grandfather's last wish: to be with his wife.

"Grandpa, thank you for everything. Thanks to you, I got to experience what having a grandfather is like again. Thank you, grandpa. I love you, grandpa, I love you," he spoke in a low, hoarse voice. His throat hurt from crying and shouting. As he looked up at the sky, tears streamed down endlessly.

In the distance stood Jung's chauffeur and close friend, watching the little boy with tears, trying not to break down in tears himself.


"When my parents threw me out of the house for failing at everything I tried, I had to wander the streets. I had nothing to eat and nowhere to lay my head. At that moment, when I had lost everyone's respect, he appeared.

"At first, I thought he would ignore me like everyone else, but he offered me a hand. While everyone turned their backs and ignored me, he reached out his hand to me, gave me a chance to live.

"Over the years, he always treated me like a friend, not just as an employee, but as a friend.

End of Memory

"No, I can't cry while watching that little one collapse like that. I have to extend my hand to him like you did to me." He slowly walked over to the boy and, kneeling down, hugged him tightly.

"It's okay, cry it out, Zhuo."

"Esteban, grandpa's gone, he's not coming back. Sniff, sniff, I wanted to tell him I love him. Why didn't I tell him? Sniff, awww," the boy burst into tears, clinging tighter to Esteban.

"I know, but he knew you loved him. After all, Mr. Yung was kind, and you were his most precious," he spoke softly while rubbing the boy's back. Zhuo could only listen to Esteban's words in silence.

"Let's go home, so say goodbye to grandpa, okay?" Wiping away his tears, Zhuo smiled even though his face looked somewhat tired.

"Okay," he nodded and turned his gaze to his grandfather's grave. With his heart telling him so, he smiled with closed eyes and said, "Goodbye, grandpa, I love you."

Esteban, carrying Zhuo in his arms, walked slowly and looked at the grave of that kind old man. He thought, "Thank you for everything, sir. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to little Zhuo."




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