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18.18% Magus of Primeval Origins Chat Group / Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Jake—that was his name now—paced in a circle. Each loop faster and faster than the last, across from the closest thing to the representation of his multiverse sat. They exceed description, simultaneously having the features of every single human, but just slightly off. The being dove head first into the uncanny valley, and Jake's instinct screamed at him that this being was dangerous. 

They sat behind the interrogation table, though he wasn't being interrogated. This was his start, the first step down his path and he was hesitating. Was Jake Thane the Primal Hunter's path his own. Was he really an archer, he had loved the idea when he was a child, but as he grew his fascination with archers turned to wizards. Wizards were just better archers after all. They weren't limited to arrows, and could do anything. 

Make meteors fall from the sky, have the ocean turn to oil and set it ablaze, they could create barriers and global sacrifice rituals! Jake—this new Jake. Not the Jake that had been born in this body, but the one that had taken over. The one that had stolen this fucking fleshsuit and pupeted it around like a particularly dumb hampster. Slapping himself he said, "Castor," he could either walk his own path, or he would crumble. 

He just didn't have it in him to be an archer.

The system discarded him. Threw him through the infinite space between spaces, and had him appear in the clearing near this body's co-workers. Still in that moment between something had appeared in his hand. It was rectangular and hard, the grip felt more like carbon fiber than any plastic phone case he had ever felt. The thing was quality, and strange because that was not his phone. 

Still something from between universes was either great, or a void artifact that would shatter his mind into a million tiny pieces. He of course looked at the phone. 

[Would you like to learn all the magic in the multiverse?]

[Speak to those beyond this Systemic Multiverse?]

[Befriend Legends Who's Records Influence Even Your Reality!]

[Accept | Decline]

He, of course, tapped accept. Worst case he was signing his soul over to Slutlife, or The Company, or whatever name they were going by in this reality. He still sighed in relief when that didn't turn out to be the case, and the screen blinked. 

[Open Newbie Gift Box?]

[Alpha Stigma Obtained]

[Spoofing System Debugging Protocol]

[Assigning Skill]

[Skill Gained: Alpha Stigma(Divine)

As the Alpha Stigma burned itself into his Retina something beat. It was like a second heart, and he felt his real pulse race as he realized what was happening. His bloodline resonated with the Divine skill. The same was Cannon-Jake's Gaze of the Apex Predator into Gaze of the Apex Hunter, evolving it into something great. 

[Alpha Stigma(Divine) has resonated with Primal Hunter bloodline]

He felt comprehension flood him, felt the concepts of reality brush against his senses—they were wrong wrong WRONG WRONG WRONG! Everything was wrong, his mind dragged him back to a better time. Back when the world was young, when life was just born and the darkness in the heart of the sentient races had yet to gestate. When there was only predator and prey, hunter and hunter, when there were only the beasts and not the enlightened races. When magic was simple, and the world beautiful. 

Then humanity was born, Valdamar rose, and the world changed forever in his wake.

[From Omega to Alpha(Transcendent)

Understand the Origin of all phenomona. See it's connection to Primeval Times. See the strings of intent and truth, see karma and the threads that bind it. See the very concepts that make up this world Primal Hunter. See everything, bring it from the Origin into reality. Transcend mortal magics, and understand ever the gods powers as long as they are within your sphere of influence! 

Drawback: Emotional Trauma will result in a power boosted rampage that kills all living beings in the area. The only ways to stop a rampage are to knock out, or kill the rampager.]

[Nickname Generated: Magus of Primeval Origins]

Jake collapsed, blood leaking from his eyes as they flashed crimson, then the crimson suffused his Sphere of Perception. At his current level it could sense everything within about 20 meters, so when what'shername cast a healing spell on him he UNDERSTOOD. He saw the masterful way the system guided her mana to cast an unaligned healing spell. Now so could he. He twisted the mana in his body into the correct position then something—his Jake Juice—was sucked from that second heart. 

That Jake Juice contained Primeval Origins and tainted the spell changing it. Aligning it with the natural form of healing, so he did. Healing slowly, naturally over an instant as if he had spent weeks practicing to not die instantly using his new Transcendence. He felt the gazes of dozens of beings flick to him, and cringed. Still something—his bloodline enhanced instincts—told him that even they couldn't see the smartphone. 

They were clearly gods, or at least some higher power. Jake only had 1 higher power he wanted to associate with, Villy, Vilastramoz, The Malefic Viper, the coolest snake in existence! The father of the Plague, genocider of his homeworld! True master of the order of the malefic viper! All around badass, and someone who really doesn't deserve to be so depressed. He would at least try to help, what's the worst case? Death, been there, done that. It wasn't that bad, honestly he didn't understand other's aversion to it.

It is a natural end at least, better than disease ridden and in your bed. Plus being killed by a god meant in his dying moments he'd at least learn some cool magic right? Oh, why is the ground made of stone? His sphere looked down deeper into the ground and he realized that they were on a giant pillar—then he wanted to slap himself. That was where they spawned while he was spazzing out the pillar pushed itself back into the ground. 

[Gender Equality has joined the chat]

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess has joined the chat]

[Benevolent Overlord has joined the chat]

Jake thought he could guess who everyone in this chat was. Equality was probably Kazuma, Crimson was Rias, and Overlord was certainly Ainz. God he hoped it was Ainz, Ainz new hella cool magic he could copy. That grasp heart spell for example. 

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: Oh SO COOL! Gender Equality, that's gotta be Kazuma right! Oh I loved Konosuba!]

He wanted to facepalm, but just ignored the phone and rose to his feet. Casually slipping his hand into his pocket. Releasing them and clenching his fists a few times—might trick his divine voyeur, but he only hoped for that a little. Wiping the blood from his eyes he stared up at the coworkers that half of him remembered. The other half only cared about Jacob and Casper because they were talented. 

Casper was a future Risen blessed by the Blightfather himself as a dungeon engineer while Jacob was a future Augur of The Holy Mother. Basically multiversal mormons that are even more insistent on converting you. 

[Gender Equality: Rias fuckmothering Gremory is my fan! Holymotheroffuckballs! What do I do! What legendary feat do I accomplish Devil-sempai!]

Jake wanted to die as the messages spoke in his ears, but he continued contemplating his coworkers' future. One of them would become a Curse specialist meaning he manipulated negative energy to create basically magical plagues. For example a rage curse—a low level version of a wrath curse—could spread through a community. From one to another turning minor slights into murderous RAGE having them start killing each other only growing the curse. 

The other is an Augur, one of the best precognition classes. Jake wanted to see if either of the skills was learnable through his Transcendence. 

[Benevolent Overlord: W-who is this? What kind of Denden is this? I've never seen something similar. It's almost like a. . . book?]

Precognition added to his bloodline's instinct would be insane. 

"Thanks, I needed that." Jake smiled a wobbly smile as Jacob asked worriedly, "What was that?"

Jake just let himself collapse and spread himself out against the grass as he talked up to the future augur, "Apparently I have a Bloodline, one that's perception based. Have you ever tried to play music too loud and your ears start ringing? Or look at a bright light and see that white blur that follows it, it was that. . . for everything." Jake shuddered, this power was powerful, but it was also terrifying.

He'd just have to acclimate. It'd take a while, but forcing himself to his feet Jake forced healing energy to flow through his body. Tilting his head he asked, "So Jacob what's the plan? I've read novels like this, but this is real life now. Not a novel."

Jacob's eyes shone with an inner light, "Let me explain."

Nefertari Vivi stared at the strange flat denden that had just appeared in her bedroom. Hell, it was leaned up against their rocket launcher! If Mr.9 saw it, well she had no idea what would have happened. Nothing good! Especially that newbie gift, the idea of Mr.9 with a Lightning Logia sent a shiver down her spine.

The guy was crazy, and she needed that power! If not her then who would save her people! With this new power, and a little training, maybe she could beat Crocodile. 

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: Oh SO COOL! Gender Equality, that's gotta be Kazuma right! Oh I loved Konosuba!] 

[Gender Equality: Rias fuckmothering Gremory is my fan! Holymotheroffuckballs! What do I do! What legendary feat do I accomplish Devil-sempai!]

 [Benevolent Overlord: W-who is this? What kind of Denden is this? I've never seen something similar. It's almost like a. . . book?]

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: You're like the funniest comedy manga of all time! Sugoi! How do you know about me though?]

[Gender Equality: Your the main heroine of one of the best shonen battle harem manga]

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: Riser?]

[Gender Equality: Not a problem, you should get Issei into your peerage though he's this generation's Red Dragon Emperor, and the protagonist of the manga I read. Plus if you need help just ask me. My newbie gift was unparalleled!]

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: *Eyes Shining* Ohh ohh what is it! I'm like a Power of Destruction Logia!]

[Gender Equality: So Cool! You definitely won't have to worry about that flaming chicken! I'm a "Golden Genome" it basically connects me with a concept, the concept I was connected to was Luck.]

[Benevolent Overlord: Your from my world as well, I thought this was an interplanetary chat group?]

[Gender Equality: Interdimensional, probably Multiverse Theory if you've even heard of it. Your a book in our world, like I am hers, and she is mine. Oh, and what's with that Primeval guy, hasn't even talked! Quit lurking!]

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: +1]

[Benevolent Overlord: +2?]

[Magus of Primeval Origins: STFU, i'm being watched, god just stop talking! Oh, what the fuck! I can speak with my mind! Wait if this can read my mind can those bastards? Shit, fuck shit if so *Horrors Beyond Comprehension.JPG* I'm fucked. Well 93rd universe for the win, no gods yet. . .Nevermind then, does that mean I can. . . bam! *Magus of Primeval Origins Has Started Streaming* Might as well show you. Long story short, system apocalypse. I'm in the tutorial baby!]

On the rectangular Denden the text shifted off to one side and half the screen was taken up by a painting of a forest. That forest breathed, and Magus walked through it as if born to it. Stepping past everything that would reveal him, stepping under a particularly stubborn branch. It was then of course, while crouched over, and not paying attention to reality that the boar screamed.

[Boar —Lvl 7] the name tag cut across the screen, but as if he had known it was there all along the Magus flicked his wand and a blast of blue energy flew from it. The bolt smashed against the giant pig's head, and had it flinch slightly head bashing into the ground and getting the horns stuck. He cursed, "Fucking dogshit casting, be better slackwit—. Casper! Arrows! Casters and healers stay in the fucking backline! I don't want you getting crippled!"

The camera seemed to detach from him—though he seemed just as shocked by that fact as the viewers. Still he didn't stop stepping forward and drawing agro, then he spoke, "If magical energy can be condensed into a beam of physical force, can it be turned into a panel. A shield," The boar ripped it's head from the ground and another mana bolt, this one clearly superior blasted forward. 

Clashing with the beasts tusks one of the horns snapped and crashed to the ground with the cry of a wounded beast. That beast charged, and Jake stepped just to the left and with a muttered, "motherfucker," a shield of glowing magical power angled itself to deflect the boar's rush into the ground again. The beast struggled as an arrow pierced it's thick hide, and the warriors lept from the cover, one in the lead dressed in heavy armor. 

He raised a sword and stabbed it into the beast's side as Jake placed his wand in the creature's eye socket and fired a blas of mana through it. 

[Gender Equality has died]

[Benevolant Overlord: WHAT THE FUCK!] It had only been an hour, and someone that was the "concept of luck" had died already! Vivi winced, the idea of someone dying was awful, especially someone she knew. He might not have been one of her subjects but he seemed kind, and the death of a kind man is a tragedy.

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: Pfft, don't worry about it he'll be fine. Though maybe he should stream instead of Magus.] 

[Magus of Primeval Origins has Ended his Stream]

[Gender Equality: Why is this goddess such a bitch!]

[Magus of Primeval Origins: Most of them are]

[Crimson Haired Ruin Princess: STREAM! DO IT!]

[Benevolent Overlord: . . .]

[Gender Equality has started streaming]

Vivi had to admit she was a little confused, but these didn't seem like bad people. Plus if he was willing to help the Ruin Princess, maybe he'd be willing to help Alabasta.

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