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71.42% Mirror Master / Chapter 13: War of the Usurper X

Chapter 13: War of the Usurper X

(Elia Martell POV)

I was the fourth child and first daughter born to the future Princess of Dorne, and the second child to live past infancy, after my brother Dora. I was born a month premature, and my older brother did not expect me to live when he learned about my birth. I survived, however, though my health was always fragile thereafter. During my youth, I was very close to my younger brother, Oberyn, who was only one year younger than I was.

When I reached the age of marriage, I and my brother Oberyn, together with our mother and our mother's consort, traveled from Dorne to several potential suitors for both Oberyn and me. Amongst the places we visited were Starfall, the Arbor, Oldtown, the Shield Islands, Crakehall, and finally Casterly Rock. Oberyn mocked all of my suitors. In Oldtown, I met Baelor Hightower, whom I liked most of all my suitors. I admit that I could see myself falling half in love with him, until ... he farted in the presence of both me and Oberyn. This little 'thing' led to Oberyn naming him "Baelor Breakwind". After that, I could not look at him without laughing afterwards. So he was also unsuited for me to marry. 

Oberyn had the talent to get a rise out of anyone. His words cut deep, and the noble lords and ladies weren't always ready for his words. Only our mother could handle him with ease I might add. I think he was rather scared of her. It helped that she was a very skilled and dangerous fighter and connoisseur of poisons. 

Our mother had known Lady Joanna Lannister from the time they both served as ladies in waiting for Queen Rhaella Targaryen. The poor thing that was condemned to be King Aery's way to vent his physical and sexual pressure.

Despite having learned of Joanna's death in childbirth, in 273 AC, during our stay at Oldtown, we travelled onwards to the Rock. I thought that it wasn't a very good idea at the time, but only now after growing up more and thinking about it, do I truly understand how bad of an idea it was.

Oberyn believes that our mother had planned with Joanna to marry either Oberyn or me to one of Joanna's twins, Jaime and Cersei Lannister, since there had been an empty cabin on their ship, meant for someone of high birth. I think that he was most probably right and I also believe that Lord Tywin knew of this arrangement, or had at least heard about it from his late wife.

Waiting until it was decent, Mother eventually broached the subject of marriage to Lord Tywin Lannister, first suggesting a match between Cersei and Oberyn, and next a match between Jaime and I. Tywin refused both matches brusquely, informing her how Cersei was meant to marry Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, and suggesting the new-born Tyrion Lannister as betrothed to me instead. Naturally, this was taken as an insult.

It was this little meeting and the slight Lord Tywin dealt to our House or my mother's station, that eventually led to my demise and sadness. I am in this situation right now because Mother decided that to pay back Lord Tywin, I was to marry the Crown Prince, Rhaegar Targaryen. I was to take away the man, he had planned for his daughter.

Sometimes I want to see my mother again and ask her ... ask her, 'Are you proud mother? Tell me how proud you are?'


Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and I were betrothed in early 279 AC, and we married a year later, in 280 AC, in a great ceremony at the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing. We moved to Dragonstone shortly after our wedding, which I thought was terrible and cold. Everything was dark and full of spikes, nothing I was used to. It was Dragonstone where later in 280 AC, our first child was born, my little Rhaenys. I was so happy for the first time since it was decided that I was to marry the Crown Prince. Rhaenys was my pride and my sunshine in the dark place, my dark cage. 

When Rhaenys was presented to Rhaegar's parents at court, Queen Rhaella embraced her granddaughter warmly, but King Aerys II refused to touch or hold the child and complained that she "smells Dornish". Although I was angry at first, I smiled later and was happy. The King would never touch my baby and I managed to defeat the genes of the Mad King. 

Our second child, Prince Aegon, was born near the new year of 282 AC. He looked more like Rhaegar, which was to be expected, but it made me a bit sad nonetheless. I love both of my children and will keep the madness that seems to run in this cursed family away from them. 

Our marriage, though not romantic, might seem happy on the outside, but that was only what we wanted everyone to believe. My health, which had always been problematic, remained fragile and I was bedridden for half a year after giving birth to Rhaenys, and giving birth to Aegon nearly killed me. Following Aegon's birth, the maesters told Rhaegar that Elia would bear no more children. It was then, that both I and our children seemed to stop existing for Rhaegar and he didn't come to bed anymore. He wanted another child, that much was obvious from his behaviour, but I didn't know just how much.


I attended the tourney at Harrenhal in 281 AC, during the year of the false spring, together with my husband, Prince Rhaegar, and my father-in-law, King Aerys II Targaryen. It was expected of me to do so and honestly it was a welcome respite from the usual boring and repetitive life I had. Rhaegar won the tournament, as it was his speciality to joust. There were few who could challenge him but the Kingsguard. After he won, he was to crown the queen of love and beauty. I watched him approach my position with his horse and the crown on his lance. However, he passed over me and crowned Lady Lyanna Stark of Winterfell instead. The little girl was crowned by MY husband. I was furious.

But more than furious, was I embarrassed. He insulted me in front of the entire realm and all those Lords and Ladies from across Westeros who came saw what he did. I was laughed at, not in front of me, but I managed to hear whispers and snickering after that. I swore that day, that he would regret making a fool out of me. He used me like a broodmare and when it was clear that I wouldn't bear any more children for him, he threw me aside and his children as well. I swore that he would regret that one way or the other. But sadly, that doesn't seem very likely anymore. 

At the start of the next year, Rhaegar left me and our newborn Aegon on Dragonstone and took to the road with several companions. Those bootlickers and sword-swallowers that they were in all but name. Not long thereafter, Rhaegar disappeared with Lyanna, and this event was one of the events which sparked Robert's Rebellion. Of course, he did that. Just like his father, he would take what he wanted and now that he saw the Stark girl, he would take her. 


My brother Doran, the current Prince of Dorne after Mother had died, had been furious at my mistreatment and thus was slow to lend aid to House Targaryen during Robert's Rebellion. Although he was furious, I am sure that Oberyn was much more so. He was probably making plans to kill Rhaegar. And at this point, I would probably help him, if I could only leave this place.

Preparing to battle the rebels, King Aerys II Targaryen threatened our uncle, Prince Lewyn Martell of the Kingsguard, gracelessly reminding him that he held both me and my children.

Lewyn took control of the ten thousand Dornishmen who had eventually been sent to aid the Targaryens, and accompanied Elia's husband, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, to fight in the Battle of the Trident. Lewyn and Rhaegar both died at the Trident. Of course, the embarrassment had to add to the insult he gave me and die. 

Naturally, Aerys, due to his paranoia, believed that Lewyn must have betrayed Rhaegar during the battle. As a consequence, he kept me and both of my children in King's Landing as hostages against possible Dornish betrayal. 

For most of the rebellion, House Lannister had remained neutral, but after the Battle of the Trident, Lord Tywin Lannister and twelve thousand of his Westermen approached the capital. I don't know what it is, but I heard Oberyn say once, that when you are in battle, there is a moment when you know the outcome of the fight without the fight being over yet. You either knew that your death was approaching or victory. And at that moment, when Lord Tywin and his forces had arrived outside of Kings Landing, I knew that my death had arrived.

King Aerys opened the gates to them, mistaking them for allied reinforcements. Instead of lending aid to our cause, they began the Sack of King's Landing in the name of King Robert. Ser Jaime Lannister was nowhere to be seen as my children and I hid inside a room.


A powerful bang on the wooden door breaks me out of my thoughts. They say that your life flashes before your eyes right before you die. This must have been it. 


I look at my two babies who are crying and holding on to me for dear life. Then it happened ... the door breaks down.


Ser Gregor Clegane and Ser Amory Lorch enter the room and fear spreads through my entire body. 

"No, please! PLEASE!! I beg you!", I beg them but all I see is greed and lust...

"Oh, you will beg alright.", Ser Gregor, the mountain says and walks towards me.

For the first time in my life, I curse my good looks and the natural beauty I was born with. 


The mountain pulls me towards him and rips my clothes off so that I am half-naked. I see the other man, Ser Amory Lorch take Rhaenys and pull her up at her hair. 

"This will be enjoyable...", I hear the mountain say.

His giant paw of a hand approaches my legs.



I don't know what happened, but I fall to the ground and hear a loud shout coming from the mountain, I think. My eyes don't want to listen to me, but I hear shuffling and grunting in the room and more shouting. 

I try to open my eyes and when I do, I suddenly see three different men in the room. These men are unlike any I have ever seen before. They are ripped beyond compare and hold both Ser Gregor and Ser Amory at bay with their swords. The third man is holding Rhaenys and Aegon.


My eyes widen and i want to go over and grab my children, but I can't move. I am in too much pain. The strange men suddenly stand straight and I hear soft footsteps approach from the door. Then another man enters ... not a man ... a boy. 


He is just as ripped as the men though and his aura is one of great authority and power. But I also see great amounts of charm oozing out of him. He has a knowing smile on his face. 

"Greetings. Time is of the essence. If you wish to save yourself and your children, I suggest you come quietly.", that's all the boy says to her and it takes a moment for her to understand his words. 


"...uhh, thank you ..."

"Sure. Now as for these two ... make it painful.", the boy says and ushers me and my kids forward to follow him.

I don't know whether I can trust this boy ... no, this man. But I will do what I must to save my children. As we move through the corridors, I hear the pained screams from Ser Gregor and Ser Amory and despite what happens, instead of happiness, I only feel fear. Fear of the man in front of me and what is to happen to us.

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