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48.14% MULTIVERSE: THE LUST SYSTEM / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: An Uncomfortable Conversation

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: An Uncomfortable Conversation


"Yes, please," Hisashi replied.

"Black is fine?"

"Yes, sir," Hisashi nodded.

Rewinding a few minutes before, when Tadashi Miyamoto, Rei's father, asked him about his intentions with his daughter, Hisashi responded: "The best possible."

Although somewhat cliché, it seemed Tadashi saw his sincerity and invited him inside for a conversation.

This led to the current situation where he was sitting at a table with his future father-in-law serving him coffee.

Thinking back, he admitted it was quite foolish not to consider that Rei's parents could see them kissing, especially since they did it right in front of her house. It was basically asking to get caught.

Now, looking at his father-in-law who served himself a cup of coffee and then sat down in front of him, Hisashi didn't immediately pick up his coffee cup. Instead, he said, trying to appear as calm as possible: "Miyamoto-san-"

"You can call me by my name, Hisashi-kun." His rough voice, though still severe, was not as intimidating as before when he said this: "Or, if you prefer, Otou-san." His last words came with a sharp look.

Hisashi froze a bit. This kind of situation made him nervous, but he managed to control himself well.

Of course, he didn't choose to call his father-in-law directly 'Otou-san'. Instead, he said: "Tadashi-san-"

"Drink your coffee while it's still hot." He interrupted him once again.

Hisashi, who stopped talking as soon as he said his name, closed his mouth and nodded: "Yes."

Picking up the cup, he took a sip and said: "Good coffee."

Hisashi's father-in-law just looked at him before taking a sip of his own coffee and asking: "So, Hisashi-kun, can you tell me exactly how you would describe your intentions as the best for my daughter? Did you use a condom?"

"Cough, cough."

Hisashi choked. Of all the questions he imagined hearing from his father-in-law, this wasn't one of them. Especially not in this way and in this situation.

"I..." Hisashi took a deep breath and smiled awkwardly. Thinking back, he really hadn't used a condom with Rei and, on top of that... So, answering his father-in-law, should he tell the truth, or lie?

But, if Rei told the truth – even if unlikely – he didn't want his relationship with his father-in-law to become even more awkward by discovering that he lied.

When he opened his mouth to respond, his father-in-law stopped him, placing one hand on his face and the other signaling to stop, sighing audibly: "Don't answer, I already understand." He muttered: "What a thing... I thought you were a bit more responsible... Fortunately, that foolish girl's mother convinced her to start taking pills since she started dating you."

After that, he fell silent and looked back at Hisashi severely.

Hisashi felt a bit nervous in this situation, even more than at the beginning.

"I will take responsibility," Hisashi suddenly said.

"Who said I want you, who is still in high school, to take responsibility for my daughter?" His voice became rougher, but realizing he started to shout, he sighed, took a deep breath and controlled himself, then said: "Look, Hisashi-kun, I'm not trying to scold you, but what you did was very foolish. Damn it, how can you be so irresponsible? And why did that foolish girl allow you to do it without protection?"

He put his hand back on his face, looking tired.

A silence followed until Tadashi said: "Hisashi-kun, it's getting late. Go back to your house and... remember what we talked about and don't be so irresponsible anymore." His eyes became as sharp as a razor when he finished speaking.

Then he muttered: "Seriously, I need to talk to her mother to have a good talk with that girl..."

Hearing this and then his muttering, Hisashi stood up rigidly and said: "Yes, sir, sorry for the inconvenience."

Tadashi just waved his hand, saying: "Just go. You know the way out."

Hisashi bowed to him and started to leave.

As he left the room, he heard the sound of someone running quickly. That was when he saw Rei's silhouette running, crossing a corridor and going up the stairs.

Stopping and looking in the direction she went, he didn't stand still for long. Smiling ironically, wondering if she heard the whole 'conversation', although most of it was him listening to his father-in-law scold him, Hisashi walked all the way to the door. After changing the slippers for the sneakers he came with, he opened the door and left silently.


After returning to her room, Rei, who had gone down to get some water, didn't expect to see her boyfriend in the living room of her house talking to her father all this time. When she arrived, she heard her father say something about not being so irresponsible anymore.

'What did my father mean by that?' She thought with doubt: 'Is it because he found out Hisashi repeated the year because of me?'

Little did she know that everything she and Hisashi did... was practically discovered by her father...

While she deluded herself, assuming her father 'discovered' that Hisashi failed the year to stay by her side, she began to think as she lay on the bed, holding a pillow between her breasts: 'After all, do I love Hisashi now?'

Soon after, she murmured softly: "… Love… huh."

To tell the truth, Rei had no experience with this. Although she thought she loved Takashi and until recently believed it, now, she doesn't know anymore.

Or rather, it was as if the feeling she had for Takashi was more a sense of possession. As if he should be hers or something like that... Well, she herself didn't quite understand her feelings; this was the best way she could think of when trying to make a comparison, since what she began to feel for Hisashi was different from what she had ever felt for Takashi.

For example, right now, she was already missing Hisashi, wanting to see him again, kiss him, hug him and do all kinds of impertinent things with him...

This kind of thought never crossed her mind when she thought about Takashi. At most, she fantasized about kissing him. But, it was more a thought like that of a lovesick maiden, without a real strong feeling.

On the other hand, when she thought about Hisashi, she felt her body get warmer and weaker while she began to long for him.

Yes, she didn't understand much about love, she knew that, but if what she felt now was so strong that it seemed like her heart was going to explode thinking about him and the lack she felt for him even though they had just parted. If that wasn't love, she didn't know what it was.

Even if it wasn't love, which she thought was unlikely, she liked what she felt, although it was painful when they parted, making her feel a strong pain in her chest and a slight shortness of breath.

"Hisashi..." After murmuring his name, she felt it easier to breathe and murmured his name several times in a row while turning from side to side in bed, hugging her pillow: "Hisashi, Hisashi..."


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