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22.72% Witcher: a mutant's story / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Andries and Mathies watched from a distance as ghouls tore open the meat packs they had left for them. These packs contained human meat wrapped in Nilfgaardian armor. The ghouls were becoming accustomed to the fresher, better-quality meat inside these packs, growing bolder with each encounter. Andries had even heard rumors of some ghouls attacking guards.


Their eyes glowed in the dark as they observed the scene. Andries's eyes glowed red with interest, noting the ghouls' behavior, while Mathies's blue glowing eyes were focused on simpler tasks, he was counting the packs on the ground.


After a while, Andries decided it was time to move on. He tapped Mathies on the side and they began to leave the area. Mathies grabbed the remaining packs and followed Andries. They carefully avoided the ghouls, who were growing bolder by the day. Although Mathies could easily dispatch them, Andries didn't want to scare off the ghouls.


Andries led them toward a hilly area to the west of Cintra, where he had seen Nilfgaardian patrols before. The patrols were fewer as it was getting dark, giving Andries time to act.


"All right, Mathies, put the bodies in the road." Andries instructed.


"No ghoul here." Mathies noted.


"Yes, but that doesn't matter." Andries replied. "The ghouls are now bold enough to attack people. Besides, this will mess with the soldiers. They'll see their own friends like this and in a better situation, they'll see their friends being eaten by ghouls."


"Ghouls fight guards." Mathies said.


"Yes, exactly." Andries said, pleased that Mathies understood. Mathies himself looked proud of himself.


Mathies placed the bodies on the ground and Andries cut some of the fabric open, allowing the smell of blood to escape. He decided to take additional steps to attract monsters to the area.


Andries used a Hemokinesis spell, channeling chaos and directing it to the blood in the meat packs. One advantage of Hemokinesis was that the chaos barely passed through Andries's body, so he didn't get too tired using the spell. The blood began to boil and vaporize, filling the air with the scent of fresh blood. Monsters would soon catch the scent.


Andries and Mathies moved away, Andries smiling when he heard the screech of ghouls approaching.


They continued walking until Andries noticed Mathies yawning, realizing he was probably tired.


"Hey, why don't we find somewhere to sleep?" Andries suggested.


"Yes, sleep good." Mathies agreed.


"Let's go and find an abandoned house." Andries said.


The two headed off in search of shelter for the night, ready to rest and prepare for whatever challenges lay ahead.


Andries and Mathies found a haven in the aftermath of war, a small village situated between Coldwater and Cintra, ravaged and abandoned due to the conflict. The village bore the scars of sackings, with homes looted and many inhabitants either killed or taken away. Despite the devastation, there were still a few intact buildings where Andries and Mathies could rest.


They made their way to one such building that, while heavily damaged inside, still had usable beds. Mathies, being larger than average, struggled to find a comfortable spot. But with some resourcefulness and a bit of searching, they managed to cobble together a makeshift bed using hay, fabric, and other soft materials they scavenged from the ruins. It wasn't luxurious, but it was a place to rest.


They settled in, placing their belongings beside their beds before finally succumbing to sleep. Mathies, exhausted from the day's events, fell asleep almost immediately on the makeshift bed he had helped construct. Andries, though excited by their finds and recent activities, eventually managed to calm his mind and join Mathies in slumber.


The next morning, Andries woke up earlier than Mathies. He reached into his bag, retrieving some dried meat to munch on. He knew Mathies would have the sense to gather food from the supplies they had acquired from the soldiers they had encountered and dispatched the previous day, so Andries left him to his own devices.


Taking one of the crossbows they had stolen along with extra bolts, Andries stepped out of the building. He chewed on the dried meat as he scanned the village for anything else of use. Despite the devastation, Andries managed to scavenge a couple of pots and pans, deeming them potentially useful and stashing one of the smaller pans into his bag.


He checked the well next, finding that it still provided clean water. After tasting it to ensure its quality, Andries drank his fill and then filled a bucket, placing it near the building where they had spent the night for Mathies to use.


While exploring the ruined village further, Andries came across some Belladonna herbs, recognizing them from his mother's herbology books as a poisonous plant. A grin crossed his face as he gathered the plants, storing them carefully in a small empty jar and using a pair of gloves to avoid direct contact.


It was during this gathering that Mathies emerged from their makeshift shelter, carrying a substantial amount of food in his hands, dried meat, hardtack and trail mix. He also had a large waterskin, which he put away upon seeing the bucket of water Andries had prepared. He lifted the bucket with ease and approached Andries.


"Morning, Mathies." Andries greeted him.


"Morning." Mathies replied.


"The water is from the well. You can drink it." Andries informed him, gesturing towards the bucket.


Mathies nodded in understanding. He started to eat his food and drink the water in the bucket. When he was done he went to Andries to see what he was doing.



"What are you doing?" Mathies asked, his voice rumbling like distant thunder.


"I'm collecting poison plants." Andries replied, his gaze fixed on the plant.


"Bad plants?" Mathies questioned, his stone-like features displaying genuine curiosity.


"Yes, very bad plants. They can kill you if you eat them." Andries explained, carefully plucking each poisonous leaf and placing them into a jar.


As Andries worked, the tranquility of the surroundings shattered abruptly. Mathies rose abruptly, his movements suggesting an imminent threat. Andries knew Mathies possessed senses far sharper than most, if Mathies sensed danger, it was there.


Andries swiftly raised his crossbow, prepared to cast a spell if necessary.


Soon, a group of three emerged on horseback, but they weren't Nilfgaardians, their armor bore the blue and gold insignia of Cintra.


At the head of the group stood a young man clad in a tattered yet finely crafted robe, adorned with lines of silver against a blue backdrop. His long black hair cascaded over his shoulders, framing deep blue eyes and dirt-smeared skin. Flanking him were two soldiers, their worn appearances indicating they had endured significant hardships.


"And who might you be?" Andries demanded, his voice sharp with suspicion.


"I am Cedric Noctis. A servant of queen Calanthe." the man introduced himself, dismounting from his horse. Mathies's aggressive stance caused a moment of tension among the newcomers.


"What business do you have here, loyal servant of the late queen?" Andries inquired, eyeing Cedric with wary curiosity.


"I am a mage." Cedric responded, his voice tinged with determination. "I fight the Nilfgaardian bastards in any way I can. My powers are employed to thin their ranks and give the northern realms a fighting chance."


"And you believe you can achieve much alone?" Andries asked, a faint smile playing on his lips.


"No, but you can." Cedric countered. "I've heard reports of monsters attacking Nilfgaardian forces. Monsters don't typically engage armies unless provoked. So, I scried on you. I watched as you dispatched soldiers and fed ghouls with their remains. You're inciting the ghouls to strike against the Nilfgaardians."


"And what of it?" Andries challenged.


"We can aid you." Cedric proposed.


"Is that wise, Cedric?" one of the soldiers interjected, a young woman with a long scar running across her forehead. Her chestnut-brown hair was braided neatly, and she carried a bow across her shoulder, clad in lightweight armor. Her green eyes held a mix of skepticism and determination.


"I'd whore myself to every mutant and monster if it meant seeing Nilfgaard burn, Gwen." Cedric asserted passionately.


"And how exactly do you intend to help us?" Andries pressed further.


"You tell us." Cedric countered. "We can kill more soldiers and bring their bodies for you so that your giant can turn them into meat packs, or do you have something else in mind?"


"First, tell me about the royal family." Andries requested. "I was hired to find something or someone close to the late princess Pavetta. I don't know much, but I was told to stir up trouble so someone could investigate her room if possible."


Andries wasn't concerned about Mathies, he knew how valuable deception could be. Mathies was also smart enough to stay quiet when Andries started to lie


"They must be looking for Princess Cirilla." the other soldier chimed in.


This soldier was a man with sandy blond hair and blue eyes, his fit body encased in armor as he held a sword and shield.


"Shut it, Henrick." Gwen snapped, her voice laced with frustration.


"A princess survived? That's interesting." Andries said with a knowing smile.


"We don't know if she's alive." Cedric interjected. "Whoever hired you probably won't find much in the princess's room."


"That's alright." Andries said. "I'm still willing to fight the Nilfgaardians, but I need payment for that."


"We don't have much money, but you can have all we have." Cedric offered.


"Money can be gathered from the corpses." Andries replied. "What I need is magic. I know a bit myself, but it's not enough. I want to learn more."


"Ah, that's what you're after." Cedric said, his smile widening. "I can teach you a lot, actually. I've seen a glimpse of what you can do, but I need to test your powers further to understand what you're truly capable of."


"You have yourself a deal." Andries said.


"Perfect." Cedric agreed. "Now, what do you want us to do? Do you need more meat packs for the ghouls, or do you have other plans?"


"I was thinking of something else." Andries revealed. "We've been feeding some other creatures in the area. There's a mountain to the south and east with griffins. I've been feeding them, but they it never hurts to make them angry a little."


"What do you want us to do about that?" Gwen asked.


"You three are perfect for being bait." Andries said.


"Did I hear you right? You called us bait?" Henrick questioned.


"Yes, you are bait." Andries confirmed. "I'm too young, and Mathies is too big to blend in as a Nilfgaardian soldier, but you three fit the bill perfectly. I want you three to get some Nilfgaardian armor and stir up some trouble at griffin nests. Leave behind some flags or other signs that would lure the griffins to attack the Nilfgaardians."


"That is suicide." Gwen protested.


"We've been on suicide missions since Cintra fell." Henrick pointed out. "If this plan works and sends the griffins after the Nilfgaardians, I'll gladly risk it."


"This is crazy enough to work." Cedric agreed. "Alright, we'll do it. We can move out as soon as you're ready."


"I need to collect some poison first, but after that, we can go." Andries said.


"By the way, we didn't get your names." Cedric said, breaking the brief silence.


"I am Andries." Andries introduced himself. "And this is my friend Mathies. Mathies, these three are friends, but keep an eye on them. Kill them if they try to attack us."


"So, half-friends?" Mathies asked, tilting his head.


"Yes, half-friends." Andries confirmed.


"Half-friends want food?" Mathies inquired, looking at the three newcomers. They exchanged confused glances before Cedric replied.


"Um… we already had some food, but thank you for offering."


"Hey, do any of you three know about poison plants?" Andries asked, shifting the conversation.


"I know some." Gwen answered.


"Can you help me gather these Belladonna?" Andries requested.


Gwen shrugged and joined Andries in gathering the deadly plants. Meanwhile, Cedric and Henrick wandered through the village, searching for anything of sentimental value. They found a blood-stained child's doll, some broken gardening tools and other haunting remnants of life before the carnage. Mathies, displaying his surprising strength, helped them move heavy objects with ease. Andries continued collecting plants, puzzled by their interest in sentimental relics.


Once Andries had gathered enough Belladonna, the group prepared to move. Andries and Mathies were on foot, while the other three mounted their horses but kept a slow pace to match their steps.


"You three should change your clothes." Andries suggested. "Wearing those armors and that robe will mark you as enemies of Nilfgaard. They'll attack us on sight."


"They kill anyone anyway, so it doesn't matter." Henrick argued.


"They don't kill just anyone." Andries countered. "I talked to some of them. They're looking for a girl a little younger than me with ash-blond hair. You can use that to distract them, allowing us to get closer."


"We'll change when we get some Nilfgaardian armor." Cedric agreed.


"Yeah, that would be better." Andries said, nodding.


They continued on until they spotted a Nilfgaardian patrol. The three dismounted and followed Andries and Mathies as they approached the patrol of ten heavily armored spearmen.


"This is going to be easy." Andries said confidently.


"For a mage with knowledge of magic yes but not for normal soldiers." Cedric remarked. "I hate to admit it but their armors are very well made, that means arrows and swords won't be very effective."


"Mathies doesn't care about armor." Andries assured them. "You three just make sure no one gets behind or to his side."


"I can do that." Cedric agreed.


"Mathies, kill those for me." Andries commanded, pointing at the patrol. "Leave a couple of armors intact if you can but don't hurt yourself over it. If you can, leave one alive."


Mathies nodded and charged toward the patrol, bellowing an earth-shaking roar and moving with a speed that defied his massive size. The roar and his incredible speed startled not only the patrol but also Cedric and the others.


Andries ran after Mathies, though he couldn't keep up with the giant mutant. He readied his crossbow and prepared his spells.


Mathies reached the soldiers as they lowered their spears toward him. With a powerful leap, he hurled himself impossibly high into the air, landing directly on top of the spearmen. Two were crushed under his immense weight and the others staggered as the ground trembled beneath them.


Andries aimed his crossbow and fired at one of the soldiers. The bolt clanged off the soldier's armor harmlessly. He grimaced as he began to reload.


Cedric regained his composure and channeled the energy of the air. With an incantation, he pointed his hand toward the patrol and unleashed a bolt of lightning. The electrified projectile struck true, reducing one soldier to a charred corpse within moments.


Henrick and Gwen, initially stunned by Mathies's ferocity, hesitated. Mathies, however, was in his element, tearing heads off and using bodies as makeshift shields. To him, it was as if he were fighting paper soldiers.


Andries finished reloading and fired again. Once more, the bolt merely glanced off armor. Frustrated, he opted for a spell instead. Drawing power from the earth, dirt hardened around his hands. With a quick incantation, he unleashed a barrage of earthen spikes at the soldiers. While most were deflected by armor, the close proximity of the soldiers meant several spikes found vulnerable gaps, killing one instantly.


Soon, Henrick and Gwen joined the fray, but the Nilfgaardians, panicked and disoriented, began to flee. Mathies, relentless, chased down the stragglers, ripping heads from shoulders with ease.


Cedric continued sending lightning bolts, each one finding its mark. Henrick and Gwen tried to assist but couldn't keep pace with Cedric and Mathies. Gwen's arrows fell short of the fleeing soldiers.


Mathies caught the last soldier, hoisting him off the ground with one hand and gripping his head with the other, ready to tear it off.


"Mathies, stop!" Andries shouted. "Disarm him but don't kill him. I have plans for this one."


Mathies looked at Andries, shrugged, and complied. He stripped the soldier of his spear and short sword, then tossed him to the ground at Andries's feet.


"Hi there." Andries said cheerfully.


The soldier babbled rapidly in Nilfgaardian, his words a frantic blur.


"I might have to kill this one." Andries mused.


"I can translate." Cedric offered, approaching them.


"Great, what's he saying?" Andries asked.


"He's begging for his life." Cedric said with a grin.


"Well, tell him it's possible he might keep it." Andries replied.


Cedric spoke to the soldier in his native tongue, conveying Andries's message. The soldier's eyes widened with a glimmer of hope, his rapid speech slowing as he processed the offer.


"First, ask him about mages." Andries instructed. "Nilfgaard has mages, but I haven't seen a single one around. Where are their mages?"


Cedric found this question intriguing and quickly translated it. The soldier, though visibly panicked, began to answer.


"Oh, that is interesting." Cedric relayed. "He says the mages are marching with the main army to meet the northern forces in battle."


"Does he know where that battle is?" Andries pressed, and Cedric translated again.


"He says to the north and east, but he's not certain where exactly." Cedric replied. "I think they're going to meet near Red Port. There's a bridge there that can allow the armies to cross the river."


"That's interesting." Andries mused, then turned to Henrick and Gwen as they approached. "Hey, do you two want to ask this guy anything? Lowly soldiers often know a lot."


Cedric asked something in Nilfgaardian, and the soldier responded. Cedric nodded but didn't translate immediately. Andries caught the words "young girl" and "ash-blond hair."


"Ask him about his mother, see if she liked it after I plowed her." Henrick jeered.


"I thought I was the childish one here." Andries retorted.


"Ask him about their supplies." Gwen suggested.


"Yeah, that's a good one." Cedric agreed and translated. His expression darkened at the soldier's answer. "He says he'd rather die than tell us where the supplies are."


"Okay, cut his dick off then." Andries said nonchalantly.


"What?" Henrick exclaimed.


"I said, cut his dick off." Andries repeated, drawing one of his daggers. "You know what, you don't have to do anything. Just hold him, and I'll do it myself."


Henrick chuckled darkly and moved to restrain the soldier. While Henrick wasn't as strong as Mathies, he was more than capable of holding the soldier without damaging the armor. Andries approached, dagger in hand, while Cedric informed the soldier of their intentions in Nilfgaardian. The soldier began shouting something that made Cedric smile.


"Wait, he wants to talk." Cedric said.


"Well, tell him if he refuses to cooperate again, I'll cut his dick off." Andries threatened.


The soldier began speaking rapidly to Cedric. Andries focused his mental powers, diving into the soldier's mind. In the realm of thoughts, there were no language barriers.


Andries realized the soldier was lying. He smiled as he retrieved a note, ink and parchment from his bag, writing down the genuine information he extracted from the soldier's mind while ignoring the falsehoods Cedric translated. There were multiple supply camps and Andries noted down the ones this soldier knew about.


"He lied." Andries announced. "I looked into his mind and got the real information. I've written it down here."


"Can I see what you wrote?" Gwen asked.


"Sure." Andries said, handing the paper to her.


"You can read minds?" Cedric asked, intrigued.


"I have some psionic powers along with my magic." Andries confirmed.


"Your handwriting is horrible, but I know where these are." Gwen said. "If we move right now, we can reach one of the supply caches before sundown."


"Any more questions?" Andries asked. The others shrugged.


"Got food?" Mathies asked.


"That's a perfect question. Ask if they have any food on them," Andries directed.


"I think some of them have rations." Cedric responded.


"No more questions, then?" Andries confirmed.


Without hesitation, Andries moved to the soldier and slit his throat. Henrick let the body drop, the lifeblood pooling on the ground. Andries cleaned his dagger and sheathed it.


"We should wear the armors this giant hasn't crushed yet." Cedric suggested.


"Yes, you do that." Andries said. "Mathies and I will search the others for money, food, and anything useful."


The group got to work. While Andries and Mathies rifled through the corpses for valuables, the other three changed into the armor of the fallen soldiers. Andries was fair with friends, sharing the food and money he found, while Mathies created more "meat packs" from the corpses for the monsters.


"Andries, about your magic." Cedric said. "I saw you cast a spell with your hands. How did you do it? It takes mages a long time of training to get their fingers nimble enough to cast spells quickly."


"Oh, that." Andries replied, then flexed his fingers in impossible ways. "My mother wanted this for me. She mutated my body so I could cast spells easily and have mind powers."


"That is…" Cedric trailed off.


"Horrible." Gwen finished. "What kind of mother would turn her own kid into a mutant? She should have raised you right instead of mutating you."


"She made me a better mage than most." Andries retorted.


"Meat pack." Mathies pointed at the naked corpses.


"Oh no, I have other plans for them." Andries said.


He sat on the ground, pulling a piece of cloth from his bag. He removed his boot, drew his dagger, and cut off three of his toes.


"What the hell are you doing?!" Gwen shouted.


"Don't worry, they'll regrow in a couple of days. It's part of my mutation." Andries said as he wrapped the cloth around the wound.


"There is something wrong with you, kid." Henrick said.


"Yes, I am three toes short." Andries quipped.


He then took his severed toes and walked to the corpses. He cut a hole in the corpses' chests and placed his toes inside the wounds. Tapping into negative energy, he wrote runes around the insertion points. The negative energy infused the runes, and with some incantations, he finished the spell.


The blood runes absorbed a significant amount of energy, channeling it into the toes. The toes and runes fused into the corpses. The ritual took a few moments, during which Cedric watched with keen interest. When Andries was done, he slowly walked away from the corpses.


"What was that?" Cedric asked, his eyes wide with curiosity. "I sensed a large amount of energy, but most of it didn't pass through your body. What did you do?"


"The energy was Hemokinesis." Andries explained. "I tapped into some negative energy and turned those three into explosives. If anyone gets close to them, they'll blow up."


"Why would you do that?" Gwen asked, her tone a mix of disgust and intrigue.


"It's a trap for both the soldiers and the ghouls." Andries replied. "The ghouls should learn that the only food they'll get is the one inside Nilfgaard armor. If the soldiers come to check the bodies, they'll die."


"That explains why the ghouls are getting so bold." Cedric said. "You're starving them of normal corpses and feeding them these meat packs."


"Yes." Andries confirmed.


"Can I ask you about your employer?" Cedric inquired. "What exactly did they ask you to do, besides cause chaos and kill as many soldiers as you can?"


"Nothing else. Just cause as much trouble as I can for the soldiers." Andries said with a shrug.


"Are you willing to help the northern armies?" Cedric asked. "The Nilfgaardians are marching east, which means they'll move a lot slower than individuals, and there will be a fight. We might be able to use some of your tactics to aid the armies. I promise I'll teach you anything I know as we move there. I'll also personally pay for your entrance to any magic school you want."


"Sure, why not." Andries agreed.


"The fighting is to the east, right? We can hit their supplies on the way." Gwen suggested.


"We should also keep our Cintra armor with us." Henrick added. "We might have to change when we finally join the northern armies."


"Yeah, that's a good idea." Andries said.


"We should really find horses for you two." Gwen said. "We're a lot faster than you on horseback, and I don't think you'll have an easy time walking with your damaged feet."


"Oh, don't worry, Mathies is fast." Andries said.


Mathies nodded and smiled. He walked over to Andries, turned his back to him, and knelt down. Andries grabbed his bag and crossbow, tied them to his back, then climbed onto Mathies's back. Mathies stood up, ready to move.


"I promise you guys, we can keep up." Andries assured them.


The three exchanged looks, then went to get their horses. They put their old gear on the horses. Henrick and Gwen gathered some Nilfgaardian weapons and flag then brought them to their mounts.


Once ready, they started to move. The three horsemen began their journey, with Mathies running behind them. Mathies showed no signs of fatigue as he kept pace with the galloping horses. They stayed on their horses the whole time and only stopped from time to time for when they needed food and things like that.



The group traveled for hours, with Mathies keeping up effortlessly. They ran until nightfall, but despite Gwen's earlier estimation, they hadn't reached the area with the supplies.


The group began setting up camp as dusk settled. Mathies, with his immense strength, assisted Henrick and Gwen in pitching the tents while Cedric decided to both teach Andries something useful and fortify their campsite. Cedric initiated an obstruction protection spell of air nature, explaining the fundamentals and intricacies of air magic to Andries as he worked.


Andries, born for magic, quickly grasped the concepts and started to assist Cedric, though he still required training to cast the spell independently. The camp slowly took shape under the night sky, the protective air barrier shimmering faintly around them.


The group huddled together, avoiding the risk of starting a fire that might attract unwanted attention. They ate from the rations taken from the fallen soldiers, preparing to rest for the night. Cedric and Andries remained awake longer than the others, with Cedric imparting more knowledge about air magic to the eager young mage.


When exhaustion finally overtook them, the group drifted off to sleep. Mathies, too large for any tent, and Andries, accustomed to the open sky, lay outside, accepting a blanket offered by Gwen for some comfort.


At dawn, Cedric, Gwen, and Henrick awoke before the others. They began to break camp quietly, but Mathies and Andries remained sound asleep. Gwen, taking pity on them, eventually roused the two, and the group gathered their belongings, ate a quick breakfast, and prepared to move. The meat packs, now starting to smell, were left behind.


After several hours of travel, they spotted a Nilfgaardian supply camp in the distance. The camp was fortified with wooden walls and guarded by soldiers, with eight watchtowers strategically positioned around it.


"That must be one of the supply camps." Cedric observed.


"I hate to say this, but we really can't fight all those soldiers when they are behind walls." Andries admitted.


"So, what's the plan? Burn the place and run away?" Henrick asked.


"We could disguise ourselves as soldiers, slip inside, poison the supplies, and steal some provisions," Gwen suggested.


"I have a lot of poison plants in my pack." Andries offered.


"Dangerous, but I like the plan." Cedric said. "Are you willing to part with your plants? I know we've asked a lot from you, but this is crucial."


"Sure, I can…" Andries began, but his sentence was cut short by a piercing screech.


Griffins, not one but several, swooped down upon the camp. The soldiers scrambled to fight back, launching arrows and swinging their weapons, but the Griffins were too fast. They snatched soldiers up and flew away with them. Andries began to laugh, a childish giggle that seemed disturbingly out of place amidst the chaos.


"You said you fed the Griffins too, right?" Cedric asked, glancing at Andries.


"Yup." Andries replied cheerfully.


As they watched the chaos, a bolt of lightning shot from within the camp toward the Griffins. It was clear that a mage was present in the camp.


"This just got more complicated." Cedric muttered.


"Or more interesting." Andries said with a mischievous smile.


"Andries, I have a plan but I don't know if you'll like it." Cedric said, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "I'm great at divination. I can show the Nilfgaardians what you and Mathies have been doing and then lead them right to you."


"Oh, I love a good ambush." Andries replied with a wicked grin. "You should do it right now. Me and Mathies will get ready. Just one thing, when you walk toward us, keep a bit of distance between you and the mage."


"Why?" Henrick asked, his brow furrowed with concern.


"Don't worry, you'll love it." Andries assured him.


Though still uneasy, the trio agreed and left their horses with Mathies and Andries. Before departing, Cedric asked Mathies to tear his armor apart leaving only the clothes under and they too were ripped alittle. Mathies obliged, shredding the armor but leaving the clothes underneath intact, he did the same with the other two but left their armors a little more intact. Cedric now looked as if he had been through a fierce battle had completely lost what he wore over his normal clothing.


Andries and Mathies surveyed their surroundings. They spotted a few scattered trees and, with great effort, Mathies uprooted them. Using his immense strength, he broke the trees' edges to create crude but sharp spears. Together, they whittled smaller branches into more spears, preparing for the ambush.


Positioned on a hill overlooking a plain, they had a strategic advantage. They stockpiled their makeshift weapons and waited. As they continued their preparations, another group of Griffins attacked the camp. This time, only one soldier was taken, and no lightning bolts followed.


After a few hours, Mathies sensed movement. Moving to the edge of the hill, he saw a group of soldiers marching toward them. Only three were on horseback, with two wearing robes and one in armor.


"What do you see, Mathies?" Andries asked.


"Cedric, wearing new robes. He looks clean." Mathies replied.


"Oh, he's a good liar. I was actually expecting them to die there." Andries said, a hint of admiration in his voice.


"Another guy with a hood." Mathies continued.


"Does the robe look like Cedric's?" Andries asked.


"Yes." Mathies confirmed.


"Can you take out the second robed guy?" Andries asked.


"Yes." Mathies said, grabbing a giant wooden spear.


"Do it." Andries commanded with a smile.


Mathies hurled the spear with all his might. It flew through the air with a terrifying whistle, piercing the mage's chest and exiting through his back, finally embedding itself in the ground between a soldier's legs without harming him. The mage fell, dead before hitting the ground, plunging the soldiers into chaos.


The armored horseman rallied the troops, charging toward Andries and Mathies. From afar, Andries saw Cedric and the two others moving more slowly, keeping a safe distance from the main group.


"Here they come." Andries said, readying his spears and his crossbow. "Let's give them a warm welcome."


Mathies grabbed another spear, his eyes locked on the advancing soldiers, while Andries prepared his spells. The ambush was about to begin, and the battlefield was set for a fierce confrontation.


Mathies hurled spear after spear with formidable force, each projectile finding its mark with lethal precision. The spears penetrated the soldiers' armor, embedding themselves deep within their bodies, killing them instantly. Only the knight on horseback survived the initial assault, his superior armor shattering the spear but the impact knocked him off his horse.


Andries, harnessing the power of his mind, levitated his own spears. Drawing upon the air spell Cedric had taught him, he shot bursts of air behind the spears to propel them forward. Though still mastering air magic, Andries was adept at adapting his skills. The spears he launched weren't as powerful as Mathies's, so he aimed for the soldiers' heads and necks where the armor was weakest.


As the soldiers advanced, Mathies and Andries continued their assault. Mathies's brute strength and speed allowed him to dispatch soldiers swiftly, but Andries, with his precision and magic, held his own.


Cedric and the others joined the fray. Cedric unleashed bolts of lightning, crackling and deadly, while Henrick and Gwen fired arrows and bolts from their respective weapons. Henrick's crossbow and Gwen's bow found their targets, thinning the ranks of the advancing soldiers.


The soldiers finally reached the top of the hill, but this proved fatal. Mathies grabbed a tree trunk and leapt into the air, landing atop one soldier and crushing him completely. He then swung the trunk like a massive club, smashing soldiers left and right. One soldier managed to dodge Mathies and was about to strike when Andries intervened.


"Stop!" Andries commanded with his demonic voice, sending a wave of psionic energy into the soldier's mind. The soldier froze, his head wracked with pain, giving Mathies the opportunity to crush him with the trunk.


Despite their efforts, a lot of soldiers remained. Determined to aid Mathies in thinning their ranks, Andries tapped into the energy of the earth. Placing his hands on the ground, he whispered an incantation. His fingers sank into the earth as if it were liquid. With a sweeping motion, he transformed the ground beneath a group of soldiers into a quagmire, trapping them in mud.


Seizing the moment, Andries drew his daggers and dashed toward the ensnared soldiers. With swift, lethal slashes, he opened the throats of three soldiers. However, the fourth regained his footing and swung his sword, catching Andries in the arm and opening a deep wound.


Glaring at his attacker, Andries shot his daggers forward with the force of his mind. The daggers found their marks in the soldier's necks, killing the last two soldiers. The overuse of psionics triggered a severe headache, a sign he had reached his psionic limit. Despite the pain, he knew they had to finish this fight.


Mathies continued his relentless assault, while Cedric, Henrick, and Gwen provided covering fire and support. The hilltop became a battleground, a testament to their combined might and strategy.


Andries moved to the soldier who had slashed him, drew his dagger, and plunged it into the soldier's skull, prying it open. He began to eat the soldier's brain, hoping to alleviate the pain from his psionic exertion and it did.


While Andries consumed the brain, his companions continued their bloody work. The soldiers, now terrified by the sight of Mathies tearing them apart, the small mage boy feasting on a brain and their own allies turning against them, began to drop their weapons and beg for mercy. But Mathies was merciless. Seeing Andries injured had filled him with rage. He tore through the pleading soldiers with ease, showing no compassion.


When the last of the soldiers fell, Mathies, still in a frenzy, almost attacked Cedric and the others. But recognizing them, he calmed down and rushed back to Andries, looking at his wounded arm with concern. Andries, unbothered, continued eating.


"Don't worry, I'm fine." Andries said, trying to reassure Mathies.


"What the hell are you doing?!" Gwen exclaimed as she approached, noticing Andries's wound. "Oh my god, you are wounded."


"Don't worry, it will heal soon." Andries replied calmly.


"Stop eating that soldier!" Gwen demanded.


"This is for my headache. It's the downside of being a mutant," Andries explained.


"Fucking mutants." Henrick muttered, shaking his head in disgust.


"How did you guys survive that?" Andries asked as he finished eating.


Mathies tore a piece of cloth from a fallen soldier's armor and used it to clean Andries's mouth.


"We managed to lie our way in." Cedric said. "My Nilfgaardian is good enough that they believed me when I said you attacked us, killed my troop, and ripped my clothes off. Before They got the chance to ask for more proof for my identity, I told them about you then I showed them one of the visions, that was enough."


"Well, Mathies did rip your clothes off so it is half true." Andries pointed out.


"Should we be worried about your brain-eating thing?" Cedric asked warily.


"Not unless you hurt me." Andries said with a smile.


"So, what now?" Henrick asked. "We killed most of the guards, but there are still around twenty soldiers in the camp."


"Now we wear our Cintran clothing and show them Cintra lives with us." Cedric said resolutely.


"We'll help you guys kill them." Andries offered.


The group prepared for the next phase of their assault. Mathies gathered the remaining spears and charged towards the camp. The camp guards were no match for the five warriors. Mathies hurled the spears, impaling archers before they could act. Cedric, using an air spell, launched crossbow bolts with incredible power.


They reached the camp swiftly. The soldiers inside, already demoralized, dropped their weapons in fear. But the five showed no mercy. They slaughtered the remaining soldiers, ensuring the camp was entirely theirs.

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