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Douluo Continent

Fansu Province, northwest of the Douluo Mainland

A war refugee camp, near Notting City

A child in rag cloth can be seen running and bowing from one army guard to another.

Although the child looks weak and pitiful about six years old his cute little face and star-like red eyes show a deep sense of maturity that doesn't belong to his age.

After the negative response from the person in front of him, he moved to another strong-looking guard and bowed to him slightly.

"Guard uncle are you a soul master, can you please awaken my martial spirit i am already six years old and I am willing to pay," said the child while extending his little hand with two copper soul coins in it.

"Hold your horse little guy, first of all, where are your parents and I can't awaken your martial spirit"

After hearing this the light in the child's eyes dimmed a little.

"I am an orphan beggar and I don't know where my parents are"

Seeing this the guard said again.

"Little guy it is not that I don't want to awaken your martial spirit but you need to have special tools to awaken the martial spirit and your soul power must be above level 20."

"I fulfill none of these criteria and even if you want to pay to get a great soul master to awaken your martial spirit you need at least 20 gold soul coins."

"You can wait for the war to end and the empire will send someone to awaken martial spirit but you need to serve the empire for at least 20 years"

After saying this the guard thought 'Another poor little guy who lost his parents in this struggle between empires'

After hearing the guard's explanation the child slightly bowed his head and returned to the little tent he made to shelter himself.

Talking to himself

"Why am I so unlucky to be born in the body of an orphan."

Yes, he is a reborn person with all the memories of his past life.

"Others are reborn in the douluo continent with all the secret methods of the Tang Sect and a powerful titled douluo father and I am born in the body of an orphan who died due to sadness, what a lame way to die".

Shaking his head he also felt pity for the child whose body he took over, it can be imagined how sad the child must have been to die of sadness.

Entering his tent he sat on the tree log he was currently using as his stool, and took out some jerky from his pocket which he made with the rabbit he caught in his traps. Putting a small piece in his mouth and started chewing while looking out the corner of his eyes in the air.






This panel was there when he first woke up in this world 2 months ago. This system gave him hope that he could have an easy life this time.

After all awakening of the martial soul was a sure thing, he knew from his memory of his last life that this was Douluo continent and Spirit Hall sent people to awaken civilians' martial souls for free.

But reality hit him hard, it had been 2 months and no one had talked about Spirit Hall sending people, he also came to know that the empire awakens civilian children but it's a big scam 'You have to serve the empire for 20 years if you awaken initial power, are you kidding me they just want to turn the civilians into their slaves'

'Maybe it is before spirit hall started free awakening, how good it would be if Brother Tao came and awakened his martial spirit but he knew this was just a dream as Brother Tao's father may not have been born yet'

How he knew this because he heard from those guards that the current pope "Angel Douluo" would pass from here the next morning with his people when he returned from the Haotian sect and the only pope in his mind who had some friendship with the Haotian sect was 'The Sky Invincible' - Qian Daoliu.

Huang Yong had already made up his mind that he would take the risk and try to get his spirit awakened by any of the people of Spirit Hall.

With this in mind, he finished his rabbit jerky and drank the river water he had collected in a clay pot.

Lying on the bed made of leaves and hay he closed his eyes while praying for luck.

The next morning, it was still dark and Huang Yong had already woken up. Taking care of his hair and face he rushed towards the yellow road near his camp. After seeing how tidy the road was it's hard to believe that there were camps near the road.

Huang Yong looked here and there and after finding no one was present he sat down at the side of the road waiting for the arrival of his last hope.

After about an hour and a half daybreak has arrived and some people on horseback and a carriage can be seen on the horizon.

As they got closer huang yong's heart started to beat like drums.

As soon as the carriage came close Huang Yong jumped and ran to the knight and shouted "Greetings my lord, this nobody wants to ask for help from my lord" and bowed slightly to the carriage.

The knight saw this and hurriedly threw a gold soul coin to him and asked him to step aside.

Huang Yong said while shaking his head "My lord I don't want money plz help me awaken my martial spirit my lord" he showed as much respect as possible.

The knight said "You little brat do you even know who is in the carriage, step aside or I will" "Enough" came a voice from the carriage.

The knight got frightened and hurriedly said "Forgive me, my lord, the carriage will start moving again".

By then the gate of the carriage was opened and a man in a golden robe came out.

His eyes showed the majesty of someone who rules over this world and a very dominating aura was around him.

"Why don't you go to the empire and get your spirit awakened"

"My lord the empire wants nothing but to turn us civilians into their slaves, they have imposed laws that if a person awakens soul power he must serve the empire for the next 20 years, my parents also died due to this, please help me, my lord."

Qian Daoliu looked at Huang Yong's face and eyes which showed unwavering courage.

"Interesting, ok I will awaken your martial spirit let's take a look at how much weight you have got."

Saying this he waved his hands and Huang Yong flew to him as some kind of force was pulling him Qian Daoliu tapped in the center of Huang's eyebrows and a golden light spread making Huang Yong feel refreshed.

Huang extended his right hand and two black gauntlets can be seen revolving on his palm.

Qian Daoliu looked at it for a moment and released him, Huang came back to the ground while looking back and forth between his gauntlets and Qian Daoliu with excitement.

Huang could feel that he has soul power but not much.

Qian Daoliu said, "You have got your wish, what you have awakened is a tool-type gauntlet martial soul with an initial 4 levels of soul power. Not very high talent but it is possible to become a soul king in your life".

Saying this he entered back into the carriage and the gates were closed.

Huang clinched his fist and bowed slightly till the carriage left.

Huang was very excited as he could at least cultivate and being a soul king was not that bad but all of a sudden he remembered that he had no idea how to cultivate.

He lowered his head while thinking how to get the method he saw the gold coin the knight had thrown at him was still there, he picked it up quickly and hid it in his inner clothes and looked here and there fortunately due to early morning, no one was there.

Huang excitedly ran back to his tent and fell asleep again with relief.

By now he had already forgotten that he had a system.




Masked_Warrior_ Masked_Warrior_

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