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80% Bleach : Kurosaki Adopted Son (DROPPED) / Chapter 4: Timeskip (9 Years)

Chapter 4: Timeskip (9 Years)

5 Years Have Passed :

Ichigo and Kenjiro, now nine years old, followed a routine that had become second nature: breakfast, school, home, a nap, lunch, karate dojo, and home again. On weekends, they visited the park. Their days repeated with comforting regularity until one fateful day when they were heading home from the dojo in heavy rain.

A truck sped by, splashing water all over Ichigo. "Ah!" Ichigo exclaimed in surprise. Kenjiro saw him and laughed. Masaki, their mother, looked at Ichigo with concern. "Oh my, what a bad truck. Are you okay, Ichigo?" She then glanced at Kenjiro. "And Kenjiro, can you stop laughing at your brother?"

Kenjiro, still chuckling, said, "My bad, Ichigo. Do you want to switch? I can walk on the roadside."

Ichigo shook his head. "No need, bro. I'm fine. I'm wearing a raincoat. Besides, I don't know why you refuse to wear one."

Kenjiro shrugged. "It's uncomfortable for me."

Masaki chimed in, "Then how about switching with Mom?"

Kenjiro shook his head. "It's okay, Mom. I'll be fine. I'll protect you from now on."

Masaki smiled warmly. "Oh my, how reliable. But I can't leave the roadside to you when you haven't won even one match against Tatsuki-chan," she teased while wiping Ichigo's face with a cloth.

Ichigo protested, "I hmph hmf hmph."

Masaki tilted her head. "I don't know what you're saying."

Ichigo repeated more clearly, "I said I got a hit last time."

Masaki finished cleaning his face. "There, all cleaned up."

Ichigo thought, 'I love my mom. Not once have I seen her cry or get mad. It's not just me Yuzu, Karin, Kenjiro, and Dad all love her too. Mom is the heart of our family, the one we all revolve around.'

Kenjiro said, "You know, Ichigo, you should try using my method when fighting Tatsuki. You'd do more than just land a hit; you might actually win."

Masaki smiled at Kenjiro and pulled his ear gently. "You know, you shocked me with that trick. I can't believe you fooled Tatsuki-chan by screaming about something that wasn't even there like a ghost or an insect, and then provoked her with that silly dance." She referenced the Bully Maguire and Fortnite dances. "That's no good. Don't ever follow your brother's methods, Ichigo."

Kenjiro winced, holding his ear. "Ouch, ouch, please let go! I'm sorry! But it's true about the ghost. Ichigo can see it too, right, bro?"

Ichigo decided to ignore his brother by looking at the left side, and Kenjiro called out, "Oi don't ignore me!"

Ichigo thought again, 'Except she gets mad when dealing with my bro's behavior.'

Ichigo glanced to his left and saw a girl standing at the river's edge, looking like she was about to jump. Unable to ignore it, he decided to help. "Wait here, Mom, bro," Ichigo said before climbing over the fence.

Masaki, confused, could only respond with, "Eh?"

Kenjiro's heart raced as he realized what was happening. 'Wait, I remember now. Oh shit, it's right here! FUUUUUCK, our mom is going to die! I gotta stop him!'

Ichigo started running toward the girl. Masaki screamed, "Ichigo!"

Kenjiro, also climbing the fence, screamed at the top of his lungs, "NOOOOOO! STOP IT! THAT'S NOT A FUCKING HUMAN! THAT'S A FUCKING MONSTER! STOOOOOOOOOOP!"

Masaki was shocked by Kenjiro's language but quickly focused on Ichigo. "ICHIGO, DON'T!" she screamed.

Ichigo, oblivious to the warnings, reached the girl and grabbed her but failed, falling down the riverside with her. He lost consciousness as the girl stood up without any injury, transforming into a Hollow, revealing herself to be Grand Fisher.

Kenjiro dashed toward Ichigo to pull him away from the monster, but Masaki stopped him. "Stand back, Kenjiro. Your mom can defeat that monster."

Kenjiro stared at Masaki, bewildered. "Defeat that thing? How?" he wondered, his thoughts racing.

'There's no way. I know she's going to lose. I tried to save you, Mom, but I'm too late. Should I sacrifice myself to that monster? I heard the monster only eats one person with strong spiritual power. I don't know if my spiritual power is strong enough, but if it is, maybe he'll quickly lose interest in others after killing me. But wait, why should I sacrifice myself for characters in an anime or manga? I guess I'm getting attached to this family. If I die, Ichigo will probably revert to his original anime personality with his mother alive. Maybe that's a happier ending for this alternate world. The plot will likely remain unchanged.'

Kenjiro responded determinedly, "No, Mom. I can face it. I brought my weapon too, you know." He pulled out his broken katana from his pocket.

Masaki's eyes widened in surprise, wondering how he managed to carry such a sharp object unnoticed. She quickly realized he only had the broken blade without its scabbard, making it short enough to fit in his pocket. The broken sword, now the length of a knife, glinted dangerously in the light. Kenjiro, already mentally prepared to sacrifice himself for his family, tightened his grip on the weapon.

Masaki, her expression resolute, said firmly, "You should listen to your mother. I'm sorry I have to do this." With those words, she unleashed her Quincy powers, knocking Kenjiro out cold.

As he slipped into unconsciousness, Kenjiro's mind raced with unanswered questions.

"What? How did she knock me out? Did Mom have this kind of power all along? How did she die in the anime? I'm sorry, bro. I couldn't protect her. I'm too weak. It's my fault for not fully watching the anime. Maybe there's still a small chance I can save her. I have to wake up quickly and call Dad."

Masaki moved Kenjiro to a safer distance, about 10-20 meters away, before confronting the monster. Grand Fisher's claw was inches away from Ichigo when Masaki tried to use her powers, but they failed. In desperation, she jumped to shield Ichigo, taking the blow herself. As her soul was taken by the monster, her only thought was, 'God, please let my sons be safe.'

Grand Fisher, having lost interest in the boys, left. Masaki, bleeding and barely alive, crawled to hug Ichigo. She looked at his face and then at Kenjiro, who was waking up and running towards her. she looked at Kenjiro shocked how is he waking up so quickly

Kenjiro, with tears in his eyes, said, "Why did you knock me out, Mom? Why didn't you use your powers to defeat that monster? It doesn't matter now. don't worry I'll call Dad for help."

Masaki smiled weakly as she held Kenjiro's hand firmly. "I don't understand why my powers didn't work. Maybe someone took them. And I knocked you out to protect you. It's my duty as a parent." she explained softly. "I'm surprised you woke up so quickly. I wonder why you didn't wake up when I tried to wake you in the morning."

Kenjiro thought bitterly, 'I remember now. Mom had Quincy powers, and Dad is a Shinigami. Mom's power was stolen by Yhwach, that ancient monster. When she was about to battle him, Dad still didn't have his Shinigami powers. I forgot how he lost that power. I couldn't change anything. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. The plot remained unchanged even though I tried to intervene. I'm still weak. Damn it. Strongest swordsman, my ass. I couldn't even protect her.'

Kenjiro, tears streaming down his face, choked out, "This isn't a joke. I'm not even your real son. Why did you stop me from saving Ichigo? Is it okay if I sacrifice myself to save your real son?"

Masaki, visibly taken aback but still smiling faintly, asked, "You knew?"

"I've known for a long time," Kenjiro replied, his voice trembling.

Masaki's smile softened, her eyes reflecting warmth despite the pain. "Even though we may not share blood, you're still my boy, my son. I would gladly give my life to save you," she said softly, her voice wavering slightly as she coughed. "And what are you saying about sacrificing yourself? Don't be foolish; you're still young." She gestured for him to come closer.

Kenjiro thought, 'I don't think I have the heart to tell him about my previous life.'

Kenjiro leaned in closer, his heart heavy with grief as Masaki spoke with a weak but reassuring voice, "Don't blame yourself for being weak. You and your brother are strong in ways you don't even know yet. Protect your family. Live well." Her words were a balm to his anguish, and he nodded silently, understanding the weight of her final wishes.

"And also, no need to tell anyone about my powers. It's dangerous. Keep it to yourself," Masaki added softly, her voice faltering with the effort. "I'm sorry... I don't think I will make it."

With those last words, Masaki closed her eyes, her grip on Kenjiro's hand weakening until he gently let go, tears flowing freely down his cheeks as he mourned the loss of his mother.

Kenjiro's mind raced with bitter thoughts as he grappled with his tumultuous emotions. "If I had been transmigrated alone, without a family, I wouldn't have to deal with emotions like this. I hate it," he muttered angrily to himself, his fists clenched in frustration. He struck out at the rocky ground with such force that his hands began to bleed, his screams echoing into the desolate landscape.

In the midst of his rage, something unexpected unfolded. The broken katana in Kenjiro's hand began to emit a faint, ethereal glow. He watched in astonishment as the blade gradually repaired itself, the metal shimmering and the edge sharpening until it gleamed with renewed strength. Alongside this miraculous transformation, Kenjiro felt a surge of power coursing through him, his physical stature seeming to expand, his presence growing more imposing with each passing moment.

"Awakened when my mother died, huh?" Kenjiro's thoughts dripped with bitterness, his voice thick with defiance. "Damn it. It should have awakened when I was fighting."

As Kenjiro gripped the newly restored katana, a mix of awe and apprehension washed over him. He marveled at the realization that he could summon and dismiss the weapon at will, feeling a surge of power course through him each time it materialized in his hand. He knew instinctively that with training and dedication to his blacksmithing skills, he could enhance its abilities further.

The scabbard, mysteriously present despite its absence from his former home, now completed the set. However, despite these newfound capabilities, a profound sadness still gnawed at him. The temptation to end his own life flickered in his mind—a desperate bid to escape the overwhelming emotions threatening to consume him. Yet, in a moment of stark clarity, he hesitated. He couldn't burden Ichigo with more guilt. He couldn't allow his own anguish to unravel the delicate bond they shared.

Kenjiro's thoughts swirled in turmoil as he grappled with the overwhelming emotions threatening to engulf him. "If I commit suicide, Ichigo will be burdened with guilt far worse than the original plot. I can't let that happen. I can't give up so easily," he thought, his resolve hardening. "Remember, I am the strongest swordsman from my past life. i cannot given up that easily because of this kind of thing"

With a steadying breath, Kenjiro slowly lowered the katana, feeling its weight and the lingering power it represented. His resolve hardened as he recognized that succumbing to despair would undo the resilience he had fought so hard to reclaim. Despite the heaviness in his heart, he turned away from the abyss of dark thoughts, determined to forge a path forward amidst the turbulent chaos of his new existence.

With a deliberate motion, Kenjiro unsummoned the katana, watching as the blade dissipated into faint wisps of energy that vanished into the air. He settled himself near Masaki, finding solace in her presence as he waited for Ichigo to awaken and for Isshin to arrive. Sitting quietly beside his mother, he sought comfort in the quiet moments amidst the sorrow.

After some time, Ichigo stirred and woke up, finding his mother lying still, her arms still wrapped around him. He gently released himself from her embrace and tried to wake her up, shaking her gently, but she didn't respond. Tears welled up in Ichigo's eyes, and he started crying, calling out to his mother desperately. Kenjiro approached him, seeing his brother's distress, and Ichigo looked up at him with tear-streaked cheeks.

"Bro, what happened? Did I do this?" Ichigo asked, his voice trembling with guilt.

Kenjiro knelt beside Ichigo, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "No, Ichigo, it wasn't you. It was a monster that did this. That girl you tried to save was a monster in disguise," Kenjiro said softly, trying to comfort his younger brother.

Ichigo looked up at Kenjiro, tears still streaming down his face. "But Mom... she..." Ichigo choked on his words, unable to finish the sentence.

Kenjiro nodded, his own grief evident. "Mom tried to protect us, Ichigo. She was brave until the end," he said quietly, his voice breaking slightly.

Ichigo noticed Kenjiro's bleeding hand and gasped. "Bro, your hand is bleeding! Are you okay? What happened?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

Kenjiro sighed heavily, his guilt weighing heavily upon him. "I injured myself in anger because I couldn't do anything to help Mother, even though it wouldn't have changed anything," he admitted, his voice filled with remorse.

Ichigo's shock deepened, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Mom died because she tried to protect me... It's my fault. I shouldn't have approached that girl. I didn't know she was a monster," Ichigo cried out, overwhelmed with guilt and sorrow.

Kenjiro reached out to comfort Ichigo again but hesitated. He thought, 'I should let Dad handle this... I don't deserve to comfort him right now.' Stepping back as their father, Isshin, arrived at the scene, Kenjiro watched as Isshin's face contorted with grief and regret.

Isshin knelt beside Masaki, his expression pained yet determined. "Ichigo, Kenjiro... let's go home," he said softly, his voice heavy with sorrow. "I'll carry Masaki."

Kenjiro nodded silently, feeling the weight of their loss settling on his shoulders. Together, they began the journey home, each step heavy with grief and the burden of unanswered questions.

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