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64% Multiverse starts from Tensura. (maou gakuin/ misfit of demon king) / Chapter 32: ch 32 < 3 vs 1 showdown >

Chapter 32: ch 32 < 3 vs 1 showdown >

Yuuki unleashed a powerful roundhouse kick, but I allowed his attack to hit me.

The impact caused Yuuki visible pain.

"Oceanic might provides me with toughness even harder than diamond," I thought to myself.

"Aaah! Just how tough are you?" Yuuki exclaimed.

Before Yuuki could react, Karna disappeared and reappeared behind him.

With a quick motion, Karna activated an amplifier and slapped Yuuki across the face, sending him flying.


"His single slap is so powerful," Yuuki thought while still airborne.

Granbell vanished from his position and appeared in front of me, wielding his sword with determination.

"With my thoughts accelerated to 100 million, he appears extremely slow," karna thought.

I dodged his attack with minimal effort, swiftly evading his blade, while Karna delivered a punch to Granbell's stomach, launching him into the air using his battle aura.

"Aaagg!" Granbell grunted, coughing up saliva.

Black lightning crackled around Karna as he disappeared once more.


He reappeared behind Granbell and struck again, sending him flying in a different direction.

"Grandpa, are you okay?" asked Mariabell, her voice laced with concern as she glared at Karna.

Karna used 'Cosmic Manipulation' to propel himself towards Yuuki like a beam, closing the distance with astonishing speed and slamming him forcefully into the ground.


The impact created a massive crater.

Karna lifted Yuuki by the neck and delivered a reverse kick to his face, sending him hurtling into the sky.

"I could have killed Yuuki now, but I needed to analyze his unique skill, 'Creator,' and free Chronoa," Karna thought briefly.

As Karna raised his head, he noticed hundreds of ice arrows hovering dozens of meters above him, all conjured by Mariabell.

Karna summoned four hell flare and launched them directly at the sky, targeting the ice arrows.




Explosions erupted, severely injuring Mariabell.

"AAagggggghhhhhh!" Mariabell screamed in agony.

"Maribell," Rosso said, his voice filled with worry.

"You will pay," Granbell declared, glaring at Karna with intense bloodlust.

He activated his unique skill, 'Unyielding,' moving his sword at such speed that even Hinata couldn't dodge, charging straight at Karna.

Meanwhile, Karna drew his sword, 'Dark Star,' and cast 'Overblade' to counter Granbell's furious strikes.

In a blur of motion, their swords clashed with such ferocity that it shook the air around them.

Karna unleashed a barrage of powerful aura slashes at Granbell, the sharp blades tearing through the air with horrifying sounds, leaving countless cut marks in their wake.

Clang! Khang! Claaang! Cah-hang! Clang!

Granbell managed to parry most attacks with 'Unyielding' and his lifetime of experience, but several blows grazed his body, leaving wounds in various places.

Karna sensed Mariabell's magic gathering again.

With a swift gesture, he conjured 'Abyssal Cyclone,' creating a vortex of dark energy that swallowed up her Ice arrows and hurled them back at Mariabell with increased force.




The ice arrows shattered upon impact, creating a cascade of frozen shards that rained down around Mariabell, further injuring her.

"AAagghh!" Mariabell cried out in pain.

"Enough!" Granbell roared, channeling his fury into his sword.

Intense sword clash took place but it provide no prevail to granbell as One particularly fierce attack left a deep gash across his chest, leaving him struggling to evade subsequent strikes.

Fear clouded Granbell's face as he found himself increasingly unable to dodge.

Suddenly, Yuuki appeared from behind, attempting to thrust his knife at Karna's waist, but Karna's barrier blocked the attack.

"What!" he screamed, shocked that his skill didn't pierce my barrier.

"You cannot add an anti-skill effect on weapons."I said to yuuki.

Taking this chance, Granbell retreated and used a recovery spell directly on himself...

I delivered a severe Void Fist to Yuuki's chest.


A punch so powerful it sounded like thunderclap boomed outward, sending Yuuki flying and causing him to spit out a large amount of blood.

He tried using thought acceleration of his Unique Skill Creator to think of any ability to counter Karna.

"This monster! What sort of being is this? He broke many bones in my chest," Yuuki thought.

<Unique Skill 'Creator' obtained. System voice echoed in my head >

"Star Magic - Star Bullet," Karna said.

A single bullet made from a small amount of Stardust shot towards Yuuki.

"BOOOOOMM"Even with his anti-magic psyche, blocking 100% of the stardust was not possible.

Yuuki was heavily injured.

Mariabell then dashed at Karna and kicked him with a form far from child-like.

Karna, meanwhile, lightly parried the attack and used her momentum against her, knocking her to the ground.

Karna tried to conjure a Nuclear Cannon to finish her off, but Granbell launched himself towards me, his sword glowing fiercely.

"Melt Slash!" Granbell shouted, swinging his sword in hopes of killing me.

I casually blocked it with my sword, using Black-Flame Thunder.

"Granbell, you may have been a hero in the past, but now you are nothing but a failure."

Mariabell use her unique skill Greed to increase power of Granbell.


Mariabell's eyes shined with a greedy light as she stared at Karna and activated "Death Wish on Karna.

"Karna swiftly reacted, activating his Ultimate Skill 'Shakti' to block her attack.

With a quick twist of his aura, he combined it with fire spirit magic amplified with stardust, releasing a wave of explosive energy in every direction.


The force of the explosion knocked both Mariabell and Granbell off their feet, sending them flying through the air.

As the dust settled, Karna vanished and reappeared in front of the injured Mariabell.

With a swift motion, he lifted her by the cloth of her robe, meeting her gaze.

"Your greed is something else," Karna stated calmly, his voice carrying a hint of both disappointment and determination.

< karna used heart intent on her to see her soul>

"You... what are you?" Mariabell managed to utter, stunned by Karna's overwhelming powers.

Ignoring her question, Karna's eyes glinted with resolve.

He summoned the formidable 'Nuclear Cannon' from his hand, Mariabell still in his grasp.


The blast from 'Nuclear Cannon' obliterated Mariabell's physical form, leaving behind only dissipating ashes and echoes of her last scream.

."No... Mariabell!" Granbell's anguished cry echoed across the battlefield as he rushed to his granddaughter's side, but it was too late.

In the aftermath, Karna utilized the 'Power of Dominance' to perform 'Authority Capture' on Mariabell's fading astral body, seizing her Unique Skill 'Greed.'

With a surge of power, he integrated it into his sword, 'Dark Star,' transforming it from mythical grade to mid mythical grade.

(EP increased from 3.4M to 5M)

Enraged and grief-stricken.

// VOTW Confirmed unique skill unyielding has successfully evolved into hope king sariel //.

With a new power Granbell launched a relentless series of 'Melt Slashes' at Karna, each strike fueled by a combination of sorrow and fury.

Karna, maintaining his composure, countered with his own 'Melt Slash,' the two techniques colliding with explosive force that reverberated through the battlefield.


Trees splintered and the ground trembled as their swords clashed, leaving deep scars and craters around them.

Despite Granbell's determination, Karna's mastery of 'US Shakti' granted him the upper hand.

Each exchange of blows showcased Karna's the sheer power behind his attacks.

With each passing moment, Granbell found it increasingly difficult to keep up with Karna's relentless assault.

His defenses began to falter under the overwhelming pressure.


His defense and stance crumbled.

The impact sent Granbell crashing into many trees.

< >

Carrera and Ultima had already dispatched all enemies using dark magic and poison.

They then joined forces with Diablo and Testarossa.

Meanwhile, Hinata found herself locked in a fierce battle with Damrada, struggling to keep up with his relentless attacks.

Despite her skill, Damrada's prowess was formidable and his marital arts is formidable

Hinata found herself on the defensive."Why do you work with Rosso, despite being from the Eastern Empire?"

Hinata asked between parrying Damrada's strikes, her voice tinged with frustration.

Damrada smirked, his eyes narrowing as he countered her attack with precision. I'm a merchant who works for profit.

< >

Chloe pov

Chloe, deep in thought and troubled by the unexpected turn of events, paced back and forth as she pondered the implications.

The attack on Tempest by Rosso and the Chaos Dragon was a stark deviation from the timeline she had experienced.

(A/N - Due to the power of origin, Karna and Rimuru have swapped places.)

"What does this mean?" she wondered aloud, her brow furrowing in concentration.

As she mulled over the situation, Chloe's mind raced with questions.

Had i overlooked something crucial in their plans? Was this attack a consequence of my actions, or was there a deeper, more intricate layer to the timeline that she had yet to uncover?

"I need to figure this out," Chloe resolved, her determination solidifying.

"I need to understand what went wrong and how to fix it."

With resolute determination, Chloe headed towards the battlefield, her thoughts consumed by the urgency of unraveling the mysteries before her.

A/N - Dark Star

Sword - mythical grade

EP - 5M


* greed flare - absorb user energy to perform devastating sword Slash.

* absorb life - drain power from opponent when user hit enemy. Also prevent activating their skills or weak them.

Stones - ???

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