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58% Multiverse starts from Tensura. (maou gakuin/ misfit of demon king) / Chapter 29: ch29 < Founding festival part 1> ( r18) **

Chapter 29: ch29 < Founding festival part 1> ( r18) **

Ramiris had already constructed her labyrinth up to 100 floors while Rimuru and Karna were studying homunculi.

This idea was proposed by Karna so he could create suitable bodies for demons to inhabit.

"Karna, are you sure this will work?" Rimuru asked, peering over a homunculus blueprint.

Karna nodded confidently. "Absolutely. These bodies will be perfect to inhabit.

The colosseum was finished and could now host more than 70,000 people. It was more durable and beautiful than cannon version.

"Look at this place, Karna," Rimuru said, standing in the center of the colosseum.

"It's amazing."Karna and rimuru eyed colosseum. We need to make a strong impression.

"The next day, Diablo and Testarossa returned with two primordials along with some demons.

"Karna-sama, we are back," Diablo said with a happy smile.

"Oh, Testa, welcome back," I said, ignoring Diablo. Diablo was in shock.

Testarossa's eyes softened as she looked at me, joy evident on her face. "Karna-sama," she said softly, stepping closer. "I missed you."

I hugged her. While looking at Diablo, I said, "Haha, don't worry, Diablo. I was just joking with you. I even missed your company. There was no one here to annoy me by praising me."

"Ooh! Karna-sama, thanks for your praise," Diablo responded.

Then my eyes turned towards the two demonesses behind him. A blonde-haired demon called Jaune with blue eyes stood there.

She looked European, with an attitude reminiscent of a high school delinquent.

The next demon girl was a bit smaller. She hid her sadistic personality behind purple hair tied in a ponytail and golden eyes.

"Noir-chan, is he your master who managed to tame both of you? He does look quite interesting," Violet said while looking at me and rimuru.

"Hmph, I bet he's just a fraud," Jaune said mockingly. She wanted to say more but was silenced by the intense glares she received from Diablo and Testarossa.

< Rimuru use your sweet talking and convince them >

He sigh and then Rimuru releases his aura and said, "I know I might look quite ordinary, but who said I'm weak?"

(Karna can hide almost all of his magicules using his core. He look ordinary to them in their eyes while they showed some interest to rimuru )

Soon, a huge pressure descended everywhere, forcing Jaune to her knees.

Violet quickly hid behind Diablo.

"He made sure that only Jaune experienced it," Karna thought.

Since Violet already had some thoughts joining us.

A/N - Violet already venture around Tempest in a cat form.

"So, do you submit and agree to become my subordinate?" Rimuru asked, looking at the two primordials.

"Never! I would never submit!" Jaune said, trembling while Violet just observed.

"Oh?" Rimuru increased the pressure.Jaune's willpower was strong, so she still refused.

"Hmm. What should I do to make her my subordinate?" Rimuru pondered.

"How about I give you a body and a new name if you agree to become my subordinate?" Rimuru proposed to both of them.

Soon, Jaune's bloodlust faded.

"Really? Are you sure? Giving us a body?" Violet said, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"You're not joking, are you?" Jaune asked, her voice now tinged with hope."I'm absolutely serious," Rimuru replied.

"I understand the limitations you've faced without physical forms. Imagine having a body that not only enhances your power but also allows you to experience the world in ways you've never known. Food, touch, even the simple act of breathing—these can all be yours.

< Wow his glib tongue and charisma. Karna thought >

"Violet's eyes sparkled with interest. "And you're offering this to us freely, just for our loyalty?"

"Exactly," Rimuru confirmed. "Join me, and you'll have the opportunity to grow even stronger, to explore new possibilities. You won't just be my subordinates; you'll be valued members of my nation."

"Kukuku, they each have two lieutenants. In total, there are 700 demons," Diablo started his lengthy brag, but karna stopped him.

The demonesses chuckled at his reaction while jaune and violet find Tempest interesting.

I called Rimuru to place 700 demons in homunculi while he personally did work for Violet and jaune.

He used beelzebub and used raphael to adjust their body and did modifications on their vessel.

"Thank you so much, Rimuru-sama," they said. They were extremely happy with how beautiful their vessels looked.

"From today onwards, you will be known as Carrera and Ultima." Their skeletons glowed with a yellow light in the growth capsules.

Karna also used his magicules to hasten their progress and increase their magicules count. Because of rimuru,s naming, they completed their possession.

The capsules burst because of their power.

As the growth capsules finally settled and the glowing light dimmed, Carrera and Ultima emerged, their new bodies gleaming with power.

They looked at each other, then turned their attention to me and rimuru, admiration clear in their eyes.

"This body feels incredible. The power coursing through me is unlike anything I've ever experienced."Ultima nodded in agreement.

Rimuru smiled modestly. "I'm glad you both are pleased. It was important to me that your new forms matched your strength and potential."

"Matched?" Carrera said with a grin.

"My lords , you've surpassed our expectations. This body feels indestructible, and the magic conductivity is exceptional.

"Diablo, standing nearby, couldn't help but chuckle.

Testarossa joined in, smiling at the demonesses. "Both masters are always been exceptional. There's a reason we all look up to them ."

"We pledge our loyalty to you .With these new bodies, we will serve you and help achieve your vision."

Karna and rimuru nodded, feeling a sense of pride.

They are extremely essential for upcoming wars. Karna thought

I asked Rimuru to name their subordinates while I named Testarossa lineage and some other demons.

"Oooa! Don't dump your work on me!" he shouted, but I pretended I didn't hear.

How I'm dumping you work. Those two are your responsibility. I speak to him through thought communication.

< those two are most troublesome out of all primordials >

Night before the festivalIt was now the Post-Festival Banquet.

The world leaders were here. Their reactions upon seeing our city were ones of amazement.

They had never seen buildings like ours in their entire lives.

Rimuru then gave an opening speech for everyone."Good evening, everyone. I am the Demon Lord Rimuru. I welcome all of you here. First, I thank you all for giving us your precious time, and I hope we can build stronger relationships with each other. I'm not good at speeches, so sorry for cutting it short. Let's start the banquet!"

the crowd clapped, Rimuru turned to Karna. "I really need to work on my public speaking," he said with a sheepish grin.

Karna laughed. "You did great, Rimuru.

Now, let's enjoy the evening.

"At my order, the maids moved swiftly. We then ate our food and talked.

Rimuru spoke with King Gazel and Youm until one of the most important figures arrived.

"The Empress of the Sorcerer's Dynasty of Sarion, Her Majesty Elmesia Elalude Sarion!" the guard shouted.

All of the other leaders were in awe. Gazel informed Rimuru about Elmesia.

Karna and four primordials were sitting around a round table in front of Rimuru.

It took some convincing words to make them sit, except Testarossa, who agreed on the first attempt.

But they still refused to sit with me out of respect, so I resorted to saying, "If you don't comply with my request, then give your post a bye-bye.

"Their faces became pale for a brief minute, and now they are happily chatting with me.

Kids and Chloe are roaming around, checking every stall at the festival.

Elmesia entered and did a small introduction with Rimuru, while Karna didn't bother to greet her.

All her guards wore legendary equipment. Her eyes wandered around, but as they fell on Karna and the people around him, she became too shocked to speak further and even started sweating.

Rimuru noticed her pale expression and requested her to sit and introduced various cuisines to her.

"Rimuru-san, I want you to make some time for me. I need to discuss something important with you and your brother," Elmesia spoke while eyeing the four primordials.

Hakuro was making wasabi and sushi for everyone.

"Try this rimuru sama," Hakuro said, handing a plate to Rimuru. "It's a special recipe."

Rimuru took a bite and his eyes lit up. "This is amazing, Hakuro!"

Then, someone not that big-shot came in also: Ramiris and the Storm Dragon Veldora.

Elmesia was a bit shocked. "Is that... Veldora?" she whispered to Rimuru.

Rimuru nodded, grinning. "Yep, that's him. This festival is full of surprises."

"Haha, Rimuru will have a headache soon.

I invited 4 demon lords for the Founding Festival," Karna thought.

Dino is already here and he's just eating at one corner. His face was so funny when he saw the other primordials.

Shion: "Eto... Sorry to interrupt karna Sama. but more people have arrived."

Oh ! So milim has arrived. Well then shall we greet them. I stood up from my table and went to greet milim subordinates.

When milim saw me she burst into happy smile. She is in adult form looking stunning.

"Hey, Milim!"

Karna ~ Milim comes hugging me and pulled my head down to hers to kiss me while others see.

"I've missed you so much! How come you didn't pick me up?". She said. With the last part being said with a pout.

I was busy doing some research in labyrinth. I replied while hugging her.

*ahem* Sorry to disrupt your flirting. But we people to greet". Rimuru said.

"O-oh right..." I said as I looked away and saw 9 people waiting.

Carrion, Frey and the 3 beastketeers were present.

A bald man named Middray, who is the head priest of a religion that worships Milim.

The other priest was Hermes

There are also 2 people- twins who are guards or servants of Frey.

Frey gave a quick bow before speaking.

"It is good to see you, Demon Lord Rimuru and karna sama , we thank you for the invitation."

"No problem, feel free to visit Tempest at any time. Rimuru said.

Shuna presented the food, but the stubborn priest refused to eat it and started making a ruckus.

"So you won't even try it?" Shuna frowned, hands on her hips.

The priest shook his head vehemently. "Absolutely not! Food should be eat in raw!

Karna sighed, exchanging a knowing glance with Rimuru.

"Looks like I'll have to handle this."Using telekinesis, Karna gently but firmly guided a spoonful of vegetable soup into the priest's mouth.

"Mmmph!" The priest's eyes widened as he tasted the dish. "This... this is unexpectedly delicious!"

< "Rimuru, make sure to exchange some Dwargan coins with Gazel and Elmesia. I'm sure the Yuuki or Rosso family might create obstacles during the festival," > Karna communicated to Rimuru through their soul link.

Everyone enjoyed various dishes and cuisines made by shuna, me and Yoshida.

Later that day, Rimuru arranged a brief meeting with Gazel and Elmesia to discuss recent world changes and explained how they might become targets.

"Given the current political climate," Rimuru began, "we need to prepare for potential disruptions during the upcoming festival."

Gazel nodded thoughtfully. "Agreed. We must stay vigilant.

"Elmesia, her expression serious yet determined, proposed, "Rimuru, perhaps an alliance would benefit us both. If you could introduce your pastry chef to my Kingdom.

< she also asked what will he do if his subordinates goes out of control.>

Meanwhile, Karna found himself enjoying quality time with Testarossa and Milim.

They both sat beside him around a table enjoying various dishes and drinks.

They both ganged up on him and did various ways to tease him.

R18 start

They are now outside in open forest.

Karna...where are you taking us both?" Milim weakly protested as she got dragged along while testa was on his shoulder.

"Yes, Master. It is so dark out here. Where are you taking us?" Testa also asked while smiling at Milim.

Karna smirked and said as he continued to walk ahead with these one girl in his hands while other in his shoulder.

"Naughty girls like you two deserve some punishment for teasing me.

And what better place than to give it in such a cool and serene place like this?"

Karna searched for a sturdy and big tree and finally found one with a trunk as wide as possible.

He pulled the two girls forward and pushed them towards the tree as their backs pressed against the tree.

"Karna...what are you going to do to us in the middle of the night?" Milim asked with a wary expression as she shielded her chest with her arms like a weak girl who was scared by being in the presence of the big bad wolf before her.

"Master...please don't hurt us…" Testa said in a pitiful tone as she hugged milim.

Karna for a moment, had a baffled look, seeing these two making him look like a bad guy.

< Testa acting is so great >

If any stranger saw these three from afar, they would think that two girls were going to be bullied by an evil man.

"So that's how you two girls want to play huh…" karna 's lips arched into an evil smile as he stepped closer to them and let his hands rest on the trunk, trapping the two girls between his arms.

Testa removed her mask of mischief when karna loosened her robes till only her bra and panties were left on, revealing her supple snowy body.

Karna stroked their soft lips with his fingers and forcibly inserted his fingers into their mouths as they looked at him with pitiful eyes.


"Both of your tongues...they are so soft and warm...I am loving it

Karna was getting aroused seeing their lustful expressions and the seductive way in which these two were sucking his fingers.

Milim tore open Karna's robes and kissed his chest and abs as her hands caressed his back while slowly bending down and put his cock in her mouth.

Karna positioned testa right behind milim as he continued to kiss her passionately while kneading her breasts.

Milim while greedily sucking karna cock as she took it deep into her mouth.

After some time

Karna made Testa turn around and pull down her panties and penetrate her pussy with his hot cock.


Pah! Pah! Pah!

"Ahhh~ Ahhh~"

Karna pound testa from behind making her moan loud while milim began to suck his balls from between his legs.

< >

We three are now on bed naked. Karna was laying on bed while two goddesses are dancing on him.

Milim was riding on karna' rod get closer and closer to reaching her orgasm.

At the same time, testa was having another orgasm as karna sucked her lower lips while his finger embedded with life energy stimulated other parts of her body.

Karna used his ultimate skill to increase their sensitivity. They tremble in pleasure as they were on top of him!


First, milim vigorously trembled as she felt she was close.

Testa's slit poured another load of her nectar directly into his mouth.


Right after feeling the reactions of his two women, karna let out a sound of satisfaction as he filled milim's womb with his seeds.


"That was amazing~" testa said in a low voice as she got off karna face.

Pah! Pah! Pah!

"Mmmm~" Ahhh~ Ahhh~"

Sounds of beating flesh sounded there, where a sensual, white hair woman was on all fours on the bed of that place. Her body moved back and forth while her hair was messed up, and her back was completely sweaty.

"Ahhh~ Ahhh~"

She made heavenly moans every time she felt her mate move with his hips while milim used her delicate hands to play with her little sister and one of her nipples.

Milim then kissed karna on his lip while karna was ramming Testarossa.

the trio immediately shifted their position. First, testa lay down while spreading her leg.

After that, milim knelt in front of her testa 's spread legs while she show her beautiful buttocks to the karna. And finally, karna got behind milim.

And it was not long before the group returned to their activities.


Pah! Pah!

Ahhh...ahhh...ahh... Ah..

Quickly karna started to penetrate hard milim lower lips, just how she liked it...

At the same time, milim was already licking Testarossa sacred region, which is already filled with karna magicules..


Feeling milim using tongue on her lower lips, testarossa moaned.

Soon milim tighten her vaginal walls. started getting tighter. Karna felt it and he increased his speed even more.

He held milim's waist even more tightly, leaving a few red marks on it.


*Clap* *Clap*

Karna did as milim requested and kept going. After 2 hours

"Ahh...Dear...I am cumming...cum- ohhhh~" milim moaned even more loudly and her body started squirming in pleasure.



Testa heavily kissed karna one last time before her lips left him, a string of saliva connecting their lips before it fell.

With milim above and Testarossa below, their pussy aligned together.

He grabbed milim butt hard and she moaned with a spank and groped milim buttcheek with his hand, fondling them to his heart's content..

he pounded them from behind, allowing them to both reach orgasm at the same time from his dick.

Paah!~**Paah!~* *Paah!~*


sometimes above and sometimes below and sometimes in between pleasure both of them at same time.



They both were moaning loud from all the thrusts..

"I love you, honey~" milim said amidst the sounds of pounding flesh and moans, making him smile back at her.

"I love you, both of you. Karna said.

A/N - drop some stones for encouragement.

Writing threesome is not a easy task.

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