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57.14% IM CHEATER!!(HP/DXD/Marvel) / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Severus Snape, the Potions Master at Hogwarts, burst into the office of Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster, with great force. Dumbledore, known for his calm and composed demeanor, was initially outraged by such a violent intrusion, as he was currently busy reviewing the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher's report on the week's lessons. However, he quickly concealed his emotions behind a serene facade.

"Albus, you must see this immediately!"

Albus slowly raised his face from the stack of papers and looked at Severus like a grandfather looking at his grandchild who came to show a new drawing, one that he would forget in a few minutes.

"Severus, please calm down. What happened?"

"(breathing heavily) It's unbelievable, Albus. I'm shocked... Surprised... even stunned! What happened in my class defies reason. Albus!"

Dumbledore, not fully understanding his colleague's message, only gave him a calm, grandfatherly smile and said, gesturing with his eyes towards the empty chair in front of his desk:

"Compose yourself, Severus. Sit down and tell me what happened that made you burst into my office so violently."

Severus, sitting down on the chair, still showed no sign of mental calm. As far as Albus remembered, his Potions Master had his last class three hours ago. Judging by Snape's slightly flushed face and damp appearance, Albus could tell that something had pushed Snape to the brink of breakdown. Now, with greater curiosity, he waited for the teacher to speak.

"It's Neron Blackheard, a first-year from Slytherin. He... He created something that even Nicholas Flamel couldn't have conceived! Albus!!"

Albus leaned closer towards Snape and briefly tried to recall the mentioned student.

"Blackheard? That young, adventurous boy? What did he do?"

"He improved the Iron Skin Potion, Albus. I don't understand... how? And it wasn't an accident. This potion... it can withstand the attack of enchanted magical steel. Steel that surpasses the durability of Vibranium! Do you understand, Albus? Metal that takes a skilled Alchemist a year to produce, theoretically a metal that no magical defense can stop, was halted by a basic potion created by a first-year student."

Dumbledore's eyebrows furrowed, and even Snape noticed the flicker of emotion on the headmaster's face. Such a discovery, under normal circumstances, would be a boon for the school and its status among others. However, in the peculiar case of Hogwarts, this discovery could be disastrous for the headmaster's plans. It would be different if Harry had such a talent; the boy was already perfectly playing his role. But a pure-blood student like Neron Blackheard, who is not under his influence and even shows more sinister tendencies, could be harmful. So, after taking a breath, Dumbledore leans in even more, and with the face of an elder, looks at Snape.

"This indeed sounds incredible. Tell me more, Severus. How did he do it?"

The topic of potions was the only subject that could stir Severus Snape's hardened heart. Albus knew this very well, so now he could calmly hear more information than even he might want.

"I have no idea, Albus. I've been working on similar concoctions for years, and this boy, merely a first-year, has achieved something that seemed impossible. His formula is incredibly complex, precise... and yet beautifully simple in its genius..."

Unfortunately for Dumbledore, he was forced to listen to a thirty-minute lecture on the failed attempts to recreate Neron's potion, of course, without the same success.

Having had enough, Albus gently interrupted Severus.

"It looks like we are dealing with a real talent. What do you plan to do now, Severus?"

"I would like you to see him, Albus. Perhaps we can jointly assess his potential. This child could be the key to many discoveries."

"Of course, Severus. He deserves our attention and support. As you know, I studied under Nicholas Flamel for many years. Perhaps during tomorrow's lessons, I will use my portrait to observe young Blackheard's potion-making process. We might be able to assess how we can help him better develop his talent."

"I will look for my old notebooks. He is worthy; I will polish this diamond, Albus. This is the future of potions, I am certain."

"I am glad that we have students like Neron in our school. Thank you for showing me this, Severus. But now, excuse me, I have to send a letter."

"Of course, I'll return to my work, then."

After Severus left the headmaster's office, Albus fell into deep thought and for many minutes tried to comprehend what he had witnessed. After a while, he decided to send a letter to a friend at the Ministry of Magic to get some useful information.

The private room in the Slytherin dormitory exuded an aura of ancient elegance befitting pure-blood wizards. The high stone walls were adorned with green tapestries featuring silver serpents, the symbols of the house. The furniture was heavy and richly carved, and above the fireplace hung an old portrait of the house's founder, Salazar Slytherin, whose eyes seemed to follow anyone who crossed the room's threshold.

The floor was covered with dark wood, gleaming from frequent polishing, and on it lay soft carpets with serpent motifs. In the corner of the room stood a massive mahogany desk, meticulously arranged with leather-bound tomes on magic and parchments full of notes. Next to the desk, in the corner of the room, was a bookshelf full of dusty books on dark magic and ancient spells, inherited from ancestors.

Tall, gothic windows with heavy velvet curtains allowed only a sliver of artificial daylight to enter, creating a dark yet cozy atmosphere. The four-poster bed with silk bedding seemed to be the perfect place to rest after a long day full of intrigue and study.

The air carried the scent of old books and a delicate hint of herbs used for potions. On the shelves beside the bed, various magical artifacts and mementos could be seen, attesting to the long and rich history of the room's owner's family. Every detail of the interior emphasized the status and tradition that were an integral part of life in Slytherin, where pure-blood students proud of their heritage and superiority over others prevailed.

The only item deviating from the standard decor was a peculiar painting occupying a free section of the wall. This painting depicted a nude woman with dark ebony hair and lips adorned with green lipstick. The woman's figure seemed to move in a rather lascivious, seductive manner.

Neron was currently seated at the desk, intensely and smilingly poring over rather peculiar books. These books contained all available information on accidental magic. Neron believed that this was the key to acquiring the coveted skill of "wandless magic."

Wandless magic was one of the most mysterious and rarely seen displays of magical skill in the wizarding world. While most wizards relied on their wands to control and direct their magical power, there were those who could conjure magical effects through sheer will and concentration.

Watching a wizard perform wandless magic was an almost mystical experience. Their movements were full of grace and precision, as if each gesture held profound significance. Magic flowed from their hands like invisible energy, sometimes gentle as a breeze, other times powerful as a storm. The air around them seemed to pulse with the power they emanated. The only instance in which Neron had witnessed this phenomenon was when the Potions Master made a dramatic entrance.

Wizards who mastered this form of magic were few, and their skills often evoked admiration and envy among their peers. The ability to cast spells without a wand required not only innate talent but also years of practice, meditation, and incredible mental control. It was a masterpiece of concentration, demanding from the wizard a complete understanding of their own power and harmony with the magical energy of the world.

Wandless magic was particularly useful in situations requiring discretion. In moments of danger, when a wand could be lost or confiscated, those who mastered this art remained dangerous opponents. They could silently influence their surroundings, manipulate objects, and even cast defensive spells.

At Hogwarts, only a few teachers and older students attempted to learn this difficult art. Although the results did not always lead to mastery, the effort was a testament to their dedication.

Wandless magic remained one of the purest manifestations of magical power, proving that the true strength of a wizard lies not only in the tool they hold but also in their heart and mind.

However, according to more detailed tomes on famous wizards who mastered this art, such as Headmaster Krystian Krak from the Wawel School of Magic and Wizardry in Krakow, there were extensive lectures on accidental magic in young wizards under the age of 10. According to a fragment of one such lecture included in a book.

Based on voluntary research conducted on a group of volunteer students at the Wawel School of Magic and Wizardry, Director Krak conducted an experiment requiring volunteers to invoke telekinetic impact on a small, lightweight object without using a wand.

Each of the volunteers approached the task individually. The most successful case, where the success rate exceeded 2 out of 10 attempts, involved inducing aggression and negative memories in the volunteers. Director Krak emphasized in his article that all participants lacked even basic Occlumency skills.

"So pain and anger allow for the invocation of telekinesis... Damn... this will be damn unpleasant. But okay. Just something light... something light... good thing I'm a smoker in both lives... Matches!"

Neron directed his right hand toward a box of matches placed vertically on the edge of the desk and began recalling one of the less pleasant memories from his recent past.

When Neron was about 17, he fell in love with a certain girl and tried to approach the matter subtly and gradually. From simple conversations to writing, going out to restaurants and movies. Of course, all on his dime, and when he felt she was starting to open up to him, he made his move. During a restaurant visit, he asked if she wanted to go out with him.

Nero recalled his feelings as he waited for her response. Analyzing all the actions that theoretically fueled positive feelings and hopes in him. Their interactions, closeness, sharing secrets, and many similar actions that emphasized their closeness and evoked pleasant feelings in him.

Hope that was shattered and replaced by pain with a simple sentence.

"Haha... kidding. Nero, I would never go out with you. You're sweet, but just not my type. I prefer more of a bad boy, you know. But don't be sad, we can still be friends."

The matchbox wobbled slightly, but gently, and after checking the panel, nothing had registered yet.

"Victoria, she was such a bitch."

He muttered under his breath, then tried to recall the subsequent failed attempts that seemed worse than the previous ones. Yes. Nero had no luck with women, in both the previous world and the current one. Though in this world, due to the existence of magic and the amount of time required to master it, Nero had only one "attempt" at winning a woman's heart.

It differed from the previous ones in that it used a formulation individual to this world, meaning, "I'd rather go out with a Muggle and be disinherited." She was the fourth daughter of the Noble Zabini family, specifically from its branch rather than the main lineage. However, that was not important.

But the memory that had a positive effect, although it was connected to the first, reflected completely different feelings.

In the previous world, due to childhood bullying, broken hearts, betrayal by friends, and lack of support, Nero developed aggression and arrogance within himself, which became fuel for working on things he could change.

Having a more masculine face generally considered unattractive but not ugly, more like something in between, Nero focused on his body, achieving a fairly high level of muscle mass. His figure was slim, more reminiscent of Poseidon from Record of Ragnarok, but in a human, real-life version.

Another important change was money. Even before finishing school, Nero began investing in many fields, causing money to work for him.

However, despite this, the damage from the past was not healed, and his psyche transformed from kind and gentle to arrogant, controlled, and hostile, which was not his goal but resulted from experiences over 26 years of life.

And when he was at the peak of his development, owning his own house, car, and even a company that made more money for him, Victoria came to his company, a woman who began the chain of his mental destruction. She had an appointment for a job interview, and upon learning who the owner was, she probably thought her former "friend" would gladly hire her.

However, she did not know what awaited her. Nero searched the internet for many pieces of information, recordings from the past. And what he discovered for some reason brought him joy, and the matchbox began to tremble.

Victoria had been in many relationships, unfortunately even when she went out with him on dates. Nero saw many recordings where she got drunk, and even recordings where she complained about many guys who beat her and from whom she walked away. And she asked, where are the good guys?

Victoria had a miserable life and ended up as a single mother at the age of 20, by which time she already had a five-year-old son.

But Nero no longer had enough goodness in him to give her a job. A job that would have turned her life around.

Instead, he did something that could be described as a "diabolical plot."

During their first conversation, he pretended not to be interested and claimed the only available position was as his household servant.

The matchbox began to vibrate like a very amusing device.

Of course, Victoria was outraged and began to insult him. However, before she stormed out of his office in anger, Nero announced that in a month, he would conduct further "interviews."

Nero himself didn't know what possessed him at that time, but systematically made her life difficult, not allowing her to get a job and even worsening her daily life, such as by paying people to make it harder for her.

The result was gaining his own live toy. Victoria still had an enticing body and was given a choice. Either she would work as the servant of the man she had mentally destroyed or she would go to the nearest Burdleu and sell her body to feed her own child. Because in the last few days before her employment, she was hungry and was already at the end of her endurance and chose the first option.

Even after reading the contract, which included clauses agreeing to nudity, sex, and much more, still having her son in her mind, she signed the contract.

Nero remembered the feeling of power, the satisfaction of anger, and turning this woman into his own erotic toy and maid. Although he didn't have much time to enjoy his new toy, as for reasons unknown to him he appeared in this magical world.

And it was precisely when Nero had in mind the retrospection of the first "orders" for his new maid that the matchbox flew towards the nearest wall. And upon hearing the sound of impact, Nero activated the excited panel system.


Name: Neron Blackheard

Rase: Pure-blood wizard


-Levitation Spell(100/100) [+/-] [Evolve]

-Weaker anthropomorphization spell(100/100) [+/-] [Evolve]

-Alchemy(Elixirs) (100/100) [+/-] (To evolve, you need to have Alchemy(Artifacts), Alchemy(Transmutation) at level 100.)

-Wandless Magic(1/100) [+/-]



However, before Nero began investing points and evolving his existing skills, he quickly noted down a rather important piece of information in his notebook. It was the key to wandless magic, specifically to pushing the matchbox. It involved a sense of control, power, arrogance, imposing his will through magic to achieve the desired effect.

Next, he reactivated the system panel once again, with a madman's smile, and began to enhance the "appearance" of his statistics.



Name: Neron Blackheard

Rase: Pure-blood wizard


-Telekinetic(100/100) [+/-]

-Transanimation (100/100) [+/-] [Weaker anthropomorphization spell->anthropomorphization spell--->Transanimation]

-Alchemy(Elixirs) (100/100) [+/-] (To evolve, you need to have Alchemy(Artifacts), Alchemy(Transmutation) at level 100.)

-Wandless Magic(100/100) [+/-]



"Transanimation" is a skill or spell. It's hard to say. It allows for the transformation of an object into an animal and vice versa. But it also allows for the partial animation of dead objects such as statues. The effect of this spell can be compared to the magical tablet from the movie "Night at the Museum." In the film, an animated wax statue looked like a human from the outside and to the touch, but when it approached a heat source, the character began to melt.

Nero had an idea on how to test this newly acquired skill later today, but there were only 10 minutes left until dinner in the Great Hall.

Just thinking about it, Nero had a diabolical smile.


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