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Chapter 2

The Hogwarts Transfiguration classroom, located in one of the castle's towers, was spacious and well-lit thanks to tall windows that let in natural light. The walls of the room were decorated with numerous illustrations depicting the various stages of transfiguration, intended to inspire students and remind them of the power of this form of magic.

In the center of the room were long, solid wooden desks, arranged in neat rows. Each desk was wide enough to accommodate two students who could work together on tasks. The desks were equipped with special mats that protected the wooden surfaces from accidental spells and alchemical accidents.

The laboratory tables, located at the front of the classroom, were higher than the desks and stocked with a variety of transfiguration equipment, from simple matches and needles to more complex objects. Each table also had ink and parchment on which students could record their observations and the results of their experiments.

In the corner of the room stood a large, massive fireplace, which not only warmed the room on colder days, but also provided a place where Professor McGonagall could demonstrate more complex transfigurations. Above the fireplace hung a portrait of Albus Dumbledore, who often looked down on the students with a gentle smile. Which was annoying to Nero, although it was a kind of show of power that the Headmaster of Hogwarts demonstrated. After all, it was common knowledge that the people in the portraits were able to travel between other paintings. And presumably the figure of Albus Dumbledore reported unusual phenomena to the original living Headmaster.

Professor McGonagall's desk was on a raised platform, from where she could easily observe the entire class. It was neatly organized, with parchments, inkwells, and quills neatly arranged. There was also a small stack of Transfiguration books on the desk, which the professor often used as reference materials during lessons.

On one wall hung a large blackboard, on which Professor McGonagall wrote spell formulas and notes for lessons. This blackboard was also used to demonstrate the theoretical aspects of Transfiguration, helping students understand complex concepts.

A variety of display cases were dotted around the room, containing examples of successful Transfigurations, from simple everyday objects to more complex, magical artifacts. These exhibits were intended to serve as inspiration and a goal for students to strive for in their exercises.

It was currently 09:59 and most of the students were seated properly, Nero looked at the class slowly sitting down in the last row right next to a random Slytherin student. Nero didn't care about him in the slightest, although the fact that such a poor nobleman was representing the house in the school Quidditch competition made him feel sick.

However, ignoring him, Nero looked at the students surrounding him from the Slytherin side a certain blond head stood out, Malfoy.

"By the hundred, those two morons are fucking Malfoy anally at bedtime. If the rumor is to be believed."


To Nero's joke, his deskmate was holding back tears with tears, as were the students around him. And Nero swore he heard the little blond whisper something under his breath about his father.

On the Gryffindor side, two key figures were missing, and the bushy-haired Mudblood was busily reading her textbook, as if theory had more significance in the matter of transfiguration.

"...The flow of mana into the wand must be precisely condensed... Sigh.."

"Granger, do you really have to always read out loud? Not everyone wants to listen to your monotonous voice."

Nero was sitting in the last bench on the left, so there was a one and a half meter wide space between him and the other half of the room where Gryffindor students sat. So Hermione, sitting in the third row on the right, right next to the aforementioned empty passage. She heard Nero's words perfectly and with visible nervousness turned her head and directed her gaze at the black-haired snake sitting in the last row.

Hermione looked at him with irritation.

"I'm sorry if it bothers you, Blackheard, but some of us want to master the material well."

Nero smiled with superiority, having in mind not only the system, but much better knowledge about casting spells and general manipulation of mana. However, now he didn't have theory in his head, but the desire to show Granger who was better.

Neron: "Really? Maybe instead of reading aloud, try to understand what you're reading. Unless it's too hard for you. After all, your rat always ends up as a twisted animal-object hybrid. Maybe Muggles actually do drink and eat from animal skulls. Who would have thought? That explains a lot, that's why you don't know what a glass looks like, Granger."

Hermione frowned, trying to stay calm. Although Nero's harsh words stirred up bad feelings in her.

"I understand perfectly well what I'm reading. Maybe you should focus on your lessons instead of criticizing others."

Nerone shrugged, still looking at her with contempt.

Nerone: "You may understand, but understanding the theory is one thing, and putting it into practice is another. Not everyone has the talent for it."

Hermione straightened up, ready to defend herself.

Hermione: "Practice is just as important as theory. That's why I read aloud - it helps me remember and understand the spells better."

Neron shook his head.

"Reading out loud won't make you better. It's just a waste of time. It's better to focus on practical exercises like I do. But oh well, not everyone can be that talented."

Hermione couldn't help herself.

Hermione: "You may be talented, Nero, but without hard work and understanding the theory, you won't get far. Talent isn't everything."

Nerone smirked.

Nerone: "That's possible, Granger, but you're still the one who has trouble with Transfiguration and I'm not. Maybe it's time to rethink your methods of studying?"

Hermione looked at him with determination.

Hermione: "You may have been able to turn a lizard into a crystal goblet, Nero, but that doesn't mean you're better. We're all here to learn. Everyone has their own methods."

In the last Transfiguration lesson, Nero was able to almost completely transfigure a lizard into a goblet. Luckily, Hermione didn't see that his goblet wasn't actually crystal but made of transparent scales. From a distance, it might look like crystal, but the professor could still see the difference. Luckily, he didn't announce it to the whole class. So Nero had an argument at this point.

Nero shrugged. 

"Well, as you can see, your methods aren't for me. But good luck, Granger. Maybe one day you'll reach my level."

Hermione turned back to her textbook, ignoring his last comment. After all, results mattered, not words.

The lesson was slowly starting, when another situation occurred that made Nero laugh again. Although he couldn't wait for the practical part of the lesson to use his newly acquired power once again.

The classroom doors flew open, Harry and Ron ran into the Transfiguration classroom, panting heavily. Professor McGonagall, already standing in front of the board, looked at them with a stern expression. 

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley, would you kindly explain why you were late for my lesson?"

Ron, trying to catch his breath, answered first. 

"Sorry, Professor. We got lost... I mean, we had trouble with... well, we couldn't find our books."

Harry, also trying to catch his breath, added. 

"Yes, Professor. Besides, Flint was causing a commotion in the hallway again. We had to get past him, which took us a while."

Professor McGonagall looked at them coldly, then crossed her arms.

"Flint causes a commotion every day, Mr. Potter. I've already talked to the Headmaster about it. However, that's not a good enough reason to be late for class. Your books should be in their places as well. In that case, do you have your textbooks?"

Ron and Harry looked at each other, then down at their bags. Unfortunately, Harry didn't find the desired textbook in his schoolbag. However, to his friend's relief, Ron found his copy among the pile of unnecessary items.

Yes, we do, Professor."

He said, holding up the textbook like a trophy, which almost made Nero laugh at the comedy of the whole situation.

"Fine. But this is your last warning. Another lateness will result in detention. Now, sit down and join the rest of the class."

Harry and Ron quickly took their seats, trying to avoid the gazes of their classmates. And McGonagall went back to teaching the lesson.

Professor McGonagall: "As I was saying, today we will be practicing transforming animals into objects. This will be the last lesson devoted to this topic, so please pay attention and focus."

Hermione, sitting in the desk in front of the two famous Gryffindors, looked at them with a slight smile.

Hermione: "You could have at least come up with a better excuse."

Ron sighed.

Ron: "I guess you're right. But now it's best not to provoke McGonagall."

Harry nodded, trying to forget about this unfortunate start to the day as quickly as possible.

Harry: "Yeah, better not risk it. McGonagall doesn't joke about these detentions."

The lesson began shortly, the theory included a reminder of the Vera Verto spell. A rather specialized spell, specifically it involved transmuting a small creature into inanimate objects. A truly powerful spell, unfortunately it does not work on creatures over one meter tall. However, this was a theory, supposedly there is a more advanced spell that allows for transmuting larger creatures.

However, the Ministry of Magic has banned teaching this spell, and only families that have the appropriate scroll in their family libraries can have access to it. Nero only knew of one family that had such a scroll, and that was the Black family.

Supposedly an infamous supporter of Voldemort many years ago, Belatrix. She turned a dozen muggles into random torture objects. However, after some time, the aforementioned woman stopped using this spell. According to an article in the Daily Prophet that Nero read a year ago. This was due to the excessive use of dark magic, which worsened her madness to such an extent that she was unable to use the spell correctly.

The spell "Vera Verto", or rather its use beyond the simple movement of the hand in the shape of the connected letters "V", requires the wizard to properly balance the flow of magical energy from the core to the wand. With small objects, the flow only needs to be changed a few times, but feeling the right moment to increase or decrease the dose is quite a challenge.

Previously, Nero used a certain trick, a deception. Which allowed for obtaining a satisfactory result without much effort. That is, feeling the right level of magical power and maintaining it until the transmutation is complete.

This trick makes it easier to get an "A" on a spell test, but it is not a perfect transfiguration.

The aforementioned method is taught by the Slytherin prefect so that every student of their house who cannot get a perfect grade. Meets the minimum house standard for the aforementioned spell.

And considering that now everyone from Nero's year in Slytherin, with a few exceptions, is able to present an almost finished goblet. It significantly increased the prestige of the house compared to others.

When the boring theoretical part of the lesson was over, it was time for the practical. So after receiving a cage with a crystal lizard from the professor. Nero cast a spell at his desk, he did not want to transfigure it. But to make his system register the spell "Vera Verto".


Name: Neron Blackheard

Rase: Pure-blood wizard


-Levitation Spell(100/100) [+/-] (Wandless Magic required for evolution)

-Weaker anthropomorphization spell(100/100) [+/-] (Wandless Magic required for evolution)



At this point Nero realized something interesting about his newly acquired power. The system did not accurately register spells. From Nero's perspective, it looked as if the System was based on a completely different, or very similar, magical system.

After all, now that he has maxed out the Vera Verto spell, he doesn't even need to recite the spell. Because for him, mana manipulation and visualization play a bigger role. And just like with the levitation spell, he doesn't need to move his wands.

After maxing out the new spell, Nero is now able to not only transmute small creatures into objects. But also vice versa, although this task previously required a separate spell. And now it is not required.

Now understanding the art that is this peculiar spell, Nero decided to create something that would not only increase his prestige in the class, but would be the perfect decoration for his dorm room.

After a while, Professor McGonagall approached the last benches where students were finishing their Transfiguration attempts. When she reached where Nero was sitting, her eyes widened in surprise. On his bench sat a perfect crystal goblet, unlike any other she had seen on the other students. Made of black glass, it had a giant snake engraved around its heart.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please."

The entire class turned to look at Professor McGonagall, who was pointing at Nero's goblet.

"I would like you to look at Mr. Nero's work. What he has done is a masterpiece of Transfiguration. Even though it's been a week since your last lesson, see what can be achieved with the right amount of studying outside of class."

McGonagall seemed to have justified Nero's sudden increase in mastery by his extra studying in the dorms. Although technically, Transfiguration outside of class is illegal. However, this seemed to escape the professor's attention at this point.

On the Gryffindor side, however, confusion reigned, a mixture of jealousy and envy hanging in the air.

And the familiar golden trio, Hermione, Harry, and Ron looked at the cup in disbelief and envy. Especially Hermione.

"How did he do that??... I've never seen anything like it."

"How could that poisonous snake do that. It's not fair."

Neron, with an expression of arrogant satisfaction, looked at Professor McGonagall. 

"Thank you, Professor. I tried to pay homage to our school by using the Slytherin symbols."

He said, tearing his gaze away from the professor for a brief moment, glancing at Hermione who was watching behind her. Who blushed with anger in a matter of seconds.

Professor McGonagall nodded in appreciation. 

"Not only did you pay homage to Slytherin, but you also demonstrated extraordinary precision and skill. Engraving a crystal goblet is an extremely difficult task, and you did it with excellence. Your work shows that you have a natural talent for transfiguration."

Hermione, unable to resist the question, raised her hand.

"Professor McGonagall, how is it possible that Nero's cup is made of black glass and not ordinary crystal like ours?" 

"This is precisely what shows the advancement of Mr. Nero's transmutation. He not only transformed a lizard into a cup, but also changed the material from which it is made, which is a task at a level much higher than ordinary transmutation."

"Perhaps you would like to answer that question Mr. Blackheard."

"Of course, Professor. To create a different type of material during the transmutation process, one must understand the shape and deeper structure of the substance into which the creature is to be transformed. This requires knowledge, but also experience. Because without understanding the magical resonance that a given material resonates. Without a mental sense of the resonance of the magical material, knowledge alone is not enough."

,,And the patterns are a matter of proper manipulation of mana, during the transformation."

,,Thank you for that answer, Mr. Blackheard. 20 points for Slytherin. Now please help your classmate if you want. And the rest I invite you to continue trying. Because in the next lesson each of you will have to perform transfigurations for a grade.

Looking at the bushy-haired witch from the third bench, who was constantly staring at the newly created cup, Nero smiled with superiority and said.

Nero: "Maybe you should spend more time on practical exercises, Granger. Theory is not everything. haha.."

The narcissism in Nero's voice was quite noticeable and unfortunately caught the professor's attention.

"Mr. Blackheard, although your skills are impressive, remember that humility is just as important as talent. Now we all get back to work. Congratulations again, Nero. Your work will be distinguished."

Nero nodded, still smiling with satisfaction. The students went back to their attempts at transfiguring small animals into goblets, now even more determined to improve their skills.

However, Nero, having some free time. Since he didn't feel like helping anyone learn, decided to think about how to obtain wandless magic. Since unfortunately he didn't have the right book to learn it. So with the advanced knowledge of the levitation spell in his head, he came up with an idea on how to try to obtain the desired ability. Today, however, he still had a potions class waiting for him before he could go to his private room in the dormitory. To develop this skill.


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