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IM CHEATER!!(HP/DXD/Marvel) IM CHEATER!!(HP/DXD/Marvel) original


Author: Kriuswerus_Pl

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

"Nero Blackheard... I can overlook the improperly sliced ​​acromantula fangs. After all, not much can be expected from you... Mr. Blackheard. But inhaling fumes, a potion with hallucinogenic properties. In my class. Is unacceptable. -10 points for Slytherin." ".

As the student, struggling with a strong dizziness caused by the intense fumes from the cauldron, looked up from the bubbling potion, his gaze met the figure of Severus Snape. The vision of the Potions teacher was hazy and indistinct, as if he was looking through a layer of thick fog. Snape, in his black, flowing robes, seemed more like a shadow than a real person.

His face, usually clear and stern, was now distorted, and the dark eyes that usually pierced students through and through became even more menacing, resembling two black holes absorbing light. Snape's long, greasy hair fell around his face like dark curtains, intensifying the impression of impenetrable darkness.

Snape's lips moved, forming words that reached the student as if from a distance, hazy and incomprehensible. His figure, in this momentary disorientation, seemed unreal and terrifying, as if he was emerging from the darkness to scold for the unsuccessful work on the potion. Severus Snape's entire being emanated a cold, stern authority that penetrated the student through and through, reminding him that there was no room for weakness or mistakes in this class.

Snape, noticing the student's condition, did not show even a shred of sympathy. His cold gaze seemed to say everything - only perfection mattered here, and anyone who did not achieve it had to suffer the consequences. The student, fighting dizziness and blurred vision, felt Snape's menacing presence crushing him even more, intensifying the feeling of uncertainty and fear.

"To the Hospital Wing. Mr. Weasley, please take Mr. Blackheard. And the rest, prepare the vials for assessment."

Nero did not fully understand what was happening around him, he felt a tug on his arm accompanied by the insult "bloody snakes...". And that was the end of contact with the outside world, but inside Nero's mind there was a commotion that did not arise from inhaling the elixir.

Nero felt a severe headache, his breathing quickened and information was forcibly transferred to Nero's mind. At first he thought it was a side effect of the elixir, after all, the acromantula fangs heated to the right temperature, emit smoke that, when inhaled into the lungs, causes excessive dopamine production in the brain.

However, here most of the memories transferred to his head by force are not sensitive to those that send the production of the hormone of happiness in the brain.

On the contrary, Nero's mind was transferred 24 hours ago, a man with an identical appearance, name and surname. However, with a history that is completely different from the hard life of Nero here.

The memories show a boy whose life was destroyed at every level of difficulty, gained recognition from the family who treated him as second-rate, lack of love, loneliness, which resulted in tendencies to aggression. To the mix of memories, which were largely not very interesting, they prepared for a large dose of pop culture from anime, games, comics. One about the world he currently lives in, the Harry Potter saga.

Harry Potter, a weirdo with another skeletal structure. Nero did not exchange a word with him, after all, Slytherin did not like to mix with Gryffindors in particular. If it were funny that in the memories, Hogwarts education begins at the age of 11.

According to Nero, stupidly, currently being 18, he had a problem with mixing spell profiles and honestly speaking doubted according to him at the age of 11 he can properly control the flow of many with a simple Levitation spell.

Nero remembered until now how the red-haired Gryffindor, the same one that currently drags his unconscious body to Vladimir's hospital. The broken feather is so strong that half the wing stuck in the ceiling. So the applied exclusion clauses are unacceptable. To take unexpectedly PULL full throttle and have an additional that the car will go slowly.

After this time, Nero is now not exactly who he is. An eighteen-year-old wizard in his first year at Hogwarts, or a 24-year-old painter without life and purpose. initial considerations of transmigration into the body of his specific version and even reincarnation in this world after death in the first.

However, remembering the basics of magic at Hogwarts, Nero knew that the core of magic is located on the border of the soul and the body. And to a large extent it is from the soul itself. From the fact that it does not have two cores, but one.

The first possibility regarding transmigration to this body is invalid and untrue. So reincarnation remains.

"What did he inhale?"

"I don't know... ma'am..."

..Acromantula fang decoction... Hehe... good stuff."

"A drugged snake..."

"Mr. Weasley... we'll thank you now. And about your vocabulary regarding friends from other houses, says Mrs. McGonagall. And now go back to class... Mr. Backheard was lucky you didn't inhale that for a few seconds. Another moment and your lungs would have changed into pure form. But just a simple cleansing spell and in a few moments your eyesight should return to normal."

At least don't think about the school speech did not reach Nero's ears. In the end, the words of the old woman co-authored it. When in his mind this happens debate who he is currently. The debate did not bring results, as a result of which memories are so extensive that even on himself he is not able to Judge who exactly he is. However, to calm his nerves they decided to do it calmly, and the official version is that now he has many more people knowledge. Although the difference between knowledge about life in a muggle school until the age of 18 from both lives is almost identical. And the assessment in this world for the better applied himself to studying, and recalling knowledge from the previous life. This indicated that information identical from both lives, such as math or chemistry, were reinforced. that is, Nero understands math better now than two hours ago.

poorly balanced by accent is meta-knowledge about this world, although even she is not 100% added especially since he has already observed inconsistency towards entering Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Reality is often different than the fiction created by the writer. Often darker, such as the fact that threats from websites from the Forbidden Forest cannot be avoided. Let's say that there were times when structures were found at the entrance to the forest.

Madam Pomfrey's warm blow made Nero's body and mind return to full functionality.

Normally he said something like ,,thanks for nothing, mudblood". Finally, on whether he was a noble or a pureblood. Despite being the last of his line and having only two grounds in his residence.

However, at this point as a result of new/old memories, Nero's attitude gave way. Having a pureblood, but his ability to maintain energy is stable. However, the woman in front of him was the same and developed. Although in his head, mainly hostile, because why the old mudblood has more magical power than him. So the new memories were strengthened that I decided to work on increasing my power through the Presentation of the filthy mudblood who is better.

The previous life has changed in him in this regard only that now he is not able to exalt himself if he does not have a credible basis for it. A small but significant change, but now Black is going to the Transfiguration class, because he did not receive freedom until the end of the day like in the case of his previous ,,accidents",. Now he saw something new in his support.

A small symbol in relation to the corner of his vision, he had previously written and attributed it to his blood heritage. And no one himself had spoken of it, but now having completely new knowledge she had noticed on the new in the white symbol. The symbol consists of a vertical line placed inside an open circle.

Before, I had not used Muggle tools and although it was hard for me to hide it in our lives there was the best Muggle and he used such devices. Thanks to this, the meaning of the word of this symbol and now. The problem is that you have to focus on the symbol, and when he does so, a white panel filled with content will appear before Nero's eyes, which accelerated his pulse several times.


Name: Neron Blackheard

Rase: Pure-blood wizard



(The connection with the first activation of the panel should be used as a basis, mutant power, special technique, etc., which the system has registered the item)


,,This is fucking broken....hahaha...let's check it out"

Nero then pulled his wand out of a special pocket in his coat and looking around the corridors he noticed one of the many decorative vases placed around the corridors from which strange plants were growing. The one he decided to test his newfound deception on was a vase with brown stripes from which a small palm was growing.

Nero stopped and pointed his ebony-black wand, made of dark oak with a core from the heart of a black dragon and after making a specific movement with his wand, properly controlling the flow of mana he uttered the spell "Wingardium Lewis".

He raised the vase only a few centimeters, he did not want to break it. After all, he did not feel like seeing Severus Snape's face today.

After deactivating the spell, Nero reactivated the panel and saw something that greatly improved his mood.


Name: Neron Blackheard

Rase: Pure-blood wizard


-Levitation Spell (45/100) [+/-]



Nero, full of excitement and concentration, began to add points by monotonously pressing the "+" key. However, during this process, Nero felt a rather strange feeling in his core. It was very pleasant, but he significantly felt an increase in his magic pool. And completely new information appeared in his head regarding alternative techniques for casting the levitation spell, its different applications. Including many macabre ones, such as levitation of the heart inside the body.

And with the maximum number of points, Nero received knowledge that allowed him to cast this spell without incantation, without moving the wand. However, despite the fact that it could already be called telekinesis, he still had to use the wand to perform this spell. And the answer as to why, he received after looking at the panel once again.


Name: Neron Blackheard

Rase: Pure-blood wizard


-Levitation Spell(100/100) [+/-] (Wandless Magic required for evolution)



Despite this, Nero felt like he was going to explode from euphoria, even he didn't know what sick things he was capable of now. But now he only had a plan in his head to rub his nose in the, overly smart, bushy-nosed Gryphon girl who had so far overextended herself with excessive skills.

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