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Chapter 3: CH-1

The bus arrived at school, and Nate used the quiet time to reflect on some thoughts.

His original intention was to not participate in the plot in any way, shape, or form, but his mind began to reconsider a few things and ideas.

The main point was that, while he believed in the plot's power, he did not want Clark to die in a stupid accident. He didn't want to see people he found interesting die.

There was also the very problematic Lionel Luthor, who was reputed to be uncommonly ruthless up until S4... When it came to the snoopy, daring, and cute Sullivan journalist, it was not a brilliant strategy, prospect to rely on plot armor to protect her.

What man interested in a woman would do that?

Nate eventually reached a compromise: protect the people he cared about while allowing Clark to mature.

Nate would be here to finish off troublesome foes if necessary, and why not study their abilities?

Luthor Corp was something he needed for a variety of reasons, so he had no intention of killing Lex or his father. They, their resources, and strange experiments and ideas would be useful to him.

He was capable of replicating metahuman abilities and magic, so Nate required them all, including Lana, who would eventually be possessed by her ancestor, a witch.

As long as people, reasonably annoying, and which he could manipulate, manage to keep under control were still useful to him, he would keep them around or detained…

Crippling some people who could do much less while crippled was also an option.

Chloe, who had been quiet for some time due to her romantic shock, was the first to speak up and jolt him out of his reverie.

When she saw the bus arrive and park at school, she turned to him in a cute glare, her cheeks still rosy.

She couldn't understand Nate's unmoving, immobile, and pensive-looking behavior as the other Smallville High students, including Pete, stood up from their bus seats to exit.

She said, 

"Do you have any plans to get out of this first-class chauffeured vehicle, or at least allow me to do so? Nate, you're blocking my way out."

Her tone of voice had softened since minutes before, as if she felt closer to Nate now. It was an intriguing tone of voice.

She no longer appeared to be conversing with a handsome stranger, but with someone who had the potential to become something more. A friend. Maybe more than that.

Nate was jolted out of his contemplative state.

He smiled at her while standing up and pretending to stretch his neck, which couldn't possibly get sore.

He said, 

"Sorry, it somehow felt like a limo up here for a moment... As an apology for spacing out on you, please allow me to escort you out in style."

Naturally, this was a random, poor excuse he was using to spend more time with her.

In this case, the term apology could really be replaced with shoddy excuse.

Nate extended a hand to help Chloe get up, which she accepted. She just seemed more and more emotionally disoriented.

Her happy day had arrived far too soon, it seemed.

Nate had no idea if Chloe had a crush on Clark in this world, but he was confident that most girls at school would be very interested in him if given the chance.

The Torch's usually snobbish and high school-condescending journalist, who enjoyed spewing mature venom on high school trivialities, was also a girl.

A handsome man was a handsome man regardless of whether he was the most popular guy at school. It mattered little if this high school popularity thing was a concept she usually was in the mind, the writing mood to throw up over.

As they were about to get off the bus, Chloe, who was behind him, told him, 

"I think I'll do fine by this point; you can let go."

She was talking about the hand that held hers and which had so far gently led her out.

Nate was not a forcer, so he let go with a smile. He only wanted to try his luck and have some fun. He did in the past few seconds.

Pete and Clark were waiting in the parking lot with schoolbags on their backs, only using one shoulder to carry them, as Nate and Chloe finally made their way down the small stairs by the door and got out.

Nate was the first to come out.

When he saw Clark, he naturally said hello.

Clark returned the greeting politely before glancing at Chloe, who had exited.

The girl said to Clark, 

"How did you get here so fast? We saw you miss the bus earlier."

Pete commented, 

"Clark mentioned a secret shortcut, but between you and me, it must have been another black hole... That thing has yet to make its official debut on the wall; perhaps we should reserve a special spot for it."

Chloe chuckled as she took out a pen and notebook from her bag.

She was only missing a microphone as she said, amusingly and slightly obnoxiously to Clark, with curiosity, 

"That blackhole again? I'll need an interview on that one, Clark; what do you have to say? I don't think there is a shortcut in town that will allow you to get to school as quickly as a bus."

Nate laughed inside as Clark put on his most convincing liar-like face and said, 

"There's really a blackhole close to my house. Why won't you guys believe me?"

He didn't say much to avoid fumbling.

He was attempting to lighten the mood and turn it into a joke. Clark was a serial liar, and this was the only time he truly felt like a villain.

His lies were embarrassing, but for some reason, those around him believed him or were forced to accept no other explanation. Especially in the early seasons. It was the power of the plot helping him, it seemed.

Nate, who was suffering from second-hand embarrassment while listening to this poor lie, said, helping Clark,

"Actually, I don't think Clark's lying... There's also a blackhole like this near my house. I'll show you guys tomorrow morning."

He didn't care if Clark developed suspicions and questions about him. They were both from Krypton and needed to help one another. Clark would find out eventually.

In fact, when Nate lied to help Clark, he discovered something interesting. Instantly. When he spoke, he hadn't turned off his ability to prevent people from inquiring, having any interest in his secrets, so something strange happened.

Chloe remarked, as Clark's own secret became a part of his and became involved with him,

"If Nate is the one to say it, it must be true then. Come on, guys, let's head to the halls. Nate, will be you walking along with us?"

Her face reflected her genuine belief in his words. She was also putting her interview tools back in her bag.

Pete made no comment, dropping the subject just like Chloe, which was a little too easy, to the point of being scary. Clark too appeared to be no exception to the strange phenomenon, as he only tilted his head to look at Nate like his other two friends.

Nate was taken aback as he suddenly realized a new aspect of one of his Essence's powers. He now understood exactly how that secret and investigation thing worked. In fact, things that weren't even his secrets could be made to be so for as long as he wanted.

This was good.

Too good, too convenient of a power for an alien with superpowers.

When you added the fact that he didn't fear Kryptonite…

Nate laughed inside like a villain and replied to Chloe, 

"Yeah, I'll go inside with you guys."

As they began walking, he turned off his power. The section primarily concerned with Clark.

There was such a section now.

Like a classified file in the head, the soul of Nate.

Nate would only protect his secrets and Clark if necessary. There was no reason to erect a secrets-protection wall up at all times. In fact, he was just helping Clark out casually. Of course, he wouldn't keep Clark's secrets safe.

Not if it was unnecessary and did not interfere with the plot.

Many of the events in the story would not occur if he did that. It provided him with no immediate benefit either.

But Nate could make anyone remember all the secrets, so he had complete freedom to do whatever he wanted.

The group moved.

The four of them were walking, with Clark and Nate following behind, when Clark suddenly said, 

"Thanks for earlier, Nate; you didn't have to vouch for me like that."

He and Nate knew each other, and had even taken many classes together at school over the years, but they had never been true friends.

Nate responded with a polite smile, a corner of his mouth curving up noticeably in gentle tease.

"I don't mind getting myself wet, especially if it concerns you."

Clark looked perplexed and frowned, 

"What do you mean?"

His face conveyed a sense of need to protect itself from Nate's scrutiny.

He was very sharp at sensing when people were approaching or broaching the subject of his secrets, but he wasn't one to trust his instincts. His obsessive love for Lana Lang, at the expense of any chemistry with any other woman, was the best evidence.

Nate did not respond; instead, he smiled politely and turned his head, ignoring his fellow Kryptonian's frown.

When he saw two people in the front at a distance near the entrance to the school building, he exclaimed, 

"Oh, look who's there; it's Whitney and his girlfriend. I think I should go say hello."

His friendly tone of voice and need to break off were a little overblown. He didn't wait and walked ahead of the group he was beginning to befriend today.

With his improved hearing, he heard the talkative Chloe remark behind his back, 

"I didn't realize that Nathan Moreno and Whitney had a good friendship, do they?"

Pete pointed out, 

"They're both considered jocks, but they don't tend to be particularly close; they just seem to have known each other since they were little kids."

This time, Chloe was not wrong, but Pete always felt more aware of some more social, private aspects of current affairs in the halls of school.

Nate stopped eavesdropping as he approached Whitney and Lana, then tapped his childhood acquaintance's shoulder.

The latter turned to see Nate.

He said, smiling, 

"Hey, Nate."

He reached for a handshake, which Nate did not refuse.

Lana said, a green gemstone around her neck,

"Hello, Nate."

The item had no negative impact on Nate.

Nate did not ignore her greeting this time, instead saying,

"Hello back, Lana."

Whitney smiled wider for a moment and said, 

"I was thinking you'd take a few days off; I didn't expect to see you here on the first day of school. How are you hanging?"

His smile was respectful and funeral-like in appearance.

Nate said, 

"I'm doing well, as I told you, as long as we don't overly discuss the subject."

Whitney took the cue and offered kindly, 

"All right, will you come inside with us?"

Nate responded, 

"Thanks, but not this time. I just came forward to say hello; I'm walking with these guys."

He looked behind him and saw three people approaching.

Clark was walking in front, oddly enough, when he misjudged his steps and fell down, along with his books, which he held in his other hand and under his arm.

Lana, the softhearted girl, saw this and did not hesitate to leave her boyfriend as she went up to help him up and collect his books.

When she got close to Clark and squatted down, the gemstone shone brighter.

Most people's eyes seemed to miss the shining effect, but Nate didn't, even when while watching her from her back, and Clark didn't either, as his face turned pale, and he started to look unwell immediately.

"Nietzsche? I didn't know you have a dark side, Clark."

"Doesn't everyone?"

As Clark stood stiffly and was handed his Nietzsche book, the main points of the conversation went just as in the story.

Whitney, who stood next to Nate, did not seem to see this exchange between his girl and Clark in a favorable light.

His expression was not one of gladness.


Nate didn't say anything, just watched and listened. Continuing to train his senses. He mostly listened to Pete and Chloe discuss who lost the bet between them.

He eventually said goodbye to Whitney and Lana and entered the school hallways with the people he had come with.

His first class of the day was with Chloe, which surprised him.

Talk about luck.

He appeared to be wearing plot armor and was also one of the main characters.


Chloe and Nate's first class on their first day of school was math.

Talk about a rough first class for the first day of school…

Rough or not, good or bad, Nate didn't miss the opportunity to show off his quick mind in class and impress Chloe with his ability to think ahead, even though she seemed to be well aware that he was always the highest-performing student at Smallville High. It was not something that people would miss.

People might not notice his good qualities if he was only smart, but he was also extremely attractive, so he wasn't your typical student.

He was not only the top student in the closed classrooms, but also in more physical classes. It increased his value as a student and his overall grade point average.

As the day's classes concluded, Nate decided to accompany Chloe to the Torch's room.

She didn't reject Nate's offer to join the journalist club. Instead, she was taken aback and seemed to start to get that he was actually and really interested in her.

Clark entered the Torch and took one of the many available seats, next to Nate.

He appeared to have a question to ask.

He inquired, 

"What is going on between you and Chloe?"

He asked this after noticing his very active, industrious best friend, who was definitely pretending to be busier than anyone should ever be and attempting to bring order to the chaotic room.

The room was a mess.

She was cleaning it.

There was no need to ask for whom…

Nate replied with a smile, 

"I don't think that's any of your business, Clark."

Anyone with a normal sense of romance, which Clark lacked, would not have asked.

He didn't appear to be clueless, though, and said, 

"Fair enough, I'll back off; I just hope that if this becomes anything substantial, you don't play with her emotions. Chloe is my best friend alongside Pete."

Nate ignored his warning and said, 

"If you don't mind, I'd like to be your friend as well… I believe we have more in common than you realize. How about going home together today? Let's not take the bus. How about a race to your farm, then to my house later?"

"I've never invited you to my house before, have I? I live alone, and it's very convenient to do a variety of things."

Clark stood up and asked, 

"What do you mean by that?"

He looked terrified.

But this time, his frightened expression was certainly not related to his secret.

Nate responded, done teasing,

"Don't worry, I don't like men; I just think you and I could benefit from going home tonight and to my place. Ask why later… I'd also like to meet your parents before we do any of that."

Nate felt like having fun, meet the Kents, and tell them who, what he was.

Besides this type of fun, he was wondering if today was the day Lex was supposed to crash his car into Clark on the bridge; if so, he wanted to see it.

Clark was bewildered and said,

"It's not like you and I were really close before today; what's with the sudden interest? It's not a bad thing, and I don't want to turn it down, but I'd like to know why."

"Also, why would you want to meet my parents?"

Nate stated, 

"You journalists won't consider doing anything if you don't receive some of the answers right away, do you?"

Clark told, 

"I'm not sure what I want to do after high school, so I don't see myself as a journalist, unlike Chloe. But that is beside the point; you haven't responded to me. Your request is simply too unusual, especially coming from someone like you. I don't see what we have in common."

Nate teased,

"Not even the handsome face? You're more popular among the girls in the halls than you give yourself credit for... If you had as good hearing as I do, you would have picked up on that already."

"I can hear things from very far away. How about we carry out a random test in this room?"

"Go over that strange wall over there and whisper a few sentences... I'll stand motionless at the door."

Nate did not wait, instead standing and walking to the door.

Clark made his amusing face, as he often did when he was concerned, but he did what Nate asked of him in front of Chloe's confused, inquisitive eyes.

She inquired as they were about to begin,

"What game are you two playing at?"

Nate responded,

"You're not odd enough to play that one. We'll fill you in at the appropriate time, perhaps."

He then said to Clark, smirking,

"You can start."

daoistgingerale daoistgingerale

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