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33.33% Visions of V / Chapter 6: Without me.

Chapter 6: Without me.

Inside of the wraith realm, after Gojo had left, I sat near the crater made from my descent processing what the fuck had just happened. I had gotten absolutely cooked by the honored one. It wasn't even close If I'm being honest. Gojo was at least A tier, his infinity was just too strong. I, while having B-rank potential almost died. Of course just because I have that potential, doesn't mean I am that strong automatically, and I at least survived. {Ow...} Which was almost entirely due to Nue, so thank you. {Unfortunately that's my job}. I had done my job, stalling for the other group I mean. Hopefully most of them were able to escape. 

Well, the smart people should have left the grass field already, anyone who stayed is too dumb to be of any help anyways. Gojo Satoru was a monster, I can't deny that. To beat a monster I would need an even bigger one. A certain king of curses ought to do the trick. {Who is this king of curses? Is he really strong enough to beat that monster?} 

Ryomen Sukuna is most likely able to compete with Vergil during his fight with Dante before being trapped in the demon realm. {That strong?}That is, if their stats were equalized. Gojo would likely lose, as he relies mostly upon his barrier of infinity. The yamato can definitely cut that, hence why vergil would win. {I see} Those were something I needed desperately. Stats, currently I was getting thrown around like a ping pong ball everywhere I went. 

That needed to change sooner rather than later. If the requests got harder as time went on like many have said they do, I was very much going to get cooked if anything dealing with Gojo Satoru was my first request. Perhaps the Tower believed that the addition of 30 people were enough to beat him, but I knew better. 

No amount of people could beat that man, only strength would. Which is why I needed to find a certain body snatcher, in order to convince him to give me Sukuna's fingers. How I would do this I have no idea, but it needed to be done. 

"Hey there, I'm back." I heard a voice echo throughout the wraith realm, one that filled me with dread, Fucking How? {V we need to get out of here!} No shit bird brain. Panicking I immediately stood up and looked around for any sign of the honored one. 

"Hah, that's an interesting cursed tool you got there, its radiating cursed energy that rivals Rika's!" Gojo's cheerful voice echoed throughout the shadow realm again as I got into a defensive stance. 

"Heh, no need to be alarmed, I can't actually reach you at the moment, but just so you know.. all your group members are dead." The voice echoed out once more across the wraith realm. I think he could sense me using the six eyes, but had no way of entry into the wraith realm. 

"Come out already, there is no reason to resist, come on, I already know your whole deal, bounty hunters sent to kill me right?" That didn't exactly make me feel any better, I did know that I had to leave though. 

{I will need to fully manifest in order to carry you in this realm my demonic energy isn't nearly as strong.} Alright do it, we need to move away from this area anyways. Nue materialised in front of me and picked me up in an princess carry, and then proceeding to take to the skies to get away from Gojo. I heard a voice echo at as we attempted to escape.

"Mou... I'll let you guys off the hook for now because you're more interesting than the rest of your pals, but I will find you guys eventually, no matter how far you run." 

That wasn't foreboding at all. Well time for plan b, hopefully I can get this plan to work, because plan A was a miserable failure. As we flew through the city, after we got around 3-miles away from gojo I took off the ring and motioned to Nue to put me down. 

"Alright V, what's the plan?" Nue asked, looking tired. 

"Well, first we should acquire some funds and then we'll sleep on it." I replied, as I noticed a group of thugs curb stomping a defenseless young man. 

"Well lets get to it then V." was the girl's response as I jumped from the building in order to due a cool superhero landing. 

...Time skip 30 minutes later....

" we have enough money for this place?" Nue asked as we walked to the entrance of the hotel I had spotted during our stroll through Shibuya. 

"Yes, as I stated previously those thugs were carrying the equivalent of 10'000 us dollars on them, in cash, no matter the cost we should be able to stay here for quite a while." was my response. 

We hadn't killed those thugs or anything, just roughed them up a bit and stolen their money, nothing to serious. We walked through the busy streets before eventually reaching the front door of the expensive looking 15-story (From what I could tell) hotel. It had a sleek modern aesthetic to it, reminding me of the noble part of alfton. As we reached the top of the stairs, the doorkeeper stopped us. 

"Do you have a reservation with us tonight young lady?" And my opinion rating of this guy just plummeted to one star. 

While I knew I wasn't exactly the best dressed person, on the planet right now, due to my fall, to just completely ignore me was fucking rude. 

"No, why would I need one?" sensing my emotions through our contact, Nue replied in a snappy tone, shocking the door keep a little bit. Unfortunately every rose has it's thorns buddy. The poor soul tried to respond in a placating tone. 

"I'm sorry, but this hotel doesn't accept visitors without reservation....." 

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" was Nue's response, in a dead calm tone. She approached the doorkeeper, who was unfortunately shorter than her, causing him to gulp and back up to against the door. 

"Do you know who my father is? If he knew you guys had refused me he would murder you poor fuckers." radiating an intimidating aura, even I got scared for a second, the door to the right of us swung open and out walked what seemed to be a manager of the hotel. 

"M'am, please, let come inside and have a civil discussion..*Heh* *heh*." The manager clearly trying his best to stay calm, opened the door to the hotel motioning for us to come in, most likely not wanting to cause a bigger scene than Nue had already caused. 

'Lets play along.'

Nue nodded at both my command and the manager's words, before replying. 

"Hmph, finally good service, fire you're door keep he is mentally unstable." Nue then walked through the door like she owned the place. I followed an caught a glimpse of the manager's face flickering at that last comment as if to say "Who's mentally unstable?" before observing the lobby of the hotel. 

The lobby was wide, the inside had a theme consisting of gold, white, and black, the color contrasting each other to form a sort of perfect harmony. The lobby contained a dining area to the left an a checking area to the right. I knew this, as signs illuminated in big bright lights said so. I assumed the system translates languages for me, as it makes no sense as to why I could converse in and read Japanese. The manager led us to the check in area, before motioning to one of the staff working there to leave so that the manager could take their spot in order to deal with us. 

As we approached the counter in order to book rooms for the night, the manager spoke to us. 

"Tonight we have a special deal at no extra cost! You can book the penthouse of this hotel for the price of an suite, what do you say?" I could tell everything about Nue screamed, rich girl, and as such the manager smelled an opportunity to make a shit ton of money off of us, not that I blame him. 

"Alright then mongrel, how much?" Nue continuing her haughty act, proceeded to speak to the manager in an extremely bored tone. The manager smiling, thinking he had caught a big fish replied with. 

"*The equivalent of 1000 us dollars per night in yen*" 

"Fine, we'll book it for ten nights, servant give him the money." I proceeded to walk over to him and hand him the full amount of money, in cash. The manager looked surprised and happy, before handing me a room key and motioning for one of his staff to lead us to our room. 

"Its been a pleasure doing business with you ma'am, have a great rest of your stay!" 

Once again being ignored (My lack of presence wasn't something I could do anything about at the moment!), the staff member took us to an elevator, motioning us to come in, before the doors shut and we were transported to the top floor of the hotel. The doors opened and we exited the elevator, the staff member staying behind, leaving us to explore our new room. 

It was very large, with one king sized bed to the middle right of the room. on the ceiling was a fancy glass chandelier that hung above our heads. There was a huge glass window that over looked the entirety of Shibuya. It was the nicest room I have ever been in, counting either of my lives. 

Nue, not caring about any of this though, immediately rushed to the bed before jumping onto it with a glide, eventually landing on it with a loud *thump*. I sighed before moving to the bed and laying down next to her. 

"Who knew that everyone in the human world was so easy?" Nue remarked grabbing a pillow and hugging it. 

I don't think that's what happened just now though? I think it was just because you were being a Bi....


"Ow... why the hell did you smack me?"

"You're face looked lonely." 

I swear to god this girl was going to be the death of me. 

"Alright then, goodnight Nue." Too tired to even shower, I fell asleep in the hotel room with the lights still on and Nue lying next to me, trying to push thoughts about the monumental task that lay ahead of me. 

....Around 7 hours later Shibuya October 16, 2018 6:24 am Golden lotus hotel....

I was pushed back into the realm of living a little too early for my liking. Refusing to open my eyes I moved around a bit reaching for another blanket or pillow in order to gain a chance to fall back to sleep, my hand eventually grabs on to something soft and ....Squishy? I quickly opened my eyes to see Nue's bright red face staring back at me. 

"You have ten seconds too run away before I fry you, you damn pervert." This was not how I wanted my morning to go, but feeling Nue's extreme embarrassment through our contract, I knew it would be better for me to run away as soon as possible. Jumping from the bed and running towards the bathroom, whilst cursing my slow ass body I heard a yell from behind me. 

"Times up! Time to eat V fried rice for breakfast~!" 

I increased my speed before opening the bathroom door, entering and locking myself in it. Why the hell was she naked was my first question? And why hadn't she just returned to the tattoo? Hoping she had the common sense to not knock down the door, I decided to take a shower, in hopes that the bird would cool off after my accidental catching a feel. Walking over to the shower I sighed. Unfortunately women problems were the least of my worries. 

....15 minutes later.....

Stepping out of the shower, I decided to look into the huge mirror that was inside the bathroom. I had not exactly cleaned myself up since I had started this whole Tower thing, but it felt good to be clean again, that's for sure. But now I had to worry about my problems, issues of actual life or death. 

I had a lot of stuff to plan. Or, at least try to plan, after all, sometimes plans never go your way. But first things first, I need to put on some clothes. 


I spoke as the system screen appeared in front of me again. Feeling Nue's emotions through our contract, I knew it would be a while before she calmed down. so for now all I could do is stall and hope for the best. 

......Nue pov.....

"That stupid fucking idiot makes me so mad!"

I stomped around the room, admittedly throwing a bit of a temper tantrum.

But I couldn't help it. I didn't know what else to do. I had some of the memories of Griffon and Vergil's nightmares, I just wasn't the same as them. I knew I wasn't exactly being mature, but being a blend of a nightmare and magic shapeshifting bullshit, I didn't exactly have much experience in anything at all. I was equivalent to a scholar who "knew" everything, but had never actually experienced it. I wanted to, I had many wants. But it was extremely hard to vocalise them, when I understood V's situation, not to mention the fact we were in the same No NO! Boat would be a better word. He didn't seem bothered by what he faced, but through our contact I could tell that he was scared. 

I wanted to tell him that I could protect him, but I knew that wasn't exactly the case. I didn't stand a chance against that white haired monster we had fought. I guess V isn't exactly the idiot, I am. I wish I could vocalise these thoughts, but it was hard to do when I saw him working so hard. I feel like mentioning my feelings would just be a waste of time. Which is why I had to grow stronger. Strong enough to the point where no one could hurt him.....except me. 

He still needed some Punishment for what happened this morning after all. Though I guess it was partially my fault for being naked (Skin to skin contact with him was the best way to recharge my energy alright?), as well as the fact I didn't just go into tattoo "form" as he called it. So maybe I'll go easy on him. 

I heard the door to the bathroom open up as V came out wearing a dopey smile on his face while making a grasping movement with his hands. 


He was so Fucking Dead. 

........end of chapter.......

Commenting, Powerstoning, all that jazz makes me want to release more chapters and work harder, so, please do those thing. 

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