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75% [Dimensional Travel System] In Another World / Chapter 2: New Life Hype!

Chapter 2: New Life Hype!

As I opened my eyes I was greeted by the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling. Ah, the universal sign that I was somewhere different, but where was I exactly? Before I could get to finding out exactly where I was a familiar blue holographic screen appeared before me.

[User has Successfully Reincarnated]

[Scanning User's Body]


[Scan Successful]

[Generating User's Character Status]

[Character Status]

[Name: Futaro Uesugi]

[System: Dimensional Travel]

[Age: 15]

[Strength: 5]

[Endurance: 4]

[Dexterity: 5]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Wisdom: 9]

[Luck: 15]

[Talents: Lady Luck's Blessing, Competitive, Genius, Arrogant, Reincanator]


- None

The first thought that came to my mind when I saw my initial [Character Status] was 'damn I'm lucky' The second thought that came to me though was 'damn I'm weak' Looking at my strength, endurance, and dexterity which were all 5 or below did not do me wonders when it came to my confidence. Now granted I did not have any frame of reference to judge my stats, but assuming my stats worked like any RPG having my physical stats in the LOW single digits it wasn't looking good for your local reincarnator.

Anyway moving past my mostly pathetic stat spread I am presented with the fact that I have a new name now. Futaro Uesugi was I reincarnated into an anime or something? The name was unfamiliar to me which was a given since I had only recently started watching anime because of a friend's recommendation, but that's beside the point. I had to first figure out whether I was in an anime or not I was still in an unfamiliar house.

Getting up from my 'bed' I noticed that I was sleeping on the floor on a floor bed. 'Strange,' I thought to myself maybe the Japanese just like sleeping on the floor. Who was I to judge? Regardless now that I was up I got a good look at my surroundings. If I had to describe it with one word would be clean… no looking more closely I would have to say the room was barren which in turn made it clean because of its lack of items in it. All that was present in the room were three-floor beds and a fan in the corner that was turned off. So yeah the room was empty all right.

Moving on with my investigation I make my way to the door to the room which surprises me as instead of opening like a normal door I have to instead slide it open. Once again the Japanese prove to be just that bit more different than us Americans. Though sliding doors would be the least of my worries as the moment I open the door I am greeted by the sight of another room. Now no I wasn't scared of the room, no I was scared of the fact that a person was in the room! Standing a few heads below me was a girl who looked to be no older than 8. 'Who was this girl, and why was she here?' These questions swirled through my head as the girl turned to face me.

Now having a proper look at her I could say that she had the most ridiculous hair that I had ever seen. Like seriously how did her hair even stand up like that? But more importantly, I think she was trying to talk to me.

"Oh big brother, you are awake, you have a fun time sleeping in?" the tone at which she spoke it me feel as though she trying to tease me. "Gosh, you must have been oh so very tired from what you were doing last night," OK I did not like what this little girl was alluding to, but also how did she know what she did? Maybe it was just another thing the Japanese did differently. Besides what she was saying this little girl proved to be useful in the fact that it would seem that I now know Japanese. I don't know when it happened but she most definitely wasn't speaking English, but I understood her just fine. "Jeez I was just joking ya know, no need to give me the cold shoulder," it seemed that my delayed responses had caught up to me though as the small girl turns away with a hump before continuing what she was doing earlier.

Now left alone to do what I please I do something I have been dying to do since I remember it existing like 10 seconds ago. In a low tone, I whisper 'status,' as a familiar but different holographic screen appears before me.

[Dimensional Travel System]

[Character Status]





Seeing that my system appeared only elevated my mood to a higher level, but what really made me happy was the fact that my system had a lot more than just the basic status and travel functions I had initially thought it had. In fact, there were now 3 different tabs that I had never seen before so wasting no time I clicked on the [Skills] tab.


(New) Japanese Lv.57: Your understanding of the Japanese language is shown through speech, writing, and comprehension.

(New) English Lv. 54: Your understanding of the English language is shown through speech, writing, and comprehension.


- Since the user has both the memories of their past life and the memories of their current body the [Skills] tab will update as skills are used

Looking at my [Skills] tab I now knew why I understood Japanese, which to be honest was kinda of what I was expecting my body knew Japanese so I now knew Japanese it was as simple as that, but this opened up a lot of possibilities. I may not have had levels in my [Character Status], but they were here in my [Skills] so I did have something to level. Anyway, that was for later closing the [Skills] tab I moved to the [Quests] tab.



- None


- Who am I?

[Unclaimed Rewards: 1]

Opening the [Quests] tab I was surprised by the fact that I had already completed a quest without even noticing (maybe I was a pro gamer after all). Regardless I checked out the quest I had finished.

[Who am I?]

You have successfully reincarnated the only problem is that you don't know who you are!

[Clear Conditions]

- Find out who you are


- Dimensional Travel System Starting Pack

[Would you like to take your rewards]


Seeing that I got rewards for basically free got me a little giddy, but as I calmed my nerves down I little I questioned where the items from my quest would go. Would they just appear before me or would they be sent to an inventory? Well, I guess there's only one way to find out pressing the yes without a care in the world a new prompt appeared before me.

[Dimensional Travel System Starting Pack has been sent to your Inventory]

Dismissing the prompt I navigate back to the main section of my system where to my surprise a new section appeared.

[Dimensional Travel System]

[Character Status]


(New) [Inventory]




Pressing on the newly discovered [Inventory] tab a grid-like formation of squares appears before me. It's formatted in a 5×5 square with the two squares having items. The first item looked to be some sort of coin, while the second looked like a coupon of some sort.


- ¥10,000

- Travel Coupon

Mmm, I see. Well, I can't complain about free stuff especially if it's free money. Closing my [Inventory] tab I opened the next tab on the list which was the [Shop] tab. On a separate tab, a simple search bar appears with a few items below it. Above it reads 'Dimensional Shop' with a subheading right below that 'If it exists it can be bought!'

Well well well, now that was interesting and I guess it did make sense. If I can go to different realities then it makes sense I could also buy anything from those realities. So to test if it worked correctly I happily typed 'nuke' into the search bar as pictures of all kinds of nukes appeared. Unfortunately for me, the nukes were just a bit out of my budget of ¥10,000. Sadge, but the show must go on so I close the [Shop] tab as I open up the [Travel] tab.


[Current Dimension: Modern]

[Opened Portals]


[Open Portal]

Seeing the [Travel] made me even more excited about just how cool my system was. I wasn't just stuck to my dimension, but unlimited. Seeing as I had no open portals I decided to see if I could open one.

[Open Portal]

[¥100,000 or 1 Travel Coupon]

Seeing the price to open a portal my eyes practically leaped out of my skull. ¥100,000 how was I supposed to make that much when I lived in a dump like this (No offense of course)? The one good part about all of this though was that I was still able to open a portal thanks to my staring pack. Thanking Lady Luck for the freebies I open a portal as new prompts appear.

[User has Opened a new Portal]

[Linking Location]


[Linked Location]

[New World: Akame Ga Kill!]

'Akame Ga Kill!' I thought to myself as I felt as if I remembered that name, but then again I didn't watch much anime so it wasn't that familiar. Anyway, that was for later as my thoughts were broken by the girl from earlier.

"Here you go big brother, your favorites," Slamming a plate down onto the table I was sitting at I saw the triangular-shaped rice on it. Though for some reason the meal only had rice wasn't there supposed to be fish, vegetables, or anything else?

"Oh um younger sister, I think you forgot something," I say almost pleading to her that she forgot something. She puts her hand up to her face as she strikes a thinking pose.

"Hmm, I don't think I forgot anything-," Cutting herself off she verbally gasps as she makes her way back to the 'kitchen'.

'Yes, I knew she had forgotten something,' I think to myself as I mentally celebrate my victory. 'There no way this body's favorite meal was rice with nothing,' Just then the little girl returns with an item in her hands. I had done I had achieved victory and now could eat a fulfilling meal. Though my victory is short-lived as the moment I caught sight of the item in her hands despair fills me.

"Phew, almost forgot the salt you can't have your rice without it. Thanks for reminding Big Brother," she says gratefully as she picks up one of the triangle rice clumps before lightly putting salt on it. "Mmm, Delicious," taking a bite out of it these were her words after words. Finishing up her rice clump she looks at me a bit confused.

"Are you not hungry right now Big Brother," worried that I may not be hungry I can see concern in her eyes.

"Oh uh no, I just wanted you to have the first bite," I say as I pick up one of the rice clumps (Which was still hot BTW). Putting my salt on it I take a bite out of it as I am presently surprised. While not the best meal I have ever had it was good and editable. Taking another bite I realized that I was hungry so I finished the rice clump, then went for seconds. After finishing the rice clumps I realized that while they were good they didn't fill me up all the way, but considering that we were eating rice with salt I doubted we could afford to be full with each meal. Then I remembered the starting money I got from the free rewards. I looked up at the young girl who had started cleaning the plate the rice clumps were on.

'Where are all her meals like this,' I couldn't help but think to myself. Probably not, but even still. If even half her meals were like this… it just didn't sit right with me. Even if she was a bit of a tease I could tell she meant well, I would be an idiot if I couldn't. Having cleaned the plate by now the younger girl made her way back to the table where she sat opposite of me. Seeing how she just sat there quietly, without doing anything. 'Had most of her days also consisted of this?' she lived such a different life to me when I was her age. Cleaning the dishes and making food for her older brother who had slept in. When was the last time I even made a meal for myself? Making up my mind I got up from the table. I was her older brother now right so I had the right to treat her a little right? Let's just not think about the weird implications of my reincarnation status here.

"Hey um sis, you wanna get some food at a convenience store?" I sort of stumble on what to call her as I don't know her name but settle on sis. Hearing my words the younger girl looks up to me and then puts on a sort of smirk.

"When did my big brother become such a piggy?" She asked teasingly.

"Hey, that's no-" I could feel the heat rising in my face, but I was cut off by her continuing.

"I'm just joking, but you do remember what Dad said right," she emphasizes the 'right' as if I were supposed to know what her Dad said, which in most circumstances this body would know, but not right now. So I kinda just look at her until I get the point across to her that I don't know. Her initial playful facade is replaced by one of shock when she realizes that I don't know what she's talking about.

"You seriously don't remember Dad talking about how he was having a hard time finding part-time work this month?" she asks almost in disbelief. Now knowing the reasons why she didn't want to go to the convenience store I had to figure out a reason why I forgot such important information.

"What no you silly, I was just making sure you remembered," I say as I make my way to the door to leave. "Anyways you wanna come get something with me? Oh, and it's my money so don't worry about Dad's current situation," reassuring her that there was nothing wrong with what we were doing. She at first looks torn on the decision, but as I move closer to the door she makes her decision.

"Wait, let me get ready first," She says as she disappears into the other room of the apartment. A few minutes later the two of us can be seen walking down the street. While I am internally freaking out about the fact that I don't know where a convenience store is the girl next to me is all sun shines and rainbows about our current situation. Which I can't really blame her about I mean when was the last time she ever went to a convenience store for some quick food? Anyways we make our way to the convenience store where we are immediately greeted by the cashier.

"Welcome," he says before quickly getting back to checking out the current customer. Taking it as just another thing that the Japanese did I started looking through the aisles for some food that looked good. There was too much food that looked good, but eventually, I settled on a sandwich. Finding the little girl I am surprised to see that she didn't pick anything up.

"Didn't I tell you that it was my money so it's ok to get what you want," I ask as she looks back at me.

"Oh I just realized that I wasn't really that hungry, but thanks for offering big brother," these words fly out of her mouth as she makes her way into the line that had started to form by the cashier. "Hurry big brother or else others will get in line," She says diverting the conversation prior. Looking over at her and then back at where she was I put two and two together and figured she just didn't feel right to spend my money, but oh well too bad for her I was still going to get her something. Meeting up with her in line we make it to the cashier where I put my two items down. First was my sandwich and second was her pudding. The cashier quickly scanned my items and rang up a total which I paid for with my ¥10,000 bill.

"Thanks for coming," I hear the cashier say as we leave the convenience store. Walking home was less stressful than walking to the convenience store, and before long we had made it back. Entering the slightly cooler apartment we sit back at the table as I lay out my goodies. I place the sandwich by myself while I hand the pudding over to the girl.

"Here this is for you," I say as I start to eat my sandwich. She at first looked at me confused but when I said that the pudding was for her she had a look of disbelief.

"I said I wasn't hungry big brother you didn't have to do this," she argued, but I had already suspected she would do this so I had come up with a counter strategy while on the way home.

"Just take it as a gift from ok," I say while making sure to emphasize the gift part "and you wouldn't reject a gift from your brother right?" It was a bit manipulative, but if I was going to eat she to had to. Looking at the pudding on the table she eventually lets out a sigh as she just accepts her fate. Using the spoon that was provided she takes a bite out of the pudding.

"So how was it," I ask out of curiosity, though when she doesn't answer immediately I get a bit worried that I got a flavor that she didn't like. "If you don't like it we can always get another-" I could never finish that sentence though as I am interrupted by her.

"No no, I love Big Brother this pudding is just so good," I could practically see the light coming off of her because of just how beaming she was, but you know it was good knowing that I was a good big brother. Seeing the smile plastered on her face while she ate the pudding made it all worth the trouble.

[Chapter End]

Author_Leo Author_Leo

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