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80% Greek God Emperor / Chapter 3: Xeno?

Chapter 3: Xeno?

I try to update 2 times a week from now on. I have a lot of things to do, so I don't have that much time. But I will try to post whenever I can.


(3rd Person POV)

Zeus and Metis were on Mount Othrys to go through with their plan. Zeus is using specially designed clothes to hide his divine aura from everyone as that would spell doom for their operation. He has to act all humble and timid for this to succeed and for his act to be convincing. Metis didn't have to act in any way, since she was the daughter of Oceanus who was also invited but didn't attend. 

Zeus carried a cup of wine. Metis gave it to Zeus and told him what she had placed inside would eventually make Cronus wretch and vomit on the floor. Zeus was to use that chance and take his siblings with him to flee Mount Othrys. 

In the last couple of years, Cornus' declining health had become common knowledge but everyone was still too afraid of the King of Titans to say anything. Cronus made sure to appear in public and used his divinity and power to appear healthy enough. But his closest generals and brothers knew the truth, they saw how he was when he didn't appear in public. He was getting more and more sick and pale. His strength was fading and it was causing unrest amongst their ranks. 

But now a feast was held to honour something unimportant and to give Cronus something to be happy about. Many people came to present gifts to Cronus who was sitting on his throne. He was drinking ambrosia not to get drunk, even though he was drunk already, but to make use of the healing properties. It was only working temporarily. Finally, it was Zeus' turn to present his gift. 

"Oh great and almighty Cronus, King of the Titans and slayer of Ouranos, I bring thee the best wine you will ever taste in this world.", Zeus says and bows his head, presenting the cup. 

"The best wine? I don't think so. Everyone claims to have the best wine. But alright, I'll drink it. Now go away boy, you bother me.", Cronus says and takes the cup from Zeus. he doesn't even look at it and downs the wine with one gulp. 

"Meh, it was barely average. Nonethele- argh ..."

Cronus suddenly starts to hold his stomach in pain. He bends over and begins to eat backwards. The entire contents of food he ate in the last couple of hours, shoot back up and he vomits on the floor. 

"Bahahahaha" "Hahahahaaha"

The Titans around are laughing and think that Cronus can't hold his liquor. But this changes the moment 5 people appear in the room, naked but covered in bile. Three women and two men look around the room in confusion until they see Zeus running towards them. 

"Brothers and sisters, I am your younger brother, Zeus, I came to save yo- ... wait where is our other brother? My twin did you see him in there?", Zeus asks quickly. 

The Titans still haven't reacted as they are drunk and think they are seeing things. But a sudden painful yell takes them from their illusions. 

"AAAAAAAARRRHHHHHH!!!!", Cronus is on the floor holding his stomach and shouting in pain. 

"Cronus what's wrong? What is going on, are you alright?", Hyerion is the first to arrive at his brother's side and ask him about his well-being. 


Suddenly from the stomach, movement can be seen. The muscles and skin are starting to bend and twist as if ... as if something is inside there. The brothers and nephew Atlas start to back away in confusion and also fright. The only one who is not afraid and rather intrigued is Hyperion's son, Helios. He goes closer to the stomach of the shouting Cronus and looks at it when suddenly something happens. 

Hyperion sees what is about to happen in slow motion. His divinity of light allows his mind to process things much faster and apart from his brother Cronus, the Titan of Time, he is the fastest. Not even his son, Helios can compare. So with immense speed, Hyperion grabs Helios and pulls him back. The only problem is that he has now taken Helios' place. 

From the stomach of Cronus, a hand suddenly emerges and grabs the head of the being standing there. The hand is truly powerful and had Hyperion not done something, this would have been Helios. Instead, it is now, Hyperion who is grabbed by the face. 

His eyes widen and he tries to break free, without any luck. 

"FATHER!!!", Helios screams and rushes forward. 

But Hyperion acts quickly and kicks his son far away, to not have him get involved with whatever is happening. He immediately tries to use all of his power and flee. His body turns into light and he is about to slip out of the palms grasp, when the process is abruptly stopped. 

Once again Hyperion can feel his eyes widen. But this time not only in surprise ... in fear as well. He can suddenly feel a powerful suction coming from the hand and all of his senses are screaming at him to flee at once, or he would perish. He begins to punch the hand and also Cronus' stomach in fright, but nothing changes, the suction continues and he feels his energy and especially his divinity slip away. 




A second hand emerges from Cronus' stomach and this hand is holding a giant red sword which is impaled into Hyperion's skull. All of the power and divinity of Hyperion, as well as his soul, are absorbed and his body withers away, leaving nothing behind. 


The stomach of Cronus rips open wider and slowly a person becomes visible. From the stomach of Cronus rises a young man, with long black hair and a ripped and powerful physique. He looks like the personification of perfection as he stands there, dressed in nothing but a loose tunic. The man begins to shine and he holds the skull of Hyperion in his left hand and the giant red and flaming sword in his right. The skull is the only thing that didn't wither away.


"Hello, Father. Did you like your meal?", Neoth says as he looks down on his father. 

Everyone looks at Neoth as he stands there shining in a bright light. The divinity he just absorbed from Hyperion, the divinity of light is already starting to truly fuse with him and he is making it his own. His body starts to shine more and more, blinding everyone around. 

As a final farewell gift, Neoth uses a slight telepathic push to create an explosion in everyone's mind and knock them out immediately. He looks around until his gaze lands on his siblings and finally on his twin brother, Zeus. After a moment, Neoth shakes his head and then disappears, leaving them alone. He didn't distinguish who was hit and just hit everyone with his small attack, so his siblings were also affected. 


After a while, the Olympians are the first to wake up.

"What just happened?", Hera asks. 

"...I have no idea."

"We have no time, let's go.", Zeus says and runs towards Metis who is lying on the ground unconscious. 

"Why though? Shouldn't we just kill them now? This is like the best-"

"They are already waking up and if we want to kill them all, we will have to fight everyone who is here. Now come!", Zeus says. 

Hades is unconvinced and is about to walk towards Cronus, when he sees the Titans wake up. The telepathic bomb wasn't equally powerful for all of them. Some didn't get that hard of a hit while others, like Cronus, were hit the hardest and it was unknown whether they would be the same ever again. 


The Olympians fled Mount Othrys to Crete where their mother Rhea was waiting for them together with Amalthea, a nymph who took care of Zeus and gave him milk when he was still a child. When she saw her children arrive, Rhea ran towards them and embraced them all in a tight hug. She was the titan of motherhood, so this reaction was natural. 

"My children!! How I have missed you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for what happened. Can you ever forgive me?!", Rhea was crying a river while she embraced everyone. 

Hades was also affected by her show of emotions. He knew his mother and actually spent a few days with her before he was eaten by Cronus. So this reunion meant a lot for the God of the Underworld, even if he didn't show it. Apart from Rhae, Hestia was also crying and the most emotional of everyone. She was the Goddess of the Hearth and Familiar bonds, so she loved her entire family the most. If it were up to her, she would have gone for peace with the Titans instead of fighting. 

"What happened? Where is your brother ... ?"

Rhea wanted to say the name of her last born but suddenly stopped talking as she understood a gruesome fact. She had never given her 7th child a name. She never had the time to give him a name. And what's worse, she chose him to be eaten by Cronus. What if he knew about that and remembered what happened? 

"Yes, we saw him in the stomach. He could fly around in the stomach for some reason and he looked at us.", Demeter says. 

"Tsk, that one is so arrogant. He thinks he is better than us and didn't even come here to greet you, Mother.", Hera said. 

"I felt that he was very sad.", Hestia says with tears in her eyes. 

"He was strong. I wonder where that monster is right now. He crawled out of Father's stomach, you know.", Poseidon says. 

"WHAT?! What happened?", Rhea asked. 

Rhea listened to the entire tale and her complexion grew paler and paler. Revolted, that's what she felt at the moment. A son of hers did something like that? Impossible. She couldn't believe that her son was this violent and already so powerful. But it also made her proud to have such a son. But at the same time, she felt fear for her other children. 

"We will have to prepare, aunt. Cronus will not sit still and do nothing now that he knows they are free. We have to prepare for war.", Metis who has woken up finally tells Rhea. 

"I ... I understand. I will ask Mother if she could help us and also try to get more Titans to our side. There are a few who are unhappy with Cronus and want to replace him. His sickness and weakness have upset many."

"I will go ahead and talk with my father and see if he is willing to help our side in this war. I am sure my siblings are more than willing to help her favourite sister.", Metis says. 

"Good. And meanwhile, you all have to get some rest and then prepare as well. This will be a hard fight."


In space above the planet Earth, a figure can be seen floating through the void. Neoth opened his eyes and looked around. He had been using his telepathy to listen to all of their thoughts about him and what they had planned. They were afraid of him. Even Zeus, though he didn't show it. His arrogance would be the death of him. 

But all of this didn't concern him. 

He turned around and focused on what he wanted to do. Thanks to his Essence, he had access to something amazing. The Phalanx. 


The Phalanx is the massive starship that serves as the mobile fortress-monastery of the Imperial Fists Space Marine Chapter and was constructed many millennia ago by unknown hands during the Dark Age of Technology long before the Age of the Imperium. 

The Phalanx is gigantic, the largest starship known to have been constructed by Human hands in the 41st Millennium, and something of its magnitude has not been seen since the Age of Technology. It is the size of a small moon or large asteroid, its foredeck can dock a dozen Imperial Navy cruisers around its circumference. 

And now, Neoth has access to it. 

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