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Harley Quinn 3

Cindy put on two new magazines, retracted the pistol holster, raised his hands flat as if he was attending an awards ceremony, and returned to him in a relaxed tone.

"Huh...I thought that the most enthusiastic people in Gotham live in Arkham, but I didn't expect the residents of this lunatic villa to be hot enough to smoke."

Su Ming took a deep breath and threw the rotten vegetable leaves hanging on it aside. Fortunately, the rain was heavier now, and the dirt on the armor was quickly washed away, making him look less embarrassed.

Cindy looked around, as if recognizing the position, and quickly decided on a direction: "Let's go, let's talk to Hallie and see what's wrong with these guys."

"Even if I am not a doctor, I know that these guys' problems are called madness."

Su Ming shrugged, strode across a pile of burning garbage, and said a cold joke.

Yes, the original death knell was also a master of cold humor. After blasting the target's head or twisting the target's neck, he would often talk to himself and make some cold jokes.

The surrounding buildings stand quietly in the rain, like monsters lurking in the dark. Those black holes in the doors and windows are their eyes and big mouths. Their empty expressions can swallow the hope in people's hearts and make them painful. Desperate again.

They are now used by the circus as a hiding place. There are large heads of various clowns, playing cards and other magic props painted on the walls, but their colors are falling off in the rain, becoming deformed and mottled.

Now the neighboring buildings are all in pitch black, and only a building not far away seems to have electricity, with colored lights coming out of the windows, which should be where Hallie is.

No need to think about it. Now that the jester is in jail, Hallie is either planning how to rescue her, or she's alone.

After he and Cindy walked downstairs to the lighted building, they heard the sound of music through the sound of rain, and fierce rock music and roar came out of the room upstairs.

"Well, UU reading looks like our little Halle is exercising."

Cindy tilted his head to listen and found that among the music, there was the sound of boots hitting the wooden floor.

Harley Quinn in the Overworld was originally a psychologist in the Arkham Asylum. In the process of studying the clown, he was gradually attracted by his chaotic thinking. She fell in love with him madly and helped him escape from prison. After that, she has been with the clown. Help him with various criminal activities, but unfortunately, the clown only treats her as a trouble, and often uses it as a bait or get rid of Batman's back.

But the parallel worlds are different. Su Ming can't say how the relationship between the clown girl and the jester on earth is negative 11.

is like Earth 37. It is a **** conversion world in the 1960s, where the clown girl and the jester are the relationship between Lala lovers. But if it's the new 52 world, Halle and the Joker will have a fight. Hallie has joined the Raptor team and has an ambiguous relationship with Batman.

But no matter which parallel world they are in, Halle's abilities are the same-a genius brain and perfect gymnastic talent. Her hobbies are listening to music and reading, and she also dances when she is free.

"Do people in your world dance when they express sadness?" Su Ming looked at Cindy, his expression was not visible on the black and yellow mask.

"There won't be such a world." Cindy turned his head and left.

"Have you ever thought that there may be such a parallel world, where everyone is competing not with fists, guns or swords, but the level of awkward dance?" Su Ming followed and described with interest: "It's like guessing a boxer., Who is good at dancing, who has the final say, who do you think is stronger in that world?"

Cindy did not speak, and continued to move forward in silence, but Su Ming keenly discovered that she seemed to think of something, and her body shuddered slightly.

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