Evelyn's mind raced at the man's words, trying to process the shocking news and get clues of it. The possibility that… Gracia might be alive… It sent a shiver down her spine, her heart almost afraid to believe it.
Her thoughts raced back to the moments with Mariam, the woman had babbled seemingly nonsensical words about Gracia's death, and now with Reema gone, Evelyn couldn't shake the suspicion that there was more to the story. It unsettled her, making her question not just about Gracia's death but everything she had chosen to accept about her past, her birth until now.
Avery equally stunned came out of her daze. She quickly thanked the middle-aged man and turned to her friend. Placing a hand on Evelyn's arm, she brought her back to the present and suggested softly, "We need to call Damien! He will surely help us find them quickly."
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