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50% Royal Resurgence / Chapter 24: Departure

Chapter 24: Departure

My birthday ended pretty uneventfully, aside from the adamite sword and spear gifted to me by the Imperial Family for my achievements against the rebels two years ago. The weapons, with their intricate runes and gleaming surfaces, were impressive tokens of recognition. However, the rest of the day was filled with formalities and older guests, making it feel like any other noble gathering.

Days passed, and I continued my training with Baron Cedric, focusing on advancing my mastery over the spear. The grueling sessions pushed my limits, but I welcomed the challenge, knowing it would make me stronger. The routine of training provided a sense of normalcy, a stark contrast to the upheaval caused by the attack years ago.

One evening, during a quiet dinner with my family, a sudden announcement disrupted our usual calm. My father, holding an official-looking letter, cleared his throat. The flickering candlelight cast shadows across his face, emphasizing the seriousness of his expression.

"We have been invited to the Imperial Capital to attend the ceremony where Lucas will become an Imperial Knight," my father announced, his voice steady but tinged with pride.

Elara's eyes widened in surprise, and a small gasp escaped her lips. "Lucas is becoming an Imperial Knight? That's incredible!"

I felt a surge of pride for my brother, but also a twinge of anticipation. The Imperial Capital was a place of grandeur and power, and attending such a ceremony would be a significant event.

"When is the ceremony, Father?" I asked, trying to keep my excitement in check.

"In two weeks," he replied, his gaze sweeping over us. "We will need to prepare for the journey. It will be a long trip, but it's an important occasion, especially since we are planning on moving there permanently."

My father's announcement hung in the air, heavy with implications. As a merchant noble, he had always had the option to serve his purpose in the Imperial Capital, but he lacked the influence to make it feasible. Now, with Lucas's imminent knighthood, our combined achievements during the Festival, and the recent expansion of Father's business, the opportunity to relocate to the heart of the Empire was finally within our grasp. This move promised greater security and a wealth of new opportunities.

However, amidst the excitement, a pang of disappointment struck me. 'Does this mean I have to leave Lyra?' I thought, the idea of parting from my only friend weighing heavily on my heart. Lyra had been a constant source of support and companionship, and the thought of moving away from her was unsettling.

As we continued our meal, the atmosphere around the table was charged with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The prospect of visiting the Imperial Capital and witnessing Lucas's knighthood filled us all with a sense of anticipation. For me, it was not just about the ceremony; it was an opportunity to glimpse the center of our Empire, a place where power and politics intertwined. The Imperial Capital represented a world of grandeur and intrigue, a stark contrast to the relative quiet of our current life.

Elara's eyes sparkled with excitement as she peppered Father with questions about the capital. "Father, will we see the palace? What about the famous markets and the grand libraries?"

Father chuckled, his stern demeanor softening. "Yes, Elara, we will see all of that and more. The Imperial Capital is a place of wonders, and I am sure it will be an eye-opening experience for all of us."

Mother, though more reserved, couldn't hide her excitement either. "It will be a significant change, but one that will offer many new opportunities for our family. We must prepare ourselves for the transition."

In the days leading up to our departure, Lyra and I spent every moment we could together. We trained, sparred, and talked about everything under the sun. The thought of leaving her weighed heavily on my mind, but I tried to focus on making the most of the time we had left.

One afternoon, we found ourselves in our favorite spot by the river. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the water. We sat on the grassy bank, our feet dangling just above the surface.

"Are you excited about moving to the Imperial Capital?" Lyra asked, her brown eyes reflecting the sunlight.

"Yes and no," I replied honestly. "It's a great opportunity, but I'll miss this place. And I'll miss you."

She smiled, though there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I'll miss you too, Lancelot. But we'll write to each other, right? And who knows, maybe I'll visit the capital someday."

"Of course, we'll keep in touch," I assured her. "And you'll always be welcome to visit. Just promise me you'll keep training hard. I expect you to surpass me in swordsmanship, remember?"

Lyra laughed, the sound light and carefree. "You bet I will. And when I do, I'll come to the capital and challenge you to a duel."

"Deal," I said, extending my hand. She took it, and we shook on our promise.

As the days passed, we continued our routine, but there was an unspoken understanding that our time together was drawing to a close. On the morning of our departure, Lyra came to say goodbye.

"I have something for you," she said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small, intricately carved wooden pendant. It was shaped like a sword, with tiny runes etched into its surface.

"I made this for you," she explained, her voice soft and earnest. "It's not much, but I wanted you to have something to remember me by, since we'll be matching."

She pointed to her own pendant, identical to the one she was giving me. The wooden sword-shaped pendant with tiny, meticulously carved runes hung around her neck, catching the last light of the setting sun.

I took the pendant, my heart swelling with gratitude and emotion. "Thank you, Lyra. This means a lot to me." I slipped the pendant over my head, feeling its weight settle against my chest. "I'll cherish it always."

She smiled, but I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. "Goodbye, Lancelot. Stay safe and become the greatest swordsman the Empire has ever seen."

"I will," I promised, my voice steady even as my heart ached. "Goodbye, Lyra. Take care of yourself."

I pulled her into a tight embrace, holding on as if the strength of our hug could stave off the inevitable goodbye. Her warmth and familiar scent grounded me in the moment, making it all the harder to let go. After what felt like an eternity, I reluctantly released her and turned towards the carriage.

Suddenly, I felt a gentle tug on my hand. Lyra had grabbed it, her cheeks flushed with a mix of emotions. "When I meet you next, Lancelot," she said, her voice trembling slightly, "I will become someone worthy to tell you."

My eyes widened, and before I could respond, she pulled away and ran off, leaving me standing there with my hand still outstretched.

With a heavy heart, I climbed into the carriage and took my seat. The wheels began to turn, and the carriage lurched forward, the rhythmic clatter of hooves and wheels echoing the beat of my own heart.

'Tell me? Tell me what?' I thought, though deep down, I already knew the answer. My ears felt inexplicably hotter than usual as I sat in the carriage.

Perhaps it was that stuffy already.

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