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45.83% Royal Resurgence / Chapter 22: Alternate Reward

Chapter 22: Alternate Reward

"For Lancelot Orbel," Sir Vestial began, his voice steady and formal, "the reward is a high-quality enchanted sword and spear crafted from adamite, to be presented on his twelfth birthday."

I felt a surge of excitement at the prospect of such a valuable gift. Adamite was a rare and incredibly strong material a level above mythrilite, and weapons forged from it were prized possessions.

"And for Lucas Orbel," Sir Vestial continued, "he shall be granted an official title as an Imperial Knight Apprentice, along with a small estate in the Imperial Capital and a stipend to support his endeavors as he trains to become an Imperial Knight and works as an adventurer."

My eyes widened in shock at the announcement.

"I would like to ask for alternate rewards if possible, Sir Vestial," Lucas interjected, bowing respectfully. His request took everyone by surprise, and even Sir Vestial's brows furrowed in curiosity.

"What do you wish to be rewarded with instead?" Sir Vestial asked, his tone cautious.

"I would merely like a high-quality enchanted sword," Lucas replied, his voice steady and clear.

"Oh," Vestial remarked, tilting his head slightly. "I thought you wished to become an Imperial Knight in the future."

"I do," Lucas confirmed, "but I plan to earn my merit and become an Imperial Knight through my own achievements. For now, I need a high-quality sword that I cannot acquire otherwise."

Vestial considered this for a moment before nodding. "If that is your wish, then it shall be granted. I will procure a sword made of mythril for your achievements."

A murmur of approval ran through the room. Mythril was a legendary metal, superior even to adamite. It was no small reward and reflected Lucas's significant contribution on paper. While I was receiving both a sword and a spear made of adamite, Lucas was receiving single sword of mythril, which seemed fair to me.

"May I inquire what Baron Cedric is receiving as his reward?" Lucas asked, his tone measured and respectful.

"He will be awarded the Medal for Merit," Sir Vestial replied, "since he is considered a civilian now as he retired from the Imperial Knights."

Mother's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she looked at us, her sons who had grown up so quickly and faced such dangers. Father's expression was one of solemn pride, recognizing the weight of the responsibilities we were taking on, while Elara had a soft smile on her lips.

"Thank you, Sir Vestial," I said, bowing once more. "We are honored by the Empire's generosity."

Lucas echoed my sentiments, bowing deeply. "We will strive to live up to the trust placed in us."

Sir Vestial offered a rare smile, his stern demeanour softening. "The Empire is grateful for your service. Your actions have not gone unnoticed, and we look forward to seeing your continued growth and contributions."

With the formalities concluded, Sir Vestial took his leave from the room. After some time, my family left so I could rest and heal.

As the door clicked shut, I settled back, stirring mana throughout my body to rejuvenate myself lightly. The aches and pains from the battle lingered, a constant reminder of the strain I had put myself through. Just as I was beginning to find some relief, the door creaked open again. I looked up, surprised to see Lyra stepping in.

"What is it, Lyra?" I asked with a soft smile, noticing her uncharacteristic fidgeting. Lyra, usually brimming with vibrant confidence, seemed subdued. Her lively spirit had always made it easy for us to become friends; she was unafraid and steadfast, qualities I admired.

'Is it because of the attack?' I wondered.

"Why…" she started, her voice barely above a whisper, her head hung low. "Why did you come save me, Lancelot? For you, revealing your true power in front of so many people, no matter how much you trust us, would have been troublesome, right?"

I sighed softly, rising from the bed. Her concern was touching, but it was also misplaced. As I moved closer, her body tensed, her posture stiffening.

"Lift your face at least, dummy," I said gently, threading my fingers through her auburn hair to lift her gaze to mine. Her brown eyes were moist, shimmering with unshed tears as they met my azure ones.

'This girl... she's been that worried about me?' I thought, surprised by the depth of her concern.

"I didn't save you for any grand reason," I said truthfully. Logically, it might have been wiser to conceal my true strength, to focus on escaping with Baron Cedric or Lucas while using Count Arlen as a shield. But logic hadn't driven my actions that day.

I did it because I wanted to save Lyra.

"It's simply because I wanted to save you, Lyra," I answered, my voice steady. "Does there need to be a grand reason to save one's best friend?"

Her eyes widened, the moisture pooling before spilling over her cheeks. She bit her lip, trying to contain her emotions.

" really consider me your best friend?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of relief and disbelief.

"Of course," I said, smiling warmly. "You've always been there for me, and I'll always be there for you. That's what friends do."

Her lips curved into a small, grateful smile, her shoulders relaxing as if a heavy burden had been lifted. She wiped her tears away with the back of her hand, nodding.

"Thank you, Lancelot," she whispered. "I promise I won't tell anyone about your power. I'll keep your secret safe."

"I know," I chuckled, flicking her forehead gently. "That's why I showcased my power like that."

She pouted, her lips puckering adorably before she playfully punched my arm.

"Hey, you can't hit a patient, you know!" I laughed, rubbing my arm theatrically.

"So annoying," Lyra grumbled, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Well, don't worry, you'll eventually be able to reach Sword Domain as well," I said, trying to reassure her.

She muttered something under her breath before turning to me with a smirk. "Are you sure about that, Mr. Sword Saint?" she teased, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment.

'Sword Saint.' The title was reserved for those in the Killion Empire who had reached the level of Domain. Magnus Lumar, for example, was known as the Spear Saint for his mastery of Spear Domain.

Currently, the best swordsman in the Empire didn't hold the title of Sword Saint, as he hadn't reached the level of Sword Domain and was only at the level of Sword Intent.

Of course, in a real fight, given my current mana core, he would easily defeat me. But at the same mana stage, I would undoubtedly have the upper hand. Still, I had a long way to go before I could even think of challenging him.

"Saint, huh?" I mused, shaking my head with a smile. "I have a lot of growing to do before I can truly earn that title."

Lyra's eyes sparkled with determination. "Well, when you do, I'll be right there with you. And maybe, just maybe, I'll be the next Sword Saint after you."

I laughed softly, the pain in my body momentarily forgotten. "I'd like to see that, Lyra. I'd really like to see that."

"Don't change your words when I surpass you in swordsmanship," she giggled, her eyes gleaming with playfulness. "By the way, I am curious about something."

"Sure, ask me," I said, my heart beating a bit faster, fearing she might ask a question I wasn't ready to answer.

"Is there anything after Sword Domain?" she asked, her tone turning serious. "I mean, you reached that level at the age of ten, so surely you can improve further, right?"

Surpassing Sword Domain. In my past life, it was an unfeasible thought since I had reached it just a year before confronting Ozyrokth and meeting my end. But in this life, I had many years ahead before reaching maturity.

Could my swordsmanship go beyond Sword Domain?

"I don't know," I said honestly, shrugging my shoulders. "Maybe it's the limit of my talent, but I can't visualize anything beyond Sword Domain yet. If there is something more, I'll be sure to tell you about it."

Lyra's eyes widened with curiosity. "Really? There's nothing else you can think of?"

I shook my head. "Sword Domain is already a rare achievement. Most swordsmen spend their entire lives trying to reach it. To think of something beyond it... it's difficult."

She nodded slowly, absorbing my words. "But you're different, Lancelot. You've already achieved so much at such a young age. If anyone can find a way beyond Sword Domain, it's you."

Her faith in me warmed my heart. "Thank you, Lyra. I'll keep pushing my limits, and who knows? Maybe I'll discover something new."

Lyra smiled brightly and nodded.

The conversation left me deep in thought. Could there be a level beyond Sword Domain? In my past life, I had never even considered it. But now, with a second chance at life and years ahead of me, the possibilities seemed endless.

As Lyra left the room, I lay back on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My body still ached from the battle, but my mind was alight with new resolve. If there was a level beyond Sword Domain, I would find it.

So that my sword will cut through any threats I face in this life.

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