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33.33% Royal Resurgence / Chapter 16: Festival

Chapter 16: Festival

"Do you know there's a festival in the city tonight?" my sister asked as she sipped her tea.

"Oh yes," my mother exclaimed, clapping her hands. "It's the festival organized by the Holy Church! I almost forgot about that."

I narrowed my eyes, sipping my tea thoughtfully.

The Holy Church was a powerful entity within the Holy Empire of Archus, an empire split between two main factions: the Pope and the Holy Emperor. While the Holy Emperor held supreme authority, the Pope possessed the crucial power to crown the Emperor, creating a delicate balance of power.

This balance was the only reason the Holy Empire of Archus hadn't surpassed Hyperion and Antalus in influence yet.

The Holy Church's reach extended far beyond the empire's borders, touching other kingdoms and empires across the continent. In major powers like the Killion Empire, nearly every city and village had church buildings staffed with priests and nuns.

This widespread presence was generally beneficial. The churches provided food and clothing for the poor and served as shelters for orphans. Consequently, it was difficult for other powers to remove these churches, especially since many people deeply believed in the Holy Church's mission.

"Are you planning to attend?" I asked, setting my cup down.

My mother shook her head with a sad smile. "Unfortunately, it's frowned upon for nobles to attend such events."

That made sense. The Killion Empire didn't favor the presence of the churches but had to tolerate them. The Imperial Family, therefore, pressured the nobles to distance themselves from such faiths.

"It is a bit odd that there's only one religion," I muttered under my breath.

My father overheard and responded, "Oh, have you not learned about the Holy War yet?"

I shook my head. He scratched his head before summarizing, "Basically, after the Holy Church became the Holy Empire of Archus a thousand years ago, they exorcised and destroyed all other religions. At that time, those religions hadn't spread across the continent and were concentrated in one location, so it was relatively easy for them."

"Do you know how they managed to do it?" my mother asked. When I shook my head again, she explained, "Holy armaments, along with the Hero and the Saintess."

"I'll give you a book to read after breakfast," my mother hummed, rubbing the top of my head affectionately.

I nodded eagerly as the four of us continued talking until breakfast was over. Once we finished eating, we headed to the library in our estate, where my mother promised to give me a book about the Holy Empire of Archus.

The library was a grand room filled with towering shelves of books, the scent of aged paper and leather filling the air. Sunlight streamed through large windows, casting a warm glow over the polished wooden floors. My mother led us to a section dedicated to historical texts, her fingers trailing along the spines until she found the book she was looking for.

"Here it is," she said, pulling out a thick, leather-bound volume. The cover was embossed with intricate designs, and the title, "The Rise of the Holy Empire of Archus," was gilded in gold.

I took the book from her, feeling the weight of it in my hands. "Thank you, Mother," I said, excitement bubbling within me.

"Remember to read it thoroughly," she advised. "It's important to understand the history and the impact of the Holy Empire on our world."

"I will," I promised, already flipping through the pages as I walked back to my room.

As I read through the book, everything started to make sense. The Holy Church had solid "proof" of the deity they served, the Goddess of Light, Lumina.

This proof came in the form of Holy Armaments—overpowered artifacts charged with light magic. Additionally, the Church had the Hero and the Saintess, two incredibly powerful figures who enabled them to destroy other religions through both military might and political influence.

As a result, the Holy Empire of Archus became too powerful and influential for any other religion to rise.

'Honestly, each of the other three empires is on a completely different level,' I thought, my brows furrowing.

If their eyes ever turned to the Killion Empire, it would only be a matter of time before we were forced to our knees.

But there was a reason these three Empires didn't expand too much. The first was the balance of power among them. The second, and perhaps most crucial, was cultural difference. A massive empire with too many contrasting cultures would result in internal imbalance and eventual collapse.

This had happened to many empires in the past in my previous world as well.

'Oh, another reason the Holy Empire is so powerful is because of Archus itself.'

Archus was the name given to the land by the Pope of that time. It supposedly held many important Holy Armaments that they needed, along with high natural defenses.

'Including the Holy Sword, Luminaris.'

It is said that every century or so, a new Hero and Saintess arise, blessed by the Goddess Lumina, leading to great prosperity for the Holy Empire.

Beyond these two, the Empire boasted many powerful forces as one would expect: Paladins, apostles, throngs of believers, and considerable influence not just through religion but also through trading and satellite kingdoms.

The reason they hadn't dominated the continent, aside from the balance between the Pope and the Holy Emperor, was due to the Hyperion Empire and Antalus Empire keeping them in check.

If not for these two powerful empires, the entire continent would likely be under the direct or indirect control of the Holy Empire of Archus.

I closed the book, my mind racing with all the new information. Suddenly, my sister barged into the room, the door swinging open with force.

Her eyes widened when she saw me, and she quickly came closer, hugging me before whispering into my ear, "Want to sneak into the festival?"

The excitement in her voice was contagious. I pulled back slightly, looking at her eager expression. "Are you sure it's a good idea?" I asked, a hint of a smile forming on my lips.

"Come on," she urged, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "It'll be fun! Besides, when do we ever get a chance to see the city like this?"

I glanced at the book in my hands, then back at my sister. The idea of sneaking into the festival was tempting. It would be a chance to experience the city's energy and see the festival up close, something I'd only ever heard about.

"Alright," I agreed, closing the book and setting it aside. "Let's do it."

We waited until the estate was wrapped in the deep, slumberous hush of the night. The dim glow of the moon filtered through our windows, casting long shadows across the room. I slipped out of bed, dressed quickly, and moved silently to the balcony door. With a slight touch of mana, I muffled the creaking hinges as I opened it, stepping out into the dimly lit balcony.

Using just the barest whisper of mana, I masked my presence, making my way toward my sister's room from outside. My footsteps were nearly silent, each step carefully placed to avoid any noise.

When I reached my sister's balcony, I tapped lightly in a predetermined pattern. After a moment, she opened the door, her eyes bright with excitement. She was already dressed and ready, having masked her presence with her own mana.

"Let's go," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

We moved like shadows through the estate, our breaths shallow and our senses heightened as we went down to the ground. The first guard post was ahead. I signaled my sister to stop, raising my hand. The guard stood at his post, eyes scanning the area but missing the subtle distortion in the air caused by our mana. We crept past him, the sound of our hearts pounding in our ears louder than our footsteps.

We reached the courtyard, where the moonlight bathed everything in a silvery glow. The garden's flowers were closed for the night, their sweet fragrance lingering in the air. We ducked behind a hedge as another guard passed by, his footsteps echoing on the stone path.

Once the guard was out of sight, we slipped through the garden gate, the cool metal barely making a sound as it closed behind us. We moved swiftly across the open space, staying low to avoid detection. The tall walls of the estate loomed ahead, but we knew the secret passage – a narrow gap in the wall covered by ivy.

We squeezed through the gap, careful not to disturb the ivy too much. On the other side, the night stretched out before us, filled with the distant sounds of the festival. We shared a triumphant smile, the thrill of our successful escape coursing through us.

The city beyond the estate walls was alive with activity, lanterns glowing warmly and music drifting on the breeze. The excitement of the festival awaited us, a world of color and sound just beyond our reach.

The moment we stepped into the bustling streets of the festival, it was like entering another world. The city was alive with vibrant energy, the air buzzing with laughter and music. Lanterns hung overhead, casting a warm, golden glow over everything. The flickering light created a magical atmosphere, making the ordinary streets seem almost enchanted.

We wandered through the crowd, blending in seamlessly. The stalls lining the streets were bursting with colors and activity. Vendors called out, trying to attract customers to their booths adorned with trinkets, handmade crafts, and an array of delicious street food. The mouth-watering aroma of roasted meats, sweet pastries, and exotic spices filled the air, making my stomach rumble in anticipation.

"Look at that!" my sister exclaimed, pointing to a stall where a vendor skillfully shaped sugar into delicate, intricate designs.

We watched in awe as he crafted a dragon, its wings spread wide, the details so fine it looked almost lifelike.

"Can we get one?" she asked, eyes sparkling.

"Sure," I replied, buying a pair of the sugary creations. We bit into them, the sweetness melting on our tongues as we continued our journey.

Music played from every corner, a mix of lively tunes and melodic ballads. We passed a group of musicians playing a fast-paced folk song, the fiddle and drums creating an infectious rhythm. People danced in a circle nearby, their movements fluid and joyful.

"Come on, let's join them!" my sister urged, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the dance.

We spun and twirled, laughter bubbling up as we tried to keep up with the steps. It was exhilarating, the world spinning around us in a blur of lights and sounds.

As we moved further into the festival, we came across a puppet show. Children gathered around, their eyes wide with wonder as the puppets came to life, telling stories of brave heroes and mythical creatures.

"This is amazing," my sister whispered, her gaze fixed on the performance. We stood at the back, watching the show, the simple joy of the children around us adding to the magic of the moment.

As the evening wore on, the festival grew even more lively. We found ourselves at the heart of the celebration, where a large bonfire crackled and sparked. People gathered around, some singing, others simply enjoying the warmth. The firelight danced on their faces, casting long shadows and creating a sense of camaraderie among strangers.

We sat by the bonfire, sharing a skewer of grilled meat and a warm pastry filled with spiced apples.

"This is delicious," my sister said, savoring a bite. "I'm glad we came."

"Me too," I agreed, enjoying the flavors and the festive atmosphere.

Eventually, the night began to wind down, the energy of the festival slowly ebbing as people started to drift home. We made our way back through the now less-crowded streets, the lanterns still glowing softly above.

"That was so much fun," my sister said, her voice filled with contentment. "We should do this more often."

"Absolutely," I replied, feeling a warm glow in my chest as we approached our estate.

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