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31.25% Royal Resurgence / Chapter 15: Green Core

Chapter 15: Green Core

Two years had passed under Baron Cedric's rigorous tutelage, each day honing my spearmanship and pushing my boundaries. Despite my progress, it was hard to measure just how far I had come in my mastery of the spear. However, one thing was clear: my advancement in spearmanship lagged behind the development of my mana core, which was now on the brink of reaching the green core stage.

Reaching a green core was a significant milestone, a level of power few achieved. In terms of sheer strength, I was already formidable with a sword.

"What are you thinking about when a fine lady such as myself is right in front of you, Lancelot?" A mellifluous voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned to see Lyra smiling at me.

She sipped her tea, her lips curling into a smirk. Her auburn hair and brown eyes might have been common in my previous life, but in this world influenced by mana, they were rare. Her hair was neatly braided, complementing her doll-like appearance.

'No one would guess this girl uses a sword to fight,' I mused.

"Why are you staring at me?" Lyra asked, her eyes narrowing as she set her cup down with a light clink.

"Is it a crime to look at your face?" I tilted my head, trying to suppress a smirk.

Lyra rolled her eyes, her smirk widening. "Only if you make it weird, Lancelot."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Fair enough. So, what brings you here today?"

"Can't a friend visit without a reason?" Lyra raised an eyebrow, her expression softening. "Besides, I wanted to see how your training is going."

"Want to lose again?" I teased, watching as a rosy flush spread across her cheeks. Lyra was undeniably talented—second only to Lucas in swordsmanship but surpassing him in mana control.

I could easily see her becoming as strong as an Imperial Knight Captain one day. Her potential was immense, yet she compared herself to someone she thought of as a mere friend, not realizing she was up against a complete monster known as Lancelot Orbel, also known as me.

'If only she knew I was already stronger than the Imperial Knights,' I thought with an internal chuckle.

The shock might have been too much for her.

Well, that was only with a sword. The reason I could beat her with the spear was more related to my superior mana core than my superior technique.

"I'm preparing to reach the green stage finally," I said, taking a bite out of the cookie. Delicious.

"What?!" Lyra shrieked, her voice so high-pitched that my eyes widened in shock as I winced.

"Sorry," she quickly apologized, glancing around at the maids who were now staring at us. She waved them off with an embarrassed smile.

"But a green core?!" she whispered, turning back to me, her brown eyes digging into my skin like daggers.

"Yes, a green core," I chuckled, savoring her reaction.

It was a very justified response. My mother had reached the green core at twenty-three, and Lucas, with all his talent, had reached it just before turning fourteen.

I was going to reach it at the age of ten.

"Seriously, you might be the most talented guy in the Empire," she huffed, swinging her brown hair behind her head.

"I don't know, I heard some of those high noble children are real monsters," I commented, resting my cheek on my palm.

"Didn't even your teacher, the retired Imperial Knight, say you were incredibly talented?" Lyra said, emphasizing the words "Imperial Knight" with a touch of sarcasm.

"Are you just trying to make yourself feel better for losing all those times?" I replied, tilting my head with a wide grin.

"I sometimes wonder why I put up with an egotistical genius like you," she sighed, crossing her arms.

"Perhaps because I am a genius," I said with a playful wink.

Lyra rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "You know, if your ego gets any bigger, we'll have to find a new training ground."

I laughed, the sound echoing in the spacious courtyard. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden hue over everything. The maids had returned to their duties, leaving us in relative solitude.

"You really think I'm that bad?" I asked, leaning back against the stone bench.

"You're insufferable," she teased, her eyes twinkling. "But I suppose that's what makes"

"Well, someone has to keep things interesting around here," I said, finishing the last of the cookie. "Besides, you need someone to push you to your limits."

"True," she admitted, her expression softening. "But sometimes, I wonder what it's like to be as strong as you."

"You'll get there," I said confidently. "With your talent and effort, it's only a matter of time."

She looked up at me, her eyes shining with a mix of gratitude and determination. "I hope so," she said softly.

"Believe it," I said firmly. "Now, ready to lose again?"

Her laughter filled the courtyard as she drew her sword, the familiar challenge sparking between us. "Bring it on, genius."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the courtyard, Lyra and I sparred vigorously, our swords clashing with a rhythmic intensity. She fought with skill and precision, each move calculated to test my defenses.

"You're quick today," I remarked, deflecting a swift strike.

She grinned, eyes focused. "I've been practicing."

We continued our dance of steel, each moment a challenge and a test of our abilities. The courtyard echoed with the sound of our footwork and the occasional clash of blades.

"You know," Lyra said between breaths, "sometimes I wonder how you manage to stay so calm in battle."

I shrugged, parrying another strike. "Years of practice, I guess."

She nodded thoughtfully, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Do you ever get nervous?"

"Of course," I admitted, stepping back to catch my breath. "But I've learned to trust my instincts."

Lyra lowered her sword, studying me with a curious expression. "You make it sound so easy."

"It's not," I admitted, wiping sweat from my brow.

I thrust again with my spear, pushing Lyra to parry with swift precision. As she countered, I imbued more mana into my strike, aiming to momentarily disrupt her defense. The blunt end of my spear lightly struck her abdomen, causing her to stumble and fall.

Before she could recover, I swiftly disarmed her, my hand wrapping around the hilt of her sword.

"I thought we agreed not to focus on mana today," she said, managing a playful pout despite her defeat.

"I didn't imbue it with an element," I clarified, "just pure mana."

"Oh, really?" she tilted her head, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. "My bad then."

I offered her a hand, helping her up from the ground. The courtyard was quiet now, bathed in the soft hues of dusk. Despite our sparring, there was an unspoken camaraderie between us, a shared understanding of the dedication and skill required to hone our abilities.

"Good spar," I said, handing back her sword with a grin.

"Next time," she replied, a determined glint in her eye, "I'll be ready."

"Anyway, I'll go and break through now," I announced.

"Now?" she asked, eyes widening. "Can I stay?"

"You have a weird taste, but sure," I muttered, though Lyra's sharp hearing caught it, making her blush deeply as she slapped my shoulder.

I instructed the knights and maids to stand guard vigilantly as I settled into a quiet spot, assuming the lotus position. Drawing in ambient mana, I channeled it through my body, directing its flow toward my yellow core and endeavoring to push it toward the green stage.

It proved to be a taxing and arduous process. Gradually, with the steady addition of mana, the yellow layer began to peel away, revealing a vibrant green core beneath.

As the last remnants of yellow dissolved, the verdant core hummed with newfound energy.

Mana surged through me like a torrent, its strength coursing through my veins with a wildfire intensity. Opening my eyes, I saw Lyra watching with wide-eyed awe and admiration.

Green core.

Now, I was a little closer to my goal.

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