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36.11% Omnitrix Ascendant / Chapter 13: Chapter 12 : A Night of Gratitude

Chapter 13: Chapter 12 : A Night of Gratitude

Chapter 12: A Night of Gratitude

Alan stood over the dead body of the large boar, his sword still dripping with the creature's blood. The villagers began to gather around him, their eyes wide with surprise and relief. For days, this monstrous boar had terrorized them, and now it lay lifeless at Alan's feet.

The chief of the village, Roderick, came running toward Alan, his face a mix of disbelief and gratitude. "You did it! You really did it!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

Alan nodded, wiping the sweat from his brow. "It's done. Your fields should be safe now."

Roderick clasped Alan's hand tightly. "Thank you, Alan. You've saved us from a great deal of suffering. We're forever in your debt."

Alan shook his head modestly. "Just doing my job, Chief."

He then knelt beside the boar and, with practiced precision, cut off its head. "I need to take this back to the guild as proof," he explained. "The rest of the body is yours. Use it as you see fit."

Alan felt the life essense of the boar traveling to his body.

'Ohh, god I won't forget this sensation.... It's like getting high. It got a good chunk of essense too.'

The villagers watched in amazement as Alan handed the boar's body over to them. They murmured their thanks, already discussing how the meat would be divided and used.

"Thank you, thank you," the villagers repeated, their voices filled with gratitude. Some of them patted Alan on the back, while others simply stared at him with admiration.

Roderick placed a hand on Alan's shoulder. "Please, stay the night. You must be exhausted. My home is yours."

Alan nodded. "Thank you, Chief. I appreciate your hospitality."

That night, Alan stayed in Roderick's home. It was a humble abode, but it was warm and welcoming. The chief's family treated Alan like an honored guest, providing him with a hearty meal and a comfortable place to rest.

As they sat around the dinner table, Roderick couldn't stop expressing his gratitude. "You know, Alan, we were starting to lose hope. That boar seemed unstoppable. But you handled it so effortlessly."

"It wasn't easy," Alan admitted. "But I've had training. And the guild wouldn't have sent me if they didn't think I could handle it."

Roderick nodded. "Still, it means a lot to us. You're welcome here anytime."

"Thank you," Alan said, appreciating the warmth of the chief's family. "It's good to know there are places like this where adventurers can find refuge."

After dinner, Alan retired to his room, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. He had completed his first mission and earned the respect of an entire village. It was a good start to his journey.

The next morning, Alan woke up early. He dressed quickly, strapping his long sword to his back and ensuring the boar's head was securely wrapped for travel. He made his way to the front of the house where Roderick was already waiting.

"You're leaving already?" the chief asked.

"Yes, I need to get this head back to the guild," Alan replied. "But thank you for everything."

Roderick nodded. "Safe travels, Alan. And remember, you're always welcome here."

"I will," Alan said with a smile. He shook the chief's hand one last time and turned to leave the village.

As Alan walked through the village, the residents waved and called out their thanks. He acknowledged them with nods and waves, feeling a sense of pride and fulfillment.

'I feel like a celebrity here....'

Leaving the village behind, Alan decided to take a detour through the forest. He needed to keep his skills sharp, and hunting was a good way to do that. The forest was dense and teeming with life, and Alan knew it would provide ample opportunities for a good hunt.

He moved quietly through the underbrush, his senses alert. His time in the wild had taught him the importance of being aware of his surroundings. The forest was peaceful, but he knew danger could be lurking anywhere.

After some time, Alan spotted a deer grazing in a clearing. He drew his bow, not wanting to waste energy on unnecessary transformations. He took a deep breath, aimed carefully, and threw a rock straight to it's head. It flew true, striking the deer cleanly.

Alan approached his kill and quickly set about preparing the deer for transport. He decided he would take the meat back to Tallian, both as proof of his continued training and as supplies for his journey. The hunt was a success, and it gave him a sense of accomplishment that rivaled even the defeat of the boar.

"I'm like the monkey Titan from Attack on Titans, it's pretty cool." Alan talked to himself while he covered the deer meet and placed it on his sholder.

Satisfied with his hunt, Alan resumed his journey toward the forest.

Alan walked through the dense forest with the deer meat slung over his shoulder. His goal was clear: hunt down monsters and absorb their life essence to grow stronger. The forest was teeming with life, and Alan knew that danger lurked behind every tree and bush.

He stopped and activated his Omnitrix, selecting Wildmutt. The transformation was quick, and soon Alan was in his beastly form, his senses heightened. The world around him became a tapestry of scents, each one telling a different story. He sniffed the air, catching the scent of nearby monsters.

Alan began his hunt, moving silently through the underbrush. He soon picked up the scent of wolf-like creatures. Following the trail, he found a pack of them feasting on a recent kill. Without hesitation, Alan pounced. His claws tore through fur and flesh, and the wolves barely had time to react before they were on the ground, lifeless.

He absorbed their life essence, feeling a surge of power coursing through him. It was an addictive feeling, one that fueled his determination to continue. Alan moved on, his nose guiding him to new targets.

"Ahhh" Alan let out a satisfied sigh.

Next, he encountered a group of goblins. They were huddled around a small fire, unaware of the predator stalking them. Alan circled around them, ensuring they had no escape. With a mighty leap, he was among them, claws slashing in a frenzy. The goblins tried to fight back, but they were no match for Wildmutt's ferocity. Alan absorbed their life essence, their strength becoming his.

"I wanna be the very best..." Alan sang the opening song of a certain show he used to watch as he bulldozed through the monsters.

Alan's hunt continued, each kill adding to his power. He took down boars with swift, brutal efficiency, his claws making short work of their tough hides. The life essence of each creature he killed flowed into him, making him stronger, faster, and more resilient.

Eventually, the Omnitrix beeped, signaling the end of his time as Wildmutt.

"Ops looks like I'm out of juice".

Alan reverted to his human form, not wasting a moment. He drew his sword and continued his hunt. He had become adept at using the monsters' own instincts against them, laying traps with the corpses of his earlier kills.

"I wanna be the very best....." Alan sang a opening song of a show he used to watch.

Alan's sword flashed in the moonlight as he cut down any monster that came into his sight. A lone goblin stumbled upon him and rushed with a crude weapon. Alan sidestepped the attack and, with a swift motion, severed the goblin's head. He felt the rush of absorbing the life essence, though it was less intense than in his alien form.

Using the carcasses as bait, Alan set up ambushes. Wolves were the first to fall for his trap. Attracted by the smell of blood, they approached cautiously. Alan, hiding in the shadows, waited until they were within striking distance before springing his attack. His sword struck with deadly precision, cutting through the wolves' thick fur and into their vital organs. He absorbed their essence, feeling the incremental growth in his abilities.

As he moved deeper into the forest, Alan encountered larger prey. A massive boar charged at him, tusks gleaming in the dim light. Alan stood his ground, waiting until the last moment before dodging to the side and slashing at the boar's flank. The beast roared in pain, but Alan was relentless. He struck again and again until the boar fell, lifeless. He knelt by the carcass, feeling the life essence flow into him.

Alan's hunting spree continued through the night. Goblins, boars, wolves – all fell before him. Each kill was methodical, each absorption of life essence bringing him closer to his goal. The forest floor was littered with the bodies of his enemies, a testament to his prowess as a hunter.

As dawn approached, Alan felt the weariness of battle settle into his bones. He had absorbed a significant amount of life essence, but he knew there was always more to be gained. He took a moment to rest, leaning against a tree and surveying the carnage he had wrought. His body ached, but the power he had gained made it worthwhile.

"Ahhh, time for a good night sleep"

Alan wiped the blood from his sword and sheathed it, ready to continue his journey. The forest had been a proving ground, a place where he could test and hone his skills. Now, with his power increased, he felt more prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

The next day.

He started walking again, the forest slowly waking up around him. Birds began to sing, and the first light of dawn filtered through the trees. Alan knew he had to return to Tallian and report his success, but the hunt had given him a renewed sense of purpose. He was not just surviving; he was thriving, growing stronger with each battle.

With a final glance at the forest behind him, Alan set his sights on the path ahead. There would be more hunts, more monsters to slay, and more life essence to absorb. The journey was far from over, and Alan was ready for whatever came next.

Hey guys I hope you liked the story.

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