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CH-8. Planning

"Alex, you...are awesome."

Sabrina lay on the dining table for a long time before she recovered. She looked at Alex with lingering fear but excited, then walked to the bathroom tremblingly, holding on to the wall.

Her body was almost destroyed just now, it was too fierce.

However, she could only endure it, because the person who pounded her body was a billionaire and its not that she didn't liked it, she loved it.

After the in-depth communication between the two today, they will become familiar with each other and their relationship will be further sublimated. Maybe she can snatch this tall, rich and handsome man from her best friend.

If all else fails, selling some financial products will do.

In short, compared with the benefits, the physical pain is nothing.

Alex ran into the kitchen, brought the remaining dishes to the table, and took out his cell phone.

There were more than a dozen missed calls on the phone, all from Rita, and there were dozens of messages on WeChat.

He ignored it, took a photo of the dining table and posted it on his Moments.

"This is... Sabrina's house."

Rita, who was applying a facial mask, was bored and started browsing her circle of friends. When she saw the photos posted by Alex, she immediately became furious.

Isn't this the dining table at my best friend's house?

She often went to Sabrina's house and occasionally stayed there for a few days. She was very familiar with every table, chair, bowl and chopstick in Sabrina's house.

This dining table and the background behind it are clearly the furnishings of Sabrina's home.

"No wonder he didn't answer my calls or reply to my WeChat messages today. It turns out he's with this shameless bitch."

"You dare to steal my man. I'll tear you apart."

After figuring out what was going on, Rita called her best friend.

However, no one answered the call after several calls!

She tore off the mask on her face, without even bothering to change her clothes, and ran downstairs angrily.

If it were in the past, she wouldn't care who took Alex away, after all, she only had one house.

But now it's different!

Alex's current net worth is 500 million!

She must hold on to this billionaire boyfriend no matter what and must not let other women snatch him away!

"Rita, why...why are you here?"

Half an hour later, she finally knocked on her best friend's door.

Seeing her coming, Sabrina seemed quite surprised.


Rita slapped her without saying a word.

"How dare you, you shameless bitch, seduce my man."

"I thought you were just talking, but I didn't expect you to be serious about it."

"I will tear you apart!"

After saying, Rita started tearing Sabrina's hair.

"What's wrong with stealing your man?"

"Since you are fooling around with Sam, can't Alex find a woman outside."

"If I tell him about this, don't you know he will dump you immediately."

"you dare...!"

"I'll beat you to death, you shameless bitch!"

"You are shameless for playing both sides."

Seeing that the truth was revealed, Sabrina simply stopped pretending and fought with Rita with all her might.

She had just sent Alex away when this woman came. Isn't she too well-informed?

However, for the sake of 500 million, she decided to give it a try, so she grabbed something from the ground and smashed it hard at Rita's face.

"Ouch, you bitch, how dare you hit me with your high heels."

"I'll beat you to death!"

"I'll beat you to death, you bitch!"

"You are trespassing. I won't break the law even if I kill you."

Neither of them showed any weakness and the fight started from the door to the living room, and then from the living room to the police station!

Finally, only after paying the public security fine and walking out of the police station did the two women, who had bruised faces and noses, calm down.

"If Alex get to know about you and Sam, he would definitely break up with you."

"If you don't let me live well, I won't let you live well either."

"If he knew that you were only after his money, would he want you? Humph."

"If we continue to fight like this, both of us will suffer and no one will benefit."

"If you don't steal my man, will I fight you?"

"How about this, since we're all for the five hundred million, how about we work together?"

"How to cooperate?"

"How about we swindle him out of the 500 million in the name of investment and then split it between the two of us."

"Well... okay! But I'll take 60% and you'll take 40%. After all, I'm his real girlfriend."


"We both have wounds on our faces, so we can't meet him for the next few days. Wait until the wounds heal. He's a dog who can't resist temptation. As long as you listen to me, you will definitely be able to fascinate him."

"Okay, I'll go buy some sexy lingerie tomorrow."

"He likes pushchairs the most. Buy him some yoga clothes and take some sexy side profile photos for him. He will definitely take the bait."

"Then I'll also go to Sam's gym and get a membership, and then we can take photos of each other."

The two shook hands and made peace again, and made a plan to deal with Alex.

"Alex, all these dishes are packed. Do you want me to find a car to deliver them to you?"

The next day at noon, at the entrance of the restaurant at where Alex booked the food, Mark saw Alex driving a van towards him and hurried to meet him.

In order to prepare a thousand banquets within three days, he temporarily hired more than a dozen chefs and dozens of people to help.

It's hard work, but it will only take three days.

"No need, just let them put it in the van."

Alex opened the back door of the van and shook his head.

"It's too small to fit everything in this van. We have more than 300 tables of food and wine today.

"It's okay. At worst I can just drive a few more times."

"That's right... You guys, come over and load the dishes."

Mark didn't think much about it and started instructing the waiters to load the food into the van. It didn't take long before the entire van was filled.

Alex locked the car door and drove to Allmart Shopping Plaza opposite his community.

Rebecca was quite trustworthy. Five excavators were working at the same time. It only took half a day today and the foundation of the wall was almost completed.

At this rate, we can pour the wall tomorrow.

When the person in charge of the construction work learned that he was the owner of the hypermarket, he immediately let him go without saying a word.

Alex parked the van in front of the supermarket, then got into the van and put all the wine and food into the space.

The reason why he bought this small van from Mark at a high price yesterday was to conceal his tracks.

If you put the wine and food into your body space in full view of everyone in the hotel, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

But if he put the food in the van and then put it into his internal space, it would not arouse suspicion.

Next, he did the same thing and ran several times before he managed to store more than 300 tables of banquets into the space.

The space inside his body has the function of stopping time.

No matter what it is, it will remain the same when you put it in.

In other words, it's hot when you put it in, and it's still hot when you take it out.

After finishing his work, he drove his small van straight to the fruit and vegetable wholesale market.

In addition to stocking up on meat and alcohol, you also need to stock up on some vegetables and fruits.

You must know that after the doomsday comes, not only are there zombies rampant in the city, but there are also many mutant beasts outside the city. It was very difficult to eat fresh vegetables and fruits.

It was not until humans awakened their superpowers and became powerful that they dared to go outside the city to look for vegetables and fruits.

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