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69.44% One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames / Chapter 100: Chapter 100:Forcing the Five elders to Cancel the Buster call!

Chapter 100: Chapter 100:Forcing the Five elders to Cancel the Buster call!

Sengoku looked silently at Kizaru, who, under the influence of the Ghost Fruit, kept muttering dejected words. It was his error in judgment that led to Kizaru's defeat and capture by Pluton Rayleigh, Fujitora, and "Little Thief Cat" Nami. Of these three, only Nami's Haki was not strong enough to match Kizaru, but he could not confidently claim victory over the other two. Kizaru's Sparkling Fruit gave him the fastest speed in the ocean, but against three formidable opponents, even the top Four Emperors would falter.

Kizaru's defeat was my responsibility, Sengoku thought bitterly. Now, Kizaru, an Admiral of Headquarters, was being used as a bargaining chip by Portgas D. Ace. This was unprecedented in the 800-year history of the World Government. An Admiral of Headquarters, the highest combat force, had never been used as a bargaining chip before. And it happened under his watch as Marine Marshal. This total failure against the Entei Pirates marked the end of his career. He was a failed Marine Marshal. Kizaru's defeat and the unprecedented loss at Naval Headquarters were on his shoulders.

Sengoku clenched his fists, his face filled with bitterness.

A strong hand was placed on Sengoku's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Sengoku. No one blames you," said Garp, a rare gentle smile on his face.

Sengoku raised his head to look at Garp.

Sengoku slapped Garp's hand away after a long silence.

"Do you think I'm going to cry, old guy?" Sengoku said in a low voice, turning his back to Garp.

"Who knows? But I still have a donut record to break. Old man, do you want to try for 31 together?" Garp smiled, raising the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Ah, it seems, not bad." Sengoku lowered his head, his expression hidden, but his tone somewhat relieved. Despite the bitter tears shed by all the Marine officers and soldiers, none blamed him. Even Kizaru, defeated and tormented by the Ghost Fruit, did not hold him responsible.

Facing a man who could force even the Five Elders to compromise, the failure of Naval Headquarters was inevitable.

Remember the bitter taste of defeat, young Marines. The future is yours.

Sengoku lowered his head, wiping the corners of his eyes. He then straightened his chest and walked to the front of all the Marines, looking directly at Ace's back, returning to his role as The Resourceful General, Buddha Sengoku. As Marine Marshal, even in failure, he had to face it head-on.


The Marine officers and soldiers, seeing the mountain-like figure standing before them, felt a tremble in their lips.

All Marine officers and soldiers stood at attention, their chests straight. Although tears still flowed uncontrollably under their hats, they stood tall, facing failure with resolve.

"Marshal." Aokiji looked at Sengoku's tall back with a complicated expression. Sengoku was a successful Marine Marshal. As The Resourceful General, he maintained the balance of the sea during the Great Pirate Age. Even in the face of such a terrible defeat, Sengoku still aroused the fighting spirit of all Marine officers and soldiers.

If I become Marine Marshal, can I surpass Marshal Sengoku?

Aokiji asked himself silently. The answer left him silent. He didn't know. He had no absolute confidence in surpassing Sengoku. But even someone as outstanding as Sengoku couldn't change the fact that the Marines were a violent tool under the World Government. Even if Aokiji became Marine Marshal, could he reform the Marines and influence the World Government to create a world where everyone could eat and party?

This war has provided the answer.

The power of the Marines, even with Aokiji as Admiral, couldn't change the situation. For the first time, Aokiji realized the true strength of the Five Elders—immortal monsters who treated people like insects. The real power of the World Government lay with the Knights of God. The Marines were just one of the external forces, a violent tool to maintain the World Government's dominance over the sea.

But a man who could change the decisions of the World Government and influence the world's direction...

Aokiji looked at Ace's back, his focus gradually sharpening.

Only this man, Portgas D. Ace, could change it all.

Is it time to make up your mind?

Aokiji clenched his fists.

"Using Kizaru as a bargaining chip?"

The Five Elders stared at Kizaru lying at Ace's feet, their expressions hardening, fury evident in their eyes. The Admiral of Headquarters is considered the pinnacle of the world government's combat power. While an admiral can be injured or even killed in battle, being captured and then used as a bargaining chip was unprecedented in their 800-year history. Portgas D. Ace was openly humiliating the World Government.

Despite their anger, they had no choice but to agree to this deal. All the elites of Naval Headquarters were watching. Even if they wanted to abandon Kizaru, they couldn't. The Five Elders might disregard the opinions of lesser individuals, and even the Marine Marshal was just a tool for controlling the Marines, a violent organization. However, alienating all Marine officers and soldiers would pose a significant threat to their rule. Therefore, they had to accept this deal using Kizaru as a bargaining chip.

Damn it! Another trap by Portgas D. Ace.

Originally, they expected Ace to directly state his conditions. In that case, the Five Elders would have had the opportunity to negotiate. Despite their willingness to compromise, they weren't entirely without leverage against Ace. If a fight broke out, the Entei Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates would undoubtedly suffer heavy casualties. If Ace's demands were too extreme, even Shanks might try to dissuade him to facilitate an armistice.

But now, Ace was using Kizaru as a bargaining chip in front of all the Naval Headquarters elites. This maneuver forced the Five Elders into a corner, eliminating most of their bargaining power. Ace had once again turned Marine officers and soldiers into pawns, forcing the Five Elders to make further concessions. At this moment, they wished Kizaru had simply died in battle. At least then, the World Government's dignity wouldn't be trampled upon by Ace, and the Five Elders wouldn't be forced into this position.

Is this the strategy of the man who outwitted Sengoku?

Each move forced every present power, whether they liked it or not, to become pieces on Ace's chessboard, manipulated by his will. Even the enemy's strength became a weapon in his hands. Strength, wisdom, strategy—this man had it all. Ace deserved to stand at the top of the sea.

What a terrifying man.

"Phew! He truly instills fear deep within one's heart," Beckman exhaled a puff of smoke, his gaze fixed solemnly on Ace. As a wise man on this sea, Beckman immediately grasped Ace's intentions. It seemed like Ace was giving the World Government an advantage by including Kizaru in the deal without the Five Elders' request. However, in reality, doing so under the watchful eyes of all the Naval Headquarters elites cornered the Five Elders. If they didn't save the Admiral of Headquarters, how could the Marines maintain any cohesion? How could they continue to follow the World Government's orders?


His understanding of human nature and decisiveness in action were astonishing, even to Beckman. Ace had put the Five Elders in an inescapable position.

"Are you afraid too, Beckman?"

Shanks glanced at his right-hand man, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"Ah, of course. I'm human too. Facing a man whose strength, wisdom, and skills surpass my own, fear is a natural instinct. But fear isn't necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary, it can be a source of strength."

Beckman exhaled a puff of smoke, his mouth curving into a slight grin. Fear is an instinct embedded in every living being. The more you resist it, the deeper you sink, ultimately collapsing under its weight, just like Doflamingo. However, accepting it calmly can turn fear into a powerful ally. As one of the top strategists on this sea, Beckman doesn't despise fear. Instead, he uses it to grow stronger.

"State your terms," Saint Saturn finally spoke, breaking the tense silence. The situation had reached a point of no return, and the Five Elders were decisive by nature, ready to accept the transaction by default.

"The terms are simple," Ace replied calmly. "Suspend the Buster Call and ensure the safety of the lives and property of all people in the Sabaody Archipelago. That's my demand. It also fulfills the wishes of my first and second division captains. If you agree, I will return Kizaru to you. If not, the battle continues."

Ace's words sent shockwaves through the crowd. What did Kizaru mean in this context? Ace intended to use Kizaru as a means to influence Aokiji's heart, drawing him to their side. Moreover, he aimed to secure Fujitora's loyalty completely. By forcing the World Government to abort the Super Buster Call, he would expose the failure of their so-called absolute justice, further bolstering his own Haki. It was a masterstroke—killing three birds with one stone.


Everyone present was stunned by Ace's proposition. Abandon the Buster Call in exchange for the safety of the people on Sabaody Archipelago? Was this truly a pirate's negotiation tactic?

"Mr. Ace..." Fujitora's face was a portrait of shock, tears streaming down his cheeks. His sightless eyes filled with emotion. This upright, kind-hearted man never expected such a deal from Ace—one that ensured the people's safety and fulfilled his deepest wish.

"How about it? Fujitora, Ace. He didn't disappoint you, did he? Fate hasn't let you down, has it?" Rayleigh smiled at the tearful Fujitora, his own eyes twinkling.

"Ah, it was fate that brought me to Sabaody Archipelago, that led me to meet Mr. Ace—no, to meet our captain. But, there's one regret."

Fujitora wiped his tears, a genuine smile lighting up his face.

"Regret?" Rayleigh echoed, his own smile deepening.

"It's a pity I can no longer see anything. I wish I could see our captain's face, his hair color, the shape of his eyes. If only I hadn't lost my sight. I believe his face must be very gentle, right?"

Fujitora's sightless eyes radiated a heartfelt smile.

"Ah, Ace's face is the gentlest in this sea," Rayleigh replied, his smile widening into a deep, knowing arc.

"Well, I can imagine," Fujitora responded, the smile on his face growing even more profound. With that smile, he had returned completely—Fujitora, the captain of the second division of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet, was back to his rightful place.


Aokiji, meanwhile, stood frozen, his mind reeling from the unfolding events.

Aokiji clenched his fists, remaining rooted in place. The usually composed Admiral of Headquarters, known for his stoic demeanor, now wore a dull expression. The magnitude of his shock was palpable.

Abort the Buster Call? Ensure the safety of the people? These words reverberated through Aokiji's mind, stirring memories of the Ohara incident years ago. That event, where he had participated in the Buster Call, remained the deepest scar on his conscience. Innocent civilians, who had no part in the historical research of the blank century, were obliterated by artillery fire despite their desperate escape. This tragedy had fundamentally altered Aokiji's worldview, shaping his "lazy justice" philosophy.

The current situation at Sabaody Archipelago mirrored Ohara, but on an even grander scale. The scope and number of lives at stake were greater, and although the Five Elders had momentarily acquiesced to Ace's demands, Aokiji knew the brutal reality: once negotiations concluded, the Buster Call would proceed. Its signal mandated complete annihilation of its target area, regardless of its status—even the Celestial Dragons' territory wasn't exempt. The buildings, the people—everything above ground would be erased.

The absolute justice symbolized by the Buster Call was poised to repeat the Ohara atrocity. This looming repetition of history weighed heavily on Aokiji, enough to briefly unhinge him, driving him to almost attack Akainu. The psychological impact of this impending disaster was immense, yet he felt powerless to halt the execution order.

Witnessing another Ohara, watching innocent lives extinguished under Marine fire, was a fate Aokiji dreaded. The thought of becoming complicit again gnawed at him, and he feared the transformation it might inflict on him. But in the midst of this turmoil, a glimmer of hope emerged.

Ace, using Kizaru and the Five Elders' compromise as leverage, demanded the suspension of the Buster Call to protect the people. This declaration struck a profound chord within Aokiji. Ace's wish mirrored his deepest desires, a yearning to atone for past failures. Despite not yet being part of the Entei Pirate Fleet, despite still holding his position as a Naval Admiral, Ace extended this gesture of goodwill, seeking to fulfill a wish Aokiji had harbored for years.

Ace could have bargained for numerous advantages—official recognition of the Entei Pirates' special status, immunity from Marine and World Government pursuits, boosting his fleet's reputation and influence, potentially even eclipsing the Rocks Pirates' dominance. Yet, Ace chose a path of compassion, prioritizing the safety of innocent lives over political gains.

Aokiji's heart stirred. The integrity and vision Ace displayed resonated deeply. Aokiji had long grappled with his ability to change the world within the confines of the Marine, even contemplating the role of Marine Marshal. But Ace's actions revealed a new path—a way to truly make a difference.

It's time to make up your mind, Aokiji. Is he the captain of the Entei Pirates' Grand Fleet?

The corners of Aokiji's mouth curled into a smile, a blend of relief and resolve.


Garp, observing Aokiji's expression, understood immediately. Complex emotions flickered across his face. He had been with Aokiji at Water 7, knew of Ace's invitation, and had seen Aokiji regain his fighting spirit, reminiscent of his pre-Ohara self. But Garp also recognized the daunting challenge of reforming the Marine and influencing the World Government's decisions. Aokiji's heart had always harbored doubts and fears.

The Sabaody Archipelago incident had brought these fears to the surface. The Five Elders' initiation of the Buster Call had shattered Aokiji's resolve, almost driving him to assault Akainu. Yet now, Garp sensed the haze around Aokiji lifting.

Aokiji had made his decision: to leave the Marine and join Ace.

Garp felt a swirl of mixed emotions. Should he take pride in his grandson's influence, capable of swaying even Aokiji? Or lament his own perceived failures, having seen his son become the Revolutionary Army leader and now his protégé joining his grandson Ace as a pirate?

After a moment of contemplation, Garp exhaled and allowed a smile to return. Ace's triumphs were also his own, a testament to the new era's possibilities. As an old man nearing retirement, the future was beyond his control. But in Ace, Garp had found confidence.

He watched Ace's back, the corners of his mouth curling up in a deep, satisfied smile.

"Abort the Buster Call?! No way!"

Saint Nusjuro's outburst cut through the tension. The Buster Call symbolized the absolute justice of the World Government. Once initiated, its target was utterly obliterated, no exceptions. To abort it would undermine this terrifying authority, eroding the government's ironclad reputation.

Saint Mars, with a grave expression, chimed in, "Let's consider another condition, Emperor Yan. Even granting you immunity from Marine and World Government pursuit can be negotiated. With such a privilege, you could rapidly expand your influence, becoming the sea's absolute overlord. But the Buster Call must not be aborted."

Ace's response was swift and unyielding. "Then keep fighting! I'm not here to bargain! Either accept it or continue the war!"

"Hoo! Boom!"

Terrifying flames erupted, scorching the atmosphere with their intense heat. Ace's dark red eyes, burning like the sun, locked onto the Five Elders with icy indifference. "Let's see how long your Buster Call warships last against my power."

The Five Elders glared at Ace, their faces contorted with rage. Negotiations were meant to be a back-and-forth of proposals, not this relentless ultimatum. They had never faced such brazen defiance, not even during the World Government's founding.

Kaido laughed uproariously. "Well said, Flame Emperor! If it comes to war, I'll help destroy those Buster Call warships myself! Hahaha! Old men, you'd better hurry and mobilize more ships—these won't last long against us!"

Shanks, his gaze steady, added, "Whitebeard's return is imminent. With his Shock Fruit, no number of warships will survive. Ace's terms are clear: abort the Buster Call to avoid further bloodshed. The Red Hair Pirates support Ace's decision. If anyone objects..."


Shanks unsheathed his sword, Griffin, his lone right hand gripping it with fierce determination. "Come! Let us accompany you!"

The Red Hair Pirates echoed their captain's resolve, their eyes sharp, Haki radiating from their bodies. The air crackled with power as they prepared for battle. Nami, transformed into an elemental form, exuded formidable thunder. Vivi, half turned into sand, stood proudly. Laki soared into the sky, a massive red bird. The Shadow Fruit, Healing Fruit, Flower-Flower Fruit, Door Fruit, Transparent Fruit, and Ghost Fruit users readied their abilities.

"I will fight to the death for the captain." Fujitora's sword gleamed as he drew it.

Rayleigh, a slight smile on his face, partially unsheathed his blade, Conqueror's Haki forming a black-purple lightning circle around him. The "Dark King" was ready to unleash his full power.

The Five Elders' faces darkened as they assessed the situation. Marines, despite their training, showed little fighting spirit. Most were reluctant to execute the Buster Call, unwilling to target civilians. The very justice they stood for was being used against them by Ace.

The Five Elders, after a rapid internal exchange, made their decision.

"We agree to your conditions," Saint Saturn announced, his face twisted in defeat. They had been outmaneuvered by Ace's strength, wisdom, and relentless determination. The highest form of the Buster Call... cancelled.

"You used Admiral Kizaru and the Five Elders' compromise to force an unprecedented suspension of the Super Buster Call," came a Ethereal Voice in Ace's Mind. "Your understanding of Conqueror's Haki has deepened through this victory."

Thus, the grand war initiated by Portgas D. Ace, the Fifth Emperor of the Sea and Captain of the Entei Pirates, came to a close. This conflict saw the convergence of all Entei Pirate Fleet cadres (except the two giants), the entire Red Hair Pirates crew, Kaido, the Naval Headquarters elite, the Shichibukai, and the Five Elders.

This epic clash, comparable to the Gods valley incident, concluded with the complete victory of Portgas D. Ace and the Entei Pirate Fleet.

An event for the ages!

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