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46.52% One Piece: Ace The Emperor of Flames / Chapter 67: Chapter 67:The Five Elders Reactions and New Bounties!

Chapter 67: Chapter 67:The Five Elders Reactions and New Bounties!

In the holy land of Mariejois, within a spacious and opulent office, tension hung thick in the air as the Five Elders confronted the representatives from Marine Headquarters.

"So, this is the explanation you bring us, Sengoku?" Saint Saturn's voice reverberated, his crutch striking the ground heavily with evident displeasure.

Standing before them, Marine Marshal Sengoku, Admiral Aokiji, and Admiral Akainu wore somber expressions, bracing for the impending scrutiny.

"Enies Lobby was razed by a Buster Call, yet due to the pirates' intervention, we lost only one Vice Admiral. It's a disgrace! Incompetence!" Saint Warcury, marked by a birthmark on his forehead, thundered furiously.

Marine Fleet Admiral Sengoku's demeanor shifted, veins pulsing on his forehead. "Isn't it CP9's unauthorized pursuit of Nico Robin of the Entei Pirates that led to such dire consequences?" he countered sharply.

"How dare you, Sengoku! Watch your tongue!" Saint Nasjuro's sword slammed into the ground, his gaze icy as he rebuked Sengoku. "Marines are mere subordinates of the World Government. You have no authority to accuse us."

"Aokiji, the plan to recruit Portgas D. Ace as a Shichibukai failed. Why didn't you simply arrest him in Water 7? At the very least, cripple his Entei Pirates. With Garp present, your forces were more than sufficient. So why attend a banquet hosted by Portgas D. Ace?" Saint Peter's sharp voice cut through the tension, his frustration palpable.

"That banquet was part of our strategy to invite Portgas D. Ace to join as a Shichibukai," Aokiji responded coolly, meeting Saint Peter's gaze unwaveringly. "The Seven Warlords of the Sea are, after all, a creation of the World Government. As for our capabilities, do you truly believe a single warship can face off against an almost complete Four Emperors-level pirate crew? Portgas D. Ace's strength far surpasses your estimation."

Aokiji remained unfazed by the Elders' knowledge of the banquet, knowing well that attending as part of their recruitment mission did not constitute a breach.

"It's ironic," Aokiji continued, his tone carrying a hint of irony. "The Marine hero was openly attending a pirate's gathering."

In the lofty chambers of Mariejois, tensions flared as the Five Elders and high-ranking Marines clashed over the handling of Portgas D. Ace and the repercussions of recent events.

"Aokiji, do you dare criticize the Seven Warlords of the Sea system?" Saint Warcury's voice thundered, his anger palpable.

"Don't overstep, he's just a Marine Admiral," Saint Mars interjected sharply, his eyes cold and piercing.

"Garp raised both Dragon and Portgas D. Ace. Can Garp truly be called a Marine hero?" Saint Mars continued, his skepticism clear.

"Garp's reputation as a Marine hero stems from his actions against Rocks. It's not a title bestowed by the World Government," countered Sengoku, his voice resonant and firm.

"Moreover, Garp confronted Portgas D. Ace in Water 7. It's evident that Ace possesses formidable power, nearing that of the Four Emperors," Sengoku added pointedly. "Attempting to apprehend him, especially with the Door Fruit in his possession, would incur severe consequences."

Saint Peter interjected sharply, "Aokiji, why did you attend Ace's banquet instead of taking action? With Garp's support, your combined strength should have sufficed."

Aokiji's gaze remained steady as he replied coolly, "The banquet was part of our strategy to recruit Ace as a Shichibukai. The Entei Pirates, under his command, are nearly on par with the Four Emperors. Direct confrontation would have been reckless."

Sengoku then addressed Saint Mars directly, "Are you implying fault lies with the World Government?"

"No, I'm stating facts," Saint Mars replied calmly, unmoved by Sengoku's stare.

Sengoku turned to the others, his voice grave. "Even without the Door Fruit, capturing Ace and his crew would have been perilous. His Observation Haki alone grants him considerable advantage."

Saint Warcury's anger flared again. "This Marine incompetence stems from a rookie who's barely spent a year at sea, stirring such chaos."

Saint Saturn, cold and calculating, intervened, "Issue a new bounty for Ace. Spread word that he threatened Kaido via den den mushi from Mariejois. Label him the Fifth Emperor. Let him clash with Kaido. Whether Kaido wins or loses, both will suffer significant losses, serving the World Government's interests."

The discussion then turned to the failed Buster Call and its repercussions. Akainu, known for his extreme justice, seethed with frustration at the limitations imposed by the World Government and the Elders' decisions.

As Sengoku and his colleagues departed, Saint Nusjuro's sword struck the floor in anger. "What good is lamenting now? Ace's potential threatens the sea's balance."

"We must act. We'll announce Ace's threat to Kaido and monitor the fallout," Saint Warcury declared.

Saint Saturn added coldly, "This serves as a warning. We'll handle Ace through CP moving forward."

"Let's make Ace's confrontation with Kaido a spectacle," Saint Peter proposed, his eyes sharp with resolve.

"But Portgas D. Ace's next destination, the Devil's Triangle, poses a new challenge," Saint Mars asserted in a deep voice.

"Is Moria, one of the Shichibukai, present there?" Saint Warcury queried with a furrowed brow.

"That's correct, 'Moonlight' Moria wouldn't stand a chance against Portgas D. Ace," Saint Peter admitted, concern evident in his voice. "Losing another Shichibukai would damage our prestige."

"Let's persuade Moria to leave the Devil's Triangle and avoid further conflict with Ace before he faces Kaido," Saint Mars suggested calmly.

"But will Moria heed our advice? He's notoriously stubborn," Saint Peter remarked skeptically.

"If Moria obeys and retreats, it proves he's not foolish. If he persists, he risks his own demise," Saint Warcury interjected, his eyes flashing with resolve.

"Send Kuma to ensure Moria's safe departure. His abilities can facilitate Moria's evacuation from Ace's grasp," Saint Warcury ordered coldly.

"Resolving Shichibukai conflicts internally, especially with Kuma's involvement, will safeguard their prestige," he continued. "Accusing Moria of betrayal will serve as a warning to the other Shichibukai against unnecessary actions."

The Five Elders nodded in agreement, their decision made, as they strategized the delicate dance of power within the ranks of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Agreed," all Five Elders concurred, stamping their approval.

Thus, the fate of Portgas D. Ace and the delicate balance of power in the seas rested precariously in the hands of the World Government and its calculated maneuvers.

In Naval Headquarters, tension gripped the room as Brannew, now promoted to Colonel, addressed the gathered Vice Admirals with solemnity.

"Vice Admirals!"

His voice boomed, echoing off the walls as he affixed the Entei Pirates' emblem to a board before him. The atmosphere grew palpably intense, intimidating even the guards stationed outside.

"The Entei Pirates have emerged as one of the most formidable threats on the seas," Brannew began gravely. "Since setting sail, they have slain Sand Crocodile, a former Warlord of the Sea. They razed Enies Lobby, a structure standing for 800 years. They launched an assault during a Buster Call, resulting in the death of Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, severe injuries to Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel and Vice Admiral Fire Mountain, and critical wounds to Vice Admirals Momousagi and Tea Dolphin."

He paused, letting the weight of these actions settle among the assembled officers.

"The Entei Pirates are unequivocally enemies of justice!" Brannew declared with unwavering conviction, his gaze sweeping over the Vice Admirals whose faces grew increasingly serious.

"Now, presenting the latest bounties for the Entei Pirates!" Brannew continued resolutely, unfurling each wanted poster in turn.

"The Entei Pirates' musician, Conis of Heavenly Thunder, with a bounty of 65 million Baileys!"

He posted Conis's bounty prominently.

"The ship's doctor and healer, Kaya, renowned for her strong Haki and medical skills, with a bounty of 120 million Baileys!"

Kaya beamed at Ace as her bounty was displayed.

"The swordsman Tashigi, former Logue Town Marine Captain known as the 'Fallen Swordsman,' with a bounty of 130 million Baileys!"

Tashigi's increased bounty reflected her former Marine status.

"Nojiko, sniper and helmsman, wielding the Gate Fruit's powers as 'Black Rose,' with a bounty of 180 million Baileys!"

Nojiko's wanted poster showcased her tattooed image, emphasizing her danger in the shadows.

"Nico Robin, the 'Devil's Child,' historian with the Flower-Flower Fruit ability, aged just eight, with a bounty of 190 million Baileys!"

A new bounty for Robin was unveiled, highlighting her scholarly pursuits and fearsome abilities.

"Vivi, combatant and former Princess of Alabasta, known for her Sand-Sand Fruit abilities, stripped of her title by King Alabasta, now the 'Desert Princess,' with a bounty of 350 million Baileys!"

Vivi's bounty reflected her potent Logia powers.

"Laki, Sky Island chef with the Firebird ability of the Bird Fruit - Phantom Beast species - Suzaku form, a bounty of 380 million Baileys!"

Laki's poster depicted her fiery prowess, reminiscent of Four Emperors-level capabilities.

"Nami, navigator with the Thunder Fruit's Logia abilities, known as 'Thief Cat,' with a staggering bounty of 500 million Baileys!"

Nami's bounty, glowing with lightning, elicited shock from the Vice Admirals.

"And finally," Brannew's voice crescendoed, "the leader of this formidable crew, wielding Conqueror's Haki akin to Red-Haired Shanks, threatening to use Four Emperors Kaido as a stepping stone, and possessing the terrifying ability to hunt Devil Fruits. The black hand that obliterated Enies Lobby, the nemesis of justice!"

He paused dramatically before delivering the final blow:

"Captain of the Entei Pirates, the Fifth Emperor of the Sea, the Flame Emperor wielding the Mera-Mera Fruit—Portgas D. Ace!"

Ace's bounty, a staggering 1.18 billion Baileys, was unveiled in all its imposing glory, leaving the Vice Admirals visibly shaken.

"The Fifth Emperor," Brannew concluded solemnly, "a force to be reckoned with on the seas."

With Marine's bounties now public, issued under the Five Elders' directive, a tremor reverberated through the maritime world. The balance of power had shifted, and the sea itself seemed to stir in response to the new era heralded by the Entei Pirates.

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